#like dude i laugh SO much during streams i am always thoroughly entertained
pankomako · 1 year
i have a couple different ideas for gang's bay story arcs but idk if i'll ever end up doing anything with em. either way here's what im thinking:
screwball dates amelia arc. i think they'd be cute together but also juicebox would get upset because his best friend and his sister are now hanging out together more than either of them are with him so he just feels kind of betrayed and lonely. definitely some good juicy drama potential in there
shipwreck and sharky housemates arc. something happens to shipwreck's house that needs to be fixed but can't for a while so he . i just got a steam notification that boat's playing a game. anyway plot device shipwreck has to move in with sharky bc a. he's his closest friend in the gang b. they dont live too far from each other c. sharky's house is the only one with a guest room d. they can now commute to work together if they want. LOT of room for humor and also some softer stories, maybe a few (very humorous) arguments here and there, plus some good character development potential (and chill domestic stuff!). also i get to show off my dream 1-story waterside house a lot more :D
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