#like bro i dont need to have my heart ripped out everytime i wanna watch queer characters on screen
sunandmoontheory · 10 months
Cheesy and heartfelt queer stories are amazing tbh. Sometimes, you just gotta watch something that makes you wrinkle your nose and wanna die a bit. It's good for the soul 🤷🏽‍♂️
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flowerkyungwon · 6 years
i want to get into the galaxy fandom can you tell me where to start?
oh my gosh so hello!!!! first up you want to go ahead and follow this blog (unashamed plugging what what) 
secondly you gotta know that there are several elements to each of the groups - so far galaxy has 2/3 boy groups and 1 girl group, as well as 1 pretty soloist. HOWEVER, i have once explained this as sort of.. a step-by-step to get the most out of these babies. i’ll put this under read more because it’s gonna get long
so first up, you want to get straight into the galaxy boys. i recommend starting with this gem. the boys who are currently still at galaxy in this mv, as far as we know, are yoo kyungwon, park cheol and geum hyungil. from then on i’ll put some bullets into what you should do next xoxo
revolution - park cheol: what’s happening (so this is my favourite of the revolution’s 4 mvs they released. also please stan park cheol he’s still going to do wonderful things, look at his face. see also: click /  click / click / please don’t stan too hard because they disbanded and cheolcheol set off on his solo journey  
if you want to keep stanning park cheol, and i strongly suggest that you do, please click me - please love my chubby hamster cheeked son oh my god 
so that’s kind of OLD SCHOOL galaxy, they were dead silent for a little while? cheol got his poor little just u song played over and over and over until he just kind of disappeared? SAD FACE. they still released a bunch of songs with some of their other talent, but it was mostly feats which can be found here. 
so that takes us to the second wave of galaxy boys, which has brought you the fluffballs that we know and love as titan alpha/beta and crimson kings.
1 /  2 - so galaxy boys released 2 songs this time. if you’re worried about who is who there’s something on my blog which sort of gives you a run down on how to tell each of them apart
titan has 12 babies altogether and they can be found here 
for all of your kyungwon/woondo shipping and stanning needs please see here
and then to further confuse us poor little stans, they went and released this - which is very galaxy boy-esque, but happens to also be a cf that some of them were involved in. i realise this is just me sharing mvs, but i mean, what better place to start??????
debut aka the day i died honestly please just stan galaxy and the groups they create because wow? holy c r a p. this is TITAN AS A WHOLE. YEP. A WHOLE. THIS IS WHERE IT GETS COMPLICATED.
because titan isn’t just ANY kind of group - nope - it’s made of 2 sub units. one is alpha, which is full of the gorgeous hyunglike, and then beta is full of all the tiny sunshine babies who you just wanna smoosh. or kiss. or kiss and smoosh. 
here are the 3 mvs we currently have for alpha: 1 / 2 (this cute af cf) / 3 (i’m still slain)
and the 3 mvs we have for beta: 1 (aka the day i became a hiwan stan) / 2 / 3 (don’t talk to me or chohee about this ever) 
here’s the rest of the mvs for titan as a whole, please enjoy: 1 / 2 / 3 
there’s also a bunch of social media pages here if you want to know them all a little better
honestly i think you need to speak to chohee about these because hahaha this group is a drug
anyway cks currently has 5 members, which can also be found on the members link above mmmmm. like i said i don’t know SUPER LOTS about these it’s really chohee’s forte but i’ll link you to all their mvs LEGGO. 
DEBUT. AND LET ME TELL YOU. i was shook. the most shook. because WHAT THE HECK. galaxy legit throws out call me baby and then snaps us up with this banger with our hardcore boys and honeslty just. shook to the COREST OF CORES.
and they continued to produce bangers like all. the. damn. time. YO
click on the social media too and go and stan the shit out of ALL OF THEM. in fact LET’S JUST SHARE SOME CUTE ASS FACTS
NA HYEONWOO AKA CHEN is the CUTEST you will EVER LAY YOUR EYES ON. he was such a good leader honestly, he brought it ALL THE TIME in mvs and in variety shows and honestly. THE. SOFTEST. MC. you wouldn’t even believe it, given what the damn mvs are like but my goodness. 
YU MINJAE like ODNT EVEN GET ME STARTED. i don’t particualrly stan rappers but my GOD. i really like minjae because in vlives he always forgets they’re actually live and you can just hear him cursing in the background and watch sungki’s face get ALL SHOOK. honest to god. but he’s a sweetheart, he tries his best to do like all the girl group dances and also who the heck allowed him to be so good at aegyo?? rip us all tbh
YO JOONSUH AKA CJ. now he is a twin and his twin is in titan beta and like oh my GOD. THEY’RE THE CUTEST. LEGITIMATELY. i have a special place in my heart for their laugh because it makes me feel like i could rule the world. flowers grow EVERYTIME this laughter happens. and he’s so cute in his vlives. he’s honestly just……. like just watch some variety shows you’ll see trust me
YANG JEONG AKA JOEY AKA NEW LEADER OF CKS. like. i don’t have words for this prince he is SO PRINCELY. like im in love with him tbqh, he makes my heart boom so much. my favourite thing about him are his hamster cheeks they’re so cute and just embgnfkd i wanna pinch them lots. i need to just never talk about him because i could literally write an entire about me page where i just cry about joey. 
KYM SUNGKI. DONT EVEN TALK TO ME. ABOUT KYM SUNGKI. PUPPY BOY. please. any sungki stan can vouch for me. watch his vlives. watch his insta stories. watch his snapchat stories. just watch everything this boy has to offer because he is the gift that keeps on giving. he is. just. my everything. AND THE LOVE THE OTHER PEOPLE AT THIS LABEL HAVE FOR HIM. IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. geunho x sungki best bros forever i’m so upset my goodness me 
so osskgf okkay my GIRLS BABY ANGELS HELP. so like galaxy boys, galaxy also does this thing called galaxy girls. the year they did this, it was at a much larger scale to galaxy boys - i think it’s a little sad we lost so many, BUT. WE GOT SO MUCH TALENT. you can see their gg mv here
their debut was. golden. i mean trust galaxy to stay in with the whole SPACEEEEE WOOO vibe, but i live for it a lot. and just. we know SO LITTLE about these lovely angels because galaxy’s very much BOYSBOYs. but please, take time out of your day, your week, to just stan these ladies. it’s so important.
they also had a station song which is SUPER FREAKIN CUTE.
so remember the whole galaxy boys - well if you looked hard enough you’ll notice there’s one princely boy who didn’t get a place in titan or CKS. there was a lot of salt that i’m not willing to throw. HOWEVER. i’m sure if you wanted to be that into it, there’ll be something in the galaxy boys/gino tag 
anyway gino shook us with his softness and i am sure he will continue to dO SO!!!!!!! again we don’t really know much about him since he only debuted this year BUT his vlives with sungki aRE THE CUTEST THING YOU’LL EVER SEEE RKBHMGTKRMFKGFM
precious 1 
stan scott kang 
that time jongjoon and kyungwon did a station song after the co-leadership 
this station song made me love minseo a little
i probably missED SO MUCH. but legit the fansite has pretty much everything else you’d need to know so???????
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