#like a grownass man wearing those tights and slitting a kids throat isn't a whole new war crime we didn't know we needed laws against
nerdpoe · 9 months
Fourteen year old Tim teaches Young Justice about rationing food in an emergency. Except...Bruce hasn't taught him that yet.
Red Tornado praises his teaching abilities, stating that his lesson to the other kids had been both informative and practical. In fact, he'd assigned "homework" for the other Young Justice members to find and stock enough food for an emergency for a week.
Small problem.
Tim isn't slotted for that particular lesson until next week.
Bruce takes a step back.
Tim is always eager to learn, perhaps he'd just taught himself nutrition ahead of schedule and was sharing that lesson with his friends.
...Except his Robin's lesson hadn't involved emergency rations in the wild, just in an urban environment.
Bruce finds out rather early that Tim's parents are neglectful, and is very conflicted on how to deal with it.
He isn't in a good place mentally to adopt again.
But Tim cannot stay in that empty house.
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