#like 🙄 there goes that dream i was in the middle of i guess!!
cinna-bunnie · 9 months
u ever just like. oops woke up on accident
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heavyhitterheaux · 20 days
I Miss You
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and your triplets miss your favorite person, so you decide to do something about it
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by a beautiful anon 💖
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Waking up to a dark room, indicating that it was still the middle of the night and hearing sniffles, you reached over and turned on the bedside lamp to see Axel crying and upset sitting next to you. Ivy and Autumn were still sound asleep on the other side of you opposite of where Axel was.
“Bubs? What's going on? Did you have a bad dream?” You asked as you slid him onto your lap once you sat up, but all he did was cry harder.
“Come on baby, you have to tell me what's wrong so I can help you.” You said trying to comfort him as you rubbed his back.
“I miss daddy. I wanna see daddy.”
Your heart broke seeing how upset he was, but you completely understood. Jack had been on tour for a few weeks and you had to get used to the new normal of not being with him all the time since you now had three little ones to take care of. The both of you had been going back and forth on whether to take them on tour, and you both decided that they were too young and you would wait until they were older.
“Can we call him?” Axel asked with a hopeful look on his face, but it immediately left when you shook your head no.
“It's the middle of the night, bubs. Daddy’s probably sleeping like we're supposed to be doing right now.”
“But…” His bottom lip started to quiver, breaking your heart even more.
“Okay, tell you what? How about later on after we sleep, we go and see daddy?”
“Really?” Axel asked through sniffles and wiped his nose on his pajama top sleeve.
“Yes and I know he misses us too. But it's going to be a surprise so we can't tell him, okay?” You told Axel and he simply nodded. Since he definitely stole your phone and called him earlier.
“Now, let's try and get some sleep.” Axel nodded as he agreed with you and slid back under the comforter on Jack’s side of the bed as he hugged his pillow.
“This smells like daddy.”
You smiled to yourself as you watched him drift off back to sleep and instantly grabbed your phone to text Urban.
You- Call me when you wake up
Not even two minutes later, you got a response
Urby Baby- I'm awake now, you okay?
You- Sir, you should be sleeping
Urby Baby- I'll sleep later, anyway what do you need bestie?
You- I'm surprising Jack and bringing the triplets so your job is to keep him occupied until we get there
Urby Baby- You got it. Not a problem.
You- Axel woke up crying and upset and said he misses him 😢
Urby Baby- You sure he didn't mean me?
You- URBAN 🙄
Urby Baby- Just kidding! I'll see you later. What time should you be here?
You- In time for his show. I'm letting them sleep a little and then we'll start to get ready
Urby Baby- Sounds good. Text me if you need me.
You- Okay, goodnight and go to sleep NEOW
Urby Baby- For you to be barely 5 feet, you sure act like you run shit
You- Urban, I will jump through this phone this instant
Urby Baby- Violent as always. Anyway, night bestie.
Later on in the day, the four of you were on your way to see Jack when he cornered Urban, because you hadn't answered your phone all morning and he was now growing concerned.
“Urb, Y/N hasn't answered her phone except for when I sent a good morning text.”
“She's dealing with your three big ass headed children. I'm sure she's fine.”
“But she never goes this long without answering me and I can't even see her location.” He said while trying to check where you were.
“Will you calm down? I know she's fine and so are the babies. She's probably just a little busy. I mean they are three years old.”
“I guess you're right. I just…. I already don't like leaving her and them for long periods of time but she just about damn near threatened me to go on this tour because if it was left up to me, I would have stayed home.”
“Yep, sounds just like your wife.”
“I was just saying!” Urban exclaimed while holding up his hands in defense while all Jack did was shake his head before attempting to call you again, except a text from you came through and he was finally able to let out a sigh of relief.
Wifey- Been busy all day, I'll facetime you later. Love you boo bear 😘💕
Jack- Now you know I worry about you and was starting to low key panic. Glad you're okay, love you too ♥️
The four of you were now at the arena, and Urban had met you at the gate in the back. He was immediately attacked by the triplets and they showed him the homemade gifts that they made for Jack.
Urban picked up Autumn as Ivy and Axel were walking beside you and led all of you backstage to where everyone was. Seeing all their uncles kept them occupied as they spotted them, but Axel quickly became uninterested when we walked back over to you and tapped your leg.
“Yes, baby?”
“Want daddy.”
“He's around him somewhere, bubs. He's probably getting ready right now and then we'll see him.”
Axel let out a huff being unsatisfied with your answer as Urban stifled a laugh.
“He might look like Jack, but definitely has your attitude.” Urban leaned over to whisper in your ear as you pinched him.
“Urban Wyatt….”
“Don't get mad at me for telling the truth.”
“Where is he anyway?”
“He was just in here before I walked out to get you so I'm not sure.” Urban answered as he shrugged his shoulders.
Just then Jack walked back in the room, eyes glued to his phone and suddenly your phone went off indicating that you had a text from him.
Baby Daddy- I'm about to go on soon and you haven't called me yet. If you don't love me anymore just say so 😔💔
He had obviously heard it, because he looked up confused and smiled when he spotted you. But before he could make his way over to you, Axel made a beeline towards him.
Hearing him exclaim startled Ivy and Autumn who then ran over to Jack too as he had picked up Axel and the girls were holding one leg each.
“Is this why mommy wasn't answering my calls?” He asked Axel and he simply nodded as he kissed his cheek.
“She said we couldn't tell you. I missed you daddy.”
“Me too!”
“I missed you the most!” Autumn said and both of her siblings made a face at her which made you and Jack laugh. Axel looked at her as if he wanted to fight her.
“Well I missed my wife and babies too. Have you three been good for mommy?” He asked as he made his way over to you and leaned down to kiss you with Axel trying to push you away from Jack.
“Axel!” Jack said as he turned to him, but all he did was smile as you laughed.
“I missed daddy, so I deserve a hug and kiss too.” You said and Axel just looked at you before holding Jack tighter.
“Mine.” Was all he whispered as you rolled your eyes. He was infamous for doing that.
“Hmm, I bet you did miss daddy. That video you sent me the other day was all the confirmation I needed.” Jack muttered so only you could hear as he sat down and you pinched him, just like you did Urban.
“I am! Just wait till later. Anyway, my babies still didn't answer my question.’
“Yes! Now mommy help me please!” Autumn said as she was trying to hop up on the couch to sit next to Jack.
You helped her up and placed her next to Jack while Ivy was on the other side of him and Axel still had a death grip on him.
“Still think I don't love you?” You asked him responding to his text from earlier as you leaned over and put a hand in his curls.
“I know you do, I was just being dramatic.” He said as he shrugged and Axel had laid his head on his shoulder.
“Oh, so you admit that you are?”
“Hold on, wait. That was a trick question.”
“I can assure you, baby that it wasn't.”
Since Jack had two shows back to back in the same city, once the show was over, the two of you had just put the triplets to sleep in the hotel suite not too far from the venue as you two were on the couch flipping through channels since neither of you were tired.
“Baby…” Jack said as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Yes, smush?”
“Thank you for today. I needed it. You have no idea how much I missed you and our babies.”
“Of course. Axel woke up crying and said he missed you so I had to fix that. Like homeboy was BAWLING.”
“Not too much on my mans now. You used to always do the same thing when we had to be away from each other for an extended amount of time. It would be like three days before I had to leave and you would be crying.”
“I literally have not been away from your dumbass since I was fourteen. Excuse me if I have separation anxiety. I still do to a certain extent, but the triplets help keep me occupied. You mean the absolute world to me even though you know that. I just…” You trailed off as you started to get tears in your eyes and Jack quickly noticed.
“Babe? Why are you upset? Talk to me.”
“More often than not, I think about how I almost made you a widow and a single parent of three children. Like the thought never leaves my mind. Ten years with you wasn't enough. And to then be separated from you forever?”
“No amount of years will ever be enough. I love you in this lifetime and all the ones after that. You fought tooth and nail to come back to us and all of the doctors and nurses could see it. I knew when I first laid eyes on you that you were my soulmate.” Jack said as he lightly stroked your face and kissed away your tears.
“I love you and I will never get tired of saying it. And I'm always here to remind you of how important you are to me. We've shown each other how much we want this marriage to last. Being away from you for that month when everything had gone to shit, I just knew that I had lost you. I was literally waiting for the divorce papers.”
“That never crossed my mind. I wanted to make it work and we did just that. I love you more than anything and I'm so happy that I can still tell you that in person. I noticed your eyes literally light up every time I say it.” You giggled as you kissed his nose and he immediately turned a shade of bright red.
“And I can still make you blush.” You said while laughing harder.
“Baby, stopppppp.” Jack responded as he hid in your shoulder and you played in his curls.
It was quiet for a few minutes as both of you were watching the movie that Jack had decided on before you broke the silence.
“Hmm, did you forget?”
“Forget what?” Jack asked as he looked at you confused.
“How much I missed daddy. I think I need to show you. The movie can wait.” You responded as you hopped up from the couch and walked backwards to the bedroom as Jack smirked before running after you.
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