#let me shut up akdjskdj
yutaleks · 3 months
I just think y.uuta fantasizes about becoming a part of you. If you swallowed a part of him would what was once him become you? Would his flesh give you the energy to breathe? To speak? To repair a cut, to heal a bruise? Would you make new cells entirely made out of his flesh? Would he seep into your bones, make a home somewhere in your muscles, in your nerves? When you touch him would it be with skin made, even just a tiny bit, out of the protein you got from him? where would you end and he begin? Or would you use him entirely, make new parts of yourself from what was once him, would he cease to exist in you? Something about it is so fascinating—to think that you can use him to make more of you. What greater honor would there be for a use of his flesh?
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