#let me see pre cataclysm zandalar
manglednatalia · 2 years
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Looking at this concept art and crying
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gascon-en-exil · 7 years
Even though I have more important things I could be doing right now (namely sleeping), let me pause for a moment and fanboy over Battle for Azeroth.
That intro cinematic...it’s amazing how they can make the incredibly overdone original conflict of WoW feel fresh and dynamic every time they revisit it. I could write an entire post on Sylvanas alone, who is easily the character I’ve most wavered on over the years. I really didn’t like that period from Cataclysm to Legion where she had Koltira Deathweaver imprisoned and potentially brainwashed, and even though that subplot ended on a bit of a whimper at least it finally ended and we don’t have to contend with the uncomfortable prospect of one queer-coded character seemingly fridging another queer-coded character. In any case, that’s over with and now she’s working surprisingly well as warchief.
As much as the siege of Undercity and the burning of Teldrassil look awesome and would play greatly into another world update that would have the Alliance and Horde completely taking over most of their respective base continents, I’m guessing those will only be scenarios or the like. With Classic servers incoming I don’t see another large-scale world revamp any time soon (even if some places desperately need it...)
More elves is always wonderful to see, and after the elf-heavy lore of Legion there’s plenty to draw on. I’m most interested in void elves as they’re an entirely new(?) group that conveniently doubles as a means of getting playable high elves or something close to them in the Alliance. On the flip side the inclusion of the Nightborne presumably points to the blood elves now carrying greater political clout in the Horde than they’ve ever had - nice. I hope that allied races have class selections that differ from their standard counterparts when necessary, though; a void elf druid seems just as unlikely as, say, a Dark Iron paladin or any of these options having monks without a certain level of retconning.
Kul Tiras and to a lesser extent Zandalar look quite interesting, even if I’ve never been especially concerned about either before. At least we’ll finally know what happened to that elusive seventh human kingdom.
Stricken as I am by alt-itis I’m intrigued by the prospect of flexible leveling being applied to old expansion content. Making Outland and Northrend both 60-80 is a quick fix for the noticeably dated experience of the former, but it’s something I’d look forward to especially if it’s applied to all the expansion zones equally (in other words, that they’d all scale independent of one another so that Outland doesn’t have to start with Hellfire Peninsula and such). 
Although I’m a filthy casual who appreciates any QoL improvements in games I admit I am a bit intrigued by Classic servers. I started WoW a month before Burning Crusade launched so I didn’t get much of a Vanilla experience, and if nothing else it’ll be nice to revisit the pre-Cata zones at least once...and then probably never touch those servers again unless Blizzard takes significant steps to streamline and modernize the gameplay while sticking as closely as possible to the Vanilla experience - if such a compromise can even really be made.
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