#leaning into that sometimes targ women give birth to dragon like babies
roseguided · 9 months
headcanon on visenya’s specific dragon-like features:
- her almond shaped eyes that closely resemble a dragons
- the various patches of skin that look like dragon scales on her body. it’s often mistaken for greyscale. she has a larger patch of it on her back, some crawling up her neck from her collarbone, and various patches on her legs, stomach, and hands.
- on her back she has two little dimple marks where a hatchlings wings would be.
- her higher, slightly hollowed cheekbones.
- her slender fingers coupled with her long, pointed nails. this almost gives the illusion of claws and are similar shaped to a dragons foot.
- some of her teeth, the ones we’d associate with where fangs would be on a vampire but maybe a tooth or two back, she has teeth that look sharper, less rounded than normal teeth.
- her birthmark that , again , looks like dragons skin.
- the discoloration of her right eye , another birthmark or birth defect. it matches, exactly, to her dragon with her white being black and the purple eye color.
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