#lbp Clive
dammarchy211 · 1 year
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PSYCHONAUTS LBP 2 AU??? More likely than you’d think
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In the au, the alliance area group of inventors ! And they make a basically sentient computer run on psitanium. Said computer is the negativatron in this scenario, it turns on them, wanting to destroy anything related to imagination and invention, which is pretty much everything lol. Since it’s psitanium powered it can do this thing where it messes with the mental worlds of the alliance. Basically setting it on fire and putting the monsters in there like it does in canon. In this au raz would have to help them by going into their minds and eventually defeating the negativatron ! Essentially taking the place of sackboy. It would take place after psychonauts 2 for Raz, so he’s basically just going around collecting parental and grandparent figures lmaooo. I imagine he’d get roped into it the same way sackboy would, he’s just wandering around doing raz stuff before he almost gets sucked up by the negativatron and Larry saves him !
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crowliphale · 1 month
the sleepyhead is finally put to rest
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sparklekittydoodles · 2 months
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Finished my LBP2 themed memo pads 😎
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marblemelon · 1 year
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The Imagisphere Cracks in Two.
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graamkraken · 1 year
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i want to actually unashamedly post about my interests again but I couldn’t get my other account to work so here’s a clive gjinka ;w;;;;
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nullxe · 2 months
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i love my calendar wife
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hootbon · 1 year
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Not hello puppets content but
I don’t think you guys will ever understand how great this game is if you haven’t experienced it but BROOOOO this was my childhood. The music was always so phenomenal and I’m starting to get flashbacks of how much fun it was to play the game, even other people’s creations, it was the best thing ever.
Eve, Clive, and Victoria will always be my favorites
The negativitron and the collector too, they’re so cool
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get this man on mars!!1!1!11!!!!!
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How did I get here..?
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stellarbat · 3 months
Here's LittleBitTwisted Clive!
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So in LBT, LittleBigPlanet 2 goes an awful lot differently. Avalon is responsible for creating the Negativitron, which wasn't originally the Negativitron. However, the machine was corrupted by a motherboard that may or may not have been in NAOMI (SABA takes place before LBP 1 here) and is now trying to take over Craftworld.
Sackboy nearly gets abducted by the Negativitron, but is saved by Larry Da Vinci and Avalon like in the canon story. However, Avalon sticks around as Larry goes to check on something, and when he gets back, he... Isn't Da Vinci. At least, not the one that just saved Sackboy.
The Negativitron has created somewhat faulty clones to attempt to replace Da Vinci, Victoria, Clive, and Eve. Avalon and Herbert weren't cloned because Avalon was "favored" and Herbert was already dealt with.
This is Clive's Clone.
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When the group finds Clive at the factory, he has already been replaced by his clone. His clone tries to act at first, but Clone Clive is unable to express emotions, so they catch on. The clone then reveals that the real Clive has been dropped at the Waste Disposal.
After saving the real Clive, the Clone Clive is surprised that they lived, and a very pissed Avalon smacks the clone for everything.
Not only did that cause the Clone to have a new identity, but now the clone is also very mad.
This is Cleave, The Clone after he was gifted with emotion.
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Cue Copernicus Chasing our heroes away before they manage to save their hides.
There's more to talk about with this au, and I really feel like making a masterpost or story at some point.
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cleve-in-a-can · 4 days
Factory of a better tomrorow OC just dropped!
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Bethany (Betty) Ann-Boltin
(Machine Maintainance manager of The Factory of a better tommorow)
Betty is the bubbly manager of all things mechanical at the factory of a better tommorow where she spends majority of her time blasting pop music on the main floor of the factory while she works which, while it deeply annoys Clive, is never complained about as theres no one better for the job and the employees have agreed that they'd rather listen to that then the aggresive screeching of what seem to be ancient machines. As expected Betty is the one who makes the annual Christmas parties interesting and is naturally the first one to get drunk.
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queam · 1 year
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Silliness ensues
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the-pyooster · 2 months
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the ultimate polycule /j
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thevcosmos · 18 days
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Welcome to our Blog!
What we are:
An ask blog for all of the LBP Creator Curators! Mainly focused around LBP2, but LBP3 characters also may appear from time to time :D
How to ask:
Asking drill! Just shoot us an ask (anon OR not!) And we will do our best to answer!
There is only one person running this blog, so asks may be a tad bit slow! I do an art peice for each one haha! Also I am 17, so please no NSFW asks :>>
Anyways asks are officially open!
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funkily · 1 year
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anyways since i couldnt do my fic research i hope im not burned at the stake for this
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cliveton <3
- 📆
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