#laws are suggestions in the worldbuilding system/j
Have an unneeded word vomit on worldbuilding for the httyd tribal courtships for my fanfic.
[btw I have not heavily researched courtships but I've some fan ideas and tiny specks of actual courtship traditions.]
There are a few things that vary from tribe to tribe in my worldbuilding but let me word vomit it all anyway:
The requirement to begin a courtship is a weapon made by the courter or paid to be made with a design the courter asked for, it is in my head a way of giving the other a way for protection and saying they wish them to be well-protected.
Through what sort of weapon one gives also says a lot, if its an unfit weapon than there is a lack of attention put into it and it is, unfortunately for unobservent lads, an offensive gift that says they do not know the person they want to court beyond physical appearance.
Heavy jewellery is never a good gift, as a courtship gift should be practical even if it's only for show and much of the characters have duties to deal with in their day-to-day lives. Light earrings, bracelets, armbands, etc. Majorly, things that do not disturb them but still show that the person is in a courtship. These gifts usually go on to be worn even after marriage.
This is a more true to life courtship point but the father of the bride (in this case groom works too I suppose) asks for hand in marriage in place of their children. In my world, it's seen as a show of good-will between in-laws to be and an acceptance of the joining of two families through marriage.
The courtship requires the two courters to have one advisor each personally and one that works between the two as a counselor of sorts. This is to insurance no misunderstandings happen that lead to a dissolve of the courtship and build better relations between the two. As majority of times the courtship can happen between previously unknown parties but also between previously friends to courters.
Courtship requires the two to spend much time together, which means they are either together during events or alone away from others. Spending time to get to know each other better, come to an understanding of what they might require from this marriage, etc.
When one is ready to move the courtship to a marriage, which usually takes a year or two at the most to happen unless the courtship is broken off, then the two come to an agreement of when, how, where through their advisors and are given a day to spend together before it is announced. This is a last effort to insurance that the marriage is a good choice through private discussions and time spent together.
So, this was my—very unneeded but wanted word vomit on—courtship ideas and how this will very likely come into play in my fanfic.
An added fact, anything made by either of the courters is seen as a sacred gift because the person spent time and effort to create it. So, Jack with his sewing and Hiccup with his smithing go a long way in this fanfic later on.
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While writing a new part of Sincerely, Jackson Overland I realized that there is a lot of vagueness when it comes to the Seasonal Courts, spirits, etc. and I thought it would be worth sharing more on how my world works! This can be used for other fanfics or stories if wanted, it's just basic ideas that I believe a lot may already have.
So, what is the Seasonal Court(s)?
Simply put, the Seasonal Court(s) are the four courts that make up the seasonal cycle.
There are two ways this is referred to in the fanfic, one is when I want to mention all the courts together and other is the deeper workings of how these courts work together.
Spring Court:
Though not the oldest court, it is an important court. It is when Winter melts away and after the rest brought to the world by the snow, Spring can renew the plants and bring with it blossom.
Spring courts are the closest to the Winter Courts, more so than the Autumn Courts. They have a history together as spring is the youngest Court, with Winter as the oldest. It is much like a family relationship between these two Courts.
They have the most agreeable and easy-going meetings, each court's leaders view the other either fondly and yet sternly (Winter) or respecting and wishing to keep up with the expectations (Spring).
Spring does not like Summer many times, this too goes back to history. As the youngest Court, they had required guidance when they had begun working as one. Summer, the second oldest Court, had few who did not like the Spring Court and which resulted in animosity and the Spring Court distanced itself from Summer Court, though this has resulted in distant relations at best and the two only meet when the required meetings for seasonal change comes each year alongside the four joint Seasonal Courts meetings throughout the year.
Autumn and Spring have a decent relation, both doing their duty but as they are too far apart in seasons, they do not meet outside anual joint Seasonal Courts or festivities.
Summer Court:
Summer is the second Court to come to be, they were once under the guidance of the Winter Court but stand as the command right below them. Their ideas are strongly considered by Winter but as Winter has been a guidance to most Courts that join the Seasonal Court, they are an equal listener to all.
The best relations is between Summer and Winter, with one side proud and respecting the growth from a small to major Court (Winter) and the other feeling great respect for the wisdom and responsibility the other carries (Summer).
As spoken before, Summer and Spring have a complicated relationship and while Summer tries to fix it, they have not found a way to end the wariness Spring Fae and Fairies continue to feel towards them. Winter is the advisor they go to for trying to mend the distance. It is a difficult situation and while Spring no longer avoids Summer Fae and Fairies, many still try to end conversation quicker or leave from the after meeting dinner early.
Summer and Autumn are friends more than anything, these two Courts enjoy each other's wildness. As a few things between them mix well (thunderstorms, humidity after rain in early Autumn, and windy weather that could be warm or cold) they work together the most. There is a great deal of respect and close to family love between the two Courts similar to Winter and Spring Courts.
Autumn Court:
Autumn Court is the third Court to come to be, they were guided by Winter but Summer was the friend rather than parental guidance. As such, they share well relations with all the courts.
Winter is, as said before, the parent of this Court (as they are to the other two) and are highly respected by Autumn Fae and Fairies. They are respected further for being the ones to begin the Seasonal Court and create the balance they work to keep today, to hold such a long and powerful history and continue to be kind and playful, even with few who are rude and disrespectful.
Summer and Autumn are friends, who live the saying “fuck around and find out” and push each other to go further each time to find out. Chaotic and possibly a danger to themselves more than anything, when they do argue or disagree they are quick to fix the situation.
Autumn and Spring have a complicated relationship, both wanting to one up the other in Winter's eyes. They compete in anything possible during meetings or festivities or get-togethers. When they argue though, it takes both Winter and Summer Court to fix the situation as neither are willing to be proven wrong or apologise. This ends in disappointed™ looks by Winter and Summer which both cave under quickly.
Winter Court:
This is the oldest Court and they were a single court in the beginning, it was only when Summer came to be that they began working towards helping them create their own Court and later accept them as allies. With Autumn and then Spring, they had named the courts altogether as Seasonal Court.
They are the oldest, as such they were the guides to help establish the rest of the courts and are seen as the parent who they all wish to make proud. Winter Court is filled with world wary but playful Fae and Fairies, they understand death and the cold but they also understand the warmth of fire and snowball fights.
To Winter, all courts are family even if they call them only allies. The coldness they portray protects their softer feelings of familiar love and pride at how far each court has reached. There is no day spent without speaking with many of the Seasonal Courts, they delight in the droppings of them all. All the courts are accepted within Winter's territory.
High Court: These are the powerful Fae and Fairies who were born or grew into their power. They are seen as immortal as some have lived since the Erath was nothing but a rock, though they have retired and are more so advisors in time of emergency and great imbalance. Even amongst them, there is one who is the strongest and they all agree to anonymously to elect them as the leader to lead the discussion or end any disputes, debates that have escalated, or make the final decision amongst a divide in votes.
Middle Court: These are the ones who insure that the Lower Court has done their duty, they take the decisions made and build a schedule around it and keep the system to keep balance continue working correctly. If anything goes wrong than the issue is passed to the High Court as they have enough power and function to fix the issue quickest and with the best possible results.
Lower Court: Mostly Fairies are in the Lower Court as they need the blessing of the High and Middle Court to use the power of Winter, as such most Fairies are not born with a element (though those of the High Court were born with it) and get to pick which Court or coven they wish to stick with. These fairies are similar to the Tooth Fairies and in my world building, she too gets her fairies through them agreeing to join and work for her rather than born as one.
Three Arch-Court: This Court is made of the leaders of each ranking Court. Arch can mean leader in literature and Greek. As such, the leaders of the High, Middle and Lower Courts meet to discuss their progress and so on. Though, for Jack Frost sometimes across the world and as such, he has a second-in-command. Does he realize how powerful he is? No, he's still figuring himself out before he's up to accept the power he holds beyond his winter powers.
Joint Meetings: The Seasonal Courts meet to discuss and debate any changes, requirements going forward, issues, etc. These are required to happen four times at the least a year, though they can have extra joint meetings if discussed so at the joint meeting that happened beforehand.
Tri-Meetings: The season that is going on, to the one changing and the one that comes after it meet during these meetings. Simply, as an example, Winter and Spring meet two weeks before the change to discuss, debate, etc. Next, they meet the first week into the change of season. Lastly, they meet alongside the next season's court, which would be summer. As you may have guessed, the Tri-Meetings without Winter is always a chaotic and terrible mess.
Arch-Meetings: This is where the Arch-Court meet to make sure each court is doing well, it is more a get-together than serious business though if there is an emergency, they assembly the fastest and discuss the issues amongst themselves. As the highest of each rank, they make the final decisions within their rank and only the High Court can overrule the ranks within their Seasonal Court.
What do the Titles mean?
Simply, these are names given to them after human myths. In truth, these Fae and Fairies do not require human belief to exist or for their control over their season. Jack Forst does not need to be believed in either, this is my way to show how he's still so strong without belief unlike the festive spirits who need belief to exist and gain power from it. Jack Frost existed without being believed in for four hundred years in canon, so I'm only twisting it to fit my world building.
Though, by this, it also means that Jack Frost is not his true name. Though, I've already hinted on what his name is in the fanfic so if you look for it, you'll find it.
And thus, let there be the Seasonal Courts! I enjoyed word vomiting all my ideas as I know I couldn't do so in the fanfic, it would take so long to find a way to fit it all into the plot without moving away from the planned plotlines.
Have a good day and I hope those who read it all enjoyed it, I know I wrote a lot.
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The most fun thing about worldbuilding is getting to explore and/or make up things as easily as breathing—the headache that's finding plot holes and filing them aside.
So, you bet my writing style that I write magic as a semi-sentient and eldritch thing. I will never stop on my eldritch shit.
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