catiegirl16 · 2 years
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La felicidad (y la salud) es un viaje… no son cosas que logras en un instante y que duran para siempre sino ambas cosas se tratan de tomar decisiones conscientes e intencionales cada día que te llevan hacia tu meta. Te invito a arrancar ese viaje hoy con la mentalidad de que SÍ podes! Anímate! Happiness (and health) is a journey… they’re not things that you can gain in an instant and that last forever. Really both of these are about making conscious and intentional decisions each day that take you closer to your goal. Today I invite you to start that journey with the mentality that YOU’VE GOT THIS! Go for it! #livelifefull #vivilavidaplena #healthisajourney #lasaludesunviaje https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSyhvVpxggeHcnh8yN0EIS3j9EMyCrLMKBkE80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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