#las vegas in fgo
Or when getting into the next scheduled “update,” let it be said some resentment built up and it had to be addressed in its own chapter. Before it could spill out into hateful things against friends the author cares about in any other circumstance. 
Content warning for explicit violence, more than usual thanks to looking at the Noodle Incident that is “Big Sister Jeanne” and the author’s original reaction to it in the Las Vegas Summer event. Had to handle the rage somewhere. 
Let it be said as a hot take that Big Sister Jeanne was only good in Summer 3. That’s it.
Encouraged by @partialdignity - thankie again, friend. You help me keep my sanity sometimes, really, and I’m very grateful for it. Especially when my dark thoughts can get to me. 
FFN link here. OST playlist here, including the new songs picked for the chapter. 
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anjukoneko · 2 years
I love the Las Vegas event in FGO because QP PROFIT. Happy to have reached my goal of maxing out the QP counter, but I've already spent the majority of it lol. Lots of servants finally got their skills improved, but now I'm in need of more mats, crystallized lore...and QP XD
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Also finally got Archer Gil to bond level 10 during the event, so now he's part of my small bond 10 squad :3 ❤ and thanks to the mana prisms from this event, I finally got MLB Bella Lisa CE, too! Now I just need MLB Chaldea Teatime @w@;
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edswordsman · 2 months
Summoned a new Lancer-class Servant:
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Mysterious Alter Ego Λ! 😎
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Day 512:
Kriemhild: Master, I have a question about something.
Master: Yeah?
Kriemhild: When and where did you and that oaf get into a relationship?
Master: *flashbacks to Las Vegas*
Master, nervous: Okay, uh... On a scale of 1-10, how familiar are you with the term "shotgun wedding", and how mad are you going to be?
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kaibutsushidousha · 5 months
To be honest, your discussion of Minase's positive and negative qualities piqued my interest. What do you think are the main recurring fgo writers' strong and weak points? Also where would you rank the lilim harlot event?
For the sake of brevity, I'll stick to one per writer. Picking apart everyone to the extent I did with Minase would take forever and would be better done after their respective Ordeal Calls.
I hesitate to call Higashide's comedy his strong point because his huge hits are about as frequent as his huge misses. I suppose I'll go with clarity for Higashide's main strong point. Even when I think he sucked at delivering his point, I can always tell what he's trying to say, which is not something I can say about Sakurai's most compressed scripts. His weak point is his lack of ambition. It's nice to have at least one person in FGO's team who will never try to escalate things, but I can't see it doesn't make his stories more forgettable in the long run.
Minase was already detailed in his own post.
Meteo’s best quality is a tone setter. Requiem, Salem, and all his events come with an atmosphere that feels very tangibly different from what FGO usually does. Often his events are bad, but never they lack a unique identity. Which segues into his weak point, being that many of his events are comedy events and the man is simply not funny. Bullying Erice is his only consistently good joke, and when he tries other things, the results are more miss than hit. See Las Vegas and Wandjina World Tour for major examples of comedy events that failed hard at the comedy side.
Nasu is a master recycler. I don't know how he does it but the man is constantly reusing the same structures, the same themes, or the same dynamics and somehow it never feels repetitive. There is always something that makes the whole recipe feel fresh and unique despite being so easy to recognize the same usual ingredients there. And what I dislike about Nasu in FGO is how he's still stuck at the concept of selling waifus from the girls with routes days. Everyone has their list of characters who get ship tease with Fujimaru but only in Nasu's case it feels like an overwhelming majority and that some of the choices create too large of a difference between the summoned character and the character in the main story. Was it really necessary to do this with, say, Morgan? Melusine? Tenochtitlan?
And Sakurai I saved for last because one major reason this post took this long is that I was struggling to sort out what is characteristically good and bad about her. Well, even now I don’t have a simple and satisfying answer. Things can’t be simple with Sakurai, unfortunately. One friend of mine described the experience of reading Sakurai scripts as “playing chess against an opponent that doesn’t tell that you are in a game of chess” and that’s honestly a fascinating way to phrase it.
Sakurai is an intriguing combination of inflexibly ambitious and inflexibly professional. She has grand ideas for her characters and she will include them in the script without fail. But she's also strictly adherent to script size limitations. While Nasu is making Camelot and Avalon le Fae with total disregard to every possible limit, Sakurai is cramming so much into Septem's and London's microscopic file space that it becomes utterly incomprehensible. Nasu wrote Last Encore's plot as a whole ass novel and hired Sakurai to convert that into anime scripts because Sakurai is his expert in fitting a lot of stuff into tiny spaces. Tunguska was tossed at Sakurai because probably no one else could fit into its raid event constraints. And because she doesn't compromise on what goes in, her alternative is not revealing the mysteries about her characters but laying out all the hints so the players can figure it out themselves, which is a really fun thing once you're used to it (read: aware that you're playing chess against her).
And the answer to "Where would I rank the Lilim Harlot event" is 1st place.
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Like, cats eventually learn to sneak around the bell collar, and once they’ve done that they tend to be even stealthier if the collar is removed. Similarly, Passionlip has A+ Rank Presence Concealment, and in CCC usually was only given away by her claws scrapping on something. By FGO she’s one of the stealthier servants (having done some real good stealth in the Las Vegas event) and her agility is a surprising-for-someone-weighing-one-whole-ton C. Passionlip with normal sized hands would be absolutely one of the best stealth servants Chaldea ever had.
Plus if she has the strength to lift the probably 1850+ lbs of metal hands and not break any bones (well, any of her own bones), imagine what that strength could do if focused into a normal sized fist.
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frostops · 11 months
the funny thing about iori being the protag of samurai remnant is in fgo’s las vegas summer event when Musashi is pretending to be Iori, Mash suggest the reason “Iori” looks so much like Musashi is that maybe shes from a timeline where Iori wasnt adopted and was Musashi’s biological kid and Musashi gets so offended at the idea that she’s related to Iori.
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doubleddenden · 1 year
Time to talk about things I'm excited about again
New Fate/Samurai Remnant trailer! it's only in Japanese for now, and it was quickly privated from the original uploader
HOWEVER, there's still a lot of cool things to look at here.
First of all, i'll be honest, I saw this originally thanks to a twitter user that archived it and looked at the various stuff you can get with it, so a lot of my "official" info that isn't visually made clear in the trailer will be regurgitated from what they've said. here's the thread and another video (just in case this one gets taken down)
Okay, so time for a deep dive under the cut:
first off
Musashi (which that IS Musashi and this is not a Scathatch=Skadi or similar situation) is apparently a Berserker
The MC is most likely Iori- there's a few reasons why this is significant, both in terms of actual history (which plays a role for Fate, obviously) and Fate lore in general
A. Historical relevancy: Iori is one of the children that IRL Miyamoto Musashi bought/adopted from his original parents, and taught them his signature sword style.
B. Lore relevancy: The Musashi we're familiar with in Fate is from another world where she's female- at least in terms of Fate/Grand Order lore. Musashi sort of gets rejected by reality/gets tossed in and out of alternate dimensions here and there, and other than official story canon, she does play a fun and significant role in Summer 4. Here she appears in the Summer Singularity of Las Vegas as a Berserker and also keeps trying (and failing) to convince the group she is actually Iori. It's a fun story but hard to argue as canon due to the nature of event singularities and especially summer ones
3. I'm very sure you can tell if you look closely, but the black haired servant with the white shirt is definitely a Saber face- I think this one actually has Artoria's VA. I posted previously after the last trailer, but they have Artoria's hairstyle and the little ahoge that's pretty much signature to Saber Faces (sans Alters). To me they seem of Chinese origin judging by dress and swords, and it also seems like they have some water ability? Which is strange but cool. If anyone's smart enough to try and figure that one out, go for it. I'd personally look through old Chinese folktales or rulers that have some association to water, or maybe was a man suspected of being a woman/vice versa (which is why Artoria is a woman instead of a man). Maybe a swordsman that traveled or migrated to Japan, too.
4. This is DEFINITELY a Holy Grail War, it's the only way someone like Jalter could show up like this- However the fact that she's even here to begin with must mean there's something wonky going on, since her existence in FGO is pretty much only because of Chaldea's interference. It could also just be a separate instance of fuckery going on, especially considering we have ANOTHER Avenger class here- Angry Mango himself (i can't remember how to spell the name). Maybe another tainted grail?
5. Speaking of Angra, he looks different- like he's not using Shiro as a base body anymore. He has face stubble- Kiritsugu, maybe? It wouldn't be the first time Kiritsugu and Shiro have had similar Servant counterparts. It could also be another of Musashi's kids imo.
6. Speaking of Shiro, or more specifically Fate/Stay Night
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This place looks familiar, almost like the shrine where Saber and Assassin fought each other in FSN, aka the shrine Caster was holding out in. Now this might be a stretch, but what if this is Fuyuki from the past? If this is Iori's time, this would be around the 1600s, roughly 400 years prior to Stay Night. The fact that the new Saber Face is also here seems rather significant imo
7. The extra Servants look cool- I'm betting the big guy with the green is maybe another Hercules form or possibly Samson, which would be a first for Fate I think. He does have long hair, anyway.
8. The music used is similar to the Shimousa fighting music from FGO's Shimousa arc
Anyway, the early September release date for Japan is pretty awesome. I doubt it'll release that early for us, and in fact that may be why they retracted the video? unclear. Personally i hope it comes out later so i can actually save and buy it instead of passing it up for a wedding lol
I can't wait for it, it looks fun
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rexis12 · 2 years
(FGO) What went wrong with Scheherazade
As people who have played FGO and Agartha have repeatedly complained, one of the characters that a lot of them tend to say was done wrong is Scheherazade. She was the Framing Device for A Thousand Nights, as a woman who was to be married to a cruel king and was used to tell 1000 stories that all ended on cliffhangers so that she could survive, but also spare the lives of future women since the king killed any that he married because of in-universe reasons.
Now because of such she’s normally seen as a pretty badass lady, who wins through guile and wit to beat the king/sultan that she was married to.
In FGO however, as a Servant (And implied slightly with her CE) she’s traumatised by the event of her life and now constantly fears death and is downright nuerotic about it. With an even further implication that in Fate she wasn’t spared and was actually killed after 1000 nights. It’s in her Bond Info if you want to check.
Now this is where people don’t like Schez, and in a way I can agree. However, I personally think that this is a neat change, simply because we get another Servant who’s life in the Throne of Heroes is fucked up because they became a Servant. Being summoned as one causing her to potentially face the very thing she spent her whole life trying to avoid, dying by a cruel king (Especially when you consider that most Mages in Nasuvers are ruthless pyschos). It’s a neat narrative way of showing that the Throne of Heroes and the Shadows of Humaniy inside them are still people/
So far as I can tell, the closest we get to Schez is Spartacus, and we’ll get to him later.
Now the main issue that I think comes from Schez isn’t just that now as a Servant she’s afraid of death. I think the main issue is that the made that fear a part of her comedy instead of her character and serious moments.
In Fate there are characters that often have funny haha moments with the bullshit that they went through in their lives.
Lancelot’s whole cheating thing, while people are somewhat sick of it, is treated as a funny sort of gag that people egg him on about. As such is Diarmuid’s own affair with Fion’s wife. Both of these are somewhat serious events, but the characters and the stories themselves try not to put too much weight on them so that when the joke happens it’s not completely jarring.
Compare and contrast that to Lancelot feeling like a traitorous asshole and Diarmuid’s genuine shame at non-intentionally betraying the trust of Fion, even though the events above are linked the feeling of this is treated as it’s own thing and further more are given much more weight. As such they don’t joke about it.
(Moriarty’s scene in Las Vegas with  Lancelot is a good example of such a thing)
Now Schez is afraid of death, as one should be, but instead of that being a very strong or powerful part of her motivation as a Servant or a character, it ends up as a gag instead of actually something serious. The only time when it was serious, was when at the end of Agartha when she listed off how horrible it would be to continually live and die as a Servant, and even then it’s hard to take it seriously when they joke about it so much before hand.
Now could they still have make jokes about it? Well sure, look at Vlad III and how sometimes the story pokes fun at his desire to not be remembered as Dracula. But even then, especially in his Interlude, the make it so that it’s moments of levity amongst a serious topic that he’s talking about rather than it being the but of the joke.
Instead of:
“Haha Vlad doesn’t want to be Dracula.”
“Vlad is so serious about not wanting to be seen as Dracula, haha look at some of the things he did because of it.”
The motivation is not mocked, but the actions taken are made somewhat humorous.
Now I brought up Spartacus before, and I think that he’s a good example of this happening much sooner. He was a gladiator slave that lead a rather famous revolt, but eventually died betrayed by the pirates that he hired to get away sadge.
But as a result he was considered a Hero and could be summoned. BUT, the best thing about him is that he’s so afraid of being summoned by a Cruel Master that would be the same that treated him like a slave, that he would rather be summoned as a Berserker with zero-to-none mental capacity just because he hates the chance of being a slave again. He would rather be rememebered as this flailing madman, instead of the charismatic hero leading the slaves that he freed. The Throne of Heroes absolutely fucks him up, and he does all he can to counter such events.
In Apocrypha Spartacus was nothing as a character, he shouted about Oppressors but did nothing about the Humonculus that was breed and made to serve the black team, had no words properly with Amakusa who was a famously persecuted Christian in Japan, and died before he could run into what Avicebron did to his loyal student/follower.
His whole thing, while given a serious backstory, was not used at all and just seemed like he was there to be a raging object or obstacle. Not of his motives were really talked about, besides the barest of hints, and his ‘Death to Oppressors’ just seemed like things that were slapped on, rather than an actual character.
This was made worse in FGO when most of the time it’s used as a Joke. Spartacus would scream Oppressors at nothing, he would say it to nonsensical things and would come off as an idiot rather than anything else. It causes it to become:
“Haha Spartacus hates Oppressors.”
And it’s why Lostbelt 3 is where he managed to shine, because of the fact that LB3 actually looked at the motives of Spartacus and wrote a character with motivation. To stop not only oppression, but to help the little guys that would need it. He has an actual conversation about his thought process with the civilians, with Chaldea, with Goredolf. He gives a full on reason that is understandable, to him at least, about how and why he can defect. And when he’s faced with the largest form of oppression given.
And best of all he backs up his words by going against the big man (Qin Shi Huang) even sacrificing his ‘Not being treated as a Servant’ Rule because he wants to protect not only you but the people in the village. This is the guy, who if the material is to be believed, would take TWO Command Seals to just stop him from running. And he’d probably get his movement back to just decapitate you on the spot the moment you enter in his range.
Again there are moments of levity, but they come from his Berserker status as oppose to just his reasons. It becomes:
“Spartacus really hates Oppressors, haha look at some of the things he does.”
It’s why instead of him leading the village towards the Lostbelt Chinese army feels less like a joke, but more of a serious moment that he went to because of his motives.
Scheherazade doesn’t have that. Besides Agartha, her fear of death is played as a joke all of the time, and that kills what mights be a fun part of her character and how that explore how she and others might feel about it.
But as it stands now, instead of:
“Scheherazade really hates dying, haha here’s some of the things she said/done to avoid it.”
Right now, Schez is:
“Haha, Scheherazade is afraid of dying.”
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
Honestly, now that I’ve gone through half of the first summer event and like 3/4 of the second, I think I know what my problem may be with them?
Like, I think if they were the length of a normal event, I’d be fine with them, but they just feel too long for me.
I was starting to wonder if maybe it was just me preferring the story of FGO over events, but I genuinely enjoyed the Parvati Trial Quest and the first half that I’ve played of Halloween 3.
So maybe I’ll just do the introduction to the summer events and a bit more and then move on, to come back to them later. That way, at least I’ll have some context for the future.
Of course, if Summer 3 and on are better and keep my attention I’ll watch the whole thing, but I even felt like the Las Vegas one dragged a tiny bit for me. Something that was helped due to me being able to interact with it due to playing it.
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daidai-kawaii · 2 years
With the recent event reruns for Arknights and Fate/Grand Order, I’ve been thinking about how they compare and what I like about each! As of writing this the event for Arknights, Mansfield Break, has just finished it’s rerun and there’s one more day for the FGO Las Vegas event. I somehow managed to get the free character from both and my experience with each was vastly different due to just how each game handles events.
Firstly, they’re both gachas so with the reruns of the events came the reruns of their respective rate-up banners, i.e. the Solo Mountain Banner for AK and the Summer Servants Banner for FGO. I play both on the Global/NA/EN/whatever you wanna call it server so I have the benefit of foresight on whether or not I should save up for certain upcoming events. The main difference there being global on AK is behind by about 6 months and NA for FGO is behind by about 2 years. Personally I feel like 6 months is the perfect amount of delay to plan out my gacha currency usage and 2 years is just way way too far ahead for my liking.
As far as events go Arknights has Side Stories, Intermezzi, and Vignettes. Side Stories are exactly what it says on the tin and Intermezzi are just more relevant to the main story, going into the backstory of characters and groups like the Abyssal Hunters. Vignettes are like a collection of stages and you can use the event currency you get from them to buy mini stories to read. All of these come with a free operator (most of the time) that can also be earned by completing certain stages, typically about halfway through the story, and upgrading by spending event currency. None of these need any sort of story progress like being caught up to Chapter 9 or something like that. If you miss an event in AK it feels very forgiving because the stages are added to the Side Story and Intermezzi sections and are playable at any time and still give rewards like Originite Prime. FGO is only recently getting this from what i understand with the Main Interludes, but those need Rare Prisms which can be spent on other things like Mystic Codes whereas Arknights has a separate resource used only to unlock previously unplayed Side Stories that you get for free once a week. There’s also the relatively new Record Restoration in AK which allows people who missed events or just didn’t get all the copies of an Operator from the store to obtain/max out that respective Operator and other goodies. This combined with playing on Global and being able to guess what is getting its respective Restoration when is so nice and just doesn’t have this extreme FOMO feeling of “I NEED to get this Operator NOW and ALL of their copies” because I can just finish the stages later and the only thing I miss out on are some Medals.
Speaking of which the medals are a nice way to show of things that you’ve done in AK and add a nice touch of personality to each profile. I’m not too aware of things that FGO gives for challenge quests besides things like summon tickets, Crystallized Lore, and other upgrade materials, but I like being able to show off my accomplishments in-game. I also feel that FGO has waaaayyy more to farm with regards to materials than Arknights. Arknights has a few EXP cards and LMD, similar to Leveling Cards and QP in FGO, but in regards to the actual materials you can buy it feels that FGO has a lot more that are easier to get without worrying about having enough for other things in the shop. Neither has every material available in the shop, but it helps being able to just farm for the Free Servant in FGO and use the currency that i got from doing that to buy materials to upgrade their skills and the skills of my other Servants.
Both have their merits that FGO is a lot more drawn out, at some points too much so and Arknights is very relaxed but it’s very easy to do the whole thing in one day and burn out. However Arknights stage design is very replayable and event stages even lean towards using Operators that are either on rate up for that event or the free Operator that you get from playing.
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gillgmesh · 2 years
I'm still salty that when my bro got me into fgo I started for a week and said, yeah it's cool ig?... And then came back like months later - right before the original Las Vegas summer event and just missed the summer event which gave you CasGil's summer outfit. Now I have to wait idk 2 years(?) For the Battle of New York event to unlock it
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Day 189: One on hand, I can totally see Siegfried preferring hot/warm temperature because, ya know, dragon (aka bigass lizard) trait. On the other hand, he's also not immune to hot temperature and he has abused the AC before.
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kaibutsushidousha · 8 months
Okay so I noticed that in one of the endings of FSR Iori is called a “Sword Demon” what is the meaning of that word and is there any other characters that became a sword demon in Fate?
IRL it's an episodic swordmaster novel series by Shibata Renzaburou. Ran from 1965 to 1967.
In FGO, it's a title used for Personality No. 19 of the Hassan of the Hundred Personas, Yagyuu's state in Shimousa as Saber Imperio, and for Celestial Demon Musashi from the Las Vegas event.
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43sol · 3 years
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siegfried had more character in this than anywhere i’ve seen....
kriemhild crumbs
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daily-fgo · 3 years
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daily fgo day 129: merlin
color palette: #201 from https://deathinheavens.tumblr.com/post/101043837743
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