#lance probably went from ''annoying old man'' to his actual name LOL
ofieugogyshz · 2 years
silver probably has nicknames for some of his contacts in his phone, few though they are.
usually it's "annoying person #1" "annoying person #2" etc for his friends
if he's had to add me it's probably "annoying lady"
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mannatea · 6 years
would love to hear your full hot take on Voltron s7 if you’re inclined to share
there HAS been a lack of salt in general on this blog, huh??
all right, FULL hot take on voltron s7. spoilers ahead. salt. hate. don’t click the readmore if you don’t wanna read it. it’s a disorganized mess also. i’m tired still. s7 drained my ability to write well--sucked it right out of me.
god, where do i even start? the season started out all right. the gameshow episode was fun! but as soon as we returned to earth things went straight into snoozemode. i was itching to turn it off and go back to finish s3 of miss fisher’s murder mysteries, because i just wasn’t that invested in watching just a couple more hours of a new season of voltron. and this after i’d just recently marathoned s1-6 with my husband. 
i spent half the time staring at my phone. my husband was on his tablet. we complained about how boring it was aloud. we paused to talk shit about it.
there were a few good things, but it seems to me most of them were at the very beginning of the season. liiiike romelle. my husband was ready to set sail on the s.s. hunk x romelle which was incredible. acxa? also good. KOSMO? the best character in this series now, hands down. notice how little of the good there was in this season? hm.
anyway like i said, as soon as we had to see earth again i was bored. i don’t even know how to organize all my thoughts on this, but i’ll try.
flashback scenes for days. boring.
i’m not saying i could write it better but imo it would have been way more interesting to toss the characters into the situation without the audience having a clue what they were walking into. let them act and be overwhelmed with us? 
i don’t care overmuch about sam holt let alone his wife. at first i was pretty okay with them because i’m all for fleshing out side characters, but in the end it was all pretty meh.
idk he was just right about literally everything and could do no wrong. boring.
admiral sanda is one of the worst-written cringey characters i’ve EVER had the displeasure of watching. 
the only relief i felt in her character was that she wasn’t fulfilling the latino hotshot trope by being a young latino man instead of an older woman. 
but making her an older woman didn’t actually make her interesting.
in fact, none of her motivations or actions made any sense. 
you’re telling me this bitch is super by the books but she believes sam holt enough to spend billions on developing new tech on nothing more than his word? okay
if she’s so by the books she should have remained entirely by the books the entire time.
if she believes sam enough to spend billions in manpower and materials to build this shit she probably believes sam enough to trust in his judgment re: military tactics.
seriously i hated this character beyond hate. her little ‘redemption’ arc was poorly done. her getting a photograph at the memorial was annoying. 
okay, i can take the latter as the military keeping up appearances. don’t want the population knowing you were betrayed by the, or one of the, highest ranking officers in the military. that’d be a very big yikes.
i find it eXTREMELY hard to believe this lady did all this and only realizes she was an idiot at the last second. 
whaT do you meAN you aREn’T keePINg yOur eNd of thE bARgaIN?
in other words she can’t possibly be that stupid. nobody over the age of 25 is that stupid, especially someone versed in warfare, in a universe that supposedly had a WWIII.
SERIOUSLY I HATED THIS CHARACTER and for some reason it pissed me off more that she was a woman instead of a crusty old white dude. maybe because, aside from the MFE pilots, there weren’t really any other female officers named and important?
sendak was a disappointing anticlimactic bore.
seriously he was a case of the doldrums.
i don’t know what i expected out of him, but he wasn’t conniving or interesting at all. this is a guy who let his own ships blow up just to get at his foe. i find it incredibly difficult to believe he wouldn’t have just blown that defensive base to dust.
yes, even at the risk of losing a ship.
let’s talk about adam, another useless husk of a character.
kill the gays stereotype in full effect. usually it’s lesbians. i guess good job on it being a guy who dies?
i love how the whole fandom stanned adam and then not only was he dead as fuck but he was pointless as fuck.
voltron writers eagerly watching the audience, tails thumping in a poor attempt at suppressed excitement, bodies practically wriggling like a dog waiting for the command to eat the treat balanced on its nose: TELL US WE DID GOOD!! TELL US WE’re GOOD BOYS!! VALIDATE US!!! WE INCLUDED TEH GAY!!!!
like bitch...y’all gave this away in advance AND FOR WHAT?
you know why. YOU KNOW. i know. WE ALL KNOW. it was just to try and earn representation points with the audience.
i hate rep points more than i hate a lot of things right now. it’s just so cringey. it’s just showrunners trying to get points for being ~progressive~ while never having to actually stick to being progressive on a continual basis lmao.
don’t get me wrong, i don’t give a SINGLE fuck about adam. i’m just mad he was touted at a convention and then ended up meaning abSOLUTELY nothing. no, shiro looking at his memorial plaque doesn’t change anything lmao.
look i’m not saying it makes his relationship with adam ‘less’. but i AM saying that making him an ex and also a dead ex means the creators don’t have to commit to continuing to deal with shiro’s sexuality, whether it’s gay, bi, or pan. they can just avoid addressing it or writing it at all. because this isn’t a romance series. they just shove adam into a figurative and literal casket and want their pats on the back. which, uhhhhh they’re not gonna get from me. adam isn’t progressive. adam’s boring.
all the action in the last four or so episodes? dull. insipid. uninspired. i’m out of insults. i just don’t care about these mfe fighters. earth is almost wiped out. am i supposed to still be caring about it?
that yawn-worthy last stand speech had me wanting to take The Long Sleep like sendak cares if you put up a fight or not. you’re all weaklings. ‘we’ll go down swinging’ is as old as the hills. i don’t know what i needed instead of this, but this wasn’t.
there was a bRIEFLY good moment with hunk but like
how convenient that everyone’s families are alive lol
or at least hunk’s parents and lance’s entire extended family
that annoyed me idk. they’re going for this gritty shit where almost everyone is dead but then pull that?
ya lost me.
on the PLUS side the little scene with keith trying to be of comfort was nice. if anyone Gets It, keith does. and then he tries to help hunk too, which i liked a lot.
but it didn’t detract enough from the Boring of the episodes to really feel good to me. sorry.
hi i’m shiro and i’m sick. i’m so sick. the sickest. but i’m going into space anyway!!!
did i miss something or did shiro’s mysterious sickness just never mean anything?
did the galra cure it? that’d be interesting character stuff.
speaking of shiro, his hover arm is weird and i hate it.
what was with allura giving him her crystal thing? is that ever going to mean anything or was it useless too?
ATLAS is now a giant robot??? what
haha sam holt built this but didn’t know it could do this? don’t fucking??? pull that??? it makes me want to die. it’s so bad. it’s CRINGEY
he’s the enGINEER!! he’d know!! if it was capable of even 50% of that!!!
haha it’s magic
shut the fuuuck up magic needs to still be explained!!!!
where are the citizens and crew on this robot anyway like you do realize they’d be dead from the force of it moving around and probably getting rattled around inside the ship right?
they’ve got a massacre in the hold to clean up when this is over.
the super robot that was like massively strong and shit?
yeah let’s DBZ it up i guess and create antagonists that are exponentially stronger as if that’ll maintain the audience’s attention lmaooooo
it was boring and the reveal at the end with the altean was boring. who cares. i don’t.
i hated the attempt at a wholesome reunion looK IT’S TEAMWORK EVERYONE WORKING TO  G E T HER!!!! 
shay showing up to hug hunk WITH HER BROTHER was the only wholesome thing about it
i dunno it just seemed kind of forced to me. oh look how the paladins were lucky enough to keep their families!! what about the rest of earth. now none of the paladins can even really relate to it. it’s depressing. :/
i dunno. the beginning was promising! and interesting! and maybe even fun. but the earth’s last stand stuff was dull. i think because it was so rushed it lacked the balance of humor that has made the show worth watching. and there were cute fun MOMENTS in the later episodes of the season (re: kosmo, “i gotta get me one of these”), but it wasn’t enough to balance out how dull the rest of it was.
if there’s anything i missed talking about, let me know and i can add it/make another post. but right now this is my current salt. 
i mean mostly my opinion is:
wow that was a waste of my time.
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bi-antagonist · 7 years
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(posting it like this instead of answering cause I put an “under the cut” line and we all know tumblr mobile screws it up when you break text in an ask)
Sorry for taking so long, I wanted to give my full attention to this ask aaaaaaahhhh I'm slow at this.
Anyway, thank you for asking! This is an au I'm all too happy to share (since I dont plan on ever writing it lol)!!! It got a little bit out of hand, but whatever
Idk exactly how they would join Team Rocket, but it probably would take some manipulation on Giovanni's part
In this AU they start their journey later (Red with 15 and Green with 16), so Giovanni doesn't see them as mere kids and takes them more seriously right from the start
Green is the easiest to persuade. People said his success was due to his grandfather's name, that he was too arrogant, too forward, too this, too that... media doesn't go easy on teens, especially on teens like Green. And my man Gio took advantage
Red was the hardest... but at his age, he quickly realized he hated fame and media and cameras. He actually took down the Team Rocket hideout and reached Giovanni at Silph Co but... he was slowly getting fed up. He was so done.
Idk the details yet, but both of them give up before Viridian and join the rockets. They don't even become grunts, they go directly to rank A and start wearing the black uniform. No one’s shocked
They never end up stepping further and wearing silver (rank A+). Giovanni deems them too rebellious and independent for that. Why? Simple:
- They don’t wear the uniform properly. Green uses the black crop top with nothing below it, and he also cut off the sleeves during summer because it was too hot and unfashionable (even when you’re a criminal in kanto you gotta follow the trends). Red refuses to use long gloves and wears his cap instead of the official Team Rocket one. - None of them follow the poison type aesthetic, fuck that shit. - Oh? You aren’t supposed to hang around the boss and annoy him? Word? Well too fucking bad. - Giovanni is tired. It at least distracts him from the fact that wow, Persian really needs to visit the pokemon salon soon
Most of their missions are causing ruckus as a distraction, fighting higher ranked trainers to prove Team Rocket's strength (aka: battling gym leaders over and over again just to prove a point), humiliate the league by once in a while stepping out and winning battle after battle against the elite four (Lance has so many bags under his eyes he could sell them)...
In fact, they have a thing for going in there and becoming champions once in a while. Them.  World known criminals. Red has been champion for two years now and Green is pissed
One day they see Leaf and are like "nah, that one is good to take the throne, she can be champion without us playing around anymore"
She becomes champion a few months afterwards. She steals the title from Green - who had finally won against Red ten minutes prior
When they do wanna act like normal citizens and do mundane stuff, they get disguises: Green flattens his hair, buys expensive clothes and walks around like a model magazine catalogue (working for the mafia brings money),... if people recognize him they say nothing
Red just has to throw a hoodie over his cap and boom, no one bats an eye. He has a talent when it comes to becoming invisible
Once Giovanni turned to Red and asked if he didn’t want to give him his Pikachu, since it was a strong pokemon and Team Rocket could benefit from "examining" it. The murderous look Red shot his way was enough to shut that idea down
The older they get, the more Giovanni starts going to pokemon-ebay. The bags under his eyes are Gucci and they're worth money
He's not tired because they are a mess (okay, that’s a lie, they wear him out a lot), he’s tired because they make Team Rocket grow considerably and give him more shit to work on
Red slowly establishes a law where every pokemon they test and experiment on has to be well treated and needs some heavy dose of human affection and attention. At first everyone was like "fuck no, that's not evil enough"... but then they realized treating pokemon well brought benefits and improved the quality and results of their work so they went with it
Green is in charge of training the rookies along with other rank B rockets (gym leader parallel much?)
Ethan one day appears out of nowhere and tries to bring them back to the good side. He's kicked in the ass for the next twenty battles just for his hero complex
When he does win against them, they pay him an expensive breakfast and give him Red's old masterball
The money comes from Lance’s credit card, which Green stole
Green adapts easily to villain life... Red? Not so much.
He never wanted to be a bad guy. He wakes up at night and just stares at the ceiling for hours thinking what he has done with his life
One of those nights he gets up and goes to Green's quarters. He never sleeps on his room afterwards (green's bed is warm, familiar, and sometimes makes him forget all of his mistakes because hey, at least he gets to wake up at 5am with someone pressed against his back, cuddling him)
Green doesn't admit it but he thinks about his family a lot. And what a disappointment he must be
At least Giovanni doesn’t treat him as second option
It sucks to be a hero stuck on the role of villain
After a while Team Rocket’s sadistic side starts to rub on them and they (Green especially) just start to… be awfully intimidating in battle while giving off a misleading, serene look
Red manages to get even more deadpan than before. Seriously, when he’s on missions, it doesn’t even look like he has a soul till he starts battling and some maniac passion is brought to the surface
Red and Green get together without even realizing it. Sleeping on the same bed, watching out for each other in battle, see who can dress the uniform faster, who can get to the other side of town first, assaulting the kitchen at 4am to make pancakes, chasing away ghosts in Lavender Town, fussing over Ethan and Leaf when they should be trying to knock them down instead... suddenly they are holding hands and wishing each other good luck. Soon they cuddle without realizing. Soon they kiss each other after a rather rough day and are like woah, this' a thing now.
Don’t take all of this as a cute story tho, they’re in Team Rocket, and even though Giovanni ends up getting a little bit softer, he’s still their boss at the end of the day. He still sends them off on awful mission that leave them nauseous, he still threatens them whenever they screw up big time, and most importantly, he’s still an awful man who only cares about money and success
He wouldn’t have picked Red and Green otherwise
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