#lady gigana
figmentjedi · 1 year
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Godziban website released a Gigan family tree featuring his parents, his  sisters, and Giganji, the Gigan elder that’s just a cyclopian mountain of buzzsaw blades and claws.
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krypion · 1 year
Siento que si abrazo a ese Megalon va a sonar como patito de hule.
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Megalon: también, después vamos a ir a sacar a nuestros otros amigos del reclusorio norte. Así que dígale a tu mamá cyborg que su hijo va a llegar tarde a comer.
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Kaiju Week in Review, January 15-21
I'm used to Godziban puppets taking forever to debut in the show after they're unveiled on Twitter, but Lady Gigana, Gigan's older sister, turned up in this week's episode. Like her brother, she doesn't take kindly to Little at first, but his sunny disposition (and strong resistance to blunt force trauma) allows him to melt through her defenses.
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This is old news, but newly discovered: a video game based on the DeVito Artworks King Kong of Skull Island books and comics is in development. No idea who the developers are, but GameMill Entertainment will publish it. This would be the first console game for Kong since the Peter Jackson remake.
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Bandai's third Movie Monster Series figure poll, which can be voted on through the Godzilla Store, is now live. The candidates were fan-generated this time, and based on reactions during the stream revealing them, Zilla is gonna win in a landslide. (He's already secured Shinichi Wakasa's endorsement.) I'll be backing Desghidorah though (provided I remember to make an account). They also announced a new, high-end subline, sculpted by Yuji Sakai, called Movie Monster Series Extreme. BioGoji is the first figure (surprise).
In a tacit acknowledgement that they never should have gotten rid of Spark Dolls, Tsuburaya has commenced a new web series called Ultra Sofvi World. It's basically Toy Story with Ultra Series vinyls (and crude stop-motion). It'll run for 8 episodes, with a new one every Saturday. Unlike the mainline shows, however, it doesn't have any English subtitles yet.
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inustrider-art · 10 months
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Commission Complete! This time is the Gijinkas of Lady Gigarian and Gigana, the mother and sister of Gigan! (Yes these are actual official Kaiju) hope you enjoy!
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krypion · 1 year
Más de esto.
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