#la jolie mln
la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 year
The Everyday Straw Clutch
This straw woven clutch is light and trendy. It has been so popular that we added the yellow, blue, black and red to the collection.
Estimate size: 10x6 inches
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gdanskstrefa · 5 years
Słodki, ale piękny. Taka piękna baśń dla dorosłych. W Las Vegas spędziliśmy pełne dwie, intensywne doby. To znaczy śpiąc tam i traktując miasto  jako punkt wypadowy w okoliczne atrakcje (area 51, zapora Hoovera, Dolina Ognia, Primm i samochód Bonnie i Clyde).  Było to tak intensywne, że właściwie samo Las Vegas oglądaliśmy niewiele. Nie udało nam się dotrzeć na ulicę Fremont, gdzie neonowy kowboj Vegas Vic macha ręką, włóczyliśmy się więc po głównej ulicy wieczorami, zaliczając wszystko po łebkach.
Tak, jedna ulica wystarczy, by zobaczyć całe Las Vegas. To prawie 7 km. Fakt, w każdym hotelu z kasynem można spędzić 2 godziny, a że hoteli dużo, a jeden piękniejszy od drugiego, odległości olbrzymie, to można tak chodzić i chodzić, i dwa wieczory to za mało. Do tego trzeba dołożyć dwa czynniki w tych wędrówkach bardzo ważne: upał i tłumy ludzi.  O 22-ej w nocy mieliśmy 39 stopni i wszędzie nieprzebrany tłum ludzi, których trzeba było wymijać, omijać, przepraszać, czekać, potykać się, przeciskać. Non stop, non stop. To było męczące. Każdego roku Las Vegas odwiedza ok. 40 mln ludzi. Poniżej hotel Mandalay Bay, z którego rok temu szaleniec zabił 59 osób.
Chciałam jednak pokazać ten fenomen kiczu, w którym tylu Amerykanów jest zakochanych. Kiczu i hazardu, bo zapewne obie rzeczy się uzupełniają. Mam wrażenie, że w tym mieście tylko się gra, nic więcej. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”. W 176 kasynach goście zostawiają 6 mld dolarów.
Wybraliśmy Las Vegas na punkt węzłowy naszej eskapady. Tu wylądowaliśmy z Nowego Jorku i stąd startowaliśmy po trzech tygodniach. Tutaj wynajęliśmy samochód (ceny najtańsze) i pokonaliśmy nim 12 000 km, jeżdżąc po Nevadzie, Arizonie, Kalifornii, Oregonie, Idaho, Utah i zahaczając lekko o Montanę. Tutaj też była najtańsza benzyna: 4,39 dol/baryłkę. Hotele też były najtańsze (a najdroższy nam przypadł przy Kanionie Antylopy, nie ma zmiłuj, kto chce oglądać kanion, musi płacić). Nic dziwnego, skoro w Nevadzie firmy prowadzące działalność gospodarczą zwolnione są z podatku dochodowego. Zdjęcie powyżej to właśnie nasz hotel Stratosphere z wariactwem na górze, ale o tym później. Gdyby dzisiaj zamawiać lipcowy nocleg dla 2 osób, to w Stratosphere kosztuje to 83 zł (z podatkami hotelowymi 235 zł).
A po lewej stronie kaplica, o której śpiewał ON – czyli Elvis Presley – White Chapel, przesłodka, z aniołkami, serduszkami i wyznaniami miłości. [Zachęcam po kliknięciu na zdjęcie, otwierać je jeszcze szerzej przyciskiem u góry.]
Tak naprawdę Elvis śpiewał o innej, pół godziny drogi dalej, oczywiście przy tej samej ulicy Las Vegas Blvd. (Strip), ale tych białych, ślubnych kaplic się namnożyło, wszystkie czerpią z Elvisa i wszystkie oczywiście mają odpowiednią limuzynę (ta o rejestracji Chapel 5):
…i obowiązkowo różowego cadillaca:
Cadillac stoi w Tunelu Miłości. Takim różowym cadillakiem Elvis wozi po mieście. Tunel ma piękny sufit:
Z powodu tych kaplic Las Vegas słynie z szybkich ślubów. Rocznie bierze ślub w Las Vegas 120 000 par. Śluby można również zawierać w prywatnych kaplicach w restauracjach i hotelach, na polach golfowych i w samochodzie.  Zawierali tu związek małżeński: oczywiście Elvis z Priscillą, Frank Sinatra i Mia Farrow, Angelina Jolie i Bob Thorton,  Bruce Willis i Demi Moore, Richard Gere i Cindy Crowford, Jane Fonda i Roger Vadim i wielu wielu innych… Rita Hayworth, Kirk Douglas, Paul Newman, Jon Bon Jovi ….itd. itd. A jak ktoś chce, to altanka też czeka:
Las Vegas Blvd. jest najjaśniejszą ulicą na świecie, widoczną z promów kosmicznych. Światła Strip gasły dwa razy: po śmierci Deana Martina i  śmierci Franka Sinatry.
W mieście dużo jest reklam cyrku.
Jednak największy oszałamiający  kicz to hotele. Siedemnaście spośród dwudziestu największych hoteli w Stanach Zjednoczonych znajduje się w Las Vegas. Hotele egzystują razem z kasynami.  Pierwsze kasyno powstało w 1931 roku, po legalizacji hazardu, na stacji benzynowej Northern Club.
Miasteczko i nazwa “Las Vegas” pojawiły się już w 1829 roku, choć miasto jako miasto zostało założone w 1905 roku i było to miasto kolejowe służące do obsługi okolicznych kopalń oraz punkt przesiadkowy w wędrówce na zachód. Aż do 1977 roku stacja kolejowa znajdowała się … w hotelu – Plaza Hotel-Kasyno. I stacja, i okienka biletowe połączone były z kasynem.  Hotel był tłem dla takich filmów, jak: “Diamenty są wieczne” (siódmy film z serii o James Bondzie), “Powrót do przyszłości II” czy “Kasyno” Martina Scorsese.
Jednak boom na miasto rozpoczął się wraz z budową zapory Hoovera w latach 30. XX wieku i formowaniem sztucznego jeziora Mead. Specjalnie dla robotników zbudowano miasteczko Boulder City, 30 km od LV (boulder – głaz, zapora wstępnie też nazywała się Boulder Dam) i zakazano w nim całkowicie hazardu – z troski o jakość pracy. Dzięki temu Las Vegas mogło się rozwinąć, a zakaz hazardu w Boulder City pozostał do dzisiaj i jest to jedyne miasto w Nevadzie, gdzie on obowiązuje. Tak zadecydowali mieszkańcy.
Drugi napływ ludności  (i był to napływ największy) i jednocześnie turystów  miał miejsce wraz z przyjazdem naukowców z Projektu Manhattan w roku 1942.  Chodziło o zbudowanie bomby atomowej. Pierwsza bomba atomowa wybuchła w zupełnie innym miejscu, a poligon Nevada powstał w 1951, więc nie bardzo wiem, dlaczego przyjechali właśnie tutaj, jednak w ślad za nimi pojawiła się mafia.
I tak w 1945 zjechał tu Bugsy Siegel, Żyd z Podola, płatny morderca, który w Los Angeles już miał fatalną opinię. Zaczął tu zbijać miliony. Założył kasyno (i hotel) Flamingo, nazwane tak na cześć  długich nóg swojej dziewczyny Virginii Hill, która zresztą taki też miała pseudonim artystyczny.
Flamingo został otwarty w grudniu 1946 r. i zyski, jakie zaczął osiągać, zachęciły innych do inwestowania w miasto (samo kasyno to 7200 m2). Obiekt był wówczas najbardziej luksusowym hotelem na świecie, ale standard dla hoteli wyznaczył inny: Mirage. Żeby zakończyć wątek Flamingo dodam, że flamingi (ptaki) mają tu swoje siedlisko. Miały i pingwiny, ale oddano je do zoo w Dallas, bo któryż by pingwin wytrzymał na 40-stopniowym upale? Komedia kryminalna “Ocean’s Eleven” i musical “Viva Las Vegas” zostały tu w całości nakręcone.
Dlaczego Mirage?  W latach 70-tych Las Vegas przeżywało kryzys turystyczny, co było spowodowane legalizacją hazardu w New Jersey. Zamiast tłuc się do Las Vegas, wielu hazardzistów wolało bliższe Atlantic City. I wtedy pojawił się Steve Wynn, inwestor budowlany, ze swoim pomysłem na budowę luksusowych hoteli. Złote okna Mirage są bowiem mieszanką złotego pyłu i szkła.
Mirage wybudowano za 630 mln dolarów. Hotel związał się mocno z cyrkiem du Soleil, który tu permanentnie wystawia swoją sztukę “Love”.
Artykuł  jest na 3 podstronach, przejście na kolejną podstronę poniżej.
Steve Wynn nie tylko wybudował Mirage, ale również Treasure Island, Bellagio oraz Encore i Wynn.
Treasure Island, czyli Wyspa Skarbów, miał przyciągać całe rodziny, więc były tu baseny dla dzieci i motywy pirackie. Z czasem jednak zwrócono się ku doroślejszemu odbiorcy i baseny zastąpiono jacuzzi i klubami nocnymi. Sztuczne jezioro zostało, ale szoł  z zatapianiem statku pirackiego zastąpiono przedstawieniem bardziej “dorosłym”. Noclegi zaczynają się tu od 69 dolarów za noc.  Po drugiej stronie ulicy koncertują fontanny.
Co ciekawe, woda używana do fontann i sztucznych jezior pobierana jest po oczyszczeniu z toalet, łazienek i zlewów kuchennych. Wszak Nevada to pustynia. Zasadniczo Las Vegas czerpie wodę z jeziora Mead utworzonego z rzeki Kolorado, ale konsumpcja wody jest wyższa niż przynoszą roztopy i deszcz. Stąd miasto ratuje się, jak może.
Hotele Encore i Wynn są siostrzanymi hotelami. Są zdobywcami największej ilości diamentowych nagród Forbesa ze wszystkich obiektów wypoczynkowych i kasyn na świecie. Wynn postawił w nich na roślinność, co widać nawet przed wejściem. W przeciwieństwie do innych hoteli, te dwa swoje atrakcje chowają w środku. A są nimi np. 27-metrowy wodospad w środku klubu nocnego albo salon samochodowy z autami Ferrari i Maserati. Encore nie posiada piętra 12 ani pięter 40-49, bowiem uchodzą one za pechowe w kulturze azjatyckiej, do której nawiązuje wystrój Encore. Okna są tu ogromne.
Kolejny podwójny kompleks to Palazzo i Venetian, czyli Wenecja na pustyni, najsłynniejsza rzecz w Las Vegas.
Wenecja faktycznie robi wrażenie, ale jak ma nie robić, jak koszt budowy wyniósł 1,5 mld dolarów?
Mamy tu więc most Rialto, gondole, Pałac Dożów, dzwonnicę św. Marka w naturalnej wysokości, fontanny i posążki, a gdy otwierano kompleks w 1996 roku, w niebo poleciały gołębie, zatrąbiły trąbki, a Sophia Loren ochrzciła pierwszą na świecie zmotoryzowaną gondolę.
W środku dużo fresków i kasyno o powierzchni 11 000 m2.
Venetian stoi na miejscu zburzonego hotelu Sands. Obecny hotel trochę jest wyprany z historii, ale w Sands działo się dużo. Bywał tu (często), jako senator, John F. Kennedy, bywali Sinatra, Dean Martin i Sammy Davis Jr. Bywali również Nat King Cole, Judy Garland, Louis Armstrong, Shirley Mac Laine i Marlene Dietrich. Śpiewali na słynnej scenie Copa Room.
Przed Caesars Palace można natomiast trafić na Nike z Samotraki i inne rzeźby. Ponoć pokoje są takie, żeby każdy mógł się czuć jak cezar. Hotel zasłynął organizowaniem skoków motocyklowych ponad fontannami i rajdami Formuły 1 Grand Prix Las Vegas, areną bokserską (Muhammad Ali),  koncertami Eltona Johna, Roda Stewarta, Leonarda Cohena, Cher i Celine Dion oraz występami Davida Copperfielda na scenie Colosseum, wybudowanego specjalnie dla Celine Dion.
Do hotelu doczepione jest Forum Shops, czyli “starożytne” forum sklepowe, które zmienia kolory i posiada kręte schody ruchome. Lidla i Carrefoura tam nie uświadczycie.
Mamy również akcenty paryskie. Amerykanie więc nie muszą lecieć do Paryża, aby podziwiać Łuk Triumfalny, czy wieżę Eiflle’a.
Mnie natomiast bardzo podobał się hotel Bellagio. Przy przeładowanym Venetian wydawał się stonowany w wyglądzie, aczkolwiek w środku urzekający sufitami. Parasolki są ręcznie malowane i zmieniane w zależności od poru roku.
Bellagio powstał w 1998 r. na miejscu zburzonego hotelu Dunes. Powinien być nam na swój sposób bliski, bo przy Dunes działał teatr rewiowy, w którym występowała Violetta Villas. Sama ceremonia otwarcia hotelu Bellagio wyniosła 88 mln dolarów. Wystąpił wtedy Cirque du Soleil i dla niego jest to od tamtego momentu scena domowa pokazu “O” (przedstawienie wodne).
Na pokaz fontann niestety było za późno, czyli po północy. Pozostało mi więc podziwiać je na stronach Wikimedii. Ponoć to jezioro nie wykorzystuje szarej wody, ale czystą. System zaopatrzony jest w 1200 dysz, które skoordynowane są z 4 500 świateł. Koszt budowy tylko tej przyjemności to 75 mln dolarów, a fontanny “grają” w wielu produkcjach filmowych.
  Ale to, co zrobiło na mnie największe wrażenie, to 2000 szklanych kwiatów autorstwa Dale’a  Chihuly’ego – Fiori di Como.
Kwiaty zajmują obszar 190 m2 (największa szklana instalacja na świecie) i jest to 18 ton  konstrukcji wiszącej nad głowami turystów.  Chihuly tworzył swoje dzieło przez 2 lata. Fiori di Como oznacza “kwiaty znad jeziora Como”, które najwyraźniej musiały być inspiracją dla tego rzeźbiarza. Codziennie o świcie 10 inżynierów czyści całą instalację; szacuje się, że 15 000 – 20 000 gości codziennie przychodzi tu tylko po to, by na nią popatrzeć.
Artykuł  jest na 3 podstronach, przejście na kolejną podstronę poniżej.
Nie są to wszystkie atrakcje Las Vegas, gdzie kicz miesza się z artyzmem. Do piramidy i Nowego Jorku nie dotarłam. Jak jednak wyglądają kasyna Las Vegas? Są lśniące i w dywanach. Wchodzi się do nich bezpośrednio z ulicy. Czasem trudno znaleźć recepcję i windę.  Jeden automat przypada na 2,5 mieszkańca LV, więc można zabłądzić 😉 Do tego dochodzą stoły do ruletki i inne stoły. Wydaje mi się, że na jednym zdjęciu uchwyciłam pana podpisującego czek, w dodatku samotnego. Mówią, że w tunelach pod Las Vegas mieszka ok. 1000 osób – nałogowych graczy, którzy stracili w kasynach cały swój majątek.
W kasynach również nie ma zegarów. Udało mi się uchwycić jeden, ale już nie pamiętam, czy to było wewnątrz, czy na zewnątrz.
System monitoringu automatów jest zdumiewający. Na sali stoi ich kilkaset. Gdy zacięła mi się jednodolarówka i nacisnęłam przycisk “pomoc”,  pan z obsługi przybył w 20 sekund. Nic nie musiałam mówić. Otworzył kluczem co trzeba i wyjął banknot.
Chciałabym jeszcze przenieść się na moment do naszego Stratosphere. Hotel w środku ma pomieszanie wszystkiego i nie wygląda jak hotel, tylko centrum handlowe.
Wspominałam o wariactwie, które ma na szczycie.  Hotel jak hotel jest prostopadłościanem, ale wieżę widokową ma wolno stojącą i jest to najwyższa tego typu wieża w USA – 380 m.  Na tę wieżę można wjechać.  Goście zameldowani płacą 5 dolarów, czyli bułka z masłem, reszta 20.  Atrakcje, które są tam dostępne, są już dodatkowo płatne. A są makabryczne!
Jest to karuzela Insanity (widoczna po lewej stronie), której ramię wysuwa się poza obrys wieży i ludzie tam kręcą się nad przepaścią (dzięki Bogu, był szalony wiatr i karuzela była wyłączona, bo bym nie mogła na to patrzeć), wagonik X-scream (widoczny po prawej) – taka zjeżdżalnia, również poza obrys wieży, wjazd do góry Big Shot i spadek w dół oraz skoki w linach SkyJump. Wszystkie te atrakcje możecie zobaczyć na tym filmiku:
Sam widok Las Vegas z góry nie jest porywający, zwłaszcza nocą. To po prostu morze świateł i oprócz tych świateł nic nie widać. Jedynie Strip odznacza się poprzez swoje hotele.
W dzień Las Vegas też nie wygląda dobrze. Taki widok powitał mnie rano w hotelu (przylecieliśmy w nocy):
I tak Las Vegas wygląda.  Miasto budek i dużych przestrzeni.   Są tu parki, pola golfowe, domy kultury, pływalnie  i obiekty sportowe. Są, ale jakby ich nie było. Architektura żadna. Poniżej kilka fotek ze zwyczajnych ulic LV.
To, co było dla mnie najciekawsze w Nevadzie, to sama Nevada. Las Vegas leży w dolinie na pustyni Mojave, a to oznacza  310 dni słonecznych w ciągu roku. Temperatury w ciągu dnia dochodzą do 40 stopni, a może i więcej, skoro w nocy mieliśmy 39. Sucha dolina otoczona przez suche góry. Roślinności w tych górach niewiele.
Zdjęcie powyżej to chyba najbardziej zielony teren, na jaki trafiliśmy – okolice jeziora Mead.
Ten kamienisty krajobraz ma swój urok, wiele tu surowości, niedostępności i majestatycznego piękna.
Właściwie tyle chciałam napisać o Las Vegas. To, co tu widać na każdym kroku, to PIENIĄDZ. Jedyny i wszechmocny bóg w tym mieście. Na pewno jest to miasto jedyne w swoim rodzaju, które szokuje, zadziwia i … męczy. Nie mogłabym tu mieszkać. Nie rozumiem hazardu, drażnią mnie tłumy, wszyscy pracują na jeden rodzaj usług. Świecidełka bawią przez moment. Tu po prostu nie ma co robić. Ale zobaczyć – TAK!
Anna Pisarska-Umańska
  Ameryka: Słodki kicz z Las Vegas Słodki, ale piękny. Taka piękna baśń dla dorosłych. W Las Vegas spędziliśmy pełne dwie, intensywne doby. To znaczy śpiąc tam i traktując miasto  jako punkt wypadowy w okoliczne atrakcje (area 51, zapora Hoovera,
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 2 days
The Fascinating History of Fascinators
Fascinators are a Must-Have Accessory!
In the world of fashion, certain accessories have the power to make a statement and elevate an outfit to new heights. One such accessory is the fascinator. With its intricate designs and whimsical charm, fascinators have become synonymous with elegance and sophistication. Join us as we delve into the history of fascinators, explore the appropriate colors to wear during the day and night, and discover the perfect occasions to showcase this delightful accessory. The Fascinating History of Fascinators: Fascinators have a long and storied history, dating back to the early 19th century in Europe. Originally known as "cockades," these ornamental headpieces were worn by women as a symbol of wealth and status. Over time, they evolved into elaborate creations adorned with feathers, ribbons, flowers, and even small trinkets. Fascinators gained popularity in the 20th century, particularly in the United Kingdom, where they became a staple at formal events like weddings, horse races, and garden parties. Daytime Fascinator Colors: When choosing a fascinator to wear during the day, it is essential to consider the overall ambiance and the outfit you will be wearing. Soft, pastel colors such as blush pink, light blue, mint green, or lavender are excellent choices for daytime events. These colors exude a sense of freshness and femininity, perfectly complementing a springtime or summer ensemble. Opting for neutral tones like beige, ivory, or light grey can also create a sophisticated and understated daytime look. Nighttime Fascinator Colors: For evening events, fascinators can take on a more dramatic and glamorous flair. Deep jewel tones like emerald green, sapphire blue, rich burgundy, or royal purple can add a touch of opulence and elegance to your outfit. Black fascinators are also a classic choice for nighttime events, as they effortlessly blend with any attire while exuding an air of sophistication.
Where to Wear a Fascinator: Fascinators are incredibly versatile accessories that can be worn to a variety of events and occasions. Here are a few occasions where you can showcase your fascinator: 1. Weddings: Fascinators have long been a popular choice for weddings, particularly in the United Kingdom. Whether you are a guest, a member of the bridal party, or even the bride herself, a carefully chosen fascinator can add a touch of glamour and make you stand out on this special day. 2. Race Days: Fascinators and horse racing have a strong association. Many racegoers don fascinators as part of their race day attire, creating a sense of elegance and tradition. 3. Garden Parties: Embrace the whimsical charm of fascinators at garden parties, where you can showcase your creativity and individual style. Floral-inspired fascinators are particularly fitting for these occasions, complementing the lush surroundings. 4. Cocktail Parties: Add a touch of glamour to your cocktail party attire with a sophisticated fascinator. Opt for darker hues and embellishments to create a striking and fashionable look. Fascinators have come a long way since their inception, evolving from simple cockades to intricate and eye-catching headpieces. With their rich history and versatility, fascinators have become a go-to accessory for a range of events. Whether you choose a soft pastel fascinator for a daytime affair or a bold jewel-toned piece for a glamorous evening event, these headpieces are sure to make a lasting impression. So, embrace the elegance and charm of fascinators, and let your personality shine through with this delightful accessory. Here at the La Jolie MLN Boutique we have various styles and colors of Fascinator that fits your theme and budget.
Some of our fav Fascinators
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 10 days
A heartfelt gratitude to all those who generously donated
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who generously donated their gently used formal attire.
Thanks to your kindness, we were able to collect a little over 100 dresses!
Thank you!
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 10 days
Tweeds - not just for winter
Tweeds are gaining popularity for spring and summer!
Check out our tweed dress collection.
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 10 days
The Kentucky Derby: A Fusion of History, Fashion, and Elegance
It's not just the thrilling race that captivates attendees; the Kentucky Derby is also renowned for its glamorous parties and fashionable attire.
“It’s The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports”
As the Kentucky Derby approaches, the excitement is palpable. Known as "The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports," this prestigious horse racing event draws crowds from all over the world. But it's not just the thrilling race that captivates attendees; the Kentucky Derby is also renowned for its glamorous parties and fashionable attire. In this blog, we'll take a brief look at the history of this fabulous event, and then focus on what a lady should wear to a Kentucky Derby party, including the perfect hat and heels.
A Glimpse into History
The Kentucky Derby, first held in 1875, is the oldest continuously run horse race in the United States. It takes place annually on the first Saturday in May at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. The race has a rich history intertwined with tradition, fashion, and a sense of Southern elegance.
Dressing for Elegance
When it comes to dressing for a Kentucky Derby party, ladies have the opportunity to showcase their style and embrace the event's sophistication. Here are some fashion tips to ensure you make a lasting impression:
The Dress: Opt for a chic and feminine dress that exudes elegance. Pastel colors, floral prints, and light fabrics such as lace or chiffon are popular choices. Choose a dress that flatters your figure and makes you feel confident.
The Hat: The hat is the quintessential accessory at the Kentucky Derby. It's a chance to be creative and make a bold statement. Consider wide-brimmed hats adorned with ribbons, feathers, flowers, or even a whimsical design. The hat should complement your outfit and reflect your personal style.
The Heels: Wearing heels can elevate your confidence and make you feel like a leader. Opt for a pair of comfortable yet stylish heels that you can comfortably walk and stand in for extended periods. Wedges or block heels are great options as they provide stability and support, allowing you to enjoy the event without discomfort.
Confidence and Comfort
Regardless of what you choose to wear, the key is to be confident and comfortable. Embrace your own unique style and personality, and let that shine through. Remember, true elegance comes from within, so wear your outfit with pride and grace.
The Kentucky Derby is not just a horse race; it's a celebration of tradition, fashion, and Southern charm. When attending a Kentucky Derby party, ladies have the opportunity to showcase their style and elegance. Choose a dress that flatters your figure, adorn yourself with a stunning hat, and opt for comfortable yet stylish heels. But above all, remember to wear your outfit with confidence and comfort. As you walk into the event, let your presence be felt as a leader in heels, ready to enjoy the excitement and glamour of the Kentucky Derby.
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 10 days
How to Throw a Fabulous Kentucky Derby Party
How to Throw a Fabulous Kentucky Derby Party in Your Backyard
The Kentucky Derby, often called "The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports," is not just a horse race—it's a social event that brings people together to celebrate the thrill of the race, fashion, and Southern hospitality. While attending the Derby in person may not always be possible, you can still capture the spirit of this iconic event by hosting a fabulous Kentucky Derby party in your own backyard. In this blog, we will guide you through the steps to throw an unforgettable Derby party that will leave your guests talking for years to come.
Set the Scene
Transform your backyard into a mini Churchill Downs by creating a festive and elegant atmosphere. Decorate with red roses (the official flower of the Derby), jockey silks, and horseshoes. Set up tables and chairs adorned with checkered tablecloths or elegant linens. Don't forget to display the iconic Twin Spires as a centerpiece.
Dress the Part
Encourage your guests to embrace the Derby's fashion-forward tradition by dressing up in their finest attire. Men can sport seersucker suits, bowties, and fancy hats, while women can wear elegant sundresses and elaborate hats or fascinators. Consider hosting a "Best Dressed" contest to add some excitement to the fashion aspect of the party.
Signature Cocktails
No Kentucky Derby party is complete without the signature drink—the Mint Julep. Serve up this refreshing bourbon-based cocktail in traditional silver julep cups, garnished with fresh mint sprigs and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. For non-alcoholic options, offer a mocktail version or create a refreshing fruit punch.
Southern Fare
Indulge your guests with a delectable spread of Southern cuisine. Serve up classic dishes like fried chicken, shrimp and grits, Kentucky hot browns, and bourbon-glazed ribs. Don't forget to include traditional sides like cornbread, collard greens, and macaroni and cheese. For dessert, offer a selection of pecan pie, bourbon balls, and Derby pie.
Place Your Bets
No Derby party is complete without a little friendly wagering. Set up a betting station where guests can place bets on their favorite horses using play money. Provide a tote board to display the odds, and announce the winners after the race. Offer small prizes for those who correctly predict the winner, place, or show.
Create a lively and engaging atmosphere by providing entertainment for your guests. Set up a live stream of the Kentucky Derby race, ensuring everyone has a clear view of the action. Consider hiring a live band or playing upbeat music that evokes the spirit of the South. You can even organize fun lawn games like horseshoes or cornhole to keep guests entertained throughout the day.
Hosting a Kentucky Derby party in your backyard is a fantastic way to bring the excitement and elegance of this iconic event to your own home. By paying attention to the details, from decor and fashion to food and entertainment, you can create an unforgettable experience for your guests. So, gather your friends and family, don your best attire, and get ready to celebrate the Kentucky Derby in style. Cheers to a fabulous Derby party!
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 10 days
Kentucky Derby Cocktails & Mocktails guide
Are you ready to don your finest hat and indulge in the excitement of the Kentucky Derby?
This prestigious horse race, held annually on the first Saturday in May, is not only a thrilling sporting event but also a celebration of southern charm and hospitality. And what better way to enhance your Derby experience than with a selection of refreshing cocktails and mocktails? Let's dive into our ultimate Kentucky Derby cocktails and mocktails guide.
Classic Mint Julep
No Derby celebration is complete without the iconic Mint Julep. This refreshing bourbon-based cocktail is a timeless favorite. To make a Mint Julep, muddle a few fresh mint leaves with a teaspoon of sugar in a glass. Fill the glass with crushed ice, add two ounces of bourbon, and stir gently. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint and enjoy the cool, minty flavors.
Oaks Lily
The Oaks Lily is the official cocktail of the Kentucky Oaks, a race held the day before the Derby. This vibrant and fruity cocktail is perfect for those who prefer a lighter drink. In a glass filled with ice, combine one part vodka, one part cranberry juice, a splash of triple sec, and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Stir well and garnish with a skewered blackberry and lemon twist.
Derby Rosé
If you're a fan of bubbly, the Derby Rosé is for you. This sparkling cocktail adds a touch of elegance to your Derby festivities. In a champagne flute, pour three ounces of chilled rosé wine. Add a splash of elderflower liqueur and top it off with chilled sparkling water. Garnish with a strawberry slice and a sprig of fresh thyme for a delightful twist.
Bluegrass Lemonade
For a refreshing non-alcoholic option, the Bluegrass Lemonade hits the spot. In a glass filled with ice, combine equal parts lemonade and ginger ale. Add a splash of blueberry syrup for a burst of flavor. Garnish with a lemon wheel and a few fresh blueberries. This mocktail is a crowd-pleaser that both adults and kids can enjoy.
Southern Sweet Tea
No Kentucky Derby gathering would be complete without the classic Southern Sweet Tea. Brew a strong pot of black tea and let it cool. In a glass filled with ice, combine equal parts sweet tea and lemonade. Stir well and garnish with a lemon wedge or a sprig of fresh mint. Sip on this traditional southern favorite as you cheer on your favorite horse.
Remember to enjoy these cocktails and mocktails responsibly, and never drink and drive. The Kentucky Derby is a time for celebration and camaraderie, so gather your friends and loved ones, place your bets, and raise a glass to the thrill of the race.
Whether you choose the timeless Mint Julep, the fruity Oaks Lily, or any other delightful concoction from our guide, these Kentucky Derby cocktails and mocktails are sure to elevate your Derby experience. So sit back, relax, and let the flavors transport you to the heart of the Bluegrass State. Cheers to the fastest two minutes in sports and the joy of the Kentucky Derby!
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 10 days
Confirmation Day is a significant milestone
And as an important and solemn occasion, choosing the right white dress becomes essential…
Confirmation Day is a significant milestone in the lives of many young girls. It is a sacred ceremony in which they publicly affirm their faith and commitment to their religious beliefs. As an important and solemn occasion, choosing the right white dress becomes essential, as it allows the girls to feel modest, comfortable, and beautiful on this special day. In this blog, we will explore the history of confirmation and discuss various dress options available, with a special mention of La Jolie MLN Boutique, where you can find everything you need for this memorable event.
Confirmation, rooted in the Christian tradition, is a sacrament that signifies the strengthening and deepening of one's faith. It is typically administered by a bishop, and the ritual involves the laying on of hands and anointing with holy oil. This ceremony is considered a rite of passage, as it marks a young person's transition into adulthood within their faith community.
The history of confirmation can be traced back to the early Christian church. In the early centuries, baptism and confirmation were often administered together, as a person was initiated into the Christian community. However, as time passed, the two sacraments became distinct. While baptism is seen as the initiation into the Christian faith, confirmation is viewed as a personal affirmation and sealing of one's commitment to that faith.
When it comes to selecting the perfect dress for Confirmation Day, a white dress is traditionally preferred.
The color white symbolizes purity, innocence, and the new life that comes with the reaffirmation of faith. The dress should be modest, reflecting the solemnity of the occasion. It is important to choose a dress that allows the young girls to feel comfortable and confident as they participate in the ceremony.
There are various options available when it comes to white Confirmation dresses. Some popular styles include A-line dresses or sheath dresses. A-line dresses are universally flattering and offer a classic and elegant look. Sheath dresses, on the other hand, provide a sleek and sophisticated silhouette. It is important to consider the girl's personal style and preferences when selecting the dress.
La Jolie MLN Boutique is a one-stop destination for all your Confirmation dress needs.
With our wide range of options, we offer dresses that are both modest and fashionable. From simple and understated designs to more elaborate and embellished styles, La Jolie MLN Boutique ensures that every girl can find a dress that suits her taste and makes her feel beautiful on her special day. With our attention to detail we provide a memorable shopping experience for both the girls and their families.
Confirmation Day holds great significance in the lives of young girls, as they publicly affirm their faith and commitment to their religious beliefs. Choosing the right white dress for this occasion is important, as it allows the girls to feel modest, comfortable, and beautiful. Whether opting for an A-line, fitted dress or sheath dress, the choice should reflect the girl's personal style and preferences. La Jolie MLN Boutique is a trusted boutique that offers a wide range of dress options, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable shopping experience. So, go ahead and find the perfect dress to make your Confirmation Day truly special.
Here are a few whites from our collection…
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 26 days
Graduation day is a significant milestone
Here are some fashion trends that will make you stand out and feel fabulous on your graduation day and party.
Graduation day is a significant milestone in a high school girl's life, and it's only natural to want to look your best for this special occasion. From the graduation ceremony to the after-party, here are some fashion trends that will make you stand out and feel fabulous on your graduation day and party.
Floral Dresses
Floral dresses are a popular choice for graduation day and parties. They are feminine, stylish, and perfect for a spring or summer graduation. Opt for a flowy maxi dress with a floral print or a knee-length dress with delicate flower details. Pair it with strappy sandals or wedges and accessorize with a statement necklace or earrings to complete the look.
Two-Piece Sets
Two-piece sets are all the rage right now, and they are a great option for a trendy and modern graduation outfit. Choose a matching set with a crop top and a high-waisted skirt or pants. Look for sets in bold colors, fun patterns, or elegant textures like lace or satin. This ensemble is not only fashionable but also versatile, as you can mix and match the pieces with other items in your wardrobe. Rising Sun Floral Chiffon Ruffled Surplice Cami Top
Jumpsuits are a chic and sophisticated choice for graduation day and parties. They are comfortable to wear and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Opt for a tailored jumpsuit in a solid color like black, navy, or pastel shades. Add a belt to cinch in the waist for a more defined silhouette. Pair it with heels or dressy flats, and accessorize with statement earrings or a clutch to complete the look.
White Dress
A white dress exudes a classic and timeless appeal. Opt for a simple silhouette that flatters your body shape and enhances your natural beauty. A fitted sheath dress or an A-line silhouette can be both flattering and elegant choices for graduation.
Neckline and Sleeve Options
The neckline and sleeve design of your dress can greatly impact its overall look. A classic V-neck or sweetheart neckline can be flattering and feminine, while a high neckline or halter style can add a modern and sophisticated touch. Similarly, choose sleeve options that suit your personal style, such as cap sleeves, short sleeves, or even sleeveless for a more contemporary look.
Statement Accessories
Don't underestimate the power of accessories to elevate your graduation outfit. Add a statement necklace, a stack of bracelets, or a bold pair of earrings to make a fashion statement. Choose accessories that complement your outfit and reflect your personal style. Remember, it's all about expressing yourself and feeling confident in what you're wearing.
Comfortable Shoes
Graduation day and parties can involve a lot of walking and dancing, so it's important to choose comfortable shoes. Opt for heels or wedges with a lower heel height or choose stylish flats or sandals that you can comfortably wear all day and night. Consider bringing a pair of foldable flats in your bag for when your feet need a break. Remember, the most important thing is to feel confident and comfortable in what you're wearing. Choose an outfit that reflects your personal style and makes you feel like the best version of yourself. Whether you opt for a floral dress, a two-piece set, a jumpsuit, a sequin or metallic dress, or a combination of these trends, make sure it's something that you love and feel great in. Celebrate your achievements in style and enjoy your graduation day and party to the fullest!
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 month
Hot Makeup and Hair Trends
Stay on Top of Your Beauty Game
The world of beauty is constantly evolving, with new makeup and hair trends emerging each season. If you want to stay on top of your beauty game and experiment with the latest looks, this blog is for you. We'll explore some of the hottest makeup and hair trends that you should try out to elevate your style.
Graphic Eyeliner
Forget about traditional winged eyeliner – graphic eyeliner is taking over the beauty scene. This trend involves creating bold and artistic shapes with your eyeliner, such as floating creases, double lines, or geometric designs. It's a fun and playful way to amp up your eye makeup and make a statement.
Dewy Skin
Achieving a natural, dewy complexion is the goal for many beauty enthusiasts. Instead of a heavy matte finish, opt for lightweight foundations or tinted moisturizers that give your skin a healthy glow. Highlight your cheekbones, brow bone, and the bridge of your nose with a luminous highlighter for that radiant, lit-from-within look.
Monochromatic Makeup
The monochromatic makeup trend is all about using similar shades of color on your eyes, cheeks, and lips to create a harmonious and cohesive look. For example, if you're going for a rosy look, use shades of pink on your eyes, cheeks, and lips. This trend is easy to achieve and gives a fresh, modern vibe to your makeup.
Glossy Lips
Say goodbye to matte lipsticks and hello to glossy lips. Glossy lips are making a comeback, giving your pout a juicy and plump appearance. Opt for clear gloss for a natural look or experiment with colored glosses for a fun pop of shine. It's a versatile trend that works for both daytime and evening looks.
Textured Hair
Embrace your natural hair texture and experiment with different hairstyles that showcase your curls, waves, or coils. Textured hair is all about celebrating the uniqueness and beauty of your natural hair. Try out styles like twist-outs, braid-outs, or wash-and-go looks to enhance your hair's natural texture and volume.
Hair Accessories
Hair accessories are having a major moment in the beauty world. From embellished hair clips to colorful headbands, there are endless options to accessorize your hair and elevate your style. Play around with different accessories that match your outfit or make a statement on their own.
Colorful Eyeshadow
Bold and vibrant eyeshadow shades are taking center stage. Experiment with bright blues, greens, purples, or even neon shades to create eye-catching looks. Whether you prefer a soft wash of color or a bold and dramatic look, colorful eyeshadow is a trend that allows you to express your creativity and individuality.
Feathered Brows
Defined and structured eyebrows are giving way to a more natural and feathery look. Brush your brows upward and fill in any sparse areas with a brow pencil or powder to achieve the feathered effect. This trend adds a soft and youthful touch to your overall makeup look.
Remember, makeup and hair trends are meant to inspire and empower you to try new looks.
Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and experiment with different styles that make you feel confident and beautiful. Whether you're attending a special event or just want to elevate your everyday look, these hot makeup and hair trends will help you stay on top of your beauty game. So go ahead, have fun, and embrace your unique style!
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 month
Embrace Elegance: The Popularity of Corset Prom Dresses
In this blog, we will delve into the history of corset dresses, explore who looks good in them, and discover why you should consider wearing one this prom season.
As prom season approaches, it's time to start exploring fashion trends that will make you stand out on your special night. One style that has captured the attention of fashion enthusiasts is the corset prom dress. With its timeless elegance and flattering silhouette, the corset dress has become increasingly popular for the 2024 prom season. In this blog, we will delve into the history of corset dresses, explore who looks good in them, and discover why you should consider wearing one this prom season.
The History of Corset Dresses: Corset dresses have a rich history that dates back centuries. The corset itself was originally designed as a garment to shape and support the female figure, dating as far back as the 16th century. It was worn underneath clothing to create an hourglass shape by cinching the waist and accentuating the curves. Over time, corsets evolved into standalone dresses, combining functionality with style. Corset Dresses: A Flattering Silhouette for All: One of the reasons why corset dresses have stood the test of time is their ability to flatter a wide range of body types. The structured bodice of a corset dress provides support and creates a defined waistline, enhancing the natural curves of the wearer. Whether you have an hourglass figure, a pear shape, or a straight body type, a corset dress can accentuate your best features and create a stunning silhouette. The corset dress is particularly well-suited for those who want to emphasize an hourglass shape. By cinching in the waist, the corset creates the illusion of a smaller waistline and accentuates the curves of the bust and hips. This style is ideal for those who want to celebrate their femininity and showcase their curves. Why Wear a Corset Prom Dress This Season? Timeless Elegance: Corset dresses exude a timeless elegance that is sure to make a statement at your prom. The combination of a structured bodice and a flowing skirt creates a romantic and ethereal look that is both glamorous and sophisticated. Versatility: Corset dresses come in various styles, lengths, and fabrics, allowing you to find the perfect dress that suits your personal style and taste. Whether you prefer a ball gown, a mermaid silhouette, or a chic A-line dress, there is a corset prom dress that will make you feel confident and beautiful. Confidence Boosting: The corset's ability to enhance and flatter your figure can give you a confidence boost like no other. When you feel comfortable and confident in your dress, it will radiate through your entire presence, making you the belle of the prom. Stand Out from the Crowd: While many prom dresses follow similar trends, a corset dress adds a touch of uniqueness and individuality to your look. With its classic appeal and eye-catching silhouette, a corset prom dress will ensure that you stand out from the crowd and make a memorable impression. Corset prom dresses have withstood the test of time for a reason. Their history, flattering silhouette, and timeless elegance make them a popular choice for prom season in 2024. Whether you have an hourglass figure or want to create the illusion of curves, a corset dress can enhance your natural beauty and make you feel like a true prom queen. So, why not embrace the elegance of a corset prom dress this season? Step into the history of fashion, celebrate your unique beauty, and make a statement that will leave a lasting impression on your prom night. With a corset dress, you can confidently dance the night away, knowing that you look and feel absolutely stunning.
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 month
Feathers: Adding Whimsy and Playfulness to Prom Dresses
In this blog post, we will explore the best color dress to pair with feathers and discuss why formal dresses that include feathers are so popular.
When it comes to prom dresses, there are countless trends to choose from. However, for those who love a touch of whimsy and playfulness, feathers are the trend to watch! From delicate accents to full feathered skirts, these dresses make a statement and are sure to turn heads on the dance floor. In this blog post, we will explore the best color dress to pair with feathers and discuss why formal dresses that include feathers are so popular.
The Best Color Dress with Feathers: When it comes to choosing the best color dress to pair with feathers, it ultimately depends on personal preference and the desired look. Here are a few options to consider: Classic Black: A black dress with feathers creates a dramatic and elegant look. It allows the feathers to take center stage and adds a touch of sophistication to the overall ensemble. Pair it with bold accessories or metallic accents for a show-stopping appearance.
Vibrant Red: For a bold and fiery look, a red dress with feathers is an excellent choice. The combination of feathers and the vibrant hue creates a striking and glamorous effect. Red is a color that exudes confidence and is sure to make a memorable impression.
Soft Pastels: Soft pastel colors, such as blush pink, mint green, or powder blue, can create a dreamy and ethereal look when paired with feathers. These colors add a romantic touch and complement the delicate nature of the feathers. Opt for subtle makeup and accessories to enhance the overall softness of the ensemble.
Metallic Tones: Dresses in metallic tones, such as silver, gold, or rose gold, add a touch of glamour and opulence to feathers. The shimmering effect of metallic fabrics enhances the texture and movement of the feathers, creating a captivating visual appeal. Pair it with minimalistic accessories to let the dress shine.
Why Are Formal Dresses with Feathers Popular? Formal dresses that include feathers have gained popularity for several reasons: Unique and Eye-Catching: Feathers add a unique texture and dimension to dresses, making them stand out in a sea of traditional prom dresses. They instantly grab attention and create a sense of intrigue and playfulness. Versatility: Feathers can be incorporated into various styles and silhouettes, from A-line to mermaid, allowing for a wide range of options. Whether used as a subtle trim or as a bold statement, feathers can be adapted to suit different personal styles and preferences. Movement and Drama: Feathers have a natural fluidity and movement, which adds a sense of drama and elegance to any dress. As the wearer moves, the feathers gracefully sway, creating a captivating visual display on the dance floor. Expressing Individuality: Prom is a special occasion where individuals can express their unique personalities through their attire. Formal dresses with feathers allow for self-expression and offer a whimsical and playful element that sets them apart from the crowd. Feathers have become a popular trend in prom dresses due to their ability to add whimsy, playfulness, and a touch of drama to any ensemble. The best color dress to pair with feathers depends on personal style and desired aesthetic. Whether you opt for classic black, vibrant red, soft pastels, or metallic tones, feathers are sure to create a memorable and eye-catching look. So, embrace your creativity and let feathers take your prom dress to new heights of elegance and charm!
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 month
Daisy of La Jolie MLN - featured in The Living Magazine
Meet Daisy Malek-Shadid An article in the Downers Grove “The Living Magazine” written by By Nicky Steinberg
It is important to La Jolie MLN to give back to the community, to women who don’t have the same opportunity as others.
If you or somebody you know can’t afford a prom dress, please contact us by emailing [email protected]  or call the boutique (630) 359-4226.
Shop Our Prom Collection
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 month
An American Tradition: The High School Prom and Its Fashion Evolution
The high school prom is an iconic event that holds a special place in the hearts of many American teenagers.
The high school prom is an iconic event that holds a special place in the hearts of many American teenagers. It is a night filled with excitement, glamour, and memories that last a lifetime. In this blog, we will delve into the history of the high school prom, exploring its origins, cultural significance, and the evolving fashion trends that have shaped this important dance.
A Glimpse into the Past
The concept of prom can be traced back to the early 20th century, when it emerged as a formal event held for graduating seniors. Initially, proms were simple affairs, usually held in school gymnasiums or community centers. The focus was on socializing, dancing, and bidding farewell to the graduating class. However, it was in the 1950s that the high school prom truly started to gain popularity and evolve into the extravagant event we know today. With the influence of Hollywood movies and the rise of the teenage culture, proms became more elaborate, mirroring the glamorous world of celebrities and high society.
The Cultural Significance
The high school prom holds deep cultural significance in American society. For many teenagers, it is seen as a rite of passage, symbolizing the transition from adolescence to adulthood. It is a night when students come together to celebrate their achievements, create memories, and bid farewell to their high school years.
The Prom Fashion Evolution
One of the most exciting aspects of the high school prom is undoubtedly the fashion. Over the years, prom fashion has undergone significant transformations, reflecting the changing trends and styles of each era.
The Classic Elegance of the 1950s
In the 1950s, prom fashion was characterized by classic elegance and femininity. Girls opted for full-skirted dresses with cinched waists, often adorned with lace, bows, and pearls. Boys wore formal suits with bow ties, channeling the suave charm of Hollywood heartthrobs like James Dean.
The Flower Power of the 1960s and 1970s
The 1960s and 1970s brought a shift in prom fashion, reflecting the social changes and countercultural movements of the era. Girls embraced the flower power trend, opting for flowing, bohemian-inspired dresses with vibrant prints and bell sleeves. Boys embraced colorful, wide-lapel suits, embracing the spirit of individuality and self-expression.
The Glitz and Glam of the 1980s
The 1980s marked a decade of excess and opulence, and prom fashion was no exception. Girls embraced bold, voluminous styles, with poufy sleeves, ruffles, and sequins. Boys sported oversized tuxedos with padded shoulders and flashy accessories, embracing the "power dressing" trend of the era.
The Modern Era
In recent years, prom fashion has become more diverse and eclectic, with trends influenced by red carpet events, social media, and celebrity culture. Girls have embraced a wide range of styles, from sleek and minimalist gowns to mermaid-style dresses with intricate beading. Boys have experimented with unconventional colors, slim-fit suits, and stylish accessories, embracing a more fashion-forward approach. The high school prom is a cherished tradition that has evolved over time, reflecting the changing cultural landscape and fashion trends. From its humble beginnings to its current extravagant form, the prom holds a special place in the hearts of American teenagers. It is a night of celebration, friendship, and self-expression, where fashion plays a pivotal role in creating unforgettable memories. As each generation embraces their unique style, the high school prom continues to evolve, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of those who experience it.
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 month
The Significance and History of Prom King and Queen
Prom night, a cherished tradition in high schools around the world, is a memorable event that marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.
Prom night, a cherished tradition in high schools around the world, is a memorable event that marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. Among the many traditions associated with prom, the crowning of the Prom King and Queen holds a special place. In this blog, we will explore the significance of Prom King and Queen and delve into the fascinating history behind this beloved tradition.
The Significance of Prom King and Queen
The Prom King and Queen are considered the epitome of popularity and represent the ideals of the student body. Being crowned as Prom King or Queen is a moment of recognition and celebration, as it acknowledges the individuals' charisma, leadership skills, and positive influence within the school community. It is a way for the student body to honor their peers and create lasting memories. The Prom King and Queen also play a vital role in fostering school spirit and unity. Their presence adds a touch of royalty to the prom, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation. They often lead the traditional first dance, symbolizing the start of the festivities and setting the tone for the evening. The Prom King and Queen serve as ambassadors of their school, representing the student body with pride and grace.
The History of Prom King and Queen
The tradition of crowning a Prom King and Queen dates back to the early 20th century in the United States. The concept was inspired by the European tradition of crowning a king and queen during formal events and social gatherings. It gained popularity in American high schools in the 1930s and has since become an integral part of prom culture. Initially, the Prom King and Queen were selected based solely on the votes of their classmates. However, over time, schools began to incorporate additional criteria, such as academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and community service. This shift aimed to recognize not only popularity but also leadership qualities and contributions to the school community. The process of selecting the Prom King and Queen varies from school to school. Some schools hold elections, where students cast their votes for their preferred candidates. Others employ a nomination system, where students nominate their peers, and a panel of teachers or administrators selects the winners based on a set of criteria. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on inclusivity and diversity in the selection process. Schools have introduced gender-neutral categories, allowing students of all gender identities to participate and be recognized. This change reflects the evolving nature of prom culture and the importance of creating an inclusive and accepting environment for all students. The tradition of crowning a Prom King and Queen adds an element of excitement and anticipation to the prom experience. It serves as a way to honor the most influential and respected individuals within the student body while fostering school spirit and unity. The history of Prom King and Queen dates back several decades, evolving alongside societal changes and embracing inclusivity. As high school students prepare for prom night, the crowning of the Prom King and Queen will continue to be an eagerly anticipated moment. It symbolizes the culmination of their high school journey and the beginning of a new chapter. Regardless of the selection process or criteria, the significance of Prom King and Queen lies in the celebration of the unique qualities and contributions of each individual, making prom night a truly memorable and cherished event for all.
Shop from our “Prom Queen” collection…
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories. We cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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