#kylian mbappe fanficton
charlotte3eee · 1 year
Something cute with Kylian where he’s at training and reader texts him to let him know she’s sick and can’t sleep so he gets out of training and comes back home to find her in bed all tired so he asks her if she wanted to have her back tickled so he tickles her back until she falls asleep🤍
pairing : kylian mbappe x female reader
Sick day
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summary : y/n wakes up not feeling the best, when her boyfriend kylian mbappe comes to the rescue.
warning : vomiting?
a/n : so happy that i’m getting all new requests keep ‘em coming! i actually kinda proof read it and damn, it makes a difference. when i tell you i bawled over nothing 😭 half of this story got deleted and i couldn’t get it bcak do i had to re write it but it took me FOREVER because i couldn’t sit still or whatever and write anyways enjoy!!!!
I turn to my left to feel for Kylian who is usually snuggled in bed right next to me. I groan feeling nothing. I sit up to look around the room when all of a sudden I feel a pit coming up my throat.
I ripped the covers off of me and run to the bathroom. I knelt at the toilet where I started throwing up. With my left hand on the toilet, I used my right, to put my hair up in a mischief ponytail.
“Only if Kylian was here,” I say in between my continuous puking. He would always help me during these times, being there holding my hair, rubbing my back telling me it was all gonna be alright.
He would carry me back into bed bridal style, tuck me in with a heating pad on my belly, and get me anything I needed. Unfortunately he wasn’t here to do that. After I feel like im settled, I get up flush the toilet and walk over to the sink.
I pick up my toothbrush and add a fat glob of toothpaste and begin brushing. Once finished cleaning my teeth, I grab the empty cup next to my sink fill it up with water and rinse my mouth.
After being so focused on my stomach pain, I hadn’t realized my screaming headache. Back into our bedroom, I grab the doorknob to head to the kitchen. After what felt like a long walk down the hall I made it. I dug through the medicine cabinet to find some painkillers.
I eventually found some Advil, I opened the lid and grabbed two capsules. Walking over to the fridge I found some Gatorade. I threw the Advil in my mouth and took a tiny sip of the Gatorade to down it with. Being careful not to drink too much liquid to avoid throwing up again.
I grab the Gatorade and head back down to the bedroom. I set the bottle down and pick up my phone still on the charger. I rub my eyes reading the clock. “Only 8:14?” I say. “That means Kylian only left a few minutes ago.” Every other day Kylian had training from 8:00 - 10:30.
I sigh placing my phone back down on the nightstand. “I’m so tired,” I say to myself. I decide to take a nap knowing this most definitely will make me feel better. I move the covers away and grab a throw blanket.
All this running around made me hot. I turn to my left side and grab one of Kylian's pillows to prop my head up. I also grab my teddy bear Kylian brought me on our first date. Kylian told me this is what I can snuggle with if I miss him, or need something that just smells like him. I adjust myself one more time before shutting my eyes.
“Ugh, what the fuck!” It has felt like an eternity lying down in this bed. No matter what position I was in or how many times I moved the pillow, there was no way I was falling back asleep.
I honestly don’t know why I seriously could not fall back asleep but it was getting to me. Still facing Kylians side I turn over groaning picking my phone up. 9:31, I slap my hand over my forehead. “I’ve been laying here for 45 minutes exactly!” I say.
You know that feeling when you’re in bed tired, thinking you can fall asleep but can’t? Yea, that’s this feeling and it’s the worst. Having no other option you opened your phone and texted the only person who could help you.
Y/n: hi my baby I feel so terrible, I threw up a few times and can't fall back asleep. can u pls come home and snuggle me? :(
After sending the text, you slam your phone back down and slither under the blanket and covers. Hoping Kylian would show up and snuggle you back to sleep.
At Camp des Loges all the players were in the gym, Kylian was on the exercise bike chatting away with Marquinhos until he felt a buzz coming from his phone. He opened his phone and looked at the message. “Ugh my poor baby,” Kylian said to himself.
Kylian said goodbye to Marquinhos and grabbed his duffel bag. He changed back into his clothes and called his driver. He spoke to his coach letting him know he has to leave early and was on his way. In the car, Kylian sent a few messages back.
Kylian: my poor angel 🙁
Kylian: I’m on my way baby ❤️
Kylian: bébé are you ok 🥺?
You not replying back to his messages, scared him to death. Kylian felt like he had this responsibility to always take care of you.
Whenever you needed to cry into someone’s arms it would be his. If you needed someone’s advice or just to talk to someone, it would be him. Or if you are hurt or sick. But what made your relationship so much better wasn’t just him doing it. You were the total same back. After the World Cup, he was a total mess, but you would always be there for him or whatever he needed.
Opening the front door kylian kicked off his shoes, placed down his duffel bag and a bag full of crackers, Gatorade, Dayquil, Nightquil, etc. He slowly made his way down the hall. “Amour?” he said when opened your bedroom door.
You felt like you couldn’t move you were so tired, you moaned and groaned reaching your arms out for him. He immediately walked over to your side and felt your head. “Baby you're super hot!” he said in a worried tone. He ran to get a wet cloth to put on your head.
He went for his side of the bed and hopped in behind you. “Baby girl, do you want me to tickle your back?” “I know how much-.” He didn’t get to finish his sentence before you interrupted. “God yes please baby.” He lifted your oversized shirt and threw it somewhere on the ground. Now leaving you in your panties.
He slowly made gentle tickles on your back. You moaned in relief feeling a wave of stress, sickness leave your body. Kylian continued to tickle your smooth back, you finally were able to catch some 💤 . This made him a little worried at first when you didn’t respond.
“Does it feel good baby girl?” He whispered. hearing no answer he slowly looked over to your face seeing you were sound asleep. Kylians feeling prouder than ever kissed your shoulder and moved up closer to you sneaking an arm around your waist. Kylian and you now getting the nap you both deserved.
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