#kushimaru x jinpachi
kushimarutentacles · 2 years
kushimaru x jinpachi 
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ofrolysdogs · 4 years
HUGE HEADCANON & seven swordsman childhoods :0
bruh i have this REALLY huge idea, i really want to animate it but i have little 2 no experience with animation (i can draw tho thats like the least i can do) and i watched the S2 Glitchtale series and it gave me such a huge inspiration for something!!! (warning this post is *very* long)
so the seven ninja swordsmen weren't always ruthless, matter of fact, they were never ruthless, they were only trying to protect kirigakure from enemies, the reason why it started was because during the 1st mizukage's reign there was a huge human trafficking rumor going around which turned out to be true, enemy villages were kidnapping children from kiri & the seven ninja swordsman was formed, throughtout the years the seven ninja swordsman were labled as this ruthless group of people who killed just because they wanted to & that wasn't the case.
the swords have a mind of their own much like samehada and in most cases the blade's souls would take over their weilder and have them do ruthless & heartless shit.
the last generation (y'know ameyuri ringo mangetsu hozuki and those guys) were the best at keeping a distance between the swords souls & themselves, making them the strongest generation ever, but, why were they so ruthless during the 4th great ninja war?
kabuto had the help of a friend who terroized many of the last generation when they were younger (especially kushimaru for one sole reason: his power), and had extracted their original souls in replacement of the blade's souls.
during their lifetime, they were all branded as ruthless, heartless, coldblooded thugs outside of the village, but in kiri, they were known as heros, loving, and protective over their village, the fourth mizukage was not always ruthless, when obito had placed him under genjutsu and controlled him, thats when the "bloody mist era" began.
ameyuri ringo worked as a scientist alongside her lover, ace (an oc of mine :3) and specialized in lightning style which she had no effort in, her mother & father, alongside her elder brother had died around the end of the 2nd shinobi war, now homeless without a family, she was adopted and raised by them, a pretty decent childhood, she was playful & confident, can get a bit too overconfident at times but still, she was loved by everyone around her, ameyuri eventually met ace, and the two of them fell in love, as they were scientists, the two were responsible for the electricity in the mist, ameyuri was then drafted to fight in the third great ninja war, killing over 100 chunin and 50 jonin after kiba, her blade, had taken over her soul completely, ameyuri knew how to control kiba's soul, but kiba found other ways to take over ameyuri, eventually with the help of ace & kushimaru, ameyuri was finally feeling better, but was fatally ill, and soon, passed.
kushimaru kuriarare, being apart of this clan as the most strongest of all, despite having ptsd & major anxiety, still tried his best to make his life better after his traumatizing childhood, his clan was slaughtered at the hands of a shimogakure shinobi named mujōna which will later then start the war between kirigakure and shimogakure, in haunt for his soul, as it possessed an inhumane amount of dark chakra passed down by his mother, mujōna had created a sensei for him, which in turn had abused him constantly, his sensei and mujōna worked together to "power" him, having him tied down being bit by venomous spiders which gave him a huge amount of arachnophobia later, over the years he was staying with jinpachi's parents, and the two future swordsmen will later become like brothers, the two moved in together and kushimaru then later had a child out of wedlock which turned him into a single father, with the help of jinpachi, the two of them worked together to raise the child (don't judge me this is my favorite ship) in a household where there is no conflict & hatred. the third great ninja war had started and kushimaru was on the battlefield, while fighting might dai who was in his 8th gate form, kushimaru had a dark chakra sealed inside of him, whilst loosing control and also loosing control over nuibari's soul, inserting inside of kushimaru's body, he became a monster and killed everyone in his path, including jinpachi & jinin were were also fighting against might dai, kushimaru survived but was terribly injured, and for the rest of his life spent in a hospital bed, dying peacefully.
jinin akebino was known as a hero fighting in the 2nd shinobi war as a teen, deadly on the battlefield and showed no mercy, never letting kabutowari's soul take over him, a brave young man with a heart of steel. after the war had ended, he decided to settle down and become an academy teacher for a short period, while also taking care of his son & sick wife who was fatally ill with lung cancer, after his wife had died, he was now a single father taking care of his now 13 year old son, training him to become like him someday, his son grew older and eventually moved a new path, jinin now teaches young chunin how to control their jutsus and looks after the other swordsman on his team, the third great ninja war starts & jinin is fighting against might dai, noticing one of his teammates lost control of his soul in the process, being killed before might dai even makes a move on him
mangetsu was raised by the sea alongside his younger brother, the goddess of the sea had taken the young boys as her own after their parents had died in the 2nd war, they were then trained to fight to become one of the seven ninja swordsman, suigetsu had accidentally let his blade's soul take over his body, which had stayed attatched to him for the majority of his life, mangetsu on the other hand, had learned how to control his emotions and not let the sword's soul take over him, but mangetsu wasn't satisfied, he wanted to weild all 7 blades, in which he almost died while doing so, since the last person who wanted to weild all 7 swords had died in the process, while he tried to use shibuki, it would blow up out of nowhere, even when he wasn't even using it to train or fight, nuibari's wire would cut him deep & the other swords would even try to attack him on his own, hiramekarei (well, one half) was the only sword that didn't have an evil soul, which he kept by his side, eventually he got the ability to weild all 7 swords which also in the end, costed him his life.
[ im thinking of more headcanons soon so this is part 1 for now. ]
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misttiddies · 2 years
everyone in kiri gender headcanons (i was just going to do the swordsmen but why stop there this is MY trans kiri blog)
edit if i don’t like a character they just don’t get a headcanon
ameyuri- transfem genderfluid. collector of pronouns but goes through periods of preferring not using pronouns at all jinpachi- trans man. he likes feminine aesthetics though and wears about as many masculine outfits as he does feminine ones kushimaru- agender. learned what a cryptid was and was like oh i want to be that jinin- trans man. i don’t know how but in my head i’ve kind of assigned him the team dad role and though he doesn’t really give me trans vibes i can’t. make a dad archetype cis for my own mental health mangetsu- transmasc genderfluid. one of the first jokes suigetsu made as a kid was ‘if you’re my sibling but we’re made of water does that mean we’re sip-lings?’ cue them both laughing about it for a concerning amount of time and mangetsu telling every other swordsman about it suigetsu- his gender is an ongoing existential crisis. for the entirety of the time mangetsu was alive he considered himself a boy, and then he was in a tube for four years and had time to consider some things. he’s like, introduced to non-kiri gender rules, decides wow gender is bullshit, but also isn’t comfortable being called things that aren’t he/him. if you ask him he’ll shrug
kisame- trans guy! i had a lot of things to say about him once upon a time but now i’ve forgotten all of it fhfjgkfngg other than that i don’t hc a lot of characters as being dysphoric, because of my hcs for how gender roles are in the nart universe, but him i do. poor shark. zabuza- trans guy also. he fled from kiri after his failed coup and went time to get top surgery now i guess. haku- gender nonconforming trans boy of course! this is the closest to being canon of any naruto character other than the obvious. raiga- raiga is cis. again only as cis as someone from a city that left behind mainland gender roles behind decades before his time can be, but he hasn’t thought about his gender other than hm i guess he him pronouns are fine. im a man? and then proceeded to not care for the rest of his life ranmaru- i can see him being a lot of things?? im going to go with nonbinary but if you have other thoughts i’d be happy to hear em. i can see like, raiga saying something offhandedly like “growing boys need to eat!” and ranmaru, who has only ever been referred to as a child, goes ??? growing what now juzo- gnc demiboy. he hasn’t given as much thought to gender as a lot of the people in this post, he’s like refer to me as whatever but it doesn’t really sit right with him to be referred to with feminine terms
kage (and associates)
gengetsu- polygender gengetsu x agender mu 20k word fanfiction yagura- someone said he was the only cis jinchuriki and that is so funny that now it’s the only hc i can have for him mei- trans woman u saw this coming ao- cis. doesnt think down with cis is a funny joke so mei and chojuro made down with cis shirts and reference it constantly chojuro- either trans man or demiboy. he wears his binder outside of his sweater for some reason
kimimaro- nonbinary. in a kimi lives au haku and them wear cute outfits together ;w; utakata- i actually have nothing for him, i never watched any of the episodes he was in, but i didn’t want anyone thinking i forgot him.
i thought i had the energy to do the next gen guys today but i don’t, so we’ll try later :p
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kushimarutentacles · 2 years
the desire to make this blog’s url real and draw octopus or perhaps eldritch being kushimaru x human jinpachi is strong however im going thru an art slump rn and also idk how that kind of situation would work...visually... if anyone has an idea they think they can communicate to me please let me know! i’ll get on it whenever i can draw for more than ten minutes at the time 
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ofrolysdogs · 4 years
Jinpachi: Noooooooo you can't use the needle as a blade 🤬
Kushimaru: haha needle go brrrr
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