#knowing your girlfriend/wife will eventually need to get pregnant by another dude sounds like a mindfuck
multishipper-baby · 1 year
Thinking about my whole "DRV3 but the students really are the Adam and Eve's of the new world" AU again.
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ramimami-blog · 5 years
Snowball Fight (Eternally Yours pt. 2)
Shortly after the events on camera, Josh and Miyuki join his family at the lodge and instead of piling up in his bedroom, the rush of winter calls to their hearts. Miyuki has a few questions for him about the future... and, he has one too.
A/n: No actual smut, just a bunch of fluff and romance. 
Warnings: If you don’t like fluff or romantic evenings hurling snowballs with the one you love, you won’t like this. 
Word count: 1,602k
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Snow covered the area with its grace, and it was a beauty unrivaled in the world. The purity of the snow as the sun set over the horizon had a calming effect on almost everyone that could witness such a gorgeous event. 
But the snow was now muddied up with boot prints, the calming silence over the lodge yards were now filled to the brim with giggles and laughs, the occasional ‘off,’ and yelps of happiness. 
“Hey asshat! Ya missed me!” Miyuki yelled out from behind a tree, her small frame hidden almost in totality by the mighty oak. Her hot pink vest and yellow flannel were a contrast to the groggy grey and white landscape in front of them, and Josh still had tunnel vision for her.
Out of love, yes, but also out of revenge. Miyuki Ishida had started this war, Joshua Washington was going to end it. Smirking, he began to creep around, closer and closer to the tree, but the crunch of the snow under his boots was giving him away. 
Immediately, Miyuki bolted out from behind the tree, launching the snowball in her gloved hands towards the taller male with a loud laugh. Josh took the snowball to his chest, causing him to grunt happily before tossing his own ball of heaven at the woman he loved, hitting her right in the shoulder as she turned to run. 
“Hey not fair I was aiming for your big ass!” “It’s not even that big!” “It is from where I’ve seen it!”
Miyuki turned around, squatting to scoop up some snow, Josh took the opportunity and lunged for her, tackling the small woman the rest of the way to the ground, grappling with her arms for a moment before successfully pinning them to her sides. 
“Personal foul! I can’t believe you did this, this was a friendly game!” Miyuki cried out.  “Aaand that was an Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference, wasn’t it?” Miyuki shrugged. “I like the milkshake, he reminds me of you.” “Oh no pornstar, I’m absolutely Frylock. With my, what did you call them? Deeply electrifying eyes?” Josh blinked a few times, trying to tease her for her word choices from the previous night.
Her giggles got louder as she wiggled against his grip, eventually getting free as the male held himself up over her lithe form in the snow. Miyuki moved her arms to rest around his shoulders, pulling him down for a hard kiss, popping their lips together with a purr. 
Josh returned the kiss, adding in a few more, never able to get enough of those lips against his. She always tasted like happiness, cherries, and sometimes she tasted like him... he loved tasting himself on those cute little lips.
The giggles and kisses stopped, the couple now staring back at each other, laying there in the abyss of snow and trees as it peppered around them, the gentle snowflakes falling along Josh’s back as if he was shielding her from it. Her protector, her sanity. 
“Josh?” “Yes, Mika Tan?” “Ugh... don’t call me that!... Asa Akira is superior.”  “Hell yeah she is... but seriously, what?” Miyuki sighed softly, preparing her words carefully. “I love you a lot. You know that, right?” “I think you’ve proved that in many ways...” Josh teased, giving her a gentle grin. “I’m trying to be serious here, stop being a perv!”
Josh began laughing, his arms moving to wrap around her gently, before he started to stand up, lifting his girlfriend to her feet before letting go. Miyuki promptly grabbed onto his hand, lacing their fingers together as they began to walk. 
“Should I go on the pill now? I mean, I meant what I said...” 
Josh looked over at her, realizing where the conversation was going, and he became a ball of nerves. He wasn’t good at this, he didn’t think they would ever actually rip through a condom, and he damn sure didn’t expect her to say they didn’t need them anymore... even if pregnancy was a risk. 
“Thought you couldn’t. Blood clots or... whatever...” Another sigh left her lips, leaving a small plume of breath smoke in front of her face. “I’ve only had one blood clot.”  “Wait, what?! You’ve actually had one?! Dude I thought you were just being paranoid!” Josh stopped walking, pulling her arm gently so she could face him. “Then fuck no, you’re not going on the pill... I’ll pull out. Plus, call me nuts, but I’d rather have a baby than a dead girlfriend.” “Seriously?” “Of course I don’t want you dead! What the fuck kind of question...” “So you do want kids one day?...” Miyuki swallowed. Josh froze again, his eyes looking up over her head at the snow for a moment. “I... I mean...”
The thought had never come across his mind before if he wanted kids or not. The couple were still in college, and in all honesty, his grades were not the best... not that he would tell her that. Josh hated making Miyuki worry about him, the knot in his gut just thinking about it threatened to make him gag and purge right in front of her. 
Miyuki’s head tilted up at him, watching his face, his reactions. There was no wrong answer for her, in fact if he didn’t want children... she would be fine with it, no matter how much she wanted to have a gorgeous little piece of their love running around. If Josh wasn’t willing to be a father, the couple would have to find ways around making it happen.
“You’re not pregnant from the condom fail, are you?” Miyuki shook her head. “For sure not, the red river’s flowing.” “Fucking gross but oddly cool phrasing...”
The couple continued to walk once more, their hands still laced together. The silence between them should have been awkward, but it was the opposite. In fact Miyuki was just happy he was thinking about her question, instead of jumping to an answer. 
But Josh was about to jump in even deeper, deeper than potentially having babies. 
“To be honest, I’d love to knock you up. See you all barefoot and pregnant on the porch when I come home...” “Fucking gross...”  “But! It’d have to be after I wife you up. Wedlock and all that, honest woman outta ya. I take that shit seriously, you’re much more than a baby factory. You’re mine, you know?”
The walking stopped again, Josh’s arm tugging on hers as he realized she had stopped walking. And, slowly he realized what he had said. 
“You wanna marry me?” Miyuki asked, her mouth hanging open slightly, her eyes twinkling as the snow fell around her. She could feel her heart racing, pounding in her chest. 
He swallowed softly, giving a shrug. Unfortunately, he hadn’t thought this far ahead. The boy didn’t have a ring for her, he had no plans, but of course he had rambled drunkly to Chris about wanting to make Miyuki his, getting the government involved so neither of them could back out. 
“When I met you, you were a bitch to me... it was kinda hot but I knew I loved you after we spent the night together... remember that?” His brow wiggled slightly. “I remember my brother walking in and chucking you out my window.” “Okay I would’ve done the same thing if I were in his shoes... stop distracting me dammit this is hard!” 
Miyuki giggled loudly as Josh crouched down, getting onto one knee and holding onto her hand. His words were escaping him, falling off of his tongue before he could even say them. None of them sounded correct, none of them could sum up how much he loved the young woman in front of him. There wasn’t a language that could articulate the fact she was his number one, the most important thing in his life. His stability, his rock. 
“You’re the most gorgeous piece of ass I’ve ever seen, I love how you look at me, how you say my name... how you moan it... I just know I love you. I’d like it if you’d be my wife.”
It was hard for her to respond. Josh’s word were not particularly romantic or profound, but they were purely Josh and embodied the essence of his soul... and that was what she loved. 
Hopping up and down, she squealed loudly, fanning herself despite the frosty temp around them. It was more perfect than she ever hoped it would be. 
“Hell yeah! I’m gonna marry you!”
Immediately Josh sprung up, his arms wrapping around the girl’s waist and lifting her up, holding her tightly as he spun around eagerly. Leaning down, Miyuki peppered his face with kisses, catching his lips on hers and purring loudly. 
Something else that stuck out to Josh was her lack of care that he didn’t have a ring. It made it so much more clear to him that physical possessions were meaningless compared to the raw, passionate love that they felt for each other. Miyuki proved she was on the same wavelength as him, just as deeply in love and as passionately enthralled with him as he was towards her.
Setting her back down onto her feet, he grabbed her hand and led her through the snow swiftly.
“We’ll have the wedding here! In the summer, and we’ll invite everyone! And then after we’ll get completely trashed!” Josh smiled, walking with her through the winter turmoil. “Sounds great, pornstar!” “Oh... and I want that video off of PornHub.” “What?! It almost has a million views!” “Wait, HOW MANY?!”
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one-deranged-son · 4 years
Colossal Vanity
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Todd Russel had read it before somewhere online.
Becoming an FBI Agent is a tremendously difficult and competitive process. It takes years of time, planning, and hard work to mold yourself into the kind of candidate the FBI is looking to hire. It’s not going to happen overnight, and the hiring process itself can take a year or longer.
Right. It was extremely hard, indeed, but Todd can finally reap his hard years of training. He remembers how happy his mother and girlfriend is when he told them he was finally accepted. After all, Todd had always dreamed of becoming one since he wanted to protect his country and everyone he loves in some other way which doesn’t require him on fighting another super country who will most likely send missiles to their homes.
Right, right. It was extremely hard, indeed! And Todd thinks everything will get easier from that point. He knows how risky the job is and how physically plus mentally draining it would be, but Todd knows that it would be all worth it. It’s his all-time childhood dream after all, what could go wrong?
Right, right.
He’s wrong.
Nothing, not even twelve calls from mom, could beat the immense fear building up in the pit of his stomach as he gets into the van. Todd was in his tac gears now, Custom AR-15 heavy on his grip and now his heartbeat is spiking up because this is the first time Todd is going on some huge-ass operation like this. He knows that one day he will eventually go on some crazy boss fight, but he wasn’t expecting… this.
“Easy Russel, we can still see another day to found out what will happen to Ross and Emily.” Said a voice coming from beside him, its hand comes to tap his back.
Todd lets out a dry laugh at that. “You know what Bob? I think it’s funny. I was worried about that episode two days ago,” he said. Glancing towards the man wearing similar clothes with him.
“Eh, my daughter went mad when I told her I was going for this mission. My wife was trying to calm her down the whole night but I know she was crying when she thought I was asleep.”
Todd was quiet for a moment there. Surely he’s worried that he won’t ever get a chance to propose his girlfriend because of this mission, but now he’s also sad after hearing what his friend just said. Bob was older by six years and is his senior, but they were close like father and son. Todd knows his daughter, May, and he knows how close they are with each other.
“I’m worried about Ma and Marie,” Todd sighed, his hand finding its way into the strands of his hair. The names felt heavy in his tongue and at that, Bob just smiled, that kind of smile that’s sad and isn’t supposed to be called a smile in the first place.
“It’s fine kid, you got the best sniper guarding your back,” the older man said, wiggling his rifle as if it was a Super Soaker and not an Armalite AR-10SB.
This time, Todd’s laugh isn’t forced. Then they smiled at each other.
“Please do, I want to know what will happen to Ross.”
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Todd remembers this dude, he’s Agent Moore from the CIA. He emits the jock kind of aura but it turns out he’s a pretty good friend for a situation like this.
A situation when they’re cornered and there’s a psychopath that keeps throwing grenades at them.
“Did I just saw Jesus?” Todd asked, more like shouting because at this point he feels his eardrums are ready to pack his stuff and move somewhere else. There was a bitter wind that swept through their aching bodies, pillars of smoke and dust still boiling up from where the bombs were thrown. It feels like the grounds are shaking beneath their feet, and now his eyes are blurry and his legs feel like jelly.
They have been doing this for the fucking longest time, alright? Dozens of heavily armed men against what it seems to be no more than four people, but it has been an HOUR and the explosion didn’t stop at all. Even when they come at them with the full front; CIA, FBI, and the local cops joining forces, each hand armed with AK-47s and some other machine guns, they never hesitate to fall fire at them. Todd was stunned for the slightest moment right then, right there. Because nobody dares to take a step forward towards the unsteady building due to the explosives blowing up here and there like it was the goddamn warzone and bullets piercing through some unlucky comrades straight in their forehead.
They’re mad.
“That was the goddamn Revelator!” Agent Moore answered, yet again, they’re practically shouting at each other because everything is a whole chaotic ordeal with guns shooting from all directions, bombs getting thrown away so easily as if it was the fireworks from fourth of July, muffled voice from outside the perimeters who were still stark clear in his ears because, holy fucking shit, they sure did create a whole mess in the middle of a harmless suburban.
“Where do these guys get all their guns anyway? They’re a bunch of scrubs!” Todd tried to shoot again, but with the whole fire blocking his vision and another rain of bullets aiming at his head, he decided to take another cover. God knows how many belts they had run, but when Todd expected their heavy guns to sound off, for some reason, it didn’t. They had ammunition like a whole fucking country.
“I won’t say that if I were you. Those scrubs are way ahead of us when it comes to hot tips. And if you say something wrong about them, they are going to open up a can for—shit, WATCH OUT!”
Out on his sight, a piece of hand grenade had made its way just right there in front of his leg. Agent Moore was quick enough to notice it when Todd was busy trying to get a firm grip on his gun. There was a blinding flash and a huge ball of fire belched all around them, but Agent Moore’s push was strong enough to send them tumbling down a convenient slope. Both of them are still pretty much alive, thanks for that, but now their ears are filled with nothing but static and ringing sounds.
Todd scrambled away. He could feel the glasses cutting through his skin but now all he thinks about is to reach for his gun. He helps Agent Moore stands up and they run towards a safer place, a better place for a cover, and that’s when he saw it.
“Is that a child?”
Agent Moore squinted his eyes so hard in that judging manner. “You’re high,” he said, then he runs to another place and begins to shoot at the visible target who moves like Usain Bolt. And Todd should probably do the same but he just froze over there because he couldn’t believe his eyes.
It was a child probably not older than 15 and he’s shooting with a Colt Sporter I like it was a toy gun in an arcade. He doesn’t believe his eyes.
Todd stumbled, fortunately, he was quick enough not to fell face first. Another blast of flame rolled up just near him, windows shattered. Smoke and fire rushed out. Some officers struggled to cover their ears and organs, but others are just sprawled there like a lifeless doll.
Todd tried to pry his eyes over when a heavy mass that had pushed him away finally lifted its weight away from his body. It was from Bob.
“What the FUCK are you doing? You wanna get yourself killed, boy? You don’t wanna marry your girlfriend? You don’t wanna get back to your Ma, eh?!” Bob's voice was stern and furious. Todd could see the anger flashing through his brown eyes, but there’s also sadness and worry dripping from his words.
“Bob?! Why are you—shit, I—I’m sorry, but there was a kid over there—”
“I don’t care! They’re trying to kill us and they’re going to kill more of innocent lives if you don’t snap out of it! So SNAP OUT!”
Todd was slightly taken aback, so he just nodded. He nodded and begins to shoot at whomever he could get his bullets too. To the Revelator, to the tall guy who keeps throwing grenade — and to the kid who should not be there in the first place.
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“So how does it feel to be a hero, kid?” Bob’s voice was calming. He was still high because of the sedative but it seems like he’s doing good.
“I’m not a hero, dammit,” Todd answered. He was too, probably high on sedatives Because now he thinks of what it feels to be on the private wards instead where the atmosphere is most likely to be different. Marie and his mom just visited him an hour ago when he’s still dazed, looking extremely worried but still glad—mostly—amazed.
“You’re the one who shot the Revelator, you should be damn happy about it.”
Todd laughed. For a moment he’s glad that the sedatives are working and masking the slight guilt and complete confusion, because, sure, he had just killed one of the most wanted men across the United State but then again, he just killed a man.
Probably a father, too. He doesn’t know.
“Yeah, I am the hero,” he said, while it seemed unfair, he still did.
“You rock Todd,” said another man from across his bed.
Todd just laughed.
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Todd had finished washing the dishes at that time. His wife is pregnant with their second child when a call came to his phone. Marie’s face was confused and as shocked as he was, and his four-year-old son keeps on tugging his pants.
“Daddy, daddy, mommy is making funny face!” he giggled, but no one laughs along with them.
“Russel here,” Todd answered, his palms are sweaty and trembling out of dread.
“You’ve watched the news?” the voice asked, and Todd could sense the hint tremor in it.
“I have.”
“Right, come over tomorrow. We need the details of the imaginary kid you talk about in 1998.”
The voice hung up as soon as that. Todd watched his kids run to his mom with jumpy steps and sit right on the couch.
He saw his son points out to the TV.
He heard his son ask about it.
“Mommy, who is the Revelator?”
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owknox · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Owen Knox.
AGE: Forty-one.
BIRTHDAY: August 5th.
RELIGION: Athiest.
EYE COLOR(S): Blue-green.
BODY BUILD: Muscular w/ a bodybuilder type of physique.
HEIGHT: 5′9″.
WEIGHT: 210lb.
ADDICTIONS: While it’s not to be considered an addiction in his eyes as he has control over himself and his habits, he does drink an excessive amount though he does make it a habit to never drink in front of or near his kid. 
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, New York.
LIVING CONDITIONS GROWING UP: As far as he’s concerned four walls and a roof over your head make’s for a pretty decent living situation but by most people’s standards, it was shit. Knox’s father was hardly around and when he was, the man tended to be both mentally and physically abusive to his only child. Mother left when he was just a baby, so it was just the two of them in a shitty apartment trying to survive.
LIVING CONDITIONS NOW: Good. Really good. Four walls and a roof makes for decent living but Knox doesn’t want his kid to live decently. While he’s unable to afford a mansion like the kid probably deserves, he does try to give his kid what he can. With a room for himself, his ‘baby mother’, his kid, and his weights, despite not caring all too about comfort and the likes, Knox makes an effort for his kid. He keeps the place as tidy as he can, keeps the fridge stocked with more than just beer, and he made sure that the backyard is big enough not only to house the giant ass toy jeep he got for the kid but also has more than enough space for a play area and eventually a pool down the line. 
PREVIOUS OCCUPATION(S): US Marine but was dishonorably discharged.
CURRENT OCCUPATION(S): Owner of The Torch and Enforcer for Hell’s Angels (?)
BIRTH ORDER: Only child
SIBLINGS: Only Child.
FATHER: Logan Knox (deceased)
MOTHER: ??? (deceased - didn’t know her.)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Reese Sawyer (Ex-Girlfriend and ‘baby momma’)
CHILDREN: Grayson Knox/4 years old  (Technically, the kid isn’t his and he knows damn well that the kid isn’t his but he takes care of him regardless cause as far as he’s concerned that’s his son. Blood don’t matter.) 
PET(S): Black Great Dane named Ares that’s strictly his but he’s considering getting another for the kid. 
POSITIVE TRAITS: ambitious, confident, observant, stoic, adaptable.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive, brutal, arrogant, compulsive,  unpredictable.
LIKES: food, working out, making his money, his 'family’, and keep things honest, he likes hurting people - sue him, it’s fun. 
DISLIKES: Just about everything else tbh.
QUIRKS: Yeeting people off buildings?
FEARS: something happening to the people he cares about. 
SECRETS: not really. he’s an open book. 
Shitty childhood. Father was pissed cause his wife walked out on him and left him to care for his kid alone and in return, father decided that being an absolute dick to his kid was justified and that because the kid was left behind too, kid’s obviously at fault for wife deciding to leave. While it never made sense in Owen’s head, it made sense to his father. As a result of his father’s bullying, Owen learned to take his anger out on others and was constantly at odds with those in charge. When HS came around and he was finally expelled for his bad behavior in his final year, rather than move on and get his GED, knowing he was in shape and he wasn’t bout to try living under his father’s roof any longer, he applied for the marines instead.  
Excelling at being a marine but lacking the enthusiasm expected of him for serving his country, it didn’t take long for his fellow marines who happened to be ‘go team america’ to get pissed at him and resent him for his lackadaisical attitude toward everything. While Knox worked hard specifically cause it was expected of him, they worked hard to honor their country and for some of them, serving was an honor in itself. Content to ignore them, Knox continued to do so up to the day they took things too far. Some years after he had joined and been shipped out numerous times, it was one night on leave that his fellow comrades in arms found themselves feeling brave. Approaching him while he was out at a bar minding his own business, they chose to pick a fight with him. While Knox was easily able to handle his own, as a result of his actions, one of the men who happened to fight with him managed to scramble his brains on the edge of a table after catching a hard hook to the face. Accident though it may have been, given his inebriated state, his lack of ability to work with others, and the fact that he showed little remorse over what happened, the powers that be decided to crack down on him when the sentencing came. 
Placed behind bars for a couple years, and then tossed away with a dishonorable discharge upon release Knox with nowhere to go returned home. With his father gone, no work experience, and a dishonorable discharge to his name finding ‘honorable’ work was hard. Needing money and having little or no options presented before him, Knox decided that honest work wasn’t for him and instead went to his father’s ‘motorcycle club’ looking for help. Joining up with them, he found work in helping them do their dirty work. For years he worked with ‘em and even went as far as to consider them his found family till the wife of their club leader decided to act out of turn. In a jealous fit, she decided to hurt the girl Knox happened to be sleeping around with. Loyal even to thots, Knox snapped back at her. Between killing the man the woman had sent to hurt his girl, to stabbing the woman in her stomach and carving his initial there too, and even going as far to beat the shit out of her husband aka his club leader in a packed supermarket – Knox thinking he was handling things properly burnt every bridge he had out of loyalty. When there were no more bridges left and his girl happened to escape while she could, Knox alone figured it was best he dip instead of finishing that fight. 
Finding a new home in Port Charles it was there that he met Reese. Starting up a ‘relationship’ with the woman, what was originally supposed to be a purely sexual thing happened to turn into more. Coming to care for the woman, despite her breaking things off with him in order to stay loyal to her original boy, Knox ever-loyal still made himself there for her. So there for her that when she came to him sometime later explaining that she was pregnant and the father happened to be a complete fucking asshole she could never trust around herself and her future kid, that Knox with hesitation agreed to help out. Making the man disappear in a way only he could, knowing the dude had connections that would likely try to get back at Reese or attempt to take the kid out of retaliation for something or another, Knox told her she was free to put the child under his name instead. 
Quick to see the kid as his own despite knowing damn well that he wasn’t, despite being told that he in no way had to pretend or even involve himself in the kid’s life in any matter, Knox still did so regardless of it all. The kid wasn’t his by blood, but he had his name and that was more than enough for Knox to step into a fatherly role for him. Keeping by his son’s side, he had every intention of staying there for the rest of his life if not for his past coming back to bite him in his ass. Though he’d been ready to put everything behind him and leave it there, other’s who’d been wronged by him weren’t so keen on that idea. After a drive-by that could have ended very badly for himself and for his boy, Knox knew sticking around with a target on his back wasn’t an option. With a promise to come back, he dipped off back home. It was there that he handled things like he should have before he left. Though it took him some time to get it done, Knox managed to put bullets in both his former club leaders back and his little wife too before squashing what was left of the beef he had with the rest of the club. With the two main antagonists gone, both sides saw little reason to keep things going as they were. 
Safe and more importantly sound at long last, Knox returned for his kid. Buying a place big enough for his child and leaving it up to Reese to move in with him or not, Knox worked on trying to lead an honest life. However, once again, he was met with the same problem he’d found himself with years back. How the fuck did honest people make money? Especially since he’d used the last of what he had in order to buy his place. Once again left with no other choice, he turned back to an MC. Coming to the Hells Angels and joining up, he worked with them and eventually saved up enough to buy the Torch. 
Recruited various workers from the casino to report to him when big wigs come through. When they come in, they report to Owen and Owen tell’s ‘em to suggest the Torch as a place to visit. When they eventually come and visit, he scopes them out and decides how he wants to handle them. Sometimes he outrights robs them, sometimes he uses the strippers at his place to entrap and blackmail them and then sometimes when the mood strikes or Elijah happens to be in one of his moods, they rob ‘em and kill ‘em.  Either way, he’s making a literal killing so far on using the casino and his connections there. (Elijah knows about this but idk if the big boss does. ) 
Casino workers also willing to work with the club to point out various people with debts to be recruited and used for various tasks and just in general. They also report to Owen. (Has yet to inform Elijah or the big boss bout this. It’s on his to-do list tho.) 
Monroe (?) came into his home and threatened to take his kid away from him because of all the shady shit Knox and Reese tend to do in the name of the club. Knox not about to have his kid taken from him by anyone shot her for her bullshit. 
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newstanmarshblog · 4 years
Carrying a Best Friend: Chapter 5
   Following after playing their pranks on Randy, Stan & Kenny first went to Panera Bread where Stan had a bowl of salad and some bread while Kenny was checking out some hot ladies from the distance, then they went back to Stan’s apartment where they spend the rest of their day at. They watched Back to the Future on Netflix, had a quiet dinner with Stan’s mother, and then took Samson on a quick night walk. It’s now almost bedtime, but just before they get some sleep, Stan & Kenny need to discuss on which people they can trust the most on keeping Stan’s pregnancy a secret. Before they begin to have that conversation, Stan first heads to the bathroom for one last quick pee, and then heads over to his mother and dog to say goodnight.
   Stan: Alright, mom. I’m heading to bed now.
   Sharon: Okay, sweetie. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
   Stan: I don’t know yet. I’ll think about it while taking Samson on his walk.
   Sharon: Alright. Have a good night, Stanley.
   Stan smiling: You too, mom. Goodnight, Samson.
   Samson makes a cute little bark back at him.
   As Stan returns back to his room, he sees Kenny floating checking out some of his framed pictures. Including one with Stan’s old dog, Sparky.
   Kenny: Sparky was such a wonderful dog. I still remember our very first fetch play with him at your old backyard and how super excited he was in chasing that ball whenever we threw it. He was the best dog that I ever knew.
   Stan smiling: Yeah, Sparky will always be my favorite dog ever. That wonderful playful energy that he used to give to me and my family back at our old house is something that can never be replaced. He was the best at it. Did you see him while you were in heaven?
   Kenny: Sadly, no. I don’t even know if any good pets and animals end up in heaven as I’ve only seen people and angels up there so far.
   Stan: Oh. Well, can you ask any person from heaven that kind of a question the next time you talk to them? I really would love to know if Sparky is really up there with my grandpa and the rest of our friends and family.
   Kenny: Sure thing. But anyway, dude. We still need to talk on listing down on which people we can trust on keeping your pregnancy a secret.
   Stan: Yeah, I know. But we can’t talk too loudly though or else my mom and dog will hear us.
   Kenny: Got it. And speaking of your mom, she probably will have to be one of those people that we have to trust.
   Stan: That’s right. Especially since she has been a huge help in getting me enroll in Colorado State, and now I’m gonna need her help on not only making new college plans, but also to listen in on her pregnancy experience that can help me out with my own. And as for the rest of my family, Shelly and my uncle Jimbo will have to know about it eventually since I’ll be seeing them during Thanksgiving.
   Kenny: We also need to tell my dad and Karen about our secret very soon too. And as for my big brother, he’ll more likely learn about it a little later since he now lives at his own place outside of town and is usually busy with his work as a garbage man.
   Stan: I guess this means that our closest family members are gonna be the first to know about our secret before we tell it to our closest friends.
   Kenny: But which of our friends can we trust to keep our secret safe?
   Stan: Well, one friend that we can be for sure to trust mostly is Kyle.
   Kenny: Agreed.
   Stan: Especially since he’s gonna be my roommate at college is another good reason of to why to tell him first after we talk to our families about our secret.
   Kenny: I feel like Butters is also another good friend that we can trust too because of how royal he can be when it comes to friendship.
   Stan: Yeah, you’re right. Butters sure is a really good person in general. I also need to let Wendy know too since she’s my girlfriend and she is a very trust worthy person.
   Kenny: And what about Cartman?
   Stan: Ugh, I don’t know. On one hand, he can be a decent friend at times, but he can also be a huge asshole in certain situations.
   Kenny: Good point. The only other friend that I feel like that we can trust in keeping your pregnancy a secret is Jimmy. He is as much a good royal friend as Butters is.
   Stan: Indeed.
   After a bit lengthy conversation, they’ve listed down on which people that they feel most comfortable in keeping Stan’s pregnancy a secret. The list consists of the following people: Stan’s mom, Shelly, uncle Jimbo, Kenny’s dad, Karen, Kevin, Kyle, Butters, Wendy, and Jimmy. And as for Cartman, they both agreed on not telling him due to his mean-spirited attitude that makes him very unworthy to trust. Now only one question remains: Who do they tell first?
   Stan: Alright, dude. Now the only question left is who do we tell first in keeping my pregnancy a secret.
   Kenny: I really would love for Karen to be the first to know. Our relationship is very deep and strong just much like my relationship with you. And I just want to be able to see her sweet smile on her face knowing that I’m doing alright.
   Stan: And then after that, I really want my mom to know next. She’s one of the most trustful people that I can ever think of. And she’ll probably be the most helpful person for us both for the 9 months that lies ahead of us.
   Kenny: Alrighty then. We’ll both visit my sister first after your morning errands, and then we’ll tell your mom sometime afterwards.
   Stan: My mom usually comes home from her job at Tom’s Rhinoplasty right around 5 pm. We’ll try to be back here by then before she does.
   Kenny: Sounds goods to me.
   Stan: We sure do have a big day tomorrow. *Yawns*
   He checks for the time on his Fitbit watch, and sees that it was almost midnight.
   Stan: Ah, crap. I gotta get myself some good sleep right now.
   Stan got on into his blue pajamas shorts and brown t-shirt, and then lay himself comfortably on his bed.
   Kenny: Sleep tight, dude.
   Stan: You too.
   *The following morning*
   After having breakfast and then taking Samson for his morning walk, Stan & Kenny were on their way to the McCormick’s house.
   Stan: Are you feeling nervous, dude?
   Kenny: Not really. I’m really excited to see Karen, although I don’t know how she’ll respond once she learns about me being a ghost and you being pregnant with me.
   Stan: I’m very sure she’ll be more happy to hear that you’ll be coming back to life in 9 months than anything else she reacts too.
   They’ve arrived to Kenny’s house. Stan walks up to the front door and knocks as Kenny floats right besides him being absolutely quiet until it the very right moment for him to speak with his young sister. Kenny’s dad opens the front door.
   Stuart: Oh, hi Stan. What can I do you for?
   Stan: I just wanna stop by here to see how you and Karen are holding up after the terrible accident.
   Stuart: *sighs* It feels unbelievably tough on not having my wife and son being around here anymore. You wanna come in?
   Stan: Yes please.
   He enters into the house.
   Stuart: And how about you? Are you and your mother doing okay?
   Stan: My mom is doing fine, although she has been mourning for the lost of your lovely wife. And as for me, it feels really hard on not having my best friend around anymore.
   Stuart: You two were very close together to each other that Kenny kinda thinks of you like his 2nd brother. 
   Stan: And he was such a compassionate person. Along with my mom and dog, he was one of the best ever to cheer me up whenever things go down for me.
   Stuart puts his hand onto Stan’s shoulder.
   Stuart: I’m very happy that you were the greatest friend that my son can ever ask for. Thank you so much for all the wonderful times that you’ve had with him.
   Stan smiles for a moment while the ghostly Kenny was also smiling for what his father had just said to his best friend.
   Stan: Is Karen here?
   Stuart: She is in her room drawing. I was actually about to leave here to visit a funeral home for preparation to have my wife’s body & Kenny’s body to be cremated.
   Stan: You’re not gonna be burying them?
   Stuart: I wish I could, but this household doesn’t have that kind of money. How long do you plan on being with Karen?
   Stan: I don’t know. As long as possible I guess.
   Stuart: Well, in case if I don’t see you by the time I get back, I wish you and your mother for the very best. Take care.
   Stan: Thanks. You too.
   As Stuart leaves, Stan turns his attention to Kenny.
   Stan: Dude, do we plan on telling your dad about our situation before the funeral starts?
   Kenny: We’ll discuss about that with Karen.
   Stan: Alright then, let’s go see her.
   They make their way to Karen’s door, and then Stan makes a couple knocks on her door.
   In her room, Karen is on her desk drawing a picture of Kenny being watched over by her guardian angel, Mysterion. Despite of the Freedom Pals and the Coon & Friends being disbanded many years ago, Kenny continued on being Mysterion whenever he feels the need to. Usually for either to protect from her sister from any danger, or to find any information about his immortality curse. He’ll even fight against crime once a while whenever he sees one in front of his eyes. As Karen is nearly finished with her drawing, she hears the knocks from her door.
   Karen: Hello?
   Stan: It’s me, Stan. Can I come in?
   Karen: Does my dad know you’re here?
   Stan: I came across him as he was about to leave for a visit at the funeral home. I’m here to see how you two are holding up lately.
   Karen: Okay then. Come on in.
   Stan enters into her room as he sees many drawings hanging around on her walls. Some that he sees includes a drawing of the band Lacuna Coil, a couple drawings of Elephants, Craig & Tweek spaghetti kissing, and even a very old drawing of the Freedom Pals. It puts a smile on his face as he sees his old Toolshed ego in the drawing. Stan has a lot of fun memories during his superhero days. One of them includes a time where he, Mysterion, and the rest of the Freedom Pals made a visit on Karen’s 10th birthday because she wanted to see what her guardian angel’s friends were like.
   Stan: Wow. Kenny told me many things about you, but he never mentioned me of you being an artist. They’re all very terrific to look at.
   Karen smiling: Thank you. Drawing has been one of my most favorite things to do back when I started the 1st grade, and I’ve been doing it pretty often ever since. Which drawing do you like most?
   Stan: I really love your Elephant drawings. Dolphins & Whales may be some of my most favorite animals ever, but I do have a really soft spot for them. Elephants are some of the most social animals on the planet, and there’s a lot that we can learn from them.
   Karen: Yeah, learning about their social bond really helped me on making friends at school, and to have a better relationship with my family. It’s pretty much of that very reason is why Elephants are my all time favorite animal.
   Stan smiling: That’s wonderful to hear. And what about the drawing you’re currently working on?
   Karen: Oh, this. It’s my brother being watched over by my guardian angel. I haven’t seen him in a really long time, but since I figured he’s really an angel, I made a prayer to him to watch over Kenny in the afterlife for wherever he may be at.
   Kenny felt very touched by Karen’s reason on making the drawing.
   Stan: May I take a seat on your bed, please? I have something very important to tell you.
   Karen: Sure. Go on ahead.
   Stan takes his seat on Karen’s bed.
   Stan: Karen, I have a very special person here with me that you’ll be beyond trilled to hear from.
   Karen confused: Huh? Who? 
   Stan: You can’t see him, but you’ll be able to hear him loud and clear because he’s a ghost.
   He nods to Kenny for the go ahead to speak.
   Kenny: Hello, Karen.
   Karen felt a bit heart attacked by hearing her brother’s voice.
   Karen: Kenny? Is that you? Are you…really here with us?
   Kenny smiling: Why else I wouldn’t be here for other than to see my most favorite sister ever again.
   Karen begins to tear up as she knows very well on how much Kenny loves her just as much as she dose for him.
   Karen emotionally happy: KENNY! *sobs a bit more* Oh my god, I thought that I would never able to hear or see you again until the day I die myself! Why are you still here instead of being at heaven or hell?
   Kenny: It’s a long story, but we’ll explain everything to you.
   Karen: What about mom? Is she here with us too?
   Kenny: Sadly, no. But she’s thankfully in peace at heaven with all of our family relatives and friends up there. Watching over us as we continue on with our lives.
   Karen: At least I’m glad to hear that she’s doing fine. Now then, why are you here?
   Kenny: Stan, would you mind if you take it from here?
   Stan: *sigh* Okay, Karen. You know the whole story about the birth of Jesus, and the part where Gabriel visited Mary to tell her that she would be carrying and giving birth to the Son of God?
   Karen: Yeah?
   Stan: Well, something like that happened similarly with me & Kenny. About two days ago during that night, Kenny came down to me from heaven saying that he needed me to carry him for nine months since your mother isn’t alive anymore to do that. I accepted to help him because I didn’t want him to disappear out of existence, and he is my best friend as well. He then placed his hand on my stomach where his own embryo is putted inside of me. *He places his right hand on his belly while smiling* I’m now pregnant with your brother, and will be giving birth to him in nine months.
   Karen feels pretty dumbfounded for what she just heard.
   Karen: Ummmmmmm……what?
   Stan: I know it sounds very crazy like a made up story and all, but it’s all true.
   Karen: How is it possible for you to become pregnant? Guys like you aren’t even born to have those kind of body parts.
   Kenny: Usually that would be true, but for any immortal beings whenever they’re not breathing in the world of the living, they can knocked up any male or female human beings that they pick only as long they know them very personally. If they ended up choosing a male to do that kind of responsibility, then those body parts are spiritually put into the male human host and will disappear in about 24 hours later after giving birth. And I should happened to be an immortal being myself.
   Karen: Wait a minute. You have the power of immortality?
   Kenny: Yes. I was born with this power, and it feels like a curse to me. Every time that I get killed by something or by someone, our mom would usually give birth to me within several minutes after my randomly death moment. By the following morning, I’m in my bed, back to my current age with no wounds on me at all as if it never happened. And the worse part about it is that nobody even remembers of seeing me getting killed in front of their eyes.
   Karen is just too speechless for everything that she has heard so far. From Stan’s unexpected pregnancy, to hearing about her brother’s immortal curse. She feels like if it was all hitting her too quickly in order for her to understand the entire situation.
   Karen: I’m sorry. This is all happening too quickly. I need a moment to relax on my bed.
   Stan: We understand. Just tell us when you're ready to listen more from us.
   Stan & Karen switch places as Stan seats on the chair, and Karen lays on her bed. It was pretty quiet for a few moments as Karen took some relaxing breaths.
   Karen: Kenny, I never knew that you had such power that’s been ruining your entire life. Why didn’t you tell me about it?
   Kenny: My curse has the ability to wipe out memories from any mortal beings that either kills me or even just witnessing my deaths. Including the times that you’ve witness or heard about my deaths.
   Karen: Really?
   Kenny: Like that one time where we used to have an amazon echo here, and then it killed me by electrocuting as I was holding it.
   Karen: I don’t think that’s how I remember it. It just caught on fire all the sudden, then you threw it outside on the snow at our front yard, and used the water hose to clear out the fire.
   Kenny: Or what about that time you heard about me getting run over by a driver while they were texting? I sudden blacked out by that very moment when that driver hit me, and then I was in hell for serval minutes.
   Karen: I remember hearing about you getting run over when mom told me about it. You only had a couple major injuries on that day, and then recovered within a few months.
   Kenny: You’re remembering things differently as oppose to what really happened. *getting angry* My curse has been doing this to me ever since the day I was born, and I hate it so much! I’d rather be tortured physically in hell up to this point than having going through the same shit over and over again!
   Even though Karen can’t see her ghostly brother, her eyes became very sorrowful. She has seen Kenny feeling unhappy many times before, but never anything like in the type of tone he’s currently in right now.
   Karen: I’m deeply sorry to hear about your terrible suffering, and I really wish that I would’ve known about it in my early years so that I could’ve comfort you as much as you need. Even though I’ll never fully understand on what you’re going through, it still breaks my heart to hear about your struggles. And there’s nothing that can break my heart so much more than to hear or see someone that I deeply love going through a lot of pain like yourself. I may not be able to comfort you physically this time, but I hope these words can make you feel better mentally. You’ve been the greatest ideal that I can ever ask for. Whenever I’m in my darkest hour, you were always there for me not to only for comfort, but also on helping me getting back in full good spirt. Your empathetic words has helped me out so well, that I’ve been using that kind of skill to make my own friends feel better with great results. You’re always so helpful and caring to our family and to your friends in the time of need, and now it’s our turn to do the same for you.
   Stan: She’s right, dude. You’ve done so much greatly for me as well that even some of those noble acts you did to help me out, I always thought it’ll be very impossible for me to pay you back. But now, not only am I helping on carrying you for an entire pregnancy, but I also made you a promise to help you on getting rid of your curse once and for all along the way before I give birth to you. You also no longer have to suffer alone as we’ll always be by your side whenever you need us most just like how you’ve done for us all the time.
   Karen: From our hearts to your soul, we say this to you, Kenny. We love you so very much. And we’ll continue to love you for the rest of time.
   Ghostly tears were coming down from Kenny’s eyes as he had never heard such endearment words ever said to him. He has always dreamed for the day for someone to show their condolence to him while being fully aware on his lifelong struggle. And now, hearing those lovely words coming out from the very two people that he deeply loves more than anyone else in the world, he really couldn’t asked for anything better as it was something that he always wanted more than anything else in the entire universe.
   Kenny sobbing: Thank you. Thank you both so fucking much! *sobs some more, and then clams himself down* I’m sorry. It’s just that…I’ve always wanted to hear those kind of words being said to me for nearly my entire life. You both just gave me the most happiest moment that I can ever ask for. It means the whole world to me.
   Stan smiling: We got your back, Kenny. Just as you’ve been doing the same for us.
   Everything was quiet for a minute as Kenny was calming himself down to the point where can speak normally again.
   Kenny: Alright, Karen. Since you know nothing about my curse as I just told you that I have it, I’ll tell you as much as I know about it so far.
   Karen: Go on and explain everything to me then as I don’t have anything else to do right now.
   Kenny tells Karen on everything that he knows about his curse so far. From how very powerful his immortality really is, to it being from the dark powers of Cthulhu. He also explains her on everything he knows about the Cult of Cthulhu so far, and at one point their parents visited one of their meetings for free beer. The only things that he doesn’t know is on how he ended up with his curse in the first place, how can he get rid of it for good, and finding the new location on where Cthulhu’s followers now gathered ever since they’ve moved out from their old gathering location shortly after Mintberry Crunch defeated their dark load.
   Karen: Hmmm. Maybe Henrietta might know something about their new location since she once told me that she and her other goth friends used to go those meetings. I’ll ask her about it  when I meet up with her again.
   Kenny: Do let us know when you get that information.
   Stan: Hey Karen, how’s Henrietta been with you lately?
   Karen: I really love hanging out with her. We often read poems to each other, listen to gothic music which includes my all time favorite band, Lacuna Coil, and burn anything that’s modern vampire genre as we prefer the original stuff.
   Kenny smiling: Yeah, burn those twilight shit to the ground!
   Stan: I’m glad that Wendy just tossed out her entire Twilight stuff where they should’ve belonged in the first place, in the fucking dump. I can’t believe that she used to be a huge fan of the series only because she was obsessed with those young teen actors in the movies.
   Kenny: Woah, dude. Does she now regret on being a Twilight fan?
   Stan: Yep. She and her friends all now see the serious flaws in those books and movies that they really wished that they didn’t came across the series in their childhood years. Nowadays, Wendy is more into cooking shows, hiking, and has the same passion love for animals as I do. And she’s a huge women rights activist as well.
   Kenny: I’m glad to hear that your girlfriend has moved on from that garbage stuff since then.
   Karen: Hey umm, I don’t mean to ask you two about this, but does dad already know about what’s going on with you two?
   Stan: Not yet. We wanted to tell you about our secret first before we talk about it with my mom later today.
   Karen: Well, do you two plan on telling dad about it eventually too?
   Kenny: Don’t worry, he’s on the list of people that we plan on telling our secret too.
   Stan: We were originally planning on telling your dad about it sometime later, but since we had no idea that he was making arrangements on a funeral for Kenny and your mother, that plan might have to change.
   Karen: Yeah, I feel like it’ll be best for you two to tell him when he gets back. If you two were to tell him about your situation after the funeral and said that you guys were keeping this a secret ever since the day after that car crash, he would probably be very furious and ask why you two didn’t tell him about it right away.
   Kenny: Those were my exact thoughts after he said about planning the upcoming funeral.
   Stan: Same. But until he comes back, why don’t we see more of your drawing collection for the time being.
   Karen: Sure! I have lots of more in my drawing book that I keep underneath my bed. Just give a sec to grab it.
   Karen grabs her drawing book from underneath her bed, and then shows off more of her amazing drawings to Stan & Kenny. Some of the drawings in the book includes herself in gothic clothing at a cemetery, more Elephant drawings, Edgar Allan Poe having coffee with her favorite actress, Angelina Jolie, she & her family together at Mesa Verde National Park which was the only real vacation that the McCormick family has ever had, Princess Kenny shoving a unicorn’s horn onto Cartman’s ass, and a 1st grade drawing of herself & Kenny ice skating together at Stark’s Pond.
   *One hour later*
  Stan, Kenny, and Karen hears the front door being opened. It was Stuart, returning back from the funeral home.
   Karen: That must be dad. Are you two ready to tell him about your situation?
   Stan: I am. Ken, how about you?
   Kenny: Not only am I ready to tell him everything that has happened between me & Stan so far, but I’m also gonna be asking him a huge favor as well.
   Stan: And what would that be?
   Kenny: I’m gonna tell him to stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigars for a very long period of time.
   Karen surprised: What? You know how our parents love to smoke and drink. It’s usually very impossible to get them stop doing that.
   Kenny: Just before the car crash happened, I asked mom if she can hold off from smoking and drinking until our family has a better life no matter how long it’ll take, and she agreed to it. I’m hoping if our mom was willing to give up that kind of stuff in order to do what’s best for our family, then surely our dad can do it too.
   Stan: Let’s go find out then, shall we?
   They left Karen’s bedroom, and head towards to where Stuart was at. He is at the kitchen pouring some of his bourbon whiskey into his drinking glass.
   Karen: Hi, dad.
   Stuart: Hey, sweetie. *notices Stan* Ah, still haven’t left yet. What did you two do together?
   Stan: She showed me all of her drawings, and I really loved looking at them. I believe that Karen would make herself a talented artist someday.
   Stuart: *laughs* She’s definitely a huge pro at it. *talks to Karen* Whenever I look at your artwork, it always brings a smile in my face.
   Karen smiling at her father.
   Stan: But just before she showed me her drawings, I gave her a huge surprise.
   Stuart: Really now? What was it?
   Karen: A very special person that I was beyond emotionally happy to hear from, and you’re about to feel something similar too when you hear his voice.
   Stuart: Who is it? *takes a sip from his whiskey glass*
   Stan: You can’t see him because he’s a ghost, but he is here with us. *nods to Kenny*
   Kenny: Hi, dad.
   Stuart gets very spooked by hearing his son’s voice that it caused him to accidentally drop his whiskey glass. The glass breaks into pieces.
   Stuart: Holy shit! Is that you, Kenny?
   Kenny: It’s me. My hair is blonde, my eye color is light blue, and you & I often watch NASCAR together on our crappy TV.
   Stuart is very stunned on what he was hearing. How can his very own deceased son be here as a ghost.
   Stuart: How is it possible for you to be here, and is your mother here with us too?
   Kenny: Mom isn’t here unfortunately as she is dead for good unlike me. She’s in heaven thankfully with our past relatives and friends.
   Stuart: Hold on a sec. You’re not actually dead?
   Kenny: A lot of things you’re about to hear does sound very unbelievable, but I promise you, every word coming out from our mouths is 100% true. To start off, I really can’t permanently die because I was born with an immortality curse. Whenever I get killed, I’m in the afterlife for several minutes, then I’m brought back to Earth by mom, and when I wake up in the following morning, I’m back to my current age. And worst of all, nobody even remembers seeing me being killed right in front of them.
   Stuart: Wow. This has been happening to you for your entire life? Why didn’t you tell me or anybody else about it?
   Kenny: My curse has the ability to wipe out memories from any mortal beings following shortly after my random death moment. Even when I try to tell them about it and then get killed moments later, they’ll also forget about on what I said to them about my curse.
   Stuart: And you said about your mother bringing you back to Earth shorty after you get killed. But now with her no longer alive, how are you able gonna be returning back to life?
   Stan: That’s where I play into this. He came down to me from heaven a couple nights ago and asked me to carry him since his curse requires him to have a human host, or else he could’ve disappeared from existence entirely. I accepted to help my best friend, and now…I’m pregnant with your son, and will be giving birth to him in nine months.
   Stuart: What?! How can you be pregnant despite of you being a young man??
   Stan: I was given the body parts needed spiritually when Kenny impregnated me.
   Karen: We told you this was gonna sound unbelievable, but we all know better on not making up stories and telling any lies to the people that we love so very deeply. How often have me, Kenny, and Kevin ever lied to you & mom so far?
   Stuart thought about on what Karen has said, and always seems to remember on how truthful his kids were to him & Carol. Even going back as far as when they first read the Ten Commandments to their kids as each were starting their first year at kindergarten.
   Stuart: Yeah, you guys were always so very truthful to us. Even more than what I can remember. Okay then, explain to me on everything that has happened so far, and ask me these questions. How Stan’s pregnancy is gonna work out, how powerful is Kenny’s immortality curse, and how do you guys plan on working everything out in the end?
   They explain to Stuart on what has happened so far while also explaining on Kenny’s full immortality power and Stan’s pregnancy. They also told him that were also planning on telling their secret to the rest of their family members and only a handful of close friends that they feel are trust worthy enough. And they inform him on their task to find the hidden Cult of Cthulhu gathering location in hopes on getting rid of Kenny’s curse once and for all before Stan gives birth to Kenny.
   Stuart: I see. And how you plan on for your upcoming labor, Stan?
   Stan: I can’t go through normal childbirth at the hospital because the doctors and nurses there will never believe on how I ended up becoming pregnant in the first place. So, I’ll be giving birth to Kenny privately in my bathtub at my apartment.
   Stuart: Good idea. That’s how my wife gave birth to our first son, Kevin.
   Kenny: Hey, dad. Before me & Stan head back to the apartment, there is one more very important thing that I really want to request you on.
   Stuart: What is it, son?
   Kenny: Could you give up on buying alcoholic drinks and cigars for as long as possible so that way that money can be used on helping our family life much better.
   Stuart: Like how so?
   Kenny: Start using the money that you’ve been using on alcohol and cigar for something like house improvements, better freshly made foods other than just cheap canned ones, or even getting tools that’ll last much longer. I asked mom on giving up alcohol and cigars in order to help improve our way of life for the better just before the car crash happened, and she agreed to it. I was even willing to spilt the cash earning from the job that I was planning to apply at in half to help out all of us. If me & mom can give up our own happiness for a period of time in order to get this family in the great shape that it needs to be, then I’m very sure that you can do it too. Not only would you be helping us all, but you’ll be helping yourself as well in becoming a better man. Please dad, just think about it.
   Stuart really thought long and hard on what Kenny had ask him to do. So much on his adult life time has been heavily around on drugs and alcohol that he never spend too much time with his kids and wife. He even begins to remember that his addiction to drugs and alcohol had caused him to be very abusive to his family at times. They’re all living in a very poor condition place because of the way he has been for over the years. Realizing on the terrible mistakes that he had caused, Stuart decided that it was time to get himself in shape at last while also getting started to give his family the better life they really deserved.
   Stuart: Son, Karen. I’ve realized on what kind of a father that I’ve been because of my addiction to all the drugs and alcohol that I had for over the years. And I’m very sorry for all the abusive behavior that I’ve done to you all. *sigh* While this recovery will indeed take a long time to heal, I’m now beginning to feel that it’s time for me to start my own redemption while also start working hard to improve this household for the better. Starting today, I’ll throw out all of my liquor drinks and all of my cigars, and will be using that money to give our family the better lifestyle that we should’ve had a long time ago.
   Karen smiling: Thank you very much, dad. I imagined that mom is watching from above being very proud on what you just said.
   Kenny: And we forgive you for all the mistakes that you’ve done in the past. I promise to help you out as much as I can when I’m alive again. We’ll get through this together.
   Stuart smiling: Thanks, son. You definitely have all the right skills on becoming not just a great husband, but also a wonderful father as well. I’m very proud of you.
   Kenny flies in close to his dad, and gives him a ghostly hug, lasting for a few moments.
   Stan: Mr. McCormick, I have an advice that I would like to give you.
   Stuart: I’m listening.
   Stan: When everything is finally situated and you go back on your habits of drinking and smoking, please do it in moderation. I understand on how much you enjoy that stuff and all, but don’t screw yourself with it all over again. Use the power that you have to keep it in the right balance on where it should be at so that way you don’t over do it. And only then you’ll at last have the discipline that you desperately needed within you.
   Stuart: Thanks, Stan. I’ll keep that in mind.
   Suddenly, Stan feels a small growl from his stomach.
   Stan: Ah, dude. I’m starting to get hungry.
   Kenny: What are in the mood for?
   Stan: I’m thinking on having a veggie burger, and I know that Red Robin does serve them labeled as “Impossible Burger”. Do you two want to tag along?
   Karen excited: Yes, please! I haven’t been in a large restaurant in years. How about you, dad?
   Stuart: *Yawns* I’m currently feeling more tried than hungry right now as I still haven’t gotten a good sleep in the last couple days.
   Karen: Do you want us to bring you something back at least?
   Stuart: I really love their southern charm burger. If you guys can bring me back that, I would appreciate it.
   Kenny: Okay, then. Oh, and one more thing that I forgot to mentioned.
   Stuart: What is it?
   Kenny: Don’t tell Kevin about our secret through phone. Wait until he pays a visit here in person, and then you can tell him everything about it privately.
   Stuart: I understand. Be sure to bring Karen back here when you guys are done over there.
   Kenny: We promise.
   Stuart: And Stan, I know that I’ve said this to you already this morning, but I’ll say it one more time. I wish you and your mother the very best for whatever happens with you two in the nine months up ahead.
   Stan smiling: Thank you, Mr. McCormick. I wish you and Karen the very best as well. Bye.
   As Stuart heads to his bedroom to get some rest, Stan, Kenny, and Karen make their way to Red Robin.
   In the next chapter, Stan & Kenny have a huge conversation with Sharon.
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