kemakoshume · 2 years
「𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤」 (bokuto x f!reader)᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘᠃ a/n; i wrote this to procrastinate from writing my other chaptered fics :'D i get overwhelmed with how much i wanna add to ch fics so i needed a crack fic break. enjoy! xox // network tag(s): @anime-central <3 @hanayanetwork <3 @hqintheclub warnings; actually more suggestive than nsfw i guess but minors DNI anyway. crack, frats/sororities, mentions of sex but no like big sex scene (imma be honest with y'all... i rly didn't feel like writing one just for the sake of having it in here lmao sry), choking... gone wrong (but no one dies). time skip spoilers (names of new members and teams and stuff) — sakuatsu & kagehina are in this [3.4k words] ~
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There were originally three rules in the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house:
Uphold the fraternity standards & bylaws* and hold your brothers accountable to these standards.
Honor the assigned quiet hours, chore wheels, & don’t enter people’s private spaces without asking. In summary: keep your shit clean and don’t be a dick.
A. School — stay at least part-time in your credit hours, keep up with whatever PhysEd major you’re taking, and keep your GPA above a 3.0; if you need any help studying please for the love of god speak up. B. Sports — Stay active in a team partnered with the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (obviously MSBY—if you made it this year—go Jackals), or an accredited team in your sport of choice.
*Except for the bylaws about drinking. Fuck that noise. We’re all adults & we’re getting smashed.
Then, due to some extraneous circumstances, the executives had to add two more:
*** Per our landlord (yes she included the bold and all caps): “KEEP THE FUCKING TO A MINIMUM.” Apparently, our lovely Sigma Chi neighbors can hear us & we’re disrupting their quiet hours, so make it hard for us to know that you’re doing it if you’re doing it. Also, not a house rule just a moral reminder: consent is key gentlemen.
Please refrain from breaking the beds and/or bed frames (or shower doors, Atsumu). They’re expensive.
*Partners are still allowed, just be quieter if you can help it.
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You and your boyfriend have some issues navigating the new additions.
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Bokuto has been a member of Sigma Phi for about a year now. He’s been your boyfriend for about six months. Six long months that proceeded three months of “courting,” as your sorority house mom and your sorority president, Alisa, had put it—all of which culminated in lots and lots of raucous, euphoric, occasionally ethically questionable, noise-complaint inducing sex.
It was officially time for you, amongst some others, to pay the piper for that.
“Alright guys, thank you all for coming down. I asked both you and your partners here today to go over some changes to the house rules; since some of them also involve you ladies, and gentlemen—hello Kageyama, congrats on your team’s win last Friday—it seems right to have you all here for this at once. Plus, you’re normally here anyway so why not.” Meian walks to the side of the couch, changing the slide on the projector screen illuminating the blank white wall of the living room to the ‘Da Rules’ section.
“So, as you can see, we have two new rules on top of the old ones. Read them yourself—let me know if there are any questions after you do.”
You looked up at the screen, scanning your eyes over the words on the slide carefully to make sure you understood exactly what the fraternity president was saying via the changes. Bokuto sat next to you, his fingers slotted into yours. All of the other members of his fraternity, both single and non, gathered around you scrambled and laid across the living room furniture. Those that weren’t single had their partners cozied up to their sides as well, looking much like you and your own boyfriend did.
A few faces around you furrowed, including yours and Bokuto’s, as everyone finished reading the slide in full.
“Wait… so we can’t have sex here anymore?” Atsumu speaks up, cuddled underneath Sakusa’s arm. “I thought that was only a stupid rule for the sorority houses, just like that sexist “no booze for them but it’s okay for us” bullshit. When did this happen?”
His question is followed by a wave of voices all filling the space asking similar questions. With the better part of forty-odd people in the room, it’s almost deafening for a moment. “Oh my god, shut up,” Meian says, his temperate voice loud even without needing to yell. He began rubbing roughly at his temples. “Did none of you read the asterisk for the sex part? It literally says right here that ‘Partners are still allowed, just be quieter if you can help it.’ Okay?” the leader says, looking around the room for objections. All he sees is the dejected look of newly minted adults back.
You look up at Bokuto, batting your lashes softly in very visible disappointment. It wasn’t like you needed to be loud, you just couldn’t help it. He fucked you too good to not make noise; sure, there were ways to mitigate it, but having the option to be vocal for him all but taken away from you, solely because your other sorority sisters—give or take a few—were fucking lame, was not it.
“I’ll go over there and give my dear sisters a fat kiss with my knuckles,” you speak up, gritting your teeth. “Think that would solve their issues?”
The few girls in the room that you know from your own greek life nod, mischief painted on their faces just like it was on yours.
Meian sighs, “Look, we have to be respectful of our neighbors. Some of which house quite a few of you lovely ladies sitting here right now, so if you have an issue with the noise complaints, plural, then take it up with your Sigma Chi sisters, sans violence, and your house mom. Have fun with that argument when she makes you take it up with your executive board. I’d love to see how hard you push back on this if it comes to that.”
Atsumu groaned, throwing his head back against the couch with his hands rubbing at his eyes, rocking back into an upright position with his elbows on his knees.
“It just doesn’t make sense,” he says, talking more so out loud and to the rest of you than at the president. “We pay almost two-grand a year, each, to be in this frat and live in this house, not even including the day-to-day money stuff—and you’re telling me I can’t fuck my boyfriend as loud as I want behind my own closed doors? Please.”
“Ha,” Inunaki scoffs, chuckling to himself, “nice to finally get confirmation that Ku is the receiver there. Never would’ve guessed. You both sound like you’re taking it with how loud you are Tsumu.”
The twin scowls at the libero, his fingers twitching to flick the upperclassman in the center of his forehead. He relents, knowing that the older man could beat his ass if he tried. His years of training by fighting his brother would amount to nothing.
Bokuto clears his throat, sitting up straighter in his seat to address the chapter president. “So, not to be a dick about it but, uh, Atsumu has a point. We do pay to be here. We all follow the chapter rules, and besides, it’s not our fault the Chi girls—well, the other Sigma Chi girls, can’t hang. We don’t bitch about it when they have trivia night over there and scream shit about physics and mammals or whatever all night. Why do they get to tell us what to do in the privacy of our bedrooms?”
You nod along, jutting out your chin indignantly. You had plenty of love for your sorority and your sisters, but you were stifled enough within the insanely strict, explicitly sexist, utterly infuriating greek life bylaws that only seemed to affect the sororities, but not the fraternities somehow (even though they—other frats, not your boyfriend’s—were the ones that tended to be the cause of national news level scandals). Making the trek across the lawn to shack up in Bokuto’s bedroom was a whole different sea of freedom and opportunity that you just weren’t afforded as a sorer.
Paying money to be parented by a greek life system that didn’t understand that women could handle themselves with freedom, and to now have your freedoms oppressed even further in a house your boyfriend paid to keep running… man, fuck that. You joined greek life for the parties, the networking opportunities, and the community. You didn’t join for this shit.
Meian sighs, turning off the projector and flipping on the lights. He comes around the couch to sit on the arm, looking at all of you scattered around the large room. “Well, that’s the issue. The doors are closed, but the windows aren’t. Also, the walls are shit, the pipes carry noise outside, and all of you sound like you’re auditioning for America’s Next Top Pornstar during the weekends, and during the week in between practices—hello, again, Kageyama.”
The man shakes his head, sinking into his seat where Hinata is wrapped around him like a koala, grumbling something under his breath.
“Look, point-blank, keep the noise to a minimum, at least during the week. This isn’t just coming from me, we had a whole exec board meeting over this, and the landlord can and will kick us out of here if there are too many noise complaints filed on us with the city. Do you wanna go back to living in dorm rooms? Because I don’t. So, suck it up,” he says, a sense of finality in his tone. “You’re all dismissed.”
With that, the president leaves—stalking his way out of the backdoor and down the stone-step pathway out to the small man-made lake behind the fraternity house.
You all look around at each other in the room, small groans and whines coming from almost everyone in the space; well, those with dedicated partners at least.
“Well, sucks to be you guys,” Adriah said, lifting himself off of the floor. “Looks like there is more than one benefit to fucking older women that have their shit together already. See ya!”
He left as well, along with most of all the other single members of the frat. The rest of you loitered around the living room, talking and bitching about things amongst yourselves.
“I wonder if this whole thing will be on a recycle strike system like the other behavior-based rules,” Bokuto said, pulling you into his lap as you moved to sit on the floor. “Like… you can fuck up three times before getting your shit fucked but the strikes refresh every ninety days or whatever.”
A few of the boys hummed, some moving around the room picking up little trash things off the floor, while a few others handed beers around to those who wanted one.
“It might be,” Hinata said, his hair squashed by the weight of Kageyama’s chin resting on the crown of his head. “But, Meian probably won’t clarify until one of us breaks the rule so we can’t try to abuse the strikes beforehand. Fuck, he’s an evil genius.”
Inunaki chuckles, making his way across the room to go out the back exit door. “I don’t see why you’re all already trying to skirt around this one rule so hard. The board didn’t make this decision lightly; we know you’re all adults and deserve to have fun, but you did sign on and agree to rule changes, and at the end of the day this wasn’t really up to any of the admin. Just experiment with fuckin’ ball gags and embrace the wondrous world of asphyxiation or something if you really can’t keep it down—just, be careful! Be safe, don’t die.” The treasurer opened the door, only getting halfway out before he turned around again. “Just saying, you don’t have to alert the whole neighborhood that you’re fucking to prove to each other that it’s good! I promise.”
With that, he leaves, and you slump against Bokuto’s chest. Twiddling your thumbs together as you let your throats roam; pondering the older man’s words as you sit in their wake.
Choking. You’d never done that. What better time to try it?
“Hey Bo,” you whisper, turning in your boyfriend’s lap to whisper in his ear, “I think Shion might be on to something. Wanna go to your room for a little bit before dinner? Try some things out? Maybe… Youtube some stuff, watch some visual examples?”
His eyes darken to a medallion gold, looking down at you. He slides his hand along your jaw, gripping your face lightly to pull you into a mildly heated kiss. Through the slight daze of being kissed breathlessly by your partner, you do manage to note the sound of other kisses being shared in the room.
Looks like you’re all on the same page.
Bokuto breaks the kiss, his hand already underneath your shirt, caressing the smooth skin of your soft tummy. “Hey guys, we’re gonna—” he said, stopping in his verbal tracks as he looked over to see nearly every couple left in the room making their way off to separate corners of the house—some even opting to go outside. The quickly approaching darkness of early-winter nightfall and the glorious lack of summer bugs made it easy to have some fun outdoors as well.
Looks like you all were really on the same page.
Bokuto stood the two of you up, grabbing your hand to lead you up the side staircase to his upper floor bedroom. The only two left in the room after you’d gone were Atsumu and Sakusa, holding each other in their arms as they kissed and cuddled around the kitchen.
You pretended not to see Atsumu dipping down to balance on his heels in front of his boyfriend as you ascended the stairs.
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So, Youtube does in fact not have all the answers. Porn, even less so.
A little protip in case you needed confirmation on this: having your boyfriend—your boyfriend with no pro-dom experience—choke you to keep you quiet during sex… not a great idea. Even with both written and visual examples under your belt on how to do the thing, experimenting with heavier dominant aspects of sex is always best taught slowly, and by a professional.
You did not do things slowly or watch anything that came from a professional.
You can hear your boyfriend panicking, running next door into Hinata’s room with insane urgency. Though, despite how his panic may have made things seem, you were actually fine. You felt the slightest soreness blooming around your neck— where his hands had just been—and from his yelling pre-bolting out of the room you could tell your lips had the slightest tinge of blue developing on them, but you were actually breathing completely fine; the oxygen just needed a moment to fully flood back into your brain and up through to the surface of your skin.
Five more minutes of that and then maybe things would be a different story. Though Bokuto, understandably, thought he had accidentally murdered you, despite seeing your eyes open and responsive.
“Help! She… I think she’s hurt, and—fuck, less important detail but I’m gonna go to fucking jail!”
You chuckle as you hear him running door to door, asking for someone, anyone of his roommates to come help, and to call the emergency services line. You feel the subspace—the little elevation of epinephrine, endorphins, and enkephalins in your brain—beginning to alleviate itself a bit as you manage to sit up in bed, draping a blanket across your body to cover up, sipping at the water he had sitting on his bedside table when he launches himself back into his bedroom, tears running down his incredibly handsome, perfectly himbo-ish, face.
“Baby!” he yells, dropping to his knees and wrapping his arms around your waist. His head is laid against your boobs, sobbing uncontrollably into your chest.
“Honey,” you say back, giggling as he continues with his tears. “Why are you crying?”
He sobs harder at your question, squeezing you just a bit tighter. Before he can answer, a few of his roommates come barreling into the room with an emergency worker in tow as they practically push the man into the bedroom. You can hear the sounds of basically everyone in the house running around trying to be of some assistance in the background.
“Hi,” the paramedic says, his voice soft and sweet, “My name’s Kenjiro. I’m just gonna take a look at you really quickly if that’s okay. Please remove the grown man from your front side and take off your bracelet for me please.”
Bokuto very reluctantly moves out of the way, sitting at the end of the bed by your feet as the healthcare professional starts to measure your vitals.
“So, can you tell me what happened in your own words,” he asks you, his eyes noticeably looking above your head to the slight indents forming in the wall from the (now cracked) headboard smacking against it—despite the little blocks you’d put in place to keep it from doing that.
You run through the tale of the evening, your cheeks and chest blooming with heat as you notice the small group of boys still standing outside of the room—some just standing ideally around while some are on the phone, and a few speak to the other paramedic that had come by as backup.
“I’m fine, honestly!” you say, your voice lower than normal from the strain you’d allowed your boyfriend to put on it. “We just tried something new and it didn’t exactly go as planned.”
“Something, meaning asphyxiation?” the paramedic asks, his face looking subtly smug. He places a blood pressure cuff on your arm, starting up the device as he puts a little clamp on the tip of your finger.
“Yes, that. I got a little… out of it, and didn’t tell him to stop when I got dizzy and I guess I was still making noise so he didn’t notice, and… yeah. Totally consensual, if that’s what you’re worried about. We’re just stupid and got a little carried away.”
The man chuckles, looking over at your boyfriend who’s three shades paler than he normally would be and looking like the human personification of anxiety.
“Well, that’s good. I don’t see anything that would allude to any unsavory actions. Nothing’s broken, you’re able to speak to me just fine, and your levels are back up. So, I think that’s all from me. Just be more careful next time. Maybe shelve the kinky stuff until you’ve researched it more.”
You slump against the pillows nestled behind your back in Bokuto’s bed as the healthcare team leaves, leaving only you and Bokuto—and all of his frat brothers—in the home.
“So, she’s fine?” Hinata quips, shirtless with messy hair that presumably meant you’d interrupted their fun. Atsumu comes up the stairs leading to your room two at a time, Sakusa close behind as he asks much of the same.
Bokuto explains for you that things are fine, and you both apologize for making everyone worry.
“Well, good. Meian and Inunaki both do know about this now though, so just FYI… I’d expect a little meeting about this later.”
You both nod, sighing and sinking into the sheets together again as the men all scatter back to their own little corners of the house, leaving you two to the silence of his room.
“Maybe we should stick to the ball gag idea next time,” you say, mischief clear in your eyes as you cuddle your boyfriend.
He chuckles, pulling you onto his chest to kiss every part of your face. “Not a chance in hell on that one.”
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So, fast forward two days, and a lot of security camera footage review, later—the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house has three more new rules.
6. From now on, you break it, you buy it. No more sponsor money will be allocated towards sex-related property damage.
7. The rooms will be soundproofed on Saturday. Obviously having sex quietly & not causing bodily injury is too hard for you for some reason, so we’re making it easier on you. Once the soundproofing is done, no more sex outside of your soundproofed rooms; not in the bathrooms, not in the backyard, not in the kitchen… you gross little heathens. Also, a reminder: close your windows and the blinds before you do it. The elders that walk the campus for exercise can see you & they have complained.
8. No more almost murder in the frat house. My heart can’t take this.
And all any of you could say in return was, "yeah, we deserved this.”
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yaaay that was that. a little mental break from working on my chaptered fics bc they're all becoming their own little beasts. i crossposted this on ao3 — bookmark it if you'd like to have it in case something ever happens to this blog (god forbid). tyty for reading xox
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kemakoshume · 3 years
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updated last: feb 26, 2022
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