comradekatara · 3 years
Do you think any of the members of the gaang have hot takes on food?
when katara informs zuko that she simply cannot stand spicy food, zuko is like “you know, azula hates spicy food too. but she’d always eat the spiciest thing on the table anyway, just to prove a point.” and katara’s like “wow your sister’s dumb as hell” and zuko’s like “lol.......yeah.”
toph maintains that “rich people food tastes worse” and the best meal she ever had was a bunch of leftover dim sum she found in the garbage
aang’s really intent on repopularizing lychees after the war. he just thinks everyone should be eating more lychees, always
sokka’s “hot take” on food is that he has a teenage boy metabolism and if he does not shovel as much sustenance of any kind into his mouth hole as frequently as possible, he will get very cranky. fine...........crankier.
suki always carries fruits on her that are easy to peel and eat on the go, and whenever one of her warriors/friends/cranky boyfriend seems tired she immediately procures a snack, as if materialized out of thin air, at exactly the right time. it’s one of her superpowers
zuko will only drink tea if it’s been made by someone he loves. otherwise, he’s just drinking hot water with loose garbage in it, and what’s the point in that??
toph is actually the best tea-maker in the gaang. she understands the ritual, the artform, the waiting, the listening. as much as zuko tries, patience was never one of his virtues. sokka has tea-making down to a science, and katara pours love into every cup, but only toph’s tea could truly be mistaken for iroh’s. it’s a very slight difference, and only iroh can truly sense it, but he knows, and toph knows.
sokka is the first to notice that mai never actually eats. like, sure, she eats, but it’s always so slow and methodical that it seems more like a ritual, or a forced habit, than anything else. she takes a couple bites, and then she sets her food aside, mechanically, every time. but the thing about mai is, she loves food. especially “junk food,” desserts, bread, all the stuff she refuses to indulge in because whenever she tried to as a child her mother would scold her, ask her if she was trying to get fat, hmm?? sokka laments to toph and suki that they need to find a way to get mai to eat more, and so they’re always subtly inundating her with snacks, taking her out to eat, encouraging her to bake more. mai loves baking because it combines precision and artistry and eating desserts (she bakes with aang and suki a lot). eventually she starts feeling more comfortable around food. the voice in her head telling her that she’s taking up too much space is now replaced by suki peeling her a clementine.
azula would eat even more regimented and ritualistically than mai. she would only eat if she had performed perfectly than day, and when she did eat, she would single out rice by the grain. when zuko told jin that she had “quite an appetite for a girl,” it was simply because he had never known a single female human in his entire life to appear to enjoy the taste of food. part of azula’s recovery involves her learning to eat with her hands, with abandon.
whenever ty lee cooks for mai, she always tries to arrange whatever she’s made into a smiley face. and every time mai’s like “I can’t eat this. I’ll ruin your masterpiece” and ty lee’s like “if you don’t eat this whole thing so help me god I will be so hurt and offended I will have no other option but to divorce you.” and mai’s like “but we’re not married.” and ty lee’s like “DID I STUTTER!!!!!!” and then mai eats the whole thing in under a minute flat. they do this bit every time, and it never gets old.
aang and suki bond over being the only vegetarians in the gaang. after becoming a kyoshi warrior, suki manages to convince ty lee to join them. while they appreciate that katara and sokka could never actually be vegetarians, for they respect their cultural/regional diet and traditional/sacred hunting practices, toph, on the other hand, has no cultural attachment to meat, other than the fact that she simply loves steak.
when it comes to vegetarianism, zuko is torn because on one hand, the thought of killing animals horrifies him, but on the other hand, he grew up eating meat his whole life and he has no idea how to give up kebabs. yes, aang, he knows it used to be an animal, but now it’s just a lump! a very delicious lump! sokka’s like “oh so this means it’s a go on cooking the turtleducks?” and zuko knows that he’s only saying that to provoke him but. it works regardless.
katara always claims that she hates doing all the cooking, but also refuses to let anyone else try to cook when she has appointed herself head chef. she claims that the secret ingredient to making soup is waterbending, and no one else has the right touch. even aang, who is also a waterbender. sokka’s like “don’t bother arguing with her over this she has a whole complex over this and trying to unpack it would take way too long.” only like thirty years later does zuko admit that he’s always found her food....kind of bland. katara’s like “oh so now u wanna colonize my soup too, with your racist spices??? typical.”
katara hates papaya, but she dutifully ate one for breakfast anyway, because aunt wu told her to. having noticed this, aang assumed she liked papayas, and always makes sure to get some for her whenever the opportunity so arises. the gesture is so thoughtful that katara doesn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. she grows to like papaya.
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sjw-dipper · 3 years
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yeah see I think people's safety and comfort interacting with the series is much more important than spoilers so even if it spoils something I think the least we (people who read ahead) could do is warn others when something triggering is going to happen
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retroactivebakeries · 4 years
Hey just a heads up, Johnnycrass (the person who made the "now more than ever oppressed person can purchase our product) is a transphobe
Yeah, someone else let me know. Thanks!
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lesboevils · 3 years
What’s your favorite album (at the moment)?
ask me my faves.
blame game by beach bunny
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lilyandhertramps · 4 years
got tagged by @thequeenygospels, thanks! :)
Name: Not gonna put my full name, but the nickname Lily works
Zodiac: Taurus
Favorite musicians or bands: My Chemical Romance, Rise Against, the Birthday Massacre, Within Temptation, There for Tomorrow
Favorite sports team: bold of you to assume I know a sport
Other blogs: No sideblogs, we reblog incoherently like men
Do i get asks: Nope :c
How many blogs do i follow: 261
What i’m wearing: A pink t-shirt that says “don’t forget Flint” on it with water bottles around it and black drawstring shorts
Dream vacation: I would want to either go to japan or get a boat I could live on that was carbon neutral so I could sail around Greta Thunberg style
Dream car: a solar-powered mf with a lot of trunk space so I could move/help others move in it
Favorite food: I love food too much to pick one favorite, but I love sushi and curry and my mom’s chocolate chip cookies and also pumpkin pie
Languages: I only know English, and a few phrases I’ve picked up in Spanish and Japanese from fanfiction and anime
Celebrity crush: Manny Jacinto
Random fact: I own a walk-in closet’s worth of cool clothes, but rarely wear anything but sweats and a hoodie
I'm tagging: @benverlesbians , @kiyokospeaks , @scribegirl94
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retroactivebakeries · 4 years
hey just a heads up the op of the "obsession with being validated" post is a terf
thanks for letting me know
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