kingsvk · 3 months
Ivan King Kráľ - rozhovor (December 2023)
Ako sa Ti darí? Aký je to pocit, keď vychádza tento epický retrospektívny album?
IVAN KING KRÁĽ - Retrospektive 1993 - 2023. To je názov osobnej digipakovej CD kompilácie - termín vydania 31. 10. 2023, Sliptrick records (LTA). Sampler mapuje moje 30-ročné pôsobenie na hudobnej scéne ako skladateľa, klávesistu a textára.
Dá sa povedať, že som bol pri všetkom dôležitom, čo sa na slovenskej metalovej scéne udialo. Ovplyvnil som kapely autorsky, zúčastnil sa nahrávaní debutových albumov: Protest, Mystic Death, Galadriel, Lunatic Gods. Postupom času sa z týchto mien stali legendy. So svojím hudobným projektom King SVK udržiavam pomyselnú metalovú vlajku vztýčenú naďalej.
Keď si spomeniem na udalosti z minulosti, uvedomím si, ako hlboko ovplyvnili moje bytie. Viem, že minulosť nebola ilúziou a cez prítomnosť z nej načerpám vedomosť, silu a inšpiráciu pre formovanie úspešnej budúcnosti. Minulosť je potrebné vnímať ako odrazový mostík. Je úžasné uvedomiť si seba: slová a činy - svoje JA. Zhodnotiť, či sa splnili túžby.
Ako vznikol tento nápad? Pripomína mi to, ako som si zostavil svoj "playlist obľúbených" hudobníkov a všetkých ich diel.
Presne tak, o niečo podobné ide aj u tohto výberového albumu. Cieľom nebolo to, aby som sa stal zberateľom vlastných CDs, ale aby si moje hudobné pôsobenie utriedili fans, respektíve ozrejmila širšia verejnosť.
Začnime piesňou "Abandoned Love" od PROTESTU, to bol taký jedinečný album, umelecké dielo - aké to bolo byť jeho súčasťou?
Death metal a zvukovo pestré klávesy - táto kombinácia je fascinujúca. Výraz umelecké dielo je výstižný - artwork albumu, hudba. Od začiatku svojej kariéry sa snažím vytvárať hodnotný materiál. Protest vznikol v roku 1989 a ovplyvnili nás kapely Hypocrisy, The Gathering, Nocturnus. CD What For Name, When Hunanity Is Dying... (1995) bolo jedným z prvých v deathmetalovom žánri na Slovensku a istý čas aj najpredávanejším u Metal Age productions. Text tejto piesne som napísal ja. Kapela stihla vydať 3 štúdiové albumy do predčasnej smrti dvoch zakladajúcich členov: Jaro Vavro, Igor Prejsa. 
Ako si sa dostal k hosťovaniu na debutovej plnohodnotnej nahrávke pre GALADRIEL?
To je zaujímavý životný príbeh. Písal sa rok 1994 a ja som pôsobil ako učiteľ na Strednej odbornej škole polygrafickej v Bratislave - Rači. Tú navštevoval vtedy 16-ročný žiak, Jozef 'Dodo' Ďatel (vokál a basová gitara). Diskutovali sme o hudbe, spriatelili sa. Spomínal mi, že zakladá skupinu s názvom Trojan Warrior, kt. neskôr premenoval na tolkienovský GALADRIEL. Spontánne padlo rozhodnutie spolupracovať. V zakladajúcej zostave boli aj gitarista Voloďa Zadrapa a bubeník Dr. Victor Gieci. Vypomohol som hrou na klávesy, aj cennými radami počas nahrávania, pri mixáži skladieb. Nahrávka Empire Of Emptiness (1997), vyšla vo vydavateľstve Unknown Territory (UK) na CD nosiči. Skupina k dnešku realizovala 7 štúdiových albumov a hudobným smerom bol dark - doom metal.
MYSTIC DEATH bola zmena štýlu, s blackmetalovým zvukom. Aké to bolo s nimi pracovať?
Black metal ako štýl sa mi páči. Aj dnes sa snažím zaradovať jeho prvky do tvorby projektu King SVK. Keď som sa dozvedel, že agilné vydavateľstvo Metal Age productions má v pláne vydať album ďalšej skupiny z Martina, spozornel som. Mal som vtedy vytvorené MIDI sequencerom Roland MC 50 MK II. viaceré intrá a rozmýšľal som, ako ich použiť. Keď som ich chlapcom ponúkol, ihneď došlo k dohode o spolupráci. Počas hudobných skúšok sme všetko prispôsobili podľa potreby. Výrazne som pomohol pri aj v aranžovaní skladieb. Niektoré songy boli príliš minutážou dlhé - boli skrátené. Album Voices Of The Obscure World (1997) vyšiel u MAP na CD, MC a stal sa kultom. Utkvela mi v pamäti Blackmoonova recenzia naň v magazíne Spark. Redaktor pridelil albumu plný počet bodov a užasnutý kričal: „ Nóóóó! Toto je žrádlo! Skvelé klávesy, tie melódie! Blackmetalový orgazmus.“  
Big Boss, frontman ROOT sa vyjadril o kapele takto: „Podľa môjho názoru je Mystic Death jediná kapela z CS scény, ktorej hudba znie ako Black Metal.”
Dôvody rozpadu skupiny boli: osobné problémy, nedostatok času venovať sa kapele. Skladba Deathbreath In Northen Sky je súčasťou exkluzívnej kompilácie Ivan King Kráľ - Retrospective 1993 - 2023 (https://kingsvk.bandcamp.com). https://kingsvk.bandcamp.com/track/mystic-death-deathbreath-in-the-northern-sky
Poďme sa porozprávať o kapele EDITOR a ich mieste v slovenskej thrashmetalovej histórii. Prečo bola vybraná skladba "Escape"?
Začiatky EDITORu (1988) sa niesli v znamení thrash metalu, neskôr Hardcore. Skupina patrila medzi priekopníkov týchto štýlov na Slovensku. Z pôvodnej zostavy zostal vokalista Milan „Doctor“ Jakubík. Skupina dodnes vydala 8 štúdiových albumov.
Cover skladba skupiny Metallica - Escape bola exkluzívne nahraná pre české vydavateľstvo TAGA rec. a vydaná na kompilačnom CD, ako pocta Cliffovi Burtonovi - 10 Years After... (1996). Na nahrávaní skladby som sa v hudobnom štúdiu Shaark, Bzenec spolupodieľal ako hosťujúci hudobník a priateľ skupiny. Escape je jedna z nedocenených skladieb, v podaní Editoru pôsobí sviežim dojmom. Je súčasťou exkluzívnej kompilácie Ivan King Kráľ - Retrospective 1993 - 2023 (https://kingsvk.bandcamp.com). https://kingsvk.bandcamp.com/track/editor-escape-metallica-cover
Vždy som bol fanúšikom LUNATIC GODS a oceňoval som originálny zvuk a kreativitu kapely - ako ste pomohli založiť kariéru a rozbehnúť ju?
Povzbudení úspechom split CD Bestialit / Dehydrated sme pripravovali album Inhuman & Insensible (1996) - Polyphemus records. Hirax s Mortisom vytvorili na návrh vydavateľstva nový názov kapely - LUNATIC GODS. Počas nahrávania nám začalo dochádzať, že vzniká neobvyklá nahrávka. V tej dobe sme hrali na veľkých festivaloch, ohlas fans na skladby bol obrovský. Energiu od fanúšikov sme vložili do 2. albumu - Sitting By The Fire (1998) - Metal Age productions.
Časom vyšli na povrch rozdielne názory na to, akým smerom sa má skupina v budúcnosti uberať. Presadzoval som radikálny postup smerom nahor, to sa nestretlo s pochopením u ostatných členov skupiny. V roku 2000 som kapelu po 7 rokoch opustil. Dnes je tvorba L. G. orientovaná na slovanský Folk metal. Zaujímavou posilou je bubeník Martin „Marthus“ Škaroupka (Cradle Of Filth). 
Spolupracoval si s Pavlom 'Hiraxom' Baričákom a Ferom 'Psychom' Sochulákom v rôznych kapelách. Prosím, informuj našich čitateľov, aké to bolo spolupracovať s nimi? 
Boli to tieto skupiny: Editor, Protest, Bestialit - Lunatic Gods. Hirax (gitara) a Psycho (bicie nástroje) boli hudobní samoukovia a nerozluční kamaráti z martinského mestského sídliska Priekopa. Pochádzali z partie, ktorá fandila metalovej muzike a spoločne si obstarávali na burzách LP nosiče metalových skupín. Hirax o tejto dobe a zážitkoch napísal a vydal knihu: Vždy pripravený!
Ja som zas zostavil internetový projekt: História martinského metalu v rozhovoroch, ktorý zmapoval martinskú metalovú scénu (1985 - 2010). https://martinmetalmusic.wbl.sk/
Hudobná spolupráca s nimi bola OK. Prijali ma medzi seba a spoločne sme sa bezhlavo vrhli do tvorby muziky - zdokonaľovali náš osobitý hudobný štýl. Práca nám išla veľmi dobre. Ja osobne som chcel po 2. albume v Lunatic Gods viac tvoriť úderné, rýchle skladby v štýle kapely Slayer. Hirax mal naopak v pláne L.G. tvoriť zložitejšie, viacminútové eposy (obľuboval progresívny rock - Progres 2, skupinu z Brna). Viedli sme rozhovory ako ďalej, no tomto sme sa názorovo rozišli.
Dnes má Hirax svoju kapelu RAMCHAT. Psycho už nie je hudobne aktívny, žije samotárskym civilným životom a v koženej taške si so sebou „nosí svoju dušu“.    
Potom tu máme samozrejme albumy King SVK. ako by si opísal svoju prácu a zvuk, ktorý ste vytvorili?
Album New Aeon nevznikol unáhlene. Aranžmánom skladieb, zvukovej réžii a mixu bol venovaný dostatok času, úsilia. Skladby albumu majú potenciál získavať mnoho priaznivcov. Všetky recenzie na album boli fantastické. Vydalo ho na CD nosiči v Lotyšsku pôsobiace talianske vydavateľstvo Sliptrick records (2019). Možnosti práce so zvukom sú veľké, gitarista Norbert Ferencz má veľkú zásluhu na konečnej zvukovej verzii. Chceme byť aj naďalej do budúcna originálni - experimentovať. 
Milujem album King SVK - New Aeon. Napísali ste od jeho vydania nové piesne?  Kedy vyjde nová hudba?
New Aeon je naozaj skvelý album a prekonať ho bude výzva. Mám pripravených 10 autorských skladieb a 2 covery kapely Death: Voice Of The Soul a Crystal Mountain. Témy textov sa budú zaoberať gréckou mytológiou, vojnovou tematikou, slováci vo vojne. V poradí 4. dlhohrajúci radový album vyjde predpokladám v roku 2025. Predchádzať mu bude singel s videoklipom. Momentálne rokujem so spevákom Timom 'Ripperom' Owensom ako s hosťujúcim spevákom. Dúfam, že dôjde k dohode a spolupráca bude realitou.
Keď sa obzrieš späť na svoju kariéru na čo si najviac hrdý? Aký je Tvoj najväčší doterajší úspech?
Vystupoval som na veľkých festivaloch: Dynamo North Power Jam Litoměřice, Nuclear Storm. Odohral som s L. G. cca 200 'živých' koncertov. Časopis Metal Hammer CS vyhlásil Lunatic Gods v ankete za najlepšiu skupinu v Českej a Slovenskej republike (1997). K dnešku mám na konte celkom 9 plnohodnotných albumov s rôznymi kapelami. S projektom King SVK neustále stúpame v kvalite. V súčasnosti sa teším z celosvetovej distribúcie a reklamy, ktorú mi zabezpečuje vydavateľstvo Sliptrick records. 
Čo by si povedal na záplavu nahrávok zlej kvality aj obsahu, ktorá sa objavuje na internete?
Niektorá nepočúvateľná hudba má mnoho miliónov počutí. Internetový priestor je týmto zamorený. Treba si položiť otázku: prečo hudobný priemysel produkuje tak zlú hudbu a prečo to niekto konzumuje? Vidím v tom zámer. Robí sa to preto, aby sa vytratili normálne hodnoty. Cieľom je vychovať vyšinutých, zmätených jedincov. Ale čím sa zaoberáte, tým sa my sami stávate. Napájate sa na egregor, ktorý vzniká z kolektívnych myšlienok určitej skupiny ľudí. Takže pozor: „ak konzumujete odpad, môžete sa sami stať...“ 
Niečo na záver?
Pomôžem si citátom od Nikolu Tesla:  „Všetko je svetlo. A myslite nato: Človek, ktorý niekedy existoval, nezomrel.“ 
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minusregina · 10 years
ship: jongsuk & gabbana
Send me a ship and I'll tell you:
who is more dominant in the bedroom?: Jongsuk, definitely.
who complains the most?: Gabbana, and Jongsuk would complain about her complaining but end up giving in to her demands anyway.
who’s the laziest?: Gabbana. 
who wakes up the earliest?: Gabbana, because she likes waking up earlier than anyone else. Plus, it gives her an excuse to get him coffee before he wakes up.
who does the chores around the house?: Neither -- they have maids for that.
who is the most protective of the other?: Jongsuk is more protective, I assume, although Gabbana would try her best to be protective of Jongsuk as well.
who gets jealous the easiest?: Gabbana, through and through.
and a song or group of songs that describes the ship: Umbrella - Epik High ft. Younha
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dansevrs-blog · 10 years
kingsvk replied to your post “We're going out for a guys' night out, c'mon. ⊰ — [ nods, quickly urging the other to get off the sofa ]”
⊰ — [ he bites on his lower lip, clearly not having thought that far out before grinning ] We're going out for a ride. And then... well, we'll go from there. C'mon, dancing queen. ⊰ — [ he rushes playfully, calling the other by his nickname ]
{ -- he can't help but chuckle at his friend, shaking his head in amusement before giving nonchalant shrug as he heads to the door to slide on his shoes } Okay then-- sounds good to me. I guess we'll see where your lack of plans leads us, princess. { --  he shoots a playful glare over his shoulder at the nickname }
0 notes
qianniesong · 10 years
Oh my god, I'm so sorry. ⊰ — [ he says, quickly eyeing the damage his car had inflicted upon the other's Skyline. Jongsuk had been rather careless and misjudged the gap between him and the car in front of him which now resulted in him apologizing countless times to the woman who had come out of the vehicle ]
The he-- (/she slips from her seat and out the car doors in a swift motion, walking--no, running--to check her bumper) Ah, no that's fine. I can always get it fixed... ah shit. (/she mumbles, recalling that she didn't actually have a mechanic friend anymore. fixing this mess would turn out to be a harder feat than before.) 
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theqameison · 10 years
Send me a "▸" for a 3AM text message.
[ TEXT → Jongsuk ] They should make a Rosetta Stone that allows men to understand what the fuck women are actually trying to say.
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shinseky-blog · 10 years
{ ’ blinks once and looks at the man with a bright smile. } OPPA! 
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bxsvzy · 10 years
Leave “Red String of Fate” in my askbox I’ll generate a number
42. Our muses are destined to find each other whilst pulling the same red sweater from the rails.
she was taking a stroll around hongdae, her favorite place and her apartment building also there. it was a sunny afternoon and she got nothing to do, so she just decided to go out and maybe she could find something cute. she was wearing a black-and-white striped short skirt with a red cropped-tee, along with some accessories and also a pair of black cat-heels shoes. she wore a lot of red that day, she had been obsessed with red lately.
she was holding her purse tightly as she went in and out from shops to shops. and within half an hour, she already got several bags in her hand; clothes, accessories, make up, etc. taking a quick break at her favorite cafe, she ordered an iced caramel macchiato and a slice of tiramisu strawberry. after she was done, she continue to shop around before getting something for dinner and then went back home.
she went in to this shop, it was somewhat vintage and she liked vintage. she looked around, taking some clothes from the rails and tried them. she tried the three of them but only two that she thought she liked the most, plus the other seemed like she already have one. she made her way to the cashier and pulled her credit card out. Her eyes roamed around the shop once again as she waited. but then she told the cashier to wait as she ran across the room, there was the simple sweater she had been searching for since she found it on the internet.
but as her hand reached the hanger, there was another hand doing the same. quickly, she looked up and found a tall man looking down at her also. she blinked for a few times before drawing her hand back to her chest. ❝ sorry. ❞
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hagvmi · 10 years
"if you want the reason, I will show you now.
"D-Do so.." She gestured a hand out, lips pursing themselves as she (tried) to glare up at the man that had taken her sketch book. 
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kingsvk · 5 months
Transcending The Mundane - American music magazine, Issue #42 (2024). Interview - Ivan King Kráľ , table of contents 54 - 56.
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minusregina · 10 years
♥ + kingsvk
Send me a ♥ + a URL and I'll list 5 things I like about them.
Your jawline.
The way you call me 'Queen'.
Your arms.
Your sense of style isn't bad all the time.
The way we spend time together.
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dansevrs-blog · 10 years
We're going out for a guys' night out, c'mon. ⊰ — [ nods, quickly urging the other to get off the sofa ]
Oh? { — he’s a bit surprised by the sudden urgency, but nods and stands to his feet } Okay— I could use that. What do you have in mind?
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ulsaen-blog · 10 years
"How drunk are you right now?"
❝- [:obnoxious laughter spilled from his lips as he tossed his head back, clutching his stomach and you could tell he was clear wasted off his ass.] 
0 notes
theqameison · 10 years
☼ — Woobin has perfect pitch. He can hear musical notes precisely as they should be in his head and therefore things like off-key songs and slightest tuning problems with his musical instruments drive him mad.
☼ — Woobin’s favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. He loves how, even through grief and trial, Van Gogh did what he did best. His favorite painting by him is The Starry Night and Starry Night Over the Rhone.
☀ — The skull that sits on the bookshelf of Woobin’s apartment once went by the name of Choi Sung Hoon. It serves as a constant reminder of something from his past.
☀ — After a traumatic accident while working on an investigation in his early years as a consulting detective, Woobin has nightmares of falling and hitting the ground. This was when his Acrophobia, fear of heights, was developed.
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flowerchild-dahlia · 10 years
Excuse me but can you give me the directions to Apgujeong? I seem to have gotten lost. ⊰ — [ jongsuk admits, flashing the other a sheepish smile. it took him awhile to gather the courage to approach someone, silently cursing for the lack of signal around the area ]
Dahlia looked up from where she sat on the bench.  She shaded her eyes, squinting a bit in the sun, to see the man.  "Apgujeong?"  She smiled, chuckling.  "You're actually in it right now."  Taking her hand down, she stood.  "Where in Apgujeong are you trying to get to?"
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kingsvk · 5 months
    Ivan King Kráľ - interview (December 2023)  
How are you doing? How does it feel having this epic retrospective album come out?
IVAN KING KRÁĽ - Retrospective 1993 - 2023. This is the title of a personal digipak CD compilation - release date October 31, 2023 by Sliptrick records (LTA). This compilation charts my 30 years on the music scene as a composer, keyboardist and lyricist.                                                                                                    I have been present at everything important that has happened on the Slovak metal scene. I have influenced bands like Protest, Editor, Mystic Death, Galadriel, Lunatic Gods, participated in recording of their debut albums as a member of the band or as a guest. Over time, these names have become legends. With my music project King SVK, I keep the imaginary metal flag flying.
When I recall the events of the past, I realize how deeply they have affected my being. I know that the past was not an illusion and through the present I will draw from it the knowledge, strength and inspiration to shape a successful future. It is wonderful to become aware of yourself, your words and actions - your SELF. To evaluate whether dreams, desires have come true. The past must therefore be seen as a stepping stone.
2. Where did the idea originate?  It reminds me of how I put together my "favorites playlist" of musicians and all their works.
Exactly. Something similar is going on with this compilation. The goal was not for me to become a collector of my own CDs, but for my work over the last 30 years to be sorted out by the fans, or made known to the general public.
3. Let's start with the Protest song, "Abandoned Love," this was such a unique album, the artwork as well- what was it like being a part of this?
The term - artwork is very apt - it describes a lot. Since the beginning of my career I have been trying to make valuable material within music. Protest was created in 1989. Death metal and keyboards - this combination is fascinating. We were influenced by bands like The Gathering, Nocturnus. CD What For Name, When Hunanity Is Dying... (1995) was one of the first in the death metal genre in Slovakia and for some time the best seller on Metal Age Productions (SVK). The lyrics of this song were written by me. The band managed to release 3 studio albums. 
4. How did you come to guest on the debut full length for Galadriel?
It's an interesting life story. It was 1994 and I was working as a teacher at the Secondary vocational school of polygraphy in Bratislava - Rača. This was attended by a then 16-year-old pupil Dodo Ďatel (vocal & bass guitar). We talked about music and became friends. He mentioned to me that he founded the band Trojan Warrior, which he later renamed tolkien's GALADRIEL (1995). Spontaneously, the decision to collaborate was made. I helped my friends considerably by playing the keys. Also with valuable advice during the recording & mixing of the songs. Empire Of Emptiness (1997) was released on Unknown Territory (UK). The band has released 7 studio albums. The musical direction was doom - dark metal.
5. Mystic Death was more of a change in style, with the black metal sound what was it like working with them?
I like black metal and I try to incorporate its elements into King SVK's work even today. When I heard that the agile Metal Age productions label is planning to release an album by another Martin band, I was intrigued. I had created sequencer intros at that time and I was wondering how to use them. When I offered the guys to use them, the deal was immediately done. During rehearsals we adapted everything as needed. I helped a lot in arranging the songs. Some of the songs were long, the riffs were pointlessly repetitive. That's why they were edited - shortened. The Voices Of The Obscure World album was released in 1997.  I remember Blackmoon's review in Spark magazine (CZ). He shouted in amazement: "This is food! Great keyboards, those melodies!"                            Big Boss, frontman of ROOT, had this to say about the band: "In my opinion, MYSTIC DEATH is the only band from the CS scene whose music sounds like black metal."                                                                                                          The album has not been surpassed to this day and has become a cult hit. However, the main reasons for the band's break-up were: personal problems and lack of time to devote to the band. Track Deathbreath In The Northen Sky is included on the exclusive compilation Ivan King Kráľ - Retrospective 1993 - 2023 at https://kingsvk.bandcamp.com/.
6. Let's discuss Editor and their place in Slovakian thrash metal history.  Why was "Escape" chosen as a cover? 
The beginnings of EDITOR (1988) were marked by Thrash metal, Hardcore and the band was one of the pioneers of this musical style in Slovakia. Only Milan "Doctor" Jakubík (vocals) remained from the original line-up. The group has released 8 studio albums to date. Metallica's cover song Escape was exclusively recorded in Shaark studio, Bzenec for TAGA records (CZ). It was released as a compilation CD, as a tribute to Cliff Burton - 10 Years After... (1996). I participated in the recording as a guest musician and friend of the band. Escape is one of the underrated tracks, this version makes a fresh impression. It is part of the exclusive Ivan King Kráľ - Retrospective 1993 - 2023 compilation at https://kingsvk.bandcamp.com/.
7. I was always a fan of Lunatic Gods and appreciated the original sound and creativity of the band- how did you help establish their career and get them going?
While recording Inhuman & Insensible (1996) in the studio, it began to dawn on us that an unusual record was being made. We put the energy from our fans into further work and the second album, Sitting By The Fire (1998), was born. As time went on, differences of opinion surfaced among the band members as to what direction the band should take in the future. I was pushing for a radical move upwards, but this was not met with understanding. I was disappointed. I felt at the time we had a chance to break into the metal elite. In 2000 I left the band after 7 years. The decision was not easy. The band has released 8 studio albums. Today L.G.'s work is oriented towards Slavic folk-metal. There are two original members. The drummer Martin 'Marthus' Škaroupka (Cradle Of Filth) is an interesting addition.
8. You worked with Pavel 'Hirax' & Fero 'Psycho'  in different bands please inform our readers what it was like collaborating with them?
Yeah. I must commend you for this knowledge. These bands were Editor, Protest and Bestialit - Lunatic Gods. Hirax (guitar) & Psycho (drums) were self-taught and inseparable friends from the Priekopa housing estate in Martin. They came from a bunch who were fans of metal music and together they used to buy records of metal bands. In the 1980s they used to go to stock exchanges and buy vinyl records. Hirax wrote about this time and the different experiences - he published a book: Always ready! I put together an internet project: The history of Martin's metal in interviews (1985 - 2010).
The musical collaboration with the two of them was good. They took me in and together we plunged headlong into making music. Gradually we got better and better. We had a good momentum going, we were great together. Personally, I wanted to make punchy, fast songs with keys: something in the style of Slayer. Hirax, on the other hand, had a plan to start making complex, multi-minute epic songs (he liked progressive rock - a band from Brno, Progres 2). In 2000 we had a difference of opinion on this issue. Today Hirax has his own band called RAMCHAT (Pagan death metal). Psycho is no longer musically active, he lives a solitary civilian life and carries his soul with him in a leather bag.
9. Then of course we have the King SVK albums how would you describe your work and the sound you have established?
The album New Aeon was not made in haste. A lot of time and effort was devoted to the arrangement of the songs, sound direction and mixing. The songs from this album have the potential to win many fans. All the reviews for the album have been fantastic. The album was released on CD by Sliptrick records, an Italian label based in Latvia, on 22 October 2019. The possibilities to work with the sound are great, guitarist Norbert Ferencz has a lot of credit for the final sound version. We want to continue to be original in this.
10. I love the New Aeon album- have you written new songs since its release?  When will you have new music coming out?
New Aeon is a great album and to top it will be a challenge. There are 10 original songs and 2 covers by Death: Voice Of The Soul & Crystal Mountain. The themes of the lyrics will deal with Greek mythology, WW2. The new, 4th in line album will be released in 2025. It will be preceded by a single with a music video. I'm currently in talks with singer Tim 'Ripper' Owens as a guest vocalist. Hopefully a deal will come together and he will agree to collaborate.
11. Looking back on your career - what are you most proud of?  What is your biggest accomplishment so far?
I've performed at big festivals, e.g. Dynamo North Power Jam Litoměřice (1998). I have played 200 live shows with Lunatic Gods and Metal Hammer CS magazine named the best metal band in the Czech republic and Slovakia (1997). To date I have a total of 9 full-length albums with various bands. With the King SVK project I am constantly going up in quality.
To conclude the quote from Nikola Tesla: "Everything is light. And think of this: The man who ever existed did not die."
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minusregina · 10 years
Luckily for the younger, Jongsuk had been feeling extra lazy after being up and about the past couple of days, simply deciding to spend his day off lounging on his couch for the whole day. “Hm?” He hums, soon hearing a higher-pitched voice on the other side of the door as he quickly gets up to let the other in. “Sure, sure. Let me just go get dressed first. Or would you like to choose today’s outfit as well?” He soon asks, knowing that the girl had always liked picking his clothes for him, being the fashion geniuses both her and her brother were.
She smiled -- and he should feel lucky that she did -- once he opened the door, and let herself in like in as gracefully as a hurricane of fabulous would once it entered the abode of a socialite such as herself. "Mm, judging from what you're wearing? Yeah," she answered, poking his chest lightly. "I'd hate to be seen out with you when you're dressed like that, oppa." She enunciated the Korean title before grinning again. "Unless you don't want to go outside -- otherwise, we can just watch whatever movie you want. Provided that you have food." The girl sighed dramatically. "Ah, but what a waste of a good outfit...and here I went to the extent of looking pretty for you."
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