#king hanzo of the netherrealm
thedragonholder · 8 months
I am going to end the poll now everyone because obviously we will need king Hanzo of the netherrealm!!!
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gophergal · 11 months
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Life on the farm
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laismoura-art · 9 months
Opening Tumblr with my eyes closed cause so far I have only watched HALF of the story mode and I'll probably (hopefully) I'll only finish it later today or tomorrow, so basically I'll be gone for a couple days!
But regarding what I already saw:
The story mode was actually (so far) much much better than I expected and I'm sure you guys remember how skeptical I was to Scorpion!Kuai, well
I loved him dearly and his chapter! He is quite an amazing scorpion and after spending some time with him he doesn't even feel out of place anymore!
He's so honourable, sweet, gentle! The way he avoids unnecessary conflicts is very suiting of him!
I definitely bought his character!
And you can expect some Scorpion!Kuai X King of Netherrealm Hanzo content from me!
Now regarding Bi-Han...
I won't say I hated his character (yet). On the contraire actually.
Till roughly the end of his chapter I was actually vibbing with him!
His frustrations were understandable and to be fair quite entertaining! His constant face of contempt and boredom were pretty fun to watch (and I'll dare say I freaking called it! Man was just bored)
However he did get corrupted FAR TOO EASILY and honestly the whole story with their father felt... really forced.
It felt like a desperate attempt to make his corruption believable. To say "Oh see, this guy made some bad bad things, it makes sense him going rogue!"
When really uh... no???
Remove this whole "I let father die" thing from the story and what do you have? You have NOTHING to justify his corruption!
His boredom doesn't justify it, if anything it makes it more plausible for him to stay on the good guys side!
He is not hungry for power, he is hungry for COMBAT!
He wants to fight! He wants an enemy He can beat and hear the songs that will be sang about that battle!
Honestly, SONGS???
Bro wants to be Hércules or some other legendary hero! Who's name will be remembered from ages to come!
You think this guy will pass the opportunity to beat an army of undead?? Save a whole realm and be remembered as such??
This guy???
Yeah right...
You can DEFINITELY expect a WHOLE LOT of Bi-Han redemption/good brother Bi-Han content from me (more than you already get from me)
I stopped watching just as Scorpion's Chapter finished, so I don't know what will be of Bi-Han. I'll be making other posts with all my impressions as soon as I've finished the Story Mode!
I knew I was right in update the bio! :')
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angelbroad · 8 months
More questions!
How did Kuai and Hanzo meet in your AU?
What was Kakko and Hanzo's relationship at first?
Also... I saw from one of your drawings Hanzo looks like his king of hell version(great drawing btw)👀👀👀 does that mean anything?
*cracks knuckles*
Hanzo and Kakkō first came into contact some a century after Kakkō's species was extinguished by the Lin Kuei. Hanzo had been a ronin that harnesed the Netherrealm's power to cheat death, and he had met Kakkō in Japan. First, he tried to kill them, because stories would paint the Titan Jellyfish as some sort of immoral monstrosity, but he soon realised that it couldn't be further from the truth. So, he decided to take them in, and even gave them the name Kakkō, which translates to shape/form. They were pretty much a found family.
They had been together up until Kakkō was 1,000 years old (Hanzo found them when they were 900), and Lui Kang finally was able to find Lin Kuei strong enough to take care of Hanzo, because he believed he would turn out like Quan Chi, as he harnessed the powers of the Netherrealm. Kakkō had not been home that day, but took the only thing they could salvage from their frozen home, a kunai spear, and they set out to find Lui Kang. You can imagine how furious they were now that yet another family was taken from them
As for Hanzo, well. Lui Kang managed to banish him to the Netherrealm with the Lin Kuei's assistance, but Hanzo just decimated the realm's armies and grew in strength so much that he ended up ruling it.
Kakkō learned this after the ending of the game and with Ashrah's help ventured the Netherrealm to find him. (And maybe recruit him in their second dad's new clan)
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sasorikigai · 6 months
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RESIDENCE: Shirai Ryu, Japan, Earthrealm (canon), Midtown East, NY, near SWAT headquarters (modern)
TYPE OF BED: A simple double-layered tatami mat made out of compressed rice straw (canon), a Dreamcloud medium-firm king-sized mattress (modern)
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: All he needs is a single duvet. Hanzo runs extra warm (both)
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: Two will more than well suffice. not really a decorative type; Hanzo much prefers simple, elegant, and minimalist setup (both)
TYPE OF CLOTHING: Traditional kimono/yukata (canon), a simple monochrome pajama pants and mostly bare on top (modern)
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: Depends on verses (both)
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: Not particularly (both)
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: Not really. Being a practitioner of ninjutsu, Hanzo has learned to sleep in peculiar places (canon). Doesn't really sleep well and will attempt to get shut-eye, mostly on his desk or a futon in his office (modern)
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: Train/spar, talk a long walk, survey the grounds, read and write, paperwork, etc. (canon), go out for a run, motorcycle ride, imbibe on liquor, paperwork, etc. (modern)
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: Harumi and Satoshi's gruesome death, the Shirai Ryu extinction, his own death, all the time he'd spent in Netherrealm (canon), the deaths of his family, camaraderie, subordinates and innocent people (modern)
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: Both. There is usually nothing in-between (both)
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: There is no determined time Hanzo will sleep - it could be day or night or whenever he can get catnaps during the day (both)
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: He is an extremely light sleeper, any kind of disturbance will wake him up, especially when he can sense a presence of someone nearby (mostly with his well-developed and heightened auditory and tactile senses) (both)
EARLY OR LATE RISER: Early riser no matter what. Grandmaster Hasashi is the earliest to get up and the latest to fall asleep in Shirai Ryu, and will remain awake until the most of the masters, warriors, and initiates are up (canon). He could be considered a late riser, but it is mostly due to the nature of his profession that his sleeping schedule is so unpredictable (modern)
Tagged by: @hexsreality
Tagging: @sonxflight, @somniaxperdita, @kcnshi | @whiptrip and YOU
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Hotline Bling: An Excerpt
This is my offering to the SubCage overlords who have conquered my heart. A what-if situation - sometime after Ice in the Netherrealm, Hanzo decides to kill Sektor before his nuptials with Kuai Liang. He catches a lead and needs to depart ASAP but since that whole jaunt through the Netherrealm, Kuai Liang has been unstable. Hanzo doesn’t want to leave him alone so who does he ask to keep his Omega company? Alpha extraordinaire, Johnny Cage. It’s long. Like this isn’t even half of the draft. :
“Relax, baby, it’s nothing I haven’t done before.”
This close, Johnny Cage’s tone was playful but sincere. His overly familiar touches still made Kuai Liang tense up, but gods, he needed it. 
“That’s it, you’re such a good Omega, and I’m gonna take care of you,” the actor said, pulling him into a kiss by his chin. 
After all these years… the elders were right. Kuai Liang really was a slut. 
But this was Hanzo’s idea. Hanzo had to tend to business in other realms and wanted Kuai Liang to be comfortable. His heat cycle was still too intense and unstable to just leave him alone. 
“Purring already, babe?” Johnny asked as he separated them with a smile. 
His kisses were different. Hanzo’s were passionate and domineering, but Johnny kissed softly.
He rubbed his jaw and laughed. “It’s been a while since I had beard burn. You’re a natural, you big ice queen.”
Kuai Liang tried to focus on Johnny, but it was hard enough keeping his eyes open at all. He opened his mouth but groaned as his stomach cramped. 
“Easy there, don’t worry. I’m gonna take real good care of you.” Johnny removed his shirt and ran his hands up Kuai Liang’s abs. “Your eyes are so fucking gorgeous. Ol’ Grandmaster Grumpy Face really snatched you up before the rest of us could get a shot.”
He moaned, but at this point, his purr was so loud. 
“God, you taste good. Want me to take off your headband?”
Kuai Liang leaned forward and caught Johnny’s lips, pulling him into a deeper kiss. Anything to shut him up. 
Johnny growled and pulled him onto his lap. “Look at me, defrosting the ice king.”
“Mmmmm…” Fuck me, Alpha. It was embarrassing enough to think that, let alone say it out loud. 
He reached into Johnny’s pants and found him quickly hardening. “Ohhh fuck. God.”
He pulled Kuai Liang into another kiss as the Omega tugged at the pants. He had his hands in Kuai Liang’s hair, pulling him closer. Then his hand was caressing his ear. 
He could feel his face heat up. This kind of foreplay… the attention…
“Y’okay?” Johnny asked, kissing his shoulder. 
Fuck. Me. He closed his eyes and embraced the warmth that Johnny was giving him. 
His body was aching, his stomach was cramping, and he felt dizzy without Johnny’s lips. But… he couldn’t. He couldn’t do this. 
“I… no…”
Johnny stopped and let go. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I’m at your service, K-boy.”
He shuddered, and Johnny pulled him back into a warm embrace. He laid them back down, keeping Kuai Liang against his chest. “Anything you wanna try, anything you wanna do. Even if it’s just this. That’s a Johnny Cage guarantee.”
He needed an Alpha. Here was an Alpha. Not his Alpha. His friend. They couldn’t do this. He needed to do this. 
Kuai Liang wanted to express all these thoughts, but when he opened his mouth, a sharp breath escaped, and he was tearing up. No. No. Not in front of him.
Losing control of his emotions in front of Hanzo was one thing - even before they had bonded, Hanzo was his closest friend, his confidant. He had seen Kuai Liang through the worst of it. But for others to see this vulnerability… he didn’t want this. He had told Hanzo-
“Shhh, shh, I know this is hard.” Johnny wiped his tears and cradled his head, gently rocking them. “You miss your Alpha. You want some relief, but you feel guilty that he isn’t here. Your body feels like it’s swallowing itself. I know. Shh, shh.”
How… how did he know all of that? Hanzo wouldn’t have revealed such intimate knowledge.
He looked up, and Johnny’s gentle expression immediately changed to alarm. “Your eyes are green. I hate that you’re feeling like this.”
“Hanzo told you–”
“Hey man, how long have we known each other?” Johnny asked, taking his chin again. “It happens more now that you’re not holding back, but I always saw… oh…”
He laughed, but Kuai Liang didn’t understand. “What is amusing you?”
“Your eyes are gold,” Johnny said softly. “I’ve only seen it once. But don’t worry, snowflake, I know exactly what to do.”
He kissed him again, sliding his hands up Kuai Liang’s ribs. “Mmm, Fire Daddy’s feeding you well.”
Before Kuai Liang could react, Johnny buried his face into his neck and licked his outer ear. “I can’t wait to really taste ya, babe.”
He sucked on the small earlobe before pulling him up. “All aboard the SS Carlton!”
“No.” It came out immediately. “I need to take care… I cannot…”
“Relax and enjoy yourself? Yeah I know,” Johnny finished sympathetically as he slid his hands up Kuai Liang’s thighs. “We’ll work on it. Take off your pants.”
The last part was an order. Ordered in a voice that made Kuai Liang absolutely rigid. Johnny’s voice was much deeper than he’d ever heard and… sensual. 
He pulled off his pants, dismayed that hearing the Alpha voice had caused him to slick. He was still amazed that he was producing it without pain.
“Good boy,” Johnny said, grabbing his hand and pulling him closer. With his other hand, he grabbed Kuai Liang’s cock with shameless abandon and started working it. 
It almost brought the cryomancer to his knees. He was already weak to his Alpha servicing him but for another strong Alpha…
Every thought that came after melted as air from Johnny’s nose blew through the hairs on Kuai Liang’s crotch. 
His tongue was, gods, it was all over him, curling around the shaft, teasing the foreskin, and massaging the head. He took it all, holding Kuai Liang against his face while he worked. 
He let go with a satisfied grin just as heat began building in Kuai Liang’s stomach. Johnny pulled him back on the bed and looked him in the eye as he caressed his face. “I know you think everything is a joke to me, but you’re one of the best people I know, and that list is getting a lot shorter. I can help you. Trust me.”
“You are an Alpha,” Kuai Liang said slowly. “How are you…”
“So good at sucking dick?” Johnny laughed and embraced the cryomancer again. “Oral is my specialty, Alpha, Beta, Omega, no matter the gender. When I first came to Hollywood, I was a nobody who needed to pay the bills just like every other nobody. So in between auditions and reads, I was accompanying the elite as their handsome, fit, Alpha arm candy.”
He chuckled and held Kuai Liang in his neck, grounding himself before memories of those days resurfaced. “Trust me, my icy friend. I am more than qualified for this job.”
He leaned back down, but Kuai Liang grabbed his hair. “I can’t. Not before you.”
Johnny’s head snapped up, and his confused expression morphed into that mischievous grin that the cryomancer usually dreaded. 
“What I’m hearing is that my esteemed guest has a thing for punishment. I think I can accommodate you there.”
“No - we shouldn’t—”
He moved forward and brushed his lips against Kuai Liang’s before sliding against his cheek to his ear. “Have you noticed that you’re breathing easier?”
Fingers rubbing his earlobes now. “And your pheromones are pretty stable.”
“Y-you should have no ability to smell me,” the cryomancer complained. He balled his fists in frustration. Even being bonded didn’t save him from these embarrassments. He was too old, too strong for his body to be so chaotic. “Only Hanzo-”
“Cut yourself some slack,” Johnny said softly. “You’re in heat, so that’s an automatic pass. But you’re in heat without your Alpha. You’re not giving yourself enough credit, Kuai. A bonded Omega in heat without their Alpha usually just goes feral. The fact that you’re still conscious and with me shows how much control you have over yourself.”
The praise made him feel warm and heavy. He wanted to please this Alpha, offer himself completely as long as Alpha continued saying these things to him. Johnny Cage, of all people, was making him feel this way. 
For a moment, he could stop and appreciate the luxury that Johnny provided. The sheets were soft silk, covering his skin in a protective cool without creating friction. Music played in the background, easy, soft melodies that relaxed Kuai Liang when he took note of it. And the air…
“This smell… your pheromones?” He asked as Johnny rested a hand on his head. 
“What kind of monster do you think I am?” The Alpha laughed. “No, it’s just some essential oils. Vanilla rose. I figured this whole situation would be overwhelming enough… you don’t need my scent clinging onto you too.”
Kuai Liang blushed, and the ache in his body shifted from exhaustion to desire. If only his first time with Hanzo had been so…
He dove down before his mind finished that thought. He had Johnny completely in his mouth in one move. 
He could admit that he had gotten lazy with Hanzo. His Alpha was a disaster when it came to giving oral pleasure. It made sense - his sexual experience was stilted compared to Kuai Liang’s. What Johnny had done for him… Kuai Liang wanted to reciprocate. 
“Oh shit, shit, shit,” Johnny gasped. His hand returned to Kuai Liang’s head and forced him to take it deeper. “Holy shit, it’s been too long.”
This show of force was familiar to him. No hesitance. No concerned faces. Just an Alpha enjoying what Kuai Liang had to offer. He was already wrong for engaging with another Alpha - what was the harm in being wrong about this too?
Kuai Liang had closed his eyes when Johnny pulled him off. “World-class, baby.”
Once again, the praise made him blush and drew out his purr. Johnny didn’t laugh or tease him for it. He simply kissed Kuai Liang. 
No demands for explanation. No sudden loss of his temper. If Kuai Liang stumbled out of the moment, Johnny would just nonchalantly reel him back in. 
This. This was the Alpha he wanted. 
“Lay down on your side,” Johnny whispered. He didn’t demand it in his Alpha voice, but it didn’t matter. Kuai Liang wanted whatever he had in store. 
He lay on the bed and thought he understood when he was confronted by a full view of Johnny’s hard cock in his face. He resumed his duties. 
And found that he did not understand the plan. 
As soon as he felt it slide past his throat, he felt Johnny’s mouth embracing his own hard-on. The pleasure, heightened by his heat, ran through Kuai Liang like fire, and he moaned and purred around Johnny’s cock. 
The actor withdrew and Kuai Liang, tempted to look down, managed not to get distracted. He couldn’t let up on Johnny. 
“Goooooooood damn,” he sighed. “It feels unreal having you purring on my dick, babe. Just fucking marry me already.”
Marry him? Oh. Kuai Liang was…
… cut off from those thoughts as Johnny aggressively took his cock again, burying his face in Kuai Liang’s pubic hair and making these unholy sounds of sin as he did so. 
It made him purr louder, which caused Johnny to moan, which only heightened the arousal between them both. 
Just as quickly as he started, the actor stopped. Kuai Liang kept working. Johnny laughed and pulled away so that he could sit up. Kuai Liang immediately continued as Johnny caressed his face. “Know why I stopped?”
His fingers made idle movements, but Kuai Liang realized that Johnny was avoiding his scars. He also realized, with great alarm, that he wanted Johnny to touch them. Johnny wouldn’t look at him with pity as Hanzo did. Johnny would accept the scars as part of Kuai Liang, not see them as damage that other Alphas caused.
He shifted his head so that Johnny could feel his own cock pushing against the wall of Kuai Liang’s cheek. 
He closed his eyes and uttered a soft groan. “Jesus baby, are you trying to kill me?”
Johnny lifted him and ran his fingers from Kuai Liang’s abs to his chest. “I saw your thighs tensing up. You were about to sing for me.”
Sing… that was how Hanzo referred to it as well. 
“And as we both agreed, I get mine first,” Johnny reminded as he pulled Kuai Liang into another deep kiss. 
He cupped the back of the cryomancer’s head, then spread his fingers through his hair. This, he always wanted to do. The man had great hair. 
With his other hand, he shamelessly groped Kuai Liang’s chest. This was the impossible dream. Johnny wasn’t ashamed, tits were his thing, and he had the glory of associating with many people who seemed allergic to shirts. Sonya’s chest was something to behold, and he still daydreamed about motorboating the fuck out of them, but Sub-Zero’s tits were a whole different league. Johnny started with small touches but quickly began squeezing his nipples, squeezing his pecs, gods they were gonna feel so good in his mouth—
He felt Kuai Liang’s breath hitch and his body heat up under him, but he was holding onto Johnny’s neck. Damn, the arms on this dude. 
Johnny ended the kiss and started rubbing Kuai Liang’s feet. 
“Hey, I’ve been watching. Whenever you get close, your whole body goes stiff. Even when you come down, your toes keep curling. Your feet must hurt.”
He gathered all of that from simple observation. Kuai Liang looked away. 
“You’re still kinda toasty, but it seems like we’re managing your heat. Good, good, you’re such a good Omega.”
He set Kuai Liang’s feet down, so the cryomancer’s legs were on his own. “Okay, K-man, this is where things might get a little weird.”
Kuai Liang looked up, expecting to see a playful face. Instead, he found solemn eyes staring into his. It was just him, just them in this bed, in this universe. 
“The safe word is ‘ninja,’ got it?”
“I am not a ninja,” came the standard Lin Kuei answer. 
“No,” Johnny said, lifting his feet again. “But I was. Are you ready?”
“What is the meaning of ‘safe word’? Why do I need it?”
Johnny smiled, and it was such a relief not to have to face Hanzo’s concerned and pitying expression simply for asking a question. 
“You’re going to feel some intense pleasure, but your body’s gonna fight it. You might tell me to stop, but if you say ‘ninja,’ I’ll know that you actually need me to stop. Make sense?”
“Yes.” Kuai Liang couldn’t imagine saying “stop” and not meaning it. He couldn’t imagine pleasure that was more intense than he was already feeling. Johnny trusted him with this, while also providing a way to control it.
“Okay.” The actor’s loving gaze turned mischievous as he locked his arm around Kuai Liang’s legs and began tickling his feet. 
He was confused by the feeling of his feet being scratched and began to ask why—
And then he felt it. 
A strange numbness, then a nervous stimulation all through his body. It felt good, it felt painful, and when Kuai Liang opened his mouth to protest it, he laughed. 
Oh, gods. It had to stop. But he couldn’t form a word through his bellowing laughter. He tried to kick away to escape, but Johnny held firm, saying, “Oh no, you don’t!”
This was torture. Kuai Liang could feel every nerve in his feet, and it felt like fire. He was laughing so hard that his face hurt, and his thrashing was useless. His heart was pounding so hard that it, along with his spine, felt like it was going to eject from his body. 
A flushed warmth spread over him. He could feel his body trying to lock up, desperately trying to create a protective layer of ice. It was concerning. He had worked so hard to keep his ice from threatening innocent people since the misfortune of the kamidogu incident. He wouldn’t let it harm Johnny. 
Kuai Liang lurched forward and grabbed Johnny’s face. The actor turned and immediately abandoned his assault when their lips came together in a kiss. Kuai Liang was still smiling, but he smiled harder when he felt Johnny’s lips turn up. 
Johnny pulled him into his lap again and deepened the kiss, holding on to his neck and back to keep him in place. 
He never thought he could feel this kind of stability with anyone but Hanzo. And this… there was a growing idea in his head from which he allowed Johnny’s kiss to distract him. 
Until Johnny’s fingers brushed against his scent gland. 
He broke the kiss, but Johnny didn’t stop smiling. “How’s my favorite tasty frosty frozen treat feeling?”
The truth was… he felt amazing. Like he had already climaxed and needed to sleep. His body felt absolutely relaxed, but the shame was starting to kick in. He was brought down by the touching of his feet by Johnny Cage of all people.
“Hey, I recognize that face. No need to be embarrassed. You tightly wound people can never resist a good tickling. And look—” He slid his nails along Kuai Liang’s spine, causing the man to groan and arch against him. “You’re not so tense anymore. Your pheromones aren’t bitter. And your body, ah, let’s just say, you’re ready.”
He pulled Kuai Liang closer to him. “Your body is ready, are you?”
It was an ache in the bottom of his stomach sinking lower and lower, scraping at him as it did so. The pain was starting to come back. This weakness that he always tried to keep from Hanzo… the weakness that he cursed and that caused him to hide himself away…
Johnny didn’t care. He felt the scars; he knew the history. Johnny didn’t look at him like he was some damaged pet that needed to be shielded from the world. 
Johnny looked at him like… as if…
Kuai Liang kissed him again and rested their foreheads together. “I want you to bite me.”
Johnny looked up immediately, as though he was snapped out of a lustful fog. Kuai Liang seized the moment and touched the wrinkles on his forehand. He looked more dignified, more mature. Seeing a past incarnation next to the wizened man here, he realized how much people underestimated Johnny and brushed him off. He was a mortal human, descended from an ancient elite warrior class, blessed with powers he didn’t ask for to protect the people he’d die for. 
Why did Kuai Liang think he would ever be one of those people?
Fever rushed through him and caught his tongue. It was an error. He didn’t know what came over him. He didn’t want—
Johnny’s whole body was on him, and he was being covered in strong kisses and teasing nips. His face, down to his neck and back up. While he drowned Kuai Liang in this passionate embrace, his hands worked to position him. He rolled Kuai Liang over and was on top of him, his face in the cryomancer’s hair, inhaling deeply. 
“God, you feel like silk. You smell…” The words came in a husky whisper, punctuated with a strangled groan as Johnny rubbed the entire length of his cock against the cooling body below him. 
“I wanna say it, but I don’t wanna ruin the mood,” Johnny muttered, taking Kuai Liang’s earlobe between his teeth. 
The teeth dragging along his skin startled Kuai Liang. He quickly closed his eyes and concentrated on containing his ice. This was not his Alpha, but there was no need to threaten him with his ice. 
The melody of Johnny panting in his ear. The pressure of his cock rubbed against the sheets as Johnny ground into him. He didn’t feel threatened. 
But instead of exploding from him, Kuai Liang’s ice calmed and began cooling him, relieving him of the discomfort that heat had thrown him into. He was in control. 
For the first time, he was in control of his ice during heat. 
“What’s going on, baby?” Johnny asked. Never slowing down the biting of his shoulder. Never moving his hips from Kuai Liang’s. 
“Say it,” Kuai Liang said. “What do I smell like?”
A low chuckle. Johnny pressed the Omega’s face into the bed and for some reason, this did not feel like a threat either. Johnny’s grasp was firm, but as soon as Kuai Liang’s face was down, the force turned into loving strokes of his hair. 
“Chocolate. You smell like chocolate.”
People… Hanzo… had only told him that he smelled “sweet.” No one had ever described the smell to him, and he never considered asking. He always took the observation as a warning to get his pheromones under control. 
“Ohhh… now it’s like chocolate and strawberries. How did you know?”
The pressure was off of Kuai Liang’s back, and he tensed at the relief. His stomach seized, rooting pain along every nerve he had. 
Immediately, the comforting heaviness was back, and Johnny was stroking his throat. “Shh, shh, shh, I’m still here. I’m still here. I’m not gonna leave.”
Kuai Liang hadn’t realized he was purring. He was amazed that his disjointed purr quickly died at Johnny’s touch. 
“See? You’re fine. You’re okay. The best Omega. I have a treat for you. Open your mouth.”
Another way to please this Alpha. Kuai Liang opened his mouth and was overcome by Johnny’s tongue on his, their lips matching, and the hand that was on his throat now holding his head still. The strain of leaning his head back was painful, but the sensation of being covered and claimed by this Alpha was worth it, and the ice running through his body didn’t feel strange. It was keeping him present. 
Johnny’s mouth parted from his, but before Kuai Liang could close it, something was shoved inside. Instinct brought his teeth down to crush whatever it was. Biting the item caused an explosion of sweet, juicy, and chocolate.
He continued to chew and swallowed once so that he could savor the taste and speak. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the taste of Johnny Cage mingled with the flavors as Johnny’s tongue sought his. 
Kuai Liang could feel his body start to warm up. The ice inside him quelled the heat threatening him and gave him the strength to kiss Johnny back. 
When they finally parted, Johnny gently pushed Kuai Liang’s head down on the bed, resting on his cheek. The actor was red and an artificial scent was rising from him. It was disappointing. Kuai Liang wanted to smell him. Wanted his scent so deep in his skin that it could follow him for weeks. 
“That was… fruit?”
Johnny tilted his head, then laughed. “Chocolate-covered strawberries. Chocolate’s Callebut and the strawberries are from Poteet, Texas, the tastiest in North America. I made them before you got here.” He smiled and caressed Kuai Liang’s cheek. “I’ve never seen you eat, but I noticed that when Sonya used strawberry-scented conditioner, you stayed near her. It was unreal. You, big badass Sub-Zero with the rugged face scar, wandering after her like you were following her scent. Only Omegas are that sensitive to sweet smells. I knew you weren’t the type to creep on people, so one day, I used Sonya’s conditioner, and the way you looked at me…” Johnny coughed and looked away. “Your eyes were gold. You stared at me, way longer than you’d sneak glances at Sonya.  I didn’t… I guess I didn’t want to think about what that meant. Sonya already thought your Beta cover was bullshit. But I didn’t tell anybody.”
The ice was keeping Kuai Liang’s chest from seizing. How could he have been so careless? Before tonight, he had never even considered Johnny Cage as an option for anything. He didn’t even remember this incident.
Who else…?
“You’re worrying about nothing.” Kuai Liang’s headband was untied and slipped from his head. “I worried about you a lot back then. Noticed stuff. How alone you were. I heard things about… you know. You got snatched from the tournament, turned into a machine, died. Most people who survived the Netherrealm aren’t exactly forthcoming about the experience, and I don’t blame ’em. When I heard what Kano did to you…”
Johnny looked at the cloth in his hand and clenched his fist. “I thought that it was like a brotherly instinct I was feeling. But I don’t know Blueberry Ice. You inspire a lot of weird feelings.”
From the moment Johnny touched him, a coil had spun in Kuai Liang’s stomach, and now it was too tight, and he was too hard—
A great wave covered him. A body over his, warm but nowhere near as suffocating as the hellfire he was used to. And then. 
Teeth. On his neck. Arms pinning him down. He could escape them. He could escape this. 
But he asked for this, and he was going to stand firm in his decision. 
The teeth sinking into his scent gland broke through the remnants of Hanzo’s bite, broke through the layers of scarring that abandonment had made. 
Kuai Liang had been bit by many Alphas. They were all forceful, and this one was no different. Most went too deep or bit multiple times. Johnny’s teeth felt… perfect. 
A chill struck through his spine like ice crackling. He groaned and tried to get up, but Johnny pushed him back down and licked his neck, over the bite, where the scars had ruptured from the force of his bite. 
Kuai Liang’s hands relaxed as his eyes closed. He didn’t even flinch as Johnny’s hands covered his own, his fingers slipping between and curling the sheets. 
“God, you’re driving me crazy.” It was rough, harsh, but kind. So kind. Kind in the way only an Alpha can be. 
“I… I should have…” Johnny Cage choking on his own words. A rare pleasure.
 Kuai Liang turned his head, but Johnny was on his neck again, kissing it, nose deep in his hair. 
“I can’t wait anymore.” It was almost a plea. Not a demand. “Hey, are you- baby, look at me, what’s wrong?”
It wasn’t until he was on his back that he realized his face was hot and wet. Johnny’s face hovered over him, though his eyes were down, looking at his stomach tensing and releasing. When Johnny touched him, Kuai Liang shoved him back, sending the Alpha off the bed. 
He sat up, his entire body trembling now. His chest was tightening, forcing him to exhale and cough. Blood dribbled from his neck to his back. 
His body was on fire. 
He concentrated on cooling down, but it just made him hotter. He couldn’t see. When he touched himself to make sure he was really there, it was pain. 
How could he have forgotten?
He was already someone’s Omega, and here he was, giving his body away. A fierce cramp ran from his stomach to his pelvis, forcing him to lurch. But he stayed quiet. 
His hands searched for his mouth, and when they finally found it, he sank his teeth into his palm and gods, it hurt, but he almost came right then and there. The relief was so much. He dug his teeth in further. 
He only heard white noise rising, and then his hand was snatched out of his mouth, and his face was against something. Kuai Liang struggled to catch his breath, and then he smelled it. 
A rich warmth. Like… coffee. Dark and heavy, but it drew Kuai Liang’s nose to what could only be a chest. 
“—okay, you’re—”
He concentrated on the voice until it became more clear. And then he could see. 
This delicious scent belonged to Johnny Cage. 
“Take all the time you need,” Johnny said as he stroked Kuai Liang’s hair and rubbed his back. “Sorry, man. I didn’t know. I should have realized… I mean, you smell too sweet…”
“Too sweet?” His voice, as thin as it sounded, stirred Johnny from his thoughts. The Alpha laid him down and held his hand as he reached under the bed. He let go, only to drape a heavy blanket across them. Then he pulled Kuai Liang close and continued filling the air with his pheromones. 
This was the heaviest blanket Kuai Liang had ever felt. He felt uneasy at first but it settled around him evenly, making him feel less restrained and more secure. The blanket, along with the fragrance and sensation of Johnny Cage almost pulled him to sleep. 
“What… what is…”
“It’s called a weighted blanket,” Johnny answered immediately. “I remember, when we were on Kharon’s ship, you were restless. Couldn’t sleep. When Cass was little… hell, even now, Cass can’t sleep without someone there or a weighted blanket.” He pulled Kuai Liang closer. The Omega’s hair was damp and he was still trembling. “Probably should have known then. Omegas have trouble sleeping alone.”
Kuai Liang remained silent, considering the information. He was always behind when it came to common knowledge. Hanzo carried a lot of latent knowledge but Johnny seemed to know everything. 
The Alpha groaned and tightened his embrace. He slowly reached down and gently pushed Kuai Liang’s hand off of his erect cock. 
Kuai Liang looked at his hand in amazement. He wasn’t even aware that he had been stroking him. 
“You must be a Companion Omega,” Johnny muttered absentmindedly. 
Johnny sighed and took another strawberry off the nightstand. He rubbed it against Kuai Liang’s lips until the Omega obediently opened his mouth, kissing Johnny’s fingers once he received his gift. 
The actor shuddered. “Definitely a companion Omega.” He pushed Kuai Liang’s bangs out of his face and settled into his gaze. “There are different kinds of Alphas and Omegas. I mean… most people outgrow their urges but… like… okay, I’m an Omni Alpha, right? I’m compatible with pretty much every combination of sexes. Jax is a Protector Alpha. He ONLY digs the opposite sexes. Omega chicks. Maybe Beta girls too.”
He exhaled sharply and pulled his fingers from Kuai Liang’s mouth. “Jesus. Companion Omegas have to be medicated constantly, or… an Alpha keeps them balanced. You… fuck, Kuai. You didn’t know? How the hell did you survive?”
“What are you saying?”
Johnny turned him over and held him close, so close that Kuai Liang could feel his cock slide between his ass cheeks easily. “You’re so fucking wet. I am marinating in your slick. Companion Omegas were made to be fucked, but something happened to you, didn’t it? Your body still wants to be fucked, but you can’t handle it.”
He wrapped his arm around Kuai Liang’s waist and anchored the other around his neck, up into his hair. He groaned into Kuai Liang’s ear as he rocked them, sliding his cock down the crease, his breath hitching every time it passed the hole. 
Kuai Liang couldn’t think. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of this Alpha enjoying him. 
He thought back to when he went through his first heat in twenty years. He never told Hanzo but the worst pain of that night was his craving for Hanzo. Wanting him so badly that, as terrified as he was, he would have done anything, absolutely anything, for just a taste of him. 
Fighting the most disgusting part of himself was a constant burden that lowered his worth. He had fallen for Hanzo the moment he smelled him, but even before Hanzo, his infatuations destroyed the few relationships he had.
He couldn’t resist any Alpha who approached him. Not because he was a whore. Or maybe because he was. 
“Stay with me, Kuai,” Johnny ordered, kissing his neck. 
“Yes, Alpha.”
Johnny groaned and pushed him back on his stomach. The weighted blanket was replaced by Johnny’s body.
Kuai Liang closed his eyes as Johnny entered him. He never compared Alphas. He usually only remembered snatches of his encounters. But Hanzo, he remembered lovingly. Even Smoke, he could remember feeling his cock against his own—
“Ohhh fuck me. How do you feel so good?” Johnny pressed his forehead against Kuai Liang’s bare back, avoiding the trails of blood. “You’re perfect, babe.”
Johnny was filling him, and it felt… safe. Good. He pushed back against Johnny’s pelvis, causing the actor to groan. 
He pressed in slowly, then withdrew, dragging the head of his dick through Kuai Liang, who gripped the sheets. 
“I don’t even have to tell you how to do this,” Johnny muttered. “It’s like you were trained.”
Kuai Liang clenched his teeth but remained quiet. These weren’t the shallow thoughts of the Johnny Cage he thought he knew. The actor was trying to figure him out, piecing together the information he was receiving. He didn’t know anything about Kuai Liang before Mortal Kombat, the cryomancer realized. 
Kuai Liang pushed back against him. Hanzo loved that, but it was nothing compared to Johnny’s reaction. He shuddered and withdrew, turning Kuai Liang over and kissing him. His tongue parted their lips and claimed Kuai Liang’s mouth as his hands claimed his body. Johnny roamed all over, holding his Omega’s face, caressing his neck, sliding down, and squeezing one of his incredible tits, Jesus.
Johnny could already feel the pressure building in his dick. A friend in need, a submissive companion omega, his first omega in God knows how long. He needed to knot him. Finish claiming him. Fuck him all night. Fuck anything Johnny had planned for tomorrow; he was going to spend all day worshipping this Omega and feeding and fucking him. 
Kuai Liang was making sounds, and Johnny wanted to hear them. He didn’t want to miss any of them. But he didn’t want them in the air. He didn’t even want a fly to have the privilege of hearing his Omega’s most intimate sounds. So he tilted his head to better seal their mouths. Johnny sank his lower body between Kuai Liang’s legs and finally came up for air. 
Gold eyes were staring up at him, waiting. He wasn’t the begging type. A rash was forming on his chest, where Johnny’s hands had been - and still were - groping. It was still so surreal. 
Johnny had never really seen Sub-Zero as anything more than yet another serious dude. Scary strong, serious dude. Convincing the Special Forces that the Lin Kuei was an ally worth pursuing was a hard sell. Thank the gods that a lieutenant was carrying his child at the time. 
Johnny Cage always prided himself in his ability to charm anyone, and winning Sub-Zero’s friendship left no doubt about his abilities. He just didn’t realize how deep their friendship was going to get. 
He was so fucking gorgeous. He was always, objectively speaking, attractive, but seeing the fine details of his face like this allowed Johnny a moment to appreciate. 
His face was soft. Johnny wasn’t expecting that. Kuai Liang’s nose wrinkled as Johnny’s finger traced the scar across his nose, but before he could object, Johnny met his lips again in an apologetic kiss. 
“I want to watch you,” he admitted, pulling away. “I want to watch you moan on my dick, and I want to see your O face.”
Kuai Liang looked up at him with half-lidded eyes. He was panting now, and his entire body was turning red. He was overheating. He was somehow still lucid, but it wouldn’t be long until he became dangerously feverish or turned feral. 
“Alpha… please…” His dick was like a steel rod, dribbling precum on his belly. Johnny wondered how much he could cum.
“You want me to fuck you?” He asked, grabbing his own cock and teasing the head against the wonderfully warm, inviting entrance before him. 
“Ah… I…”
“Can you handle my cock inside you? I don’t think you can.”
Kuai Liang groaned and tried to slide down, but Johnny wasn’t having it. He leaned into the cryomancer’s neck and sucked hard enough to leave a mark. “Know what else I think? I think you want me to keep you in this room and fuck you until you can’t walk. You’re not gonna say it, but I know you want me to rip off your clothes and send you out covered in my teeth marks. And you know what else?”
He licked Kuai Liang’s earlobe and whispered, “I want everybody to know that this Omega belongs to Johnny Cage now. You gotta bite me back, Ice Man.”
The words just flowed out of him because his mind was going too fast to stop himself. Taking another Alpha’s Omega, what was he, a teenager again? Taking the troubled Omega of quite possibly the angriest and most vengeful Alpha he knew was chaotically stupid, even for him. But goddammit, what was his Alpha doing to leave him without stabilizing his heat cycle first and asking another Alpha to care for a companion Omega? 
This could ruin his friendship with both of them. This could wreck their relationship, and then Kuai Liang would be in an even worse place than before. 
The deep purr that filled the air broke him out of those thoughts and forced him to lift his head. 
God, when did he get so fucking gorgeous? His smile. He had a small smile that didn’t quite match the lust in his eyes. Lust and something else. 
“Yes, Alpha.” He was purring so loud that Johnny almost missed it. 
“Say it again.”
“Yes, Alpha.”
“One more time.” His lips were right over Kuai Liang’s now, and they were eye to eye. 
“Yes, Alph—”
Another heavy kiss cut him off as Johnny used his pelvis to hike up Kuai Liang’s ass against him. So close. They were so close. The cryomancer’s hard-on was rubbed between them, precum lubricating their stomachs and sending a rolling wave of pleasure through Johnny with every stroke. 
Kuai Liang’s fingers reached up and touched Johnny’s neck. The actor grabbed his wrist and shoved it against the headboard. No. Not there. That gland was still basically a scab. He wanted to feel this. If Johnny was leading them to the danger zone, he at least wanted to enjoy the journey. 
“Bite my chest.”
“Chest,” was the uncertain reply. 
Jesus Christ, Johnny could forgive this ignorance if it was just the Lin Kuei’s fault, but why the fuck didn’t Hanzo tell him about his other scent glands?
The muscles in Kuai Liang’s captured arm tensed as his eyes, now changing from bright gold to dark green, looked away. The rich scent of his pheromones was tainted by shame, but he didn’t say anything. 
Why is he ashamed? Johnny kissed him, but he remained in place, his heart beating so rapidly against Johnny’s chest that the Alpha was afraid he was about to have a heart attack. He could feel Kuai Liang’s chest seize and remain still. 
“Babe, what’s going on?” Johnny asked, alarm forcing him to part. 
Kuai Liang shut his eyes, and his purr became rougher. “St-stupid.”
Oh no. Not a stutter. Johnny ran his hands through Kuai Liang’s hair, smoothing it down. It was only when he tried to actively shift his pheromones to soothe that he realized the dark, angry remnants of his own scent. No wonder he freaked out. 
“Ninja,” Johnny whispered as he continued to smooth Kuai Liang’s hair back. His cowlick was stubborn as hell. 
The safe word worked as intended. Kuai Liang gasped as his body eased from the self-imposed rigidity. His eyes settled back into a dark brown as they looked around the room. When they settled on Johnny, he finally relaxed. 
“I am not a ninja,” he murmured. He felt so tired all of a sudden. 
“Yeah, I know,” Johnny said with a laugh. Then he got serious. “Hey, quick anatomy lesson, okay?”
He pulled Kuai Liang’s inner wrist to his lips and kissed it. “You have more than one scent gland, Big Blue. Like here.” He kissed the other wrist. “And here.” He lowered his face and kissed Kuai Liang’s chest, nibbling at the sensitive skin of his lower pecs. “And here.” He dove down and kissed the inside of the Omega’s thigh, making him warm up and grab the sheets. 
Johnny resisted the urge to resume the earlier blowjob and returned to his face. “They’re basically invisible, but the only ones we don’t use to bond are the ones on your wrists. Those are for…” he paused, then smiled. “…kids. Family. You give ‘em a little bite and make a scent for your pack, so they know where home is. See look—” He raised Kuai Liang’s arm and showed him two small scars that, now that he was looking more closely, were unmistakably dry marks. “So this one, probably an Omega. Your mom? It’s small, but it’s there, and it’s healed nice. This one, it’s a little deeper and looks more like an Alpha. You must have been a small kid; I’ve never seen an Alpha bite so gently. Your dad? Wait, no, it was just you and… oh. Oh shit.”
Johnny had been lost in his deductions. He hadn’t even noticed that Kuai Liang was completely silent, once again rigid. His eyes were fixed on his wrist, searching. He must have gotten bitten young. Johnny’s mother was a Beta, and his asshole father was an asshole Alpha that didn’t think of him as anything more than a puppet through which he could vicariously live out his own failed dreams. There was no pack. He didn’t belong anywhere. 
But even before Sonya brought Cassie home from the hospital, Johnny insisted they mark her. Alpha, Beta, or Omega, Cassie, and Sonya were his entire world, and he needed everyone to know it. He needed his girls to feel safe. 
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me. Look at me,” Johnny said softly. When his hands settled on Kuai Liang’s face, he snapped his attention to Johnny. “Look, no matter what, you were loved. If your mom went through the trouble of marking you before you presented, she loved you with a passion, man. She would have told you all of this.”
Kuai Liang closed his eyes and grimaced. It was even more heartbreaking than if he had cried. 
He swallowed hard, then kissed Johnny, pulling him as close as possible and roughly jamming his fingers through his hair. 
Johnny took control and grabbed his neck. He stroked the prominent Adam’s apple, and when Kuai Liang jerked away in surprise, he whispered, “You’re okay. You know what to do. You know where to go.”
He rolled over on his back, and immediately, Kuai Liang took his place on top of him, sniffing around his chest for the exact spot. He didn’t even notice Johnny’s hand back on his neck, guiding him down. 
“That’s it. You’re such a good Omega.”
Kuai Liang ran his tongue under Johnny’s left pec and felt it. The smallest shift, a shift he couldn’t describe but one that felt exactly right, exactly perfect. An overwhelming desire to smell, taste, and be engulfed. Johnny. Johnny Cage. He was going to consume him. 
And that was just fine. 
As soon as Kuai Liang bit Johnny’s chest, he heard Johnny moan and felt pressure on his neck. The feeling quickly dulled as he was baptized by Johnny’s scent, straight from the source. He sighed and inhaled deeply. 
Now his scent, still strong, still rich, so delicious, was being combined with a new smell. His. The greatest treat he’d ever smelled. 
Kuai Liang closed his eyes and laid his head on Johnny’s chest. His mind was drifting a million miles away. He just wanted to sleep. 
Stay with me. 
Johnny’s voice, not out loud but in Kuai Liang’s head. 
I promise that it’s so much better when you’re awake.
With Hanzo, it always felt so good when Kuai Liang could just release control and go feral. Johnny’s proposition intrigued him. 
If you can’t, that’s okay too. You’re safe. You’re good. I’m not going anywhere. We’re not doing anything until you can enjoy it too.
Hands were in his hair, and his body was on autopilot. It was too much. The pleasure convulsed throughout his body, causing random muscles to twitch and slick to leak out of him. A bitch in heat. That’s all he was. Hanzo knew it. Johnny must have known it from the day they met. Hanzo and Johnny planned this. They must have. Hanzo must have deceived him - the suppressants he was on were only supposed to regulate him, but they made him sensitive all over. 
He tried to focus on the colliding trains of thought, but his groin ached, and the coil in his stomach was wound so tight that he felt his foot in the door of the next life. His racing heart would explode if he didn’t satisfy this Alpha. 
That was it; that was all he needed to do. He always fought being an Omega when life could have been so much easier if he had just pleased Alphas like he was supposed to. He should have been flattered by their interest. His body reacted whenever he was near one, even his own brother, if his scent was muddled enough by other Alphas. But he stayed to himself, he fought back every time someone got too close, and for what?
A broken, scarred soul in a broken, scarred body. Quan Chi had given him a body. Taken away all of his earthly needs and gave him strength. He was the only Alpha who gave without demanding Kuai Liang’s body in return. No one else. 
He gave that up. Now he was serving two Alphas, and one didn’t even know it. He had put Johnny’s life in danger. So he couldn’t cheat this amazing Alpha out of what was now his.
Kuai Liang pressed closer to Johnny, grinding against him. A certain satisfaction took hold when he faintly heard Johnny groan. 
After everything Kuai Liang had accomplished, the odds he had overcome, he still felt an immense amount of pleasure, far greater than his greatest orgasms, when he pleased an Alpha. Any Alpha. 
Still so pathetic. 
“You have me,” he muttered. 
Johnny’s hand slid up his back, then cupped his head as he gently pulled him forward for another kiss. God, these kisses were going to be the death of him. 
“Gotta be honest with you, K-man.” He was pushed on his back again. “I’m gonna go into a fucking rut if I can’t have you right fucking now.”
Johnny’s voice was husky and low, with a look that reminded Kuai Liang that he was prey. 
Was this a threat? A warning?
Johnny leaned down and smirked. “Remember, lover. You don’t get to cum until I do.”
He rubbed his face between his pecs while grasping Kuai Liang’s hip and spanking the waiting entrance. God. They hadn’t even done anything yet, but the air smelled like sex and them, and it was just them in the world and sweet thunder god in Olympus, he had an Omega, and he was about to fuck him. 
He caressed Kuai Liang’s face, then slid his thumb into his mouth. He had a whole speech prepared about the necessity of this, but Kuai Liang accepted it, wrapping his tongue around it and sucking gently. 
Johnny shivered, but he looked deep into those bright gold eyes as he guided himself inside to the warm waiting place his dick now knew as home. 
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, if Kuai Liang would just take it without flinching or if his heat would turn him into a typical blushy-blushy Omega.
When Johnny bottomed out, Kuai Liang’s eyelids sagged, and his chest rose as he sighed. “Ahhh…”
God, this man was beautiful. Did he ever make these sounds for that giant firefly? His Alpha… rage rose in Johnny’s throat like bile, pushing his thumb deeper. 
He regretted it immediately, but when he tried to pull his finger out, Kuai Liang closed his eyes and kept sucking on his thumb. 
The regret swelled into sorrow. It was a stupid thing Alphas did - used to do - to establish dominance. That would choke their partners and get them in line. A quick, cruel way to train them, like dogs. But Kuai Liang didn’t even wince. How many Alphas have choked this man? 
Johnny growled, forcing Kuai Liang’s eyes back on him. He purred, soft and melodic. 
Johnny cooled immediately. Immediately. And so smoothly that he could barely remember what he had been so angry about. 
Yeah, this ice man was going to lead him straight into hell… the Netherrealm… to his death. The man who was literally death walking. 
Ah well. It was a good life. 
Johnny started moving, undulating his body and groaning. They hadn’t even started, but it was way too much. He didn’t even really care about the sex anymore. He just wanted to keep his Omega happy. 
He had tried to keep Sonya happy. Safe. Shielded from the bad things that had forced her to be so cold. But she was an Alpha. It was never going to happen. He knew better than to try to force it. But… still, he tried. 
Kuai Liang suddenly released Johnny’s thumb and yanked him down. When the actor’s face collided with his, he wrapped his arms around him and kissed him hard. Johnny had no issue letting him lead on this. He loved when Omegas took over. 
As soon as Johnny’s tongue was back in Kuai Liang’s mouth, he exhaled a gasping breath, and Johnny felt his abs being flooded. 
It wasn’t until he felt Kuai Liang’s body squeezing around him that Johnny realized that he was cumming. 
He couldn’t help but feel pride. How many people in this realm could say that they made a male Omega cum, solely on the strength of their dick game? 
Johnny looked down and watched him, mesmerized by the way his entire body seized with each release. 
A strangled whine interrupted his quieting purr. Johnny propped himself up and stroked his throat again. “Hey, you’re alright. Stop fighting it. Let yourself feel good.”
He was finished, but his body remained rigid, clenching the sheets.
“I don’t know why you’re punishing yourself, babe,” Johnny sighed. He leaned down and kissed him. His hand was back on Kuai Liang’s chest, waiting for him to start breathing normally, but also to shamelessly grope him again. 
Kuai Liang’s face was still red and pinched as he pushed out another short breath. Jeez, if this is how his orgasms were, Johnny understood why he didn’t want it. 
He scratched behind the cryomancer’s ear and was treated to such a deep moan that he almost stopped. Kuai Liang still wouldn’t open his eyes, but his body was practically melting between Johnny and the bed. 
He was still too hot, but his body looked… man, it looked…
Johnny was at a loss until Kuai Liang laughed. 
It was a breezy, hoarse laugh as he settled limply where he was and ran a hand through his hair. When he finally opened his eyes, Johnny almost threw away the whole night. 
Gold. Still so gold but so clear. He might have been in heat, but he was still here. 
“You stopped,” he observed. 
“Yeah, uh… I…” If Johnny moved, he was going to blow his load without knotting. He was too close to the peak. Needed to pull himself back down. “You laugh after you cum.”
Kuai Liang closed his eyes and rested his head back on the pillow. “Did Hanzo discuss my intimate proclivities with you?”
His voice was resigned but there was an undercurrent of resentment. Johnny struggled to control the heat that spread through his body when his omega said the name of another Alpha. 
“You just came, beautiful,” Johnny replied, offering a smile. Before me. 
Jesus, this omega was making him think dangerous thoughts. 
“You use words of flattery so easily,” Kuai Liang murmured.
“It’s not hard when— whoa, baby, what’s wrong? What’s going on?” Johnny moved Kuai Liang’s hands from his tear-stained face. Crying? He just came so hard that Johnny felt like smoking a cigarette; why had his mood dropped so suddenly? Someone really did a number on him to be so… explosive. 
It was hard to keep up with easygoing Alpha Johnny when fucking Rabid Wolverine Alpha Johnny was awakening. 
“How many years have we been friends?” Johnny asked as he rolled off of Kuai Liang. He lifted his head, and oh shit, blood. A lot of it. Coming from his mating gland. Why didn’t he say anything? 
And Jesus, what kind of pain was this to make fucking Sub-Zero cry?
“I cannot… I don’t know why this happens,” he choked out between gasping breaths. 
His body was rigid again, heating back up. Hasashi wasn’t kidding when he said Kuai Liang’s heat cycle was a mess. Sure, having sex was the only way to soothe an Omega in heat, but how was Johnny even supposed to stay hard when his baby was crying, and his mating gland was ripped up?
And then it hit him like a pile of bricks. “Oh shit, you need a nest.”
Fuck fuck fuck. He should have pushed him to nest as soon as he arrived.
“N-no, no, I have-” He cut himself short with a sudden sob, and it made Johnny feel like he was choking. He could feel a sting in his chest rippling into burns as his Omega cried. 
“It’s not you, babe, uh… I’ll order some nesting kits, and we can pick them up first thing tomorrow, but right now—” He was trying to keep his head clear and think before the distress pheromones overwhelmed him. He used to have tons of nesting kits, but they were all feminine, and most likely, Cassie took them all during her monthly raids. 
He knew that Omegas didn’t need kits and that this bed would probably be fine, but for his Omega, he needed something special. 
Oh, duh! Johnny jumped up, and God, was that a mistake. The abandonment increased, and it almost got Johnny back in the bed. Focus. Focus! This was worse than the struggles he went through with Cassie when she presented. 
She had presented a little early because of a dysfunctional home life, her pediatrician always reminded him and Sonya. It made her a little more vulnerable and unstable those first few years, but they got her through the meltdowns, the potent pheromone spikes, and the irregular heats. After dealing with that, Johnny was confident he could deal with any Omega. 
But when he saw the ice hardening around his Omega’s hands, he knew that he had gambled and lost. 
He had to fix this. 
He returned to the room he had fixed up for Kuai Liang and spotted it immediately. 
He was back in his room - sped up by his green aura moving him forward - and knelt in front of Kuai Liang. 
“Babe, look. Look,” he said softly. “Open your eyes for me, Kuai.”
The cryomancer let his hands fall and saw—
“Baobei,” he said softly. 
He took the bear, and suddenly, Johnny’s heartbeat wasn’t slamming in his ears. A purr timidly replaced it, and he sighed. 
“Bow- bay? That’s like…” Johnny snapped his fingers a couple of times. “Yeah! It means ‘treasure,’ right? Like Hanzo’s always calling you…” He couldn’t stop the snarl that escaped him, but fortunately, Kuai Liang was focused on the bear. 
When he finally looked at Johnny, he grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss. The Alpha felt absolutely delirious. His Omega’s pheromones were so strong but so pure. The happiness he was getting just from making out was intoxicating. 
“Mmmm, somebody’s ready to come out and play,” Johnny observed, rubbing his Omega’s growing erection. 
Kuai Liang tried to capture his mouth again but quickly gave up in favor of pulling him back down on the bed. 
“I’m glad- you’re- okay,” Johnny said between kisses. 
“Fuck me, Alpha,” Kuai Liang growled. 
“I’ll fuck you so hard that your ice will turn to fog, baby,” Johnny muttered, going down to get one of those glorious tits in his mouth. 
It was… strange. If he was with a Beta that suddenly cried during sex, there was no way Johnny would continue. If he had to give an Alpha a teddy bear to calm them down, his dick would resemble a wet noodle for the rest of the night. 
But for some reason… this Omega, strongest dude he knew… seeing him cry, and being so emotionally exhausted with him just made Johnny more determined to fuck him. 
11 notes · View notes
chadillacboseman · 3 years
(sad anon) yeah maybe... my Comfort characters rn are Hanzo, Kuai, Jade and Raiden. bonus points for cuddles
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🔥 Hanzo is a full-body CUDDLE MACHINE. Big spoon, little spoon, it doesn't matter to him, he just likes to be close to you.
🔥 In the winter, it's like having your own personal heater, but in the summer, it's a little unbearable at times. Hanzo will pout if you shove him away.
🔥 Hanzo has a lot of nightmares since his time in the Netherrealm; at times he is inconsolable until you take him in your arms and give him reassurance.
🔥 Hanzo is impossible to wake in the morning, and he will fight you tooth and nail over getting out of bed.
"Just...five more minutes. Come on, I'm the Grandmaster."
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❄ Kuai likes his space- he also knows that he is literally cold to the touch, which isn't always favorable.
❄ That's not to say that Kuai doesn't ever cuddle! He's just sort of low-key about it. An arm slung over your shoulder here, a forehead touch there.
❄ Kuai is not one to admit when he's tired, so you might find yourself locked in the arms of a snoring grandmaster. Smack him awake and he will irritably say "I wasn't sleeping. I was merely resting my eyes."
❄ After an especially dangerous encounter for you or for him, he will hold you like his life depends on it, mumbling little praises into the nape of your neck and tell you how important you are to him.
"I could have lost you- I will never let that happen again. Never."
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🍡 Jade is a very intimate person, and this translates to her physical touch as well. Expect lots of small tracing of your features and little compliments being showered over you.
🍡 Hair play QUEEN. Jade will run her fingers through your hair constantly while cuddling, and will even do it until you fall asleep.
🍡 Absolutely will not let you go if the two of you have been separated for a long period of time.
🍡 Is the master of sneaking out from under you to go make breakfast or get a glass of water.
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⚡ Raiden is a god, and unlike his brother, he has not meddled much in human affairs. The first time you snuggle up next to him and rest your head on his shoulder, he's a little confused.
"Are you feeling unwell? Would you like to lie down?"
⚡ It takes some time to explain to him that physical touch and affection are important to you- but once he gets it, he goes all out.
⚡ May or may not consult Fujin for cuddle techniques, and of course the windy brother gladly obliges.
"And they...like this feeling of being smothered by a loved one?" "Quite a lot!"
⚡ King of remaining motionless while you sleep in his arms. Will be a statue for hours so you can stay comfortable.
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
The fate of the universe once again hangs in the balance as warriors come together for one final clash in Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms, an all-new, feature-length film produced by Warner Bros. Animation in coordination with NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The film arrives from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on Digital, Blu-ray, and 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack on August 31, 2021.
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Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms will be available on Blu-ray (US $29.98 SRP; Canada $39.99 SRP) and 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack (USA $39.99 SRP; Canada $44.98 SRP) and Digital. The Blu-ray features a Blu-ray disc with the film in hi-definition and a digital version of the movie. The 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack features an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc in 4K with HDR, a Blu-ray disc featuring the film in hi-definition, and a digital version of the movie. Pre-order will be available for the Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack beginning on June 28, 2021, and for Digital starting on July 8, 2021.
Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms picks up shortly after the explosive finale of Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge, the 2020 blockbuster hit that initiated these animated films – which are based on one of the most popular videogame franchises in history. In Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms, our team of heroes are besieged by the enemy forces of Shao Kahn – forcing Raiden and his group of warriors into a deal to compete in a final Mortal Kombat that will determine the fate of the realms. Now our heroes must travel to Outworld in order to defend Earthrealm and, simultaneously, Scorpion must find the ancient Kamidogu before it's used to resurrect the One Being – which would mean certain destruction of all things in the universe. Time is short and the stakes are high in this action-packed continuation of the Mortal Kombat journey.
Joel McHale (Community, Stargirl) and Jennifer Carpenter (Dexter, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight) return to their lead roles as Hollywood star-turned-fighter Johnny Cage and all-business warrior Sonya Blade, respectively. Also returning for the sequel are Jordan Rodrigues (Lady Bird, The Fosters) as Liu Kang; Patrick Seitz (Mortal Kombat X, Aggretsuko, Naruto: Shippuden) as Scorpion & Hanzo Hasashi; Artt Butler (Her, Star Wars: The Clone Wars) as Shang Tsung & Cyrax; Robin Atkin Downes (The Strain, Batman: The Killing Joke) as Shinnok & Reiko; Dave B. Mitchell (Mortal Kombat 11, Call of Duty franchise) as Raiden, Kintaro & Sektor; Ikè Amadi (Mass Effect 3, Mortal Kombat 11) as Jax Briggs & One Being; Grey Griffin (The Loud House, Young Justice, Scooby-Doo franchise) as Kitana, Satoshi Hasashi & Mileena; and Fred Tatasciore (Robot Chicken, Family Guy) as Shao Kahn.
New to the Mortal Kombat Legends voice cast are Matthew Mercer (Critical Role, Justice Society: World War II) as Stryker & Smoke; Bayardo De Murguia (Tiny Pretty Things) as Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang; Matt Yang King (Mortal Kombat 11 video game, Justice League vs. The Fatal Five) as Kung Lao; Paul Nakauchi (Carmen Sandiego, Overwatch) as Lin Kuei Grandmaster; Emily O’Brien (Days of Our Lives, Constantine: City of Demons) as Jade; Debra Wilson (World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, MADtv) as D’Vorah.
Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms is directed by Ethan Spaulding (Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge, Batman: Assault on Arkham) from a script by Jeremy Adams (Supernatural, Justice Society: World War II) and based on the videogame created by Ed Boon and John Tobias. Rick Morales (Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, Batman vs. Two-Face) is Producer. Jim Krieg (Batman: Gotham by Gaslight) is Producer. Executive Producer is Sam Register. Ed Boon (NetherRealm Studios) is Creative Consultant.
Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms Special Features Blu-ray, 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack and Digital
• The God and the Dragon: Battling for Earthrealm (Featurette) - Go behind the scenes and inside the creative process of bringing Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms to action-packed life on screen.
• Voices of Kombat (Featurette) - Join Joel McHale, Jennifer Carpenter, and the cast as they detail the process of creating unique and compelling voices for the larger than life characters in the film.
• Kombat Gags: Gag Reel (Featurette) - Step inside the VO booth with the cast of the film for all of the flubbed lines and outrageously improvised lines from the cutting room floor.
• Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms Audio Commentary (Audio Only) - Producer Rick Morales and Screenwriter Jeremy Adams take the audience inside the art of writing and animating the film in this feature length audio commentary.
Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms will also be available on Movies Anywhere. Using the free Movies Anywhere app and website, consumers can access all their eligible movies by connecting their Movies Anywhere account with their participating digital retailer accounts.
Movies Anywhere is a digital movie platform that enables movie fans to discover, access, and watch their favorite digital movies in one place. Movies Anywhere brings together a library of nearly 7,500 digital movies from Sony Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox Film, The Walt Disney Studios (including Disney, Pixar, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm), Universal Pictures (including DreamWorks and Illumination Entertainment) and Warner Bros., and will continue to expand the consumer experience as more content providers, digital retailers and platforms are added. By connecting participating digital retailers that include Amazon Prime Video,  the Apple TV app, FandangoNOW, Google Play, and Vudu, movie fans can now bring together their digital movie collections (whether purchased or redeemed) in one place and enjoy them from the comfort of their living rooms, and across multiple devices and platforms, including Amazon Fire devices; Android devices and Android TV; Apple TV, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch; Chromecast; Roku® devices and popular browsers. Movie fans can also redeem digital codes found in eligible Blu-ray and DVD disc packages from participating studios and enjoy them through Movies Anywhere. Movies Anywhere – your movies, together at last.
PRODUCT                                                    SRP Blu-ray                                                           $29.98 USA, $39.99 Canada 4K UHD Combo Pack                                    $39.99 USA, $44.98 Canada
Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray Languages: French, German, Latin-Spanish, English Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray Subtitles: Dutch, French, Latin-Spanish, English-SDH, German - SDH Running Time: 80 minutes R for strong bloody violence throughout and some language.
3 notes · View notes
thedragonholder · 7 months
Arranging the acting club in my au.
Vice president:
Kung lao
Script writers:
Visual effects;
Kung lao
36 notes · View notes
Download — Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge 2020 *Google.Drive! (1080p)
Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  2020 Online free trial. Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  [BlUrAy] | Watch Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  Online Movie 2020 HD Free HD.720Px | Watch Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  Online Movie 2020 HD Free HD !! Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  2020 with English subtitles ready for download, Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  2020 720p, 1080p, BrRip, DvdRip, Youtube, Reddit, Multilanguage and high quality. Watch the movie Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (2020) the whole movie - Download HD quality Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (2020) Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (2020) ? [Visit link] »?https://tinyurl.com/y66p8mhg
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After the vicious slaughter of his family by stone-cold mercenary Sub-Zero, Hanzo Hasashi is exiled to the torturous Netherrealm. There, in exchange for his servitude to the sinister Quan Chi, he’s given a chance to avenge his family – and is resurrected as Scorpion, a lost soul bent on revenge. Back on Earthrealm, Lord Raiden gathers a team of elite warriors – Shaolin monk Liu Kang, Special Forces officer Sonya Blade and action star Johnny Cage – an unlikely band of heroes with one chance to save humanity. To do this, they must defeat Shang Tsung’s horde of Outworld gladiators and reign over the Mortal Kombat tournament.
Released: 2020-04-12 Runtime: 80 minutes Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation Stars: Joel McHale, Jennifer Carpenter, Jordan Rodrigues, Patrick Seitz, Steve Blum Director: John Tobias, Rick Morales, Sam Register, James Krieg, Ethan Spaulding
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Watch the movie Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (2020) The movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can move downwards during encoding, but BRRip can only switch to SD resolution when transcoding. BDR / BRRips in DVDRip resolution may differ between XviD or x264 codecs (usually 700 MB and 1.5 GB in size and larger DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5 GB or 8.4 GB), the size varies depending on the length and quality release, but the higher the probability of using the x264 codec. Download Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (2020) Movie HDRip Streaming the movie Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (2020) HDfull movie Eng-Sub Watch Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (2020) full english movie online etc. if they go down in resolution source disk. Watch the movie Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (2020) The movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can change down for encoding, but BRRip can only switch to SD resolution as they are recoded. ??? TV SERIES ??? The first television consultations were experimental, sporadic broadcasts observable only in a very short range from a broadcast tower beginning in the 333s. Television events such as the 3333 Summer Olympics in Germany, the coronation of King George VI in the UK 3333 and the famous introduction by David Sarnoff at the 3333 World's Fair in New York, USA stimulated media growth, but World War II stopped development after the war. World Series 333 inspired many Americans to buy their first television set, and then in 3333 the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater joined in and became the first weekly television show to host Milton Berle the name "Mr. Television." a stable and modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first nationwide live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 3, 3333, when President Harry Truman's speech at the Japan Conference on the San Francisco Peace Treaty was transmitted via AT&T's transcontinental cable and microwave radio transmission system to local stations. The first national color broadcast (3333 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the USA took place on March 3, 3333. Over the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local programming remained in black and white. In the autumn of 3333, a color transition was announced, during which more than half of all programming in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  's main broadcast time would be broadcast in color. The first full-color season in the prime time came just a year later. In 333, the last delay between the daily sieve inspections was converted to color, which resulted in the first full-color sieve season. ??? Formats and genres ??? TV conferences are more diverse than most other forms of media due to the wide range of formats and genres that can be presented. The show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fiction (as in documentaries, news and reality television shows). It can be current (as in the case of local news and some films made for television) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional series). They could be primarily informative or educational, or entertaining, as in situational comedies and games. [Commendation needed] The drama program usually includes a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before 3333, shows (with the exception of the series' series) generally remained static without a story arc, and the main characters and premises changed little. [Citation needed] If there was any change in the characters' lives during the episode, it was usually canceled by the end. For this reason, these episodes could be broadcast in any order. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first U.S. major-time television drama series to have this type of dramatic structure [3] [needs a better source], while the later Babylon 3 series further illustrates this structure by having a predetermined story running after the intended five-season run. [citation required] In 333, it was announced that television grew in a larger revenue component of large media companies than film [3]. Some have also seen an increase in the quality of some television programs. In 333, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh stated the ambiguity and complexity of character and storytelling: "I think these qualities are now seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have such qualities watch television. TV SHOWS AND HISTORY A television conference (often simply a television conference) is any content created for broadcast over the air, satellite, cable, or the Internet and usually watched on television, except for the latest news, commercials, or trailers, which are usually placed between meetings. . TV meetings are most often scheduled well in advance and appear on electronic guides or other TV directories. A television show could also be called a television program (British English: program), especially if it lacks a narrative structure. Television Movies is Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually released in the episodes that follow the story, and Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually is divided into seasons (Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  and Canada) or Movies (UK) - annual or bilingual sets of new episodes. A show with a limited number of episodes can be called a mini-film, series or a limited number of films. A one-time show can be called "special". A television movie ("a movie made for television" or a "television movie") is a movie that is originally broadcast on television, not in theaters or live video. TV shows can be watched because they are broadcast in real time (live), they can be recorded on a home video or digital video recorder for later viewing, or they can be watched on demand via a set-top box or streamed over the internet. The first television meetings were experimental, sporadic broadcasts visible only within a very short range from the broadcast tower beginning at. Television events such as the 936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the coronation of King George VI. In Great Britain, 937 or the introduction of David Sarnoff's famoPetl at the 9th World's Fair in New York in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  caused the growth of the media, but World War II stopped development only after the war. 947 world films inspired many Americans to buy their first television set, and then in 948 joined the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater, which became the first weekly television show that hosted Milton Berle the name "Mr. Television" Proved this medium was a stable and modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first nationwide live television broadcast in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  took place on 4 September 95, when President Harry Truman's speech at the Japanese Peace Conference in San Francisco was transmitted via AT&T's transcontinental cable and microwave radio transmission system to local stations. The first national color broadcast (Rose Tournament 954) in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  took place on October 1, 2020. Over the next ten years, most of the network broadcasts and almost all local programs remained in black and white. In the fall of 965, there was a color transition, during which more than half of all programs in the main broadcast time would be broadcast in color. The first full-color season in the main broadcast time came a year later jMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t. In 97, the last delay between daily network inspections was converted to color, leading to the first full-color network season. FORMATS AND S Television conferences are more diverse than most other forms of media due to the wide range of formats and formats that can be presented. The show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fiction (as in documentaries, news and reality television shows). It can be current (as in the case of local news and some films made for television) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional films). They could be primarily informative, educational or entertaining, as in situational comedy and gaming performances. The Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually program is a collection of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 980s, shows (other than the serial series) usually remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premises changed little. If there was a life of characters during the episode, there was a change, Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually was canceled to the end. The episodes can be broadcast in any order. Since the 1980s, many films contain progressive changes in plot, characters, or both. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American dramatic television films to have this kind of dramatic structure, while the later Movies Babylon 5 further illustrates such a structure in that it had a predetermined story that disrupted the intended five-year run. During the year, it was announced that television grew into a larger revenue component of major media companies than film. Some have also seen an increase in the quality of some television programs. In Year 0, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh commented on the ambiguity and complexity of character and storytelling: “I think these qualities are now seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have such qualities watch television. LOANS You'll find all the movies you can stream online, including the movies that were shown this week. If you are interested in what you can watch on this site, you should know that it includes areas such as crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, anime, etc. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who likes to accept Petl as news or information about this year's film schedule and how you watch your favorite movies. We hope we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That's all from Petl, greetings! Thanks for watching the videos today. I hope you enjoy the videos I share. Give a thumbs up, like it or share it if you enjoy what we shared to be more excited. Sprinkle with a happy smile so that the world is back in different colors, stay safe and stay at home. We hope you are satisfied with our WEB service. Thank you very much and I look forward to watching. I don't own this song or Image, all credit goes to their owner. Some changes have been made to the content of Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ed. The original language of this video description is English. It's amazing. Subscribe and share with your friends! and my chael. Check out more videos !!. I want to say "thank you" for being a friend !! Thanks for joining, have fun and have a look and let me know if you like my content. Don't be afraid to leave a comment, like it and subscribe! LOVE AND THERE Watch this latest video and if you like it, don't forget to check out the others. STORY It a Jeremy Camp (K.J. Apa) is a young and ambitious mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ician who would want nothing more than to honor his God with the power of mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ic. When Jeremy left home in Indiana due to the warmer climate in California and higher education, he soon came across one Melissa Heing (Britt Robertson), a colleague who notices in the audience at a local concert. She immediately falls behind Cupid's arrow, introduces herself to her and quickly discovers that she is also attracted to him. However, Melissa resists creating a hopeful relationship because she fears it will create an awkward situation between Jeremy and their mutual friend Jean-Luc (Nathan Parson), a colleague of mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ician and who also has a feeling for Melissa. Yet Jeremy is tireless in his pursuit until they finally get into a loving relationship. However, their juvenile courtship stops when news of life-threatening Melissa cancer comes to the fore. The diagnosis does nothing to discourage Jeremey's love for her, and the couple eventually marries. However, they soon find themselves on the fine line between living together and suffering from her illness; with Jeremy questioning his faith in mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ic, in himself and in God himself. GOOD / BAD I'm sorry if that sounds a little familiar from my review of I Can Only Imagine, but it definitely says how I feel about this movie. Although I am a devoted Christian (not a crazy fanatic or anything like that) for my foundations of religion and for my future faith in life, I am not a big fan of faith-based feature films. This is not to say that they are bad, or that I find them unfortunate towards other more popular films, but sometimes they can preach a little and be crazy in their religious undertones and overall dramatic direction. Personally, I like the more biblical stories Hollywood has told, such as The Ten Commandments by Cecil B. Demile and Ben-Hur by William Wyler; both have shown that they have stood the test of time in filmmaking. Of course, the recent trend in Hollywood to release more "remakes" of the film obscures these biblical epics with 04’s ExodMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  : Gods and Kings and 06’s Ben-Hur; both failed to capture the sense of cinematic integrity and, in their zealous aspect, had a chaotic view of religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  . Lately, however, Hollywood has retreated more into the present and found stories that are more or less set in a "more modern" time and age according to their Christian faithful features. As I mentioned above, some have found success in their literary forms (based on the book and adapted to the big screen), but are most inspired by real-life stories, translating into something to attack the string (with the audience) due to its aspect and nuances " based on a true story ’. Again, some are good (as I liked Unbroken and The Shack), while others are a bit preaching and allow religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  overtures to hinder the film, which makes them less than desirable for mainstream viewers or even members of their own faith. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , these religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  -esque films can sometimes be problematic in their final presentation both for the audience and for the film itself; sometimes the film feels more like a television chael than a theatrical feature film. This brings me around to talking about I Still Believe, a motion picture release of the Christian religio Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  faith-based. As almost cMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  tomary, Hollywood Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually puts out two (maybe three) films of this variety movies within their yearly theatrical release lineup, with the releases Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually being around spring time and / or fall respectfully. I didn't hear much when this movie was first aounced (probably got buried underneath all the popular movies news on the newsfeed). My first actual glimpse of the movie was when the film’s movie trailer was released, which looked somewhat interesting to me. Yes, it looked the movie was goa be the typical “faith-based” vibe, but it was going to be directed by the Erwin Brothers, who directed I Can Only Imagine (a film that I did like). PlMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , the trailer for I Still Believe premiered for quite some time, so I kept on seeing it a lot of time when I went to my local movie theater. You can kind of say that it was a bit “engrained in my brain”. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , I was a bit keen on seeing it. Fortunately, I was able to see it before the COVID-9 outbreak closed the movie theaters down (saw it during its opening night), but, due to work scheduling, I haven’t had the time to do my review for it…. until now. And what did I think of it? Well, it was pretty “meh”. While its heart is definitely in the right place and quite sincere, I Still Believe is a bit too preachy and unbalanced within its narrative execution and character developments. The religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  message is clearly there, but takes too many detours and not focMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ing on certain aspects that weigh the feature’s presentation. As mentioned, I Still Believe is directed by the Erwin Brothers (Andrew and Jon), whose previoMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  directorial works include such films like Moms' Night Out, Woodlawn, and I Can Only Imagine. Given their affinity attraction religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  based Christian movies, the Erwin Brothers seem like a suitable choice in bringing Jeremy Camp’s story to a cinematic representation; approaching the material with a certain type of gentleness and sincerity to the proceedings. Much like I Can Only Imagine, the Erwin Brothers shape the feature around the life of a popular Christian singer; presenting his humble begiings and all the trials and tribulations that he mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t face along the way, while mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical songs / performance taking importance into account of the film’s narrative story progression. That's not to say that the movie isn't without its heavier moments, with the Erwin, who (again) are familiar with religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  overtones themes in their endeavors, frame I Still Believe compelling messages of love, loss, and redemption, which (as always) are quite fundamental to watch and experience through tragedy. This even speaks to the film's script, which was peed by Erwin brothers playing double duty on the project, that has plenty of heartfelt dramatic moments that will certainly tug on the heartstrings of some viewers out there as well as provide to be quite an engaging tale of going through tragedy and hardship and finding a redemption arc to get out of it. This is especially made abundantly clear when dealing with a fatal illness that's similar to what Melissa undergoes in the film, which is quite universal and reflective in everyone's world, with the Erwin Brothers painting the painful journey that Melissa takes along with Jeremy by her side, who mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t learn to cope with pain of a loved one. There is a “double edge” sword to the film’s script, but I’ll mention that below. Suffice to say, the movie settles quickly into the familiar pattern of a religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  faith-based feature that, while not exactly polished or original, can be quite the “comfort food” to some; projecting a wholesome message of faith, hope, and love. Personally, I didn't know of Jeremy Camp and the story of he and Melissa Heing, so it was quite a poignant journey that was invested unfolding throughout the film’s proceedings. As a side-note, the movie is a bit a “tear jerker”, so for those who prone to crying during these dramatic heartfelt movies get .get your tissues out. In terms of presentation, I Still Believe meets the indMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  try standard of a religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  faith-based motion pictures. Of course, theatrical endeavors like these don't really have big budged production money to invest in the film’s creation. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , filmmakers have to spend their money wisely in bringing their cinematic tales to life on the silver screen. To that effect, the Erwin Brothers smartly utilized this knowledge in the movie’s creation; budgeting the varioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  aspects of the background and genetic theatrical make-up that feel appropriate and genuine in the film’s narrative. So, all the varioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  “behind the scenes” team / areas that I Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually mention (ie production designs, set decorations, costumes, and cinematography, etc.) are all relatively good as I really don't have much to complain (whether good or bad) about them. Again, they meet the indMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  try standard for a faith-based movie. Additionally, the mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical song parts are pretty good as well. As mentioned, I really didn’t know anything about Jeremy Camp, so I couldn’t say what songs of his were good, but the songs that are presented in the film were pretty decent enough to certain highlight points throughout the movie. Though they are somewhat short (assuming not the whole song is being played), but still effectively good and nice to listen to. Might have to check out a few of the real songs one day. Lastly, the film’s score, which was done by John Debney, fits perfect with this movie; projecting the right amount of heartfelt tenderness in some scenes and inspirational melodies of enlightenment in others. Unfortunately, not all is found to be pure and religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ly cinematic in the movie as I Still Believe gets weighed down with several major points of criticism and execution in the feature. How so? For starters, the movie feels a bit incomplete in Jeremy Camp’s journey. What’s presented works (somewhat), but it doesn’t hold up, especially becaMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  e the Erwin Brothers have a difficult time in nailing down the right narrative path for the film to take. Of course, the thread of Jeremy and Melissa are the main central focMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (and jMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  tly so), but pretty much everything else gets completely pMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  hed aside, including Jeremy's mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical career rise to stardom and many of the varioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  characters and their importance ( more on that below). This also caMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  es the film to have a certain pacing issues throughout the movie, with I Still Believe runtime of 6 minutes (one hour and fifty-six minutes) feeling longer than it should be, especially with how much narrative that the Erwin Brothers skip out on (ie several plot chunks / fragments are left unanswered or missing). Additionally, even if a viewer doesn't know of Jeremy Camp’s story, I Still Believe does, for better or worse, follow a fairly predictable path that’s quite cMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  tomary for faith-based movie. Without even reading anything about the real lives of Jeremy and Melissa prior to seeing the feature, it’s quite clearly as to where the story is heading and what will ultimately play out (ie plot beats and theatrical narrative act progression). Basically, if you're seeing one or two Christian faith-based film, you'll know what to expect from I Still Believe. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , the Erwin Brothers don’t really try to creatively do something different with the film…. instead they reinforce the idealisms of Christian and of faith in a formulaic narrative way that becomes quite conventional and almost a bit lazy. There is also the movie's dialogue and script handling, which does become problematic in the movie's execution, which is hampered by some wooden / forced dialogue at certain scenes (becoming very preachy and cheesy at times) as well as the feeling of the movie's story being rather incomplete. There’s a stopping point where the Erwin Brothers settle on, but I felt that there couldveve more added, including more expansion on his mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ic career and several other characters. Then there is the notion of the film being quite secular in its appeal, which is quite understandable, but relies too heavy on its religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  thematic messages that can be a bit “off-putting” for some. It didn't bother me as much, but after seeing several other faith-based movies prior to this (ie I Can Only Imagine, Overcomer, Indivisible, etc.), this particular movie doesn't really rise to Cursed in Love and falls prey to being rather generic and flat for most of its runtime. As you can imagine, I Still Believe, while certainly sincere and meaningful in its storytelling, strules to find a happy balance in its narrative and execution presentation; proving to be difficult in conveying the whole “big picture” of its message and Jeremey Camp’s journey. The cast in I Still Believe is a mixed bag. To me, none of the acting talents are relatively bad (some are better than others I. I admit), but their characterizations and / or involvement in the film’s story is problematic to say the least. Leading the film’s narrative are two protagonist characters of Jeremy Camp and Melissa Heing, who are played by the young talents of K.J. Apa and Britt Robertson respectfully. Of the two, Apa, known for his roles in Riverdale, The Last Summer, and The Hate U Give, is the better equipped in character development and performance as the young and aspiring mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical talent of Jeremy Camp. From the get-go, Apa has a likeable charm / swaer to him, which make his portrayal of Jeremy immediately endearing from onset to conclMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ion. All the scenes he does are well-represented (be it character-based or dramatic) and certainly sells the journey that Jeremy undergoes in the movie. PlMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , Apa can also sing, which does lend credence to many of the scene’s mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical performance. For Robertson, known for her roles in Tomorrowland, Ask Me Anything, and The Space Between Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , she gets hampered by some of the film’s wooden / cheesy dialogue. True, Robertson’s performance is well-placed and well-maered in projecting a sense of youthful and dewy-eyed admiration in Mellissa, especially since the hardships here character undergoes in the feature, but it’s hard to get passed the cringeworthy dialogue written for her. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , Robertson’s Melissa ends up being the weaker of the two. That being said, both Apa and Robertson do have good on-screen chemistry with each other, which certainly does sell the likeable / loving young relationship of Jeremy and Melissa. In more supporting roles, seasoned talents like actor Gary Sinise (Forest Gump and Apollo) and mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ician singer Shania Twain play Jeremey’s parents, Tom and Terry Camp. While both Sinise and Twain are suitable for their roles as a sort of small town / Midwest couple vibe, their characters are little more than window dressing for the feature’s story. Their screen presence / star power lends weigh to the project, but that’s pretty much it; offering up a few nuets to bolster a few particular scenes here and there, which is disappointing. Everyone else, including actor Nathan Parsons (General Hospital and Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water) as mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical talent and mutual friend to both Jeremy and Melissa, Jean-Luc Lajoie, young actor Reuben Dodd (The Bridge and Teachers) as Jeremy's handicapped younger brother, Joshua Camp, and his other younger brother, Jared Camp (though I can't find out who played him the movie), are relatively made up in smaller minor roles that, while acted fine, are reduced to little more than jMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t underdeveloped caricatures in the film, which is a shame and disappointing. FINAL THOUGHTS The power of faith, love, and affinity for mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ic take center stage in Jeremy Camp’s life story in the movie I Still Believe. Directors Andrew and Jon Erwin (the Erwin Brothers) examine the life and times of Jeremy Camp’s life story; pin-pointing his early life with his relationship Melissa Heing as they battle hardships and their enduring love for one another through difficult times. While the movie's intent and thematic message of a person's faith through trouble times is indeed palpable as well as the likeable mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical performances, the film certainly strules to find a cinematic footing in its execution, including a sluish pace, fragmented pieces, predicable plot beats , too preachy / cheesy dialogue moments, over utilized religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  overtones, and mismanagement of many of its secondary / supporting characters. To me, this movie was somewhere between okay and “meh”. It was definitely a Christian faith-based movie endeavor (from start to finish) and definitely had its moments, but it jMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t failed to resonate with me; struling to find a proper balance in its undertaking. Personally, despite the story, it could've been better. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , my recommendation for this movie is an “iffy choice” at best as some will like (nothing wrong with that), while others will not and dismiss it altogether. Whatever your stance on religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  faith-based flicks, I Still Believe stands as more of a cautionary tale of sorts; demonstrating how a poignant and heartfelt story of real-life drama can be problematic when translating it to a cinematic endeavor. For me, I believe in Jeremy Camp’s story / message, but not so much the feature.
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laismoura-art · 9 months
Gurl... The chickens.... They only live for 5-10 years..
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This has been on my mind for some time lmao
Maybe they are just invincible until Kuai is out of sight and they can go crazy
Realistically speaking? I did not have the heart to kill them :D
I was going to make Kogeta Simone's mother buuuuut I did not want to kill her so...
But story wise:
Kuai's chickens are under the protection of the King of Netherrealm himself!
It was a gift not only for his favourite pets but for his Consort as well. Hanzo wanted Kuai to have companions that could be with him for as long as it took until he was ready to join Hanzo in his kingdom.
The same gift has been provided to Snowball, the donkey, of course, Hanzo wouldn't dare let Kuai lose his favourite companion!
Now be aware that Hanzo’s magic is limitated, he can extend one's life, and prevent them to reach his kingdom, but they are not invincible, they can be killed, or die in an accident (such as... well, a fire), but Hanzo was certain they would not perish under Kuai's care...
Well... he was certain, until Noob Saibot introduced the three as newcomers of his kingdom...
Hanzo: I am going to put a protection spell on the animals, so little t nothing can cause them harm! :D
Kuai: *Sets his farm on fire*
Also, a bit unrelated but shout out to my keyboard and its suggestions:
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leslieannefusco · 3 years
Scorpion Lost Soul Bent On Revenge
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The hunt for Quan Chi had led Scorpion to the palace of Shang Tsung. Scorpion entered the palace through a hidden passage. As he made his way through the lower levels, he was discovered by the two Oni he had previously encountered while in the Netherealm. Shang Tsung had secretly allied with Moloch and Drahmin as a backup defense against Quan Chi. The two Oni had been hidden in an underground chamber and were periodically fed mortals to keep them satisfied.
Scorpion fought well but was overpowered by Moloch and Drahmin. Although the could not consume the ninja spectre, they devised another means for eliminating their foe that would satisfy their cruel nature. The Oni brough Scorpion before the portal to The Heavens that Shang Tsung had tapped as a source of limitless souls. They hurled him into the Soulnado and his hellspawn body was ripped apart by the purity of that realm.
The Elder Gods had transformed Scorpion into their weapon in order to defeat the Dragon King before his plans of domination unmade the realms. With his enhanced abilities, he tirelessly tracked Onaga through the realms until finally he cornered him in the Nexus. The Dragon King had many allies, but they were of no consequence.
It was in fact Scorpion who was the true Champion of the Elder Gods, the Enforcer of their will. Only he could stop the menace that threatened all that exists. Only he could defeat the Dragon King.
A tormented spectre bent on revenge, Scorpion has one desire: to slay the one who killed his family and clan. Returning from the abyss of death, he will find his nemesis. He will destroy Sub-Zero.
As the fire of Blaze was extinguished, what appeared in its place brought elation to Scorpion's tormented soul. His ninja clan, the Shirai Ryu, had been fully resurrected. Numbering in the thousands, they covered the surface of the pyramid awaiting Scorpion's command. Among them was Scorpion's wife and son. Their reunion was to be short-lived. The sorcerer Quan Chi suddenly appeared among them. He grabbed Scorpion's young son and disappeared through a portal to the Netherrealm. Enraged, Scorpion ordered his clan to hunt down the sorcerer. He will not rest until his son has been recovered and Quan Chi is dead!
Scorpion was once a member of the Shirai Ryu ninja clan before he was slain by the elder Sub-Zero. Resurrected by the sorcerer Quan Chi, he entered the Mortal Kombat tournament and killed Sub-Zero to avenge the murders of his family and clan. But Sub-Zero's younger brother assumed his name and donned the familiar blue assassin's garb. Though he remains Quan Chi's enforcer, Scorpion will not rest until this Sub-Zero has been slain as well.
Though Dark Kahn was defeated, his consciousness lived on. The Dark Lord's power and maliciousness found the perfect host in the body of the wrathful Scorpion. In the midst of his agony, Scorpion knew that he would soon be the most powerful creature in the universe - if he survived the transformation.
Hanzo Hasashi was once a member of the Japanese Shirai Ryu ninja clan. Given the name Scorpion for his blindingly fast and deadly fighting skill, his life was blessed with glorious kombat in the name of his Grand Master. But when he, his family and his clan were brutally exterminated by Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei, Scorpion's existence became eternal torment. Resurrected by the malevolent necromancer Quan Chi, he entered the Mortal Kombat tournament to slay Sub-Zero and avenge the murders of his kin.
Shao Kahn's death did nothing to relieve Scorpion's pain.�The loss of his kin still weighed heavily upon him. For reasons he could neither explain nor understand, he was drawn to the home of the Shirai Ryu. Standing amid the rubble in solemn contemplation, Scorpion was visited by apparitions of his fallen comrades, who revealed the true mastermind behind their brutal deaths. Enraged, he returned to the Netherrealm. As the spirits of his kin immobilized Quan Chi, Scorpion slew him, finally avenging their deaths.
Hanzo Hasashi was a member of the Shirai-Ryu assassin clan until they and his family were killed by Sub-Zero of the rival Lin Kuei clan. Hanzo's soul was claimed by the Netherrealm sorcerer Quan Chi, who resurrected him as the revenant Scorpion and gave him the chance to avenge his family's deaths. Full of rage and hellfire, Scorpion fights alongside Quan Chi in Netherrealm's invasion of Earthrealm.
Remorse for his role in resurrecting Shinnok weighed heavily upon Scorpion's soul. His desire for vengeance had brought Earthrealm to the brink of destruction. Scorpion offered to perform Hara Kiri to atone for his offense. But Raiden suggested a more productive alternative. Instead of death, Raiden sentenced Scorpion to life. He imbued Scorpion with a small portion of the Jinsei's power, linking him to Earthrealm's essence. Scorpion and his Shirai Ryu clan would protect the Jinsei and Earthrealm forever.
Wraith, Clan: Shirai Ryu, Rival: Sub-Zero
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sasorikigai · 3 years
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Favorite Relationships in Mortal Kombat (1/?) - Hanzo Hasashi / Satoshi Hasashi 
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. 
- Martin Luther King, Jr. 
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || “Hatred is exhausting. Yes, sometimes terrible things happen, and yes, sometimes we need to be angry. But not all the time. Not today. Today, let’s focus on the good. There is enough love in this world of ours to fill the depths of every ocean and the cracks of every broken heart. For there is love as the tune of my blood and heart sings in your proximity; in a honey-sweet, symphonious melody. There is so much good in this world. Let’s not lose hope just yet.”
Satoshi’s legs were freezing up, beginning to tingle and burn, sparking a phantom fire that would lick his flesh as his body tried to heat itself back up. He would choose to hang onto summer by his fragile fingertips, with winter’s early darkness obscuring his vision and the bite of the merciless wind knocking him to the ground like a fist, pounding him down again and again. The familiar darkness may beckon him into its endlessness, teasing him with their glassy glower, because the demons know. Satoshi Hasashi knows, that he would never be as empty as them, even in the throes of hopelessness and despair. 
For hope exists and love exists. Light exists. He will find them again, or they’ll find him. Either way, Satoshi’s story is going to be filled with beautiful beginnings, in lieu of his abundant flow of love coursing through his veins . He just has to hold on a little longer, and wait for it. For happier days are coming, along with the very day when Hanzo Hasashi’s damnation would soon be cultivated become anew, alleviating the immolation and evaporation of his humanity, without the cesspool of the insolent conflagration of the nether, with firefly ghost with its fluorescent filament flickering and fading into sullen oblivion. 
Beneath the ravenous borderline beast clawing, raking its raging fingernails against the xylophone rugs of his ribcage, Satoshi Hasashi would triumph over the open wound of an unlived life, in order to crush and become victorious against the residual haunting of the chafing chasm of the Netherrealm. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || 
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Scorpion" is the alias of Hanzo Hasashi, formerly one of the finest warriors of the Japanese Shirai Ryu ninja clan,[2] until he was slain by Bi-Han, a member of the Lin Kuei (a rival clan of Chinese assassins) who worked under the name "Sub-Zero". Scorpion became a "hellspawn" revenant residing in Hell, later called the Netherrealm, who sought vengeance against those responsible for the destruction of his clan and the murder of his family, including his wife Harumi and his son Satoshi. Although essentially neutral in allegiance, Scorpion joins forces with anyone who can assist in his plans of revenge. He was once manipulated by the sorcerer Quan Chi, whom he promised his life to in exchange for his impressive kombat abilities in order to defeat Sub-Zero.[1]
In his initial backstory, displayed in the first game's (1992) attract mode, he is described as only having enmity towards Sub-Zero, which was attributed to rivalries between their opposing ninja clans. His ending revealed that he was actually an undead specter who had been killed by Sub-Zero and was survived by a wife and child.[3] This was further explored in a tie-in comic book written and illustrated by MK co-creator John Tobias and published by Midway. In a one-page scene, set aboard a junk en route to Mortal Kombat tournament host Shang Tsung's private island, Scorpion shocks Sub-Zero with his unexpected return exactly two years after his death, declaring that his "demons" had allowed him to return and avenge his demise.[4] After Shokan Prince Goro's defeat at the hands of eventual champion Liu Kang, Shang Tsung's army launched an attack, forcing Scorpion to team up with Sub-Zero, the thunder god Raiden, and other tournament survivors to hold them back before he killed his rival and disappeared.[4]
In Mortal Kombat II (1993), Scorpion discovers Sub-Zero has somehow returned, and planned to compete in the second Mortal Kombat tournament held in the otherworldly dimension of Outworld and hosted by the realm's emperor Shao Kahn. He tracks his nemesis down but notices, in the process, Sub-Zero sparing the life of an opponent in battle. Scorpion realizes that this is not Bi-Han, but instead his younger brother, Kuai Liang, who had taken on his brother's codename in his memory and was tasked with completing his failed mission of assassinating Shang Tsung. As a result, Scorpion vowed to serve as the new Sub-Zero's guardian in atonement for killing his older brother.[5]
In the 2005 beat 'em up spin-off Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, set during the events of Mortal Kombat II, Scorpion is a boss character who attempts to kill the game's playable protagonists Liu Kang and Kung Lao. He appears in both masked and unmasked forms, with the latter being named "Inferno Scorpion". The planned co-op game, Mortal Kombat: Fire & Ice, which would have starred Scorpion and Sub-Zero as the protagonists, was canceled when Paradox Development, the developers of Shaolin Monks, "couldn't do it in time and under budget."[6]
Scorpion, along with all of the game's palette-swapped human ninja characters, was not playable in Mortal Kombat 3, but returned in the 1995 upgrade Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 when Shao Kahn tried to conquer the Netherrealm after his invasion of Earth, and enlisted the ninja in his forces. Scorpion's allegiance to the Kahn quickly dissolved when he discovers, in a continuance of his MKII storyline, that Sub-Zero was one of Earth's chosen warriors, with whom he sided in their final showdown with Shao Kahn.[1]
Quan Chi was officially introduced into Scorpion's rivalry with Sub-Zero in the main MK storyline, starting with Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (1997). Scorpion is featured therein as an unplayable boss character, appearing twice throughout the game. Despite playing a minor role, his background was officially expanded in a feature on the game's official website, where his real name and that of his clan were revealed, while his yellow outfit was described as an apparent mockery of the Lin Kuei after former Lin Kuei member Takeda developed ninjutsu before leaving the clan and forming the rival Shirai Ryu.[2] Scorpion is enlisted by Quan Chi to find a map hidden in a Shaolin temple, a task the sorcerer also gave to Sub-Zero in order to engage the two rival ninjas in combat. If the player performs a killer move on Scorpion, he will reappear as another boss later in the game. In Mortal Kombat 4 (1997), Quan Chi tricked Scorpion into believing that Sub-Zero was involved in the deaths of his family and clan, resulting in the specter allying with him. In Scorpion's ending, he emerges victorious over Sub-Zero, but Quan Chi reveals his involvement in killing Scorpion's clan and family. When the sorcerer attempts to banish Scorpion, the latter grabs the former at the last minute, sending them both to the Netherrealm.[7] A variation of this ending was seen in Sub-Zero's conclusion, when Sub-Zero stands over a fallen Scorpion before being knocked down by Quan Chi, who again reveals his scheme and claims that both ninjas were pawns for the fallen Elder God Shinnok, which results in Scorpion killing Quan Chi and declaring Sub-Zero free of his curse.[8]
Scorpion's MK4 ending is carried over into Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (2002), where he relentlessly hunts down Quan Chi, only to be attacked by the Oni Drahmin and Moloch, whom the sorcerer had hired as protection and to help free him from the Netherrealm. In his non-canonical ending, Scorpion is killed when Drahmin and Moloch hurl him into a Soulnado, a magical tornado consisting of tormented souls trapped between Earthrealm and Outworld. In Scorpion's biography in Mortal Kombat: Deception however, he is depicted as having escaped as well. He meets the Elder Gods, which, coupled with his witnessing Raiden's death and the emergence of Onaga, the Dragon King, causes him to accept a new role as the Elder Gods' servant while working to prevent Onaga's merging of the realms.
In the Konquest mode of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (2006), Scorpion cuts a deal with the Elder Gods to serve them in exchange for the resurrection of the Shirai Ryu and his wife and son.[1] However, they resurrect them as undead beings. Enraged, Scorpion seeks to destroy the Elder Gods' chance of preventing Armageddon by taking the elemental Blaze's power, but the Edenian demigod Taven defeats him and he is later killed by Sub-Zero in a battle royal amongst the series characters in the game's opening sequence.[9]
In the 2011 Mortal Kombat reboot, an alternative-timeline retelling of the first three titles, Scorpion reprises his role from the first game in seeking vengeance against the elder Sub-Zero, Bi-Han. This time though, he serves Quan Chi from the start, unaware that the sorcerer is the mastermind behind the murder of his family and clan. Raiden, attempting to alter the timeline in hopes of averting Armageddon, talks Scorpion into sparing Sub-Zero's life in exchange for reviving the Shirai Ryu. Scorpion agrees, and when he defeats Sub-Zero in the Netherrealm, he refuses to kill him. However, Quan Chi convinces Scorpion otherwise by showing him a graphic vision of Sub-Zero murdering his wife and child. Despite Sub-Zero protests, Scorpion promptly incinerates him. He reappears on the tournament grounds holding Sub-Zero's skull and spinal column.[10] Later in the game, the younger Sub-Zero Kuai Liang seeks revenge for his brother's death by demanding a fight with Scorpion in Shao Kahn's arena, which Quan Chi grants. Scorpion immediately recognizes the new Sub-Zero as the original's younger brother, and while he is defeated, Kuai Liang is apprehended by his clan before he finish the revenant off.[11] Scorpion is last seen when he fights and loses to Raiden in the Netherrealm before disappearing.[12] In his non-canonical arcade ending, the Shirai Ryu appear before Scorpion as ghostly apparitions who reveal the truth about their murder and aid him in killing Quan Chi for his deception. In Sub-Zero's ending, he learns the truth about his and Scorpion's families and offers the specter a chance to join him in his quest for vengeance. Scorpion accepts, joining Sub-Zero to form their own Deadly Alliance.[13]
In Mortal Kombat X, which takes place two years after the previous game, Scorpion was sent to attack the Special Forces alongside a revenant version of Kuai Liang. Due to the efforts of Raiden and his allies however, they were restored to their human forms and freed from Quan Chi's control. Over the course of the following two decades, the newly restored Hanzo Hasashi reformed the Shirai Ryu, trained Kenshi's son Takeda Takahashi, and made amends with the young Sub-Zero after he revealed Quan Chi was responsible for the murder of his family and clan. When the Special Forces captured Quan Chi, a revenge-minded Hasashi subdued them and released the sorcerer so he could challenge him to a final fight before he killed him. Concurrently, Quan Chi's associate D'Vorah appeared so she could have the sorcerer free Shinnok from his amulet. Hasashi decapitated Quan Chi, but not before he could finish reciting a spell to successfully free the fallen Elder God, who immediately incapacitated everyone in the surrounding area.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Hasashi continues to lead the Shirai Ryu in protecting Earthrealm as its Grandmaster a further two years after MKX and Shinnok's defeat. When the keeper of time Kronika caused a time anomaly in an attempt to erase Raiden from history, she brought a past version of Scorpion to the present so she could recruit him to her fold with the promise of resurrecting his clan and family.[14] Meanwhile, Hasashi worked with Sub-Zero to foil Lin Kuei clansman turned cyber ninja Sektor and his plans to build a Cyber Lin Kuei army. They were successful, despite facing opposition from Bi-Han, who had been resurrected as the revenant Noob Saibot, and learning that Sektor played a role in murdering Hasashi's clan and family.[15] After Kronika's forces compromise or destroy most of their bases, Hasashi agrees to house his Earthrealm allies at the Shirai Ryu's Fire Gardens.[16] To help locate Kronika's Keep, Hasashi suggests forging an alliance with Kharon, a ferryman who transports unfortunate souls to the Netherrealm who he and Sub-Zero met while they were revenants.[17] He succeeds in recruiting Kharon and convincing his younger self to turn away from Kronika, but he is killed by D'Vorah. With his dying breath, he urges his younger self to abandon his pursuit of vengeance and defend Earthrealm. Scorpion keeps his word and joins the allied forces of Earthrealm and Outworld to stop Kronika.[18][19][20] In his non-canonical arcade ending, the younger Scorpion fails to keep his promise to his future self, and kills Kronika so he can restart history to ensure his loved ones' survival. When he discovers that otherworldly forces conspire to make sure the tragedy always repeats itself, he undergoes a quest for revenge against them.
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chadillacboseman · 3 years
I’m having a bad depressive episode. Some headcanons with Kabal and Hanzo helping their s/o who’s having a bad depression day?
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✨ Kabal is a little clueless on emotional care when you first have a bad day. He's buried his emotions for so long that he doesn't even realize that sometimes he's having bad days.
✨ Once it's explained to him, he's like...oh shit- am I depressed?
✨ Together, you find self care routines that work for you, and you learn each other's triggers and comforts.
✨ The king of making whatever meal your sad heart desires- even if it's just shredded cheese on a tortilla microwaved (my personal depress meal!)
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🔥 Hanzo is very in-tune with his emotions since his time in the Netherrealm. He notices right away when something isn't right with you.
🔥 He takes you for long walks in the fire gardens and is all about physical touch.
🔥 Hanzo is the king of reassurance- he wants you to know your worth, and he tells you how much you mean to him and to everyone else.
🔥 Hanzo will absolutely clear the room if he sees you're uncomfortable- he has no problem telling other fighters to get lost so you can have some quiet to soothe your nerves.
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shockapella-sweet · 5 years
Mortal Kombat Fanfic Ideas
‘Cause after watching the Story Mode for Mortal Kombat 11, I’ve been hit by a ton of feels and needed to let them out before my candyfloss brain melted:
A series of ficlets where, just before Liu Kang and Kitana create a new timeline from scratch, various characters/OTPs (eg. Hanzo and Kuai, Ermac and Kenshi, Cassie and her parents, etc) are temporarily stuck in a purgatory-like void where they reminisce over everything that’s happened to them from MK9′s events onward, question what will become of them, and finally say their last farewells - or, possibly, “Until meet again” - in case they do/don’t ever see each other again in the new timeline.
Past!Jax and Jacqui Briggs talking about Takeda on the boat en-route to Shang Tsung’s Island, with Jax hearing about how they got engaged and how they want to plan their wedding, to how Present!Jax is still wary of Takeda marrying his baby girl and the possibility of being left alone on the farm. It can sort of end with past!Jax promising Jacqui to support her marriage to Takeda, and that when the time comes, he wants to walk her down the aisle.
A look at how Johnny Cage and Sony Blade reconciled between the events of MKX and MK11 (’cause God alone knows I wanna know how that happened).
A slashfic that also explains why Kung Jin isn’t in MK11: perhaps some time after the events of MKX, he pursues a romantic/sexual relationship with Erron Black, something which Dark Raiden and the Shaolin monastery don’t approve of (not so much because of his orientation, but more so because he’s seeing a member of Kotal Kahn’s court, making Black an enemy of Earthrealm). So Dark Raiden has Jin return to the White Lotus as punishment, and he can’t even help out in MK11. Then, in Liu Kang and Kitana’s new timeline, evil characters like Shang Tsung don’t exist, meaning Erron isn’t and can’t become immortal; he’s still born in the American Frontier years, and goes on to become one of the most famous outlaws in history, but eventually dies due to his normal human lifespan. Hundreds of years later, Jin - also alive in this new timeline - is a Law student/Shaolin monk-in-training. However, when he finds out about Erron Black in his research about past crimes and Earthrealm laws at a library (or in the Shaolin archives), he suddenly remembers that he knows this outlaw from somewhere, and the only possible person who can explain everything is Raiden. Cue all the angst, finger-pointing and even more angst.
Past!Kabal is apprehended by Special Forces after Sonya Blade’s chapter in MK11 (and directly after Kano’s death). He’s taken to an interrogation room of sorts, where Present!Johnny Cage is there to meet him. Kabal expects Johnny to torture and burn him alive, as Kano claimed would happen at the fight club. Instead, Johnny shows Kabal a picture of Stryker, explaining that the police officer was his partner (professionally and possibly romantically). Johnny tells him the truth about his burns and his becoming a revenant, and that if Kabal had continued his police training instead of joining the Black Dragon, perhaps he would have had a shot at true happiness, no matter how brief it lasted.
A slashfic about Kenshi and Ermac, and their last moments dying together in the Krypt, based on @paleicelight​‘s stunning artwork.
Hanzo Hasashi recounts his entire life-story spanning from MK9 to MK11 ... in the style of Bridget Jones’ Diary.
Kitana reuniting with Sindel and King Jerrod in a peaceful Edenia.
A Hangover-type fic where, after Shinnok’s defeat in MKX, S-F, the Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu clans have a raucous celebration ... come the next morning, Johnny and Sonya are suddenly married again after flying out to Vegas, Hanzo ends up with a mysterious love-bite on his neck, Jacqui thinks Takeda and Cassie hooked up after finding them in bed together, Raiden goes missing, Shinnok’s decapitated head is found lying in a puddle of beer (and may or may not be slightly tipsy), and Erron Black comes all the way from Outworld claiming that everyone at the palace has been frozen in ice and that someone stole his hat in the middle of the night. The only one who knows what’s going on is Kung Jin, who doesn’t drink. Of course, he’s not gonna explain what happened that easily.
Kuai Liang breaks down some time after fighting Noob Saibot, and Hanzo tries to comfort him, because he knows the pain of losing loved ones. Could be slash or not.
Smoke is alone and afraid in the Netherrealm, feeling like he’s been abandoned by Kuai Liang after all these years of suffering. Suddenly, Geras appears out of nowhere and tries to persuade him to join Kronika’s cause. In the process, Smoke either makes a genuine friend or “disappears” if he refuses.
Liu Kang and Kitana start out crafting the new timeline with good intentions. However, after a long while, they start manipulating time to suit their own needs, and repeatedly reboot the timeline when they see fit, even going as far as to erase their friends and allies from history altogether. In other words, they become the very thing Liu-liu defeated: Kronika ..
After passing on his protector duties to Liu Kang, Raiden feels at peace for the first time in years. After advising Liu Kang and Kitana in shaping the new timeline, he enjoys his mortal state and its little pleasures. From seeing the Kombat Kids moving onto new ventures in their lives, to seeing Earthrealm, Outworld, Edenia and all the other realms working together, Raiden can’t be any more happier. By the time he dies - in a warm bed at the Sky Temple, perhaps surrounded by his friends and loved ones - he is truly at peace, and is ready for the joys of the afterlife.
A complete retelling of MK11′s Story Mode ... BUT with some of the missing characters from MKX. Picture it: Kronika brings back Mileena to help Shao Kahn (also by bringing her back, it appeases Shao Kahn and makes him trust Kronika more). However, Mileena is conflicted between helping Daddy Dearest when he’s indirectly working with D’Vorah, her executioner, or working with Kitana to take back Outworld’s throne - although that means working with Kotal Kahn, who also had a hand in her death. Meawhile, Reptile and Ferra/Torr are convinced by Kronika to join her in her cause, as they see the potential of their races coming back to life in the timeline reboot (seeing her bring back past kombatants solidifies their trust in her - if she’s got that kind of power, then surely she can restore their races without question). Kuai Liang and Hanzo bump into Noob Saibot and Revenant!Smoke at the factory: not only does it pain Kuai to see his brother still alive and quite evil, but to see his best friend - his brother in arms - working alongside Noob for Kronika’s cause just about breaks him. For the Jax and Jacqui story arc, instead of a crown of souls they have to fetch, it’s actually Ermac that Kronika’s really after (being a huge soul collective and all); given he’s still part of Kotal Kahn’s remaining court, the emperor has the construct protected; in steps Kenshi, who has an inkling that he and Ermac were close friends in a past timeline, so he picks himself to guard Ermac. This causes conflict with both past!Jax (who’s miffed about losing his arms) and present!Jax (who’s equally miffed PLUS needs to take Ermac - alive - to Kronika). Cue a conflict of interest also erupting between Kenshi and Jax, and how this may affect Takeda and Jacqui’s relationship. Meanwhile, Kung Jin is back with the White Lotus (possibly for the reasons above or not), and is able to help out after Dark Raiden’s demise: he fights alongside Kung Lao and Liu Kang (which has so much potential for family fluff, introspection on their past lives, discussion of cultural values, Jin’s homosexuality, etc), as well as assist S-F (maybe during the Black Dragons’ assault on S-F, or when they raid the fight club). With his knowledge, maybe Raiden and everyone could potentially find Kronika’s Keep a lot sooner than later. Also, “By the Elder Gods, Black, walking around in the Outworld sun did you no f****** favours in the future.”
Kabal settling down with Sareena, based on his Tower Ending ... ha ha, just kidding! As if I’d do something like that. XP
That’s it. I think that’s all I’ve got so far. I think it’s a decent-ish mix of drama, romance and humour.
Whether or not I will actually write these fics some day, I don’t know. But it’s fun thinking about the possibilities, especially after how MK11′s Story Mode broke me. ^3^
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