#kevin amasaki
wrestlingrandomness · 10 months
Lucky Kevin
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darkwehl · 10 months
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damagecontrolla · 1 year
Learning More About STARDOM!!!
So, to update from my last post, I'm still growing in my fandom. From interviews, YouTube and social media, I've gathered bits and pieces of context, all with the knowledge that I will likely never fully entirely understand every character or storyline completely. Nonetheless, some updates with more peeps I guess!
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Saki Kashima
Probably the only wrestler I know to turn down a World Title shot, but still one of the coolest. A member of the heelish team Oedo Tai, she uses tricks and pins to win, but when she gets down to it, Saki in my estimation, is a pretty damn good wrestler! She is so relative to me, all she wants to do is sulk, and eat McDonalds, which makes her a Champion of the people. I want to see what comes next for her!
Waka Tsukiyama
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Waka is an interesting character (side note, born in NY, woot woot!), in that she had a losing streak through much of her career in STARDOM for about three years, just breaking it at New Blood Premium. This was such a special moment for her, and definitely a gratifying moment for longtime fans especially invested to FINALLY see her win the big one!!! Watching her for a short time, I've seen her gain confidence as a member of Cosmic Angels, and learning their signature dance! Which leads me to...
Mina Shirakawa
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I don't know if I'm meant to, but I get the sense that characterwise, something is a little off about Mina. A member of Cosmic Angels, and creator of its sub-faction Club Venus, she's employed Mariah May, Xia Brookside, Xena, and now Jessica Elaban into her group. Why am I suddenly thinking of Captain America: Civil War? Mina is talented and charismatic, someone I see becoming White Belt Champion. However, I also think she may stir up more than just the Title scene, and swaying Waka into Club Venus, and out of Cosmic Angels is one thought I've had in mind
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I don't know how to say this, Thekla, is just, fucking cool. A bad ass, a really cool moveset, currently besties w the Red Belt Champ in Giulia. SO EFFIN COOL. She's such a versatile wrestler and I enjoy her bouts with Mariah May, which is currently my Agenda™. I'm not sure her path, but a Tournament win would be nice to see!
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Mariah May
A member of Club Venus, with a Tombstone deadlier than The Undertaker. Mariah, much like her faction mates is cool, charismatic and supes kawaii (but not Top Kawaii, because that's Tam). She's someone I've found gets better in every match and I love to see that! I'm excited for what this year holds for her and the rest of Club Venus. Dream Match, Mariah May vs Sexy Dynamite Princess.
Miyu Amasaki
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Aka Kevin. Probably the least experienced member of Queen's Quest, whom Utami wants to see grow and step up, Miyu Amasaki recently had a Passion Injection match with Nanae Takashi, and called her shot, saying in one year's time, she would reach the top of the mountain. Miyu is interesting to me, as she is many times tested by her opponents who are veterans, and while she is talented, there is still so much potential for her growth, which will be great to see!
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Recently faced Mercedes Moné for the IWGP Women's Championship, and Saya Kamitani for the White belt at New Blood. Hazuki is an INCREDIBLE talent, who's stat-line does not do her justice. While she just comes short in the big matches, it is my hope that this year, she wins big.
Momo Kohgo
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Admittedly, I have not seen a lot of Momo Kohgo, but she seems to fit right in to STARS. She's also seemingly referred to as Komomo, and participated in the Press Conference for Mayu vs Mercedes as a translator, which I found cool and interesting! Momo is someone I wish to see more in STARDOM, as I've seem small bits of her wrestling and interacting with her faction mates.
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I feel like Koguma is riduculously cool, because well... she gets a bear over. A fucking bear. It's sweet as all hell, and also, she's really fast! Everytime I see a Koguma match, I'm excited to see banter and how each character is going to react to the bear, because every member manages to keep it interesting!
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stardomtrash · 1 year
I was late to the party on the whole Kevin/Miyu Amasaki thing, but now I finally get it, and this poor girl...
She has two emotions
"I've been forced here because they're holding my family hostage"
"Yeah I killed the family pet. It was practice"
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wrestlingrandomness · 2 months
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Oh dear 😳 Kevin making one last play at utami... poor kamitani
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wrestlingrandomness · 10 months
Kevin Amasaki is canon
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