#kenzie's bow should be in a museum
kingfakey · 2 months
oh my god ok i have to say this bc i have to get this out of my system but ben katzman used to be in this local boston band called free pizza. he's wearing a shirt of theirs in that pic but i didn't notice so i googled him being like haha wouldn't that be funny if that was the same ben katzman whose house i would go to basement shows at in 2015 and sure enough it IS HIM. free pizza was one of my favourite local bands for years n then suddenly they all moved to germany ? i think one of the band members had family there or something ? and i never saw any of them again and it's really wild to me to see that one of them is on survivor now lmfAO
BROOOOO??? what the fuck!!! that's so cool and so fucking punk rock... he's been such a fun player to watch on this season and he seems like such a cool person. he and another player got into a song naming competition, him with metallica and the other player with taylor swift songs. they got to about 117 songs before ben had to tap out. it was one of the most deranged things i've ever seen.
sometimes it makes me squirm with how small the world is, but this feels nice and cozy!
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