sleepybiflinge · 6 years
once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself publicly. then, you have to send this to ten amazing followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Oh fuck. THANKS!!! Ummm...
1. I like my laugh. It’s a very loud one, but I like it nonetheless.
2. I like my eyes. They’re the only good thing I inherited from my ex-father that I am happy with.
3. I like my beard? I guess? I mean, I’m gay af for a solid beard so the fact that I can grow a decent one is cool? 
4. My ambition. I like how many things I WANT to do in my life. Specifically by way of projects I want to accomplish. Then again, ambition and drive? Two separate things. I want to do a lot but don’t have the energy to do a lot.
5. This is gonna sound like a cop-out but my friends. And it may not be about me directly, but they’re the people I’ve got that are always there for me, whether physically or not. They make me laugh, cry, enjoy life, survive, etc. The way this year started, if I didn’t have people that were there for me through it all, I don’t think I’d be here now. So I truly am grateful for all the amazing people in my life that stick by me through all the stupid shit I do. 
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cotrieu · 6 years
once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself publicly. then, you have to send this to ten amazing followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
i’m multilingual and multicultural :D
i have natural double eyelids 
i have a lot of exalted signs in my astrological birth chart (which probably explains why i’m a chaotic mess–) 
i can drink strong/dark coffee and not die 
i’ve been told i have a good fashion sense?? and my eyeliner game is Nice
6th would b i have a lot of good mutuals like matt bc not a lot of tumblr blogs can say they have interactive and supportive mutuals!!! ty ilu :*
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alphaimagine · 6 years
Meowth !!!! Please?
Meowth is surprisingly not a popular Pokemon to have as a simple pet. Finicky and stubborn, they aren’t for inexperienced trainers. They need strict training to prevent it from growing into an uncontrollable brat. 
There are however, breeders who specify in breeding calmer, easy going Meowth. Not suited for battle, these sweet tempered kitties are meant to be pampered pets, and a pet only.
A well trained Meowth can fair very well in battle. Taking down moderately strong pokemon with little difficulty. Although their evolution is much more sought after for Trainers, some do prefer keeping their Meowth, as Meowth.
These demanding Pokemon will claw up an unsuspecting trainer if they are denied a proper brushing or that extra treat. 
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percivore · 6 years
I would literally die for ur toga ( and the way you draw villains in general ilu )
thank u honey!!! 
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nbasra · 7 years
kawohore replied to your post “Are we Really surprised they might change the rating? after Julian...”
Here’s a dev talking about changing the rating
Julian Getting Asra Off
AS FOR THE THREESOME it’s in the scene you get when you unlock it w the trinkets!
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rhaethegae · 6 years
kawohore replied to your post: so theoretically what would happen if asra and the...
neon cum probably, high on lisa frank’s glitter
FSJDNfkd i was thinking more along the lines of “freaky acid trip” but like this is also true and valid
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unhealthydoctors · 6 years
Oh boy do I love to see your ocs so much??? Theyre so lovely and handsome and uhhh they so make me want to KNOW of them everytime??? I love when you appear in my dash, it's just a lovely time
❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!!! this makes me so happy to hear, thank you!! ;v;
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demowkax · 4 years
Kawohore - - - - > demowkax
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fatgumtouille · 6 years
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petalpetal · 7 years
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sleepybiflinge · 6 years
1. first anime you ever watched
Ummm... I think officially the first anime I watched was Pokemon
2. first anime crush
Probably Kagome tbh? Also Aelita from Code Lyoko if that counts. And Yumi. Ulrich was the first guy crush I had too. I really liked Code Lyoko if that’s not clear lol.
3. favorite anime character
Shit... Rn? Aizawa. I just really feel like I relate to him so much? He’s always tired? Bitch me too, the fuck?
4. least favorite anime character
Mineta or Endeavor. Both can go to hell. Those are the most obvious ones rn
5. list all anime you have ever watched
As I remember them:
Pokemon, Code Lyoko, Inu Yasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Dragon Ball/DBZ, Hikaru no Go, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bakuman, Shaman King, Nisekoi,  Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Attack On Titan, Avatar TLA/LOK (counting them), BNHA, Eden of the East, K Project, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ouran High School Host Club, Another, Blue Dragon, Sword Art Online, Magi, Gurren Lagann, Durarara, Soul Eater, Boruto, YuGiOh/GX, Sailor Moon, Cowboy Beebop, Angel Beats, Zatch Bell, D Gray Man, Reborn, Ghost In The Shell, Certain Scientific Railgun, Prince of Tennis, Ruroni Kenshin, Code Geass, Anohana, Clannad, Daily Life Of High School Boys, Nisekoi, Nichijou, Rosario To Vampire, Black Cat, 07-Ghost, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Gin Tama.
God there’s probably so many more I just can’t bring myself to remember lmao.
6. popular anime you didn’t like
Attack On Titan I started off liking but then it just got... Meh?
7. anime you are currently watching
Black Clover, BNHA, (rewatching Bakuman too), Pokemon Sun Moon thinking about rewatching some too...
8. anime character you are most like
9. favorite anime child
Hmmm... I love Ed from Cowboy Beebop tbh
10. favorite anime animal sidekick
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
Honestly? NGE/Gurren Lagann/ any mech that I’ve watched tbh. Because I used to avoid the genre alltogether but I like them quite a lot because of NGE tbh. Thanks anime club!
12. anime that should get more attention from others
13. funnest anime you have watched
Nichijou. Hands down
14. saddest anime you have ever watched
Fucking clannad. And Angel Beats. Fuck. I never even watched afterstory because I realized what happened.
15. anime you never get sick of watching
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
16. 10 best animes you have watched
Death Note
One Piece
Yu Yu Hakusho
Shaman King
Angel Beats
17. biggest anime crush
Fuck... Ummm... Probably Kurama from YuYu Hakusho still. That’s a hot man.
18.10 worst anime you have watched
I hate Bakugan with a G. it started out so good. But then went to shit. All the YuGiOhs after GX. Other than that Idk if I can think of any others tbh? Idk man.
19. favorite anime ships
God there are so many!! EDWIN, Tsuchako, kiribaku, IzuOcha, Tsumikage(?), Celty/Shinra, Naruto/Hinata, Lelouch/Suzaku, etc.
20. least favorite anime ships
21. anime that made you cry, when
First one? Angel Beats. When? A long time ago. Like, sophomore year of high school lol. so like 2012.
22. age you started watching anime/person who introduced you to it.
Hardcore? I was like 10 or 11. Discovered toonami accidentally tbh. 
23. unpopular character you love
Hmmm... I guess I really like Shino from Naruto, does that count? I’m sure there are more, but I literally can’t think of them?
24. popular character you hate
Ugh... I mean, I hated the shit out of sasuke for a long time but idk if I entirely hate him now? I hate people that are hella abusive but I don’t think they’re really popular? Like mineta and endeavor def don’t count as popular.
25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood or death note are solid introductions I feel like.
26. manga you have read all the was through
Oooh. Psyren (wish that didn’t get cancelled). Bakuman, Shaman King, Yu Yu Hakusho, Death Note, and a helluva lot more. Nisekoi, Ouran High School Host Club, and I think that’s it!
27. anime you plan to watch in the future
Haikyuu!!!! But like, if there are any more recs, lemme know too. My list is low rn.
28. most upsetting moment in anime, why
Clannad death(s) I didn’t even watch afterstory and I’m still mad about both deaths.
29. anime that deserves another season
Bleach!!! LET THEM FINISH THEIR STORY PLEASE!!! I want more bleach!!
30. one anime conclusion you would change
HOLY SHIT THAT TOOK SO LONG I’M SORRY! But I really went all out for this one I think. tbh.
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pastelburnish · 6 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by the lovely @kawohore thanks 💕
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
gender: female! I’m definitely femme most of the time, haha
star sign: Taurus
height: 5′0″ (I didn’t even have to change this one haha)
time: 12:14 on as I’m typing this
favorite bands: Uhhh, Idk man. I really like Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, and my favorite: A Great Big World
favorite solo artists: Utada Hikaru, Regina Spektor, Amalee (I know she’s a cover artist but she’s still great)
song stuck in my head: Devilman no Uta
last movie i watched:  Coco!
last tv show i watched: Kids Baking championship
when did i create my blog: friends pressured me to do it and here I am lmao
what do i post: BNHA, Devilman, Kingdom Hearts, the occasional FMA post, and some aesthetic
last thing i googled: Some stuff for my GWS midterm haha
do i have other blogs:
Yes! 3 others! It’s @xiii-dandelions | @askthesunshineboys | @ask-trainer-ochako
do i get asks: Not as much as I’d like, haha but I do! I appreciate everything I get!!
why did i choose my url: My current one is because I headcanon Ochako and ace and so here we are!
following: I wouldn’t even be able tot tell you haha
followers: 772 and you all are fantastic 💕
favorite colours: emerald and dark greens! Also any kind of pastel color!
average hours of sleep: Typically 6-7 if I’m lucky
lucky numbers: 7
instruments: Saxophone! I also sing and I’m learning the Ukelele!
what am i wearing: jeans and a t-shirt because I really don’t give a shit today. I’m wearing my new Bob’s though that have dogs on them!
how many blankets i sleep with: two! It’s hot in my room bit I have to be covered. Thank goodness for the ac!
dream job: It’s up in the air, but I’m considering something with child psychology!
dream trip: anything out of this country, but either to Japan or Italy
favourite food: spaghetti or anything sweet haha
nationality: American unfortunately
favourite song right now: Uhhh, Don’t think twice by Utada Hikaru
Tagging: @asexualkittyclaws @lastronaut @abyssal-glory @frukinghell @alphawolfspider @pingo1387 @asexualzoro y'all don’t have to do it but just in case you want to!!
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ewikawa · 7 years
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Outfit design I did for a friend who owns this beautiful Lunala Gijinka <3 
Lunala Gijinka (c) @kawohore
Please do not copy-steal-trace-repost-use any of my artwork! Thank you!
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nbasra · 6 years
kawohore replied to your post “Someone give me a ref of their Fan Apprentice to draw”
omg could I?
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demowkax · 7 years
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fatgumtouille · 6 years
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Six selfies, tagged by @youaresuneater , thanks for tagging me bby!!! 
Feel free to print these out, ask me to sign them, turn them into body pillows, etc!!
 And I’ll tag: @gamingglowcloudiplier @trenazlore @cybebully @bubbasaur @bearlylocal @jahnnyvommit @kawohore @roachranch @bokkuto @sapphixxx @yuurimp4 @evilertoast !
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