#karl denninger
arcticdementor · 2 years
Karl Denninger appears to have finally run out of patience with the “safe and effective” crowd.
The massive increase in “overdose” deaths is no more a mystery than all of the Suddenly deaths. The vaxx weakened the recipients hearts, and now people are dying of drug doses and exercise strains that previously would not have killed them. You’d have to be statistically ignorant to fail to note the obvious strong correlations.
Literally everyone was warned, repeatedly, before the vaccines were even made available to the public, and was told that it would be foolish, pointless, and potentially deadly to take them. And although it never made any sense whatsoever to inject one single child with the vaxx, now the stupidity of the fathers and mothers will be visited on millions of those unfortunate children.
I wonder how the children of the Vaxxed are going to feel about their parents? I expect it will make the Boomer hate of Gen/X and the Millennials look rather tame by comparison.
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQItwT0VNJw)
What is Rethinking the Dollar? Karl Denninger
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nakediconoclast · 3 years
Karl Denninger: “So You Want Green Energy Eh?”, Texas is a Preview for the Nation’s Future Under Green Energy
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liceyalmedio · 3 years
Putin le desea salud a Biden luego de que este lo llame "asesino"
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19 de marzo
Putin le desea salud a Biden luego de que este lo llame "asesino"
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En respuesta a las recientes declaraciones del mandatario estadounidense, Putin ha afirmado que cada uno ve a otra persona tal y como se ve a sí mismo.
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Corea del Norte advierte que renunciará a mantener cualquier contacto con EE.UU. a menos que Washington renuncie a su "política hostil"
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Dos jóvenes indígenas desaparecidos desde hace un mes en Colombia fueron encontrados sin vida y con señales de tortura
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"Un peligroso precedente": México acusa a la OEA de intervenir en los asuntos internos de Bolivia tras el polémico comunicado de Almagro
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EE.UU. exige que todas las empresas involucradas en el Nord Stream 2 abandonen el proyecto
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Científicos noruegos afirman que AstraZeneca sí causa coágulos de sangre mientras expertos británicos y neerlandeses lo descartan
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Detienen a la 'polizona en serie', una mujer que tomó más de 30 aviones sin comprar un solo pasaje
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VIDEO: Una cámara corporal recoge el instante en que un policía dispara a un hombre desnudo y ensangrentado en EE.UU.
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Ahorcan en Irán a las 'hienas de Fariman', cuatro hombres que violaron a una alpinista frente a su marido atado
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"Somos pareja": Indignación en Ucrania por las fotos provocativas de una niña bloguera de 8 años y su novio adolescente 
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Eduardo Zuain, designado embajador de Argentina ante Rusia: "Hay muchos intereses políticos en la discusión sobre las vacunas"
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"Si hubiera existido Unasur, a lo mejor hubiéramos avanzado en una distribución mucho más ágil de las vacunas", asegura Eduardo Zuain, el recién designado embajador de Argentina ante la Federación de Rusia. ¿Cómo ha evolucionado la actitud de los argentinos a la Sputnik V? ¿Qué papel tienen que desempeñar los organismos internacionales en el mundo actual? ¿Cómo han cambiado las relaciones entre Argentina y Rusia con la llegada de Alberto Fernández a la presidencia? Véanlo en 'Entrevista', de RT.
Las políticas monetarias de EE.UU. "van a provocar una terrible pesadilla inflacionista"
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En este episodio de 'Keiser Report', Max y Stacy comentan las palabras de los analistas de Bank of America, que predicen el fin de 40 años de tendencia al alza en el mercado de deuda y el arranque de una era de inflación. En la segunda parte, Max entrevista a Karl Denninger, de Market-Ticker.org, sobre el fin del mercado alcista de la deuda y la inflación que se avecina.
VIDEO: Un exmedallista en gimnasia cae lanzado al aire al recibir un puñetazo de quien fuera el hombre 'más fuerte del mundo'
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Eddie Hall no quiso usar el 100 % de su fuerza al propinar el último golpe contra si rival.
Agrede a una anciana en plena calle de San Francisco y esta le da una paliza que lo deja hospitalizado
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La mujer, de 76 años y origen chino, estaba esperando en un semáforo cuando de repente un desconocido le pegó en el ojo sin motivo aparente.
Todos los videos
Borovaya 3/1, Moscú, Rusia, 111020
Darse de baja del boletín
via Blogger https://ift.tt/30Z3SqZ
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politicsandwhatnots · 7 years
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Greg Hunter, “We All Know How This Party is Going to End”
Analyst and entrepreneur Karl Denninger predicted years ago that Obamacare would “kill the economy” and “eventually implode.” Today, the first quarter GDP came in at just .9%, and Denninger contends Obamacare is part of the reason the economy is so anemic. Denninger says, “Since the crash in 2008, we’ve had 2% GDP expansion roughly on an average basis, and you are trying to expand the growth of one program in the government by 8.5%, and that’s not going to work. This is the problem you have.What Obamacare has done has caused the 2% expansion. So, what has happened here is we have taken this program and crammed these costs into the economy on a mandated basis, and the result is the productivity expansion has gone into the toilet.”
More: http://bit.ly/2njhy9R
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kramlabs · 6 days
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arcticdementor · 2 years
Karl Denninger points out that under long-established international law, the US Congress has effectively declared the United States to be in a state of war with Russia:
Congress has explicitly authorized, and Biden will sign, this bill that specifically permits the transfer to Ukraine of basically anything other than nuclear material. Seriously folks — that’s the only real exception found in the referenced definition.
By agreeing to provide direct weaponry that can be and will be used in the waging of war by one of the two parties to same we have entered the conflict. That our GIs are not directly involved there is of no consequence. This is no different than shipping arms to Britain during WWI in the Lusitania or the lend-lease provisions in early WWII that ultimately led us to get involved there in Europe. Indeed Pelosi directly referenced those early WWII provisions indicating that she knows damn well the implications of what Congress just did.
In fact it was lend-lease of March 1941 that led Hitler to come after the United States; we had entered the war as a belligerent by officially agreeing to supply war material to Britain.
In those two wars there was no realistic means for the Germans or other Axis powers to hit us directly on our own soil. But they did in fact do that in response when they sunk the Lusitania, which had a bunch of Americans on board. They could reach that ship, did reach it, and did sink it. They did so because we were supplying England with munitions.
We claimed at the time we were not, we were lying and that is now established as a historical fact.
The Germans hit a legitimate military target despite our and Britain’s claims at the time otherwise.
Don’t kid yourselves folks; such a strike, if it occurs, is entirely legal from an international law perspective under the laws of war. It is legitimate for a belligerent to strike the military elements, direct and indirect, of an entity supplying its opposing military.
The neocons wanted their war with Russia. Looks like they’re getting it, and it won’t be even remotely surprising if they get it good and hard. It’s worth noting that it was just nine months from FDR’s establishment of Lend-Lease to formal war with Germany; if a similar time frame holds, the USA will be openly at war with Russia by January, just in time for General Winter.
But legalities and diplomacies aside, the USA is already observably at war with Russia, given that it is already spending 6x more on the Russo-NATO war than the entire Ukrainian military budget. All the endless word games and legal posturings about the expansive redefinition of neutrality and what is justified in response to the illegality of war aren’t going to prevent a single missile from being fired against a legitimate target in a belligerent state.
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farwiayas3-blog · 7 years
Karl Denninger Solved Healthcare And The Fede - https://goo.gl/LUp61f - #Auto_Insurance, #Denninger, #Fede, #Healthcare, #Karl, #Solved
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bettybxiong · 5 years
Google claim of achieving quantum computing will change everything
(Natural News) Want to go back to typewriters and hand-delivery of messages? In what may be a huge milestone in computing, Google says it has achieved “quantum supremacy,” an experimental demonstration of the superiority of a quantum computer over a traditional one. (Article by Karl Denninger republished from Market-Ticker.org) The claim, made in a new scientific paper,...
from NaturalNews.com https://ift.tt/2mCO1h6 from Betty Xiong https://ift.tt/2lXvr39
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wowmagazine2016 · 6 years
An Impending Shooting Civil War
An Impending Shooting Civil War
An Impending Shooting Civil War 2018-09-26, by Karl Denninger in Editorial
It is my contention that we are just one bad event away from a shooting civil war in America — and in fact if you ask Steve Scalise it may have already started.
So-Called, “ANTIFA”
The political process is often fraught with severe language, money and hard-fought contests.  But in the end there are winners and losers; a…
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kflemhealth · 5 years
Google claim of achieving quantum computing will change everything
(Natural News) Want to go back to typewriters and hand-delivery of messages? In what may be a huge milestone in computing, Google says it has achieved “quantum supremacy,” an experimental demonstration of the superiority of a quantum computer over a traditional one. (Article by Karl Denninger republished from Market-Ticker.org) The claim, made in a new scientific paper,...
from NaturalNews.com https://ift.tt/2mCO1h6 via IFTTT
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liceyalmedio · 3 years
Putin le desea salud a Biden luego de que este lo llame "asesino"
Si no ve imágenes o enlaces que no funcionan, abra el mensaje en su navegador.
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19 de marzo
Putin le desea salud a Biden luego de que este lo llame "asesino"
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En respuesta a las recientes declaraciones del mandatario estadounidense, Putin ha afirmado que cada uno ve a otra persona tal y como se ve a sí mismo.
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Corea del Norte advierte que renunciará a mantener cualquier contacto con EE.UU. a menos que Washington renuncie a su "política hostil"
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Dos jóvenes indígenas desaparecidos desde hace un mes en Colombia fueron encontrados sin vida y con señales de tortura
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"Un peligroso precedente": México acusa a la OEA de intervenir en los asuntos internos de Bolivia tras el polémico comunicado de Almagro
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EE.UU. exige que todas las empresas involucradas en el Nord Stream 2 abandonen el proyecto
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Científicos noruegos afirman que AstraZeneca sí causa coágulos de sangre mientras expertos británicos y neerlandeses lo descartan
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Detienen a la 'polizona en serie', una mujer que tomó más de 30 aviones sin comprar un solo pasaje
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VIDEO: Una cámara corporal recoge el instante en que un policía dispara a un hombre desnudo y ensangrentado en EE.UU.
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Ahorcan en Irán a las 'hienas de Fariman', cuatro hombres que violaron a una alpinista frente a su marido atado
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"Somos pareja": Indignación en Ucrania por las fotos provocativas de una niña bloguera de 8 años y su novio adolescente 
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Eduardo Zuain, designado embajador de Argentina ante Rusia: "Hay muchos intereses políticos en la discusión sobre las vacunas"
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"Si hubiera existido Unasur, a lo mejor hubiéramos avanzado en una distribución mucho más ágil de las vacunas", asegura Eduardo Zuain, el recién designado embajador de Argentina ante la Federación de Rusia. ¿Cómo ha evolucionado la actitud de los argentinos a la Sputnik V? ¿Qué papel tienen que desempeñar los organismos internacionales en el mundo actual? ¿Cómo han cambiado las relaciones entre Argentina y Rusia con la llegada de Alberto Fernández a la presidencia? Véanlo en 'Entrevista', de RT.
Las políticas monetarias de EE.UU. "van a provocar una terrible pesadilla inflacionista"
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En este episodio de 'Keiser Report', Max y Stacy comentan las palabras de los analistas de Bank of America, que predicen el fin de 40 años de tendencia al alza en el mercado de deuda y el arranque de una era de inflación. En la segunda parte, Max entrevista a Karl Denninger, de Market-Ticker.org, sobre el fin del mercado alcista de la deuda y la inflación que se avecina.
VIDEO: Un exmedallista en gimnasia cae lanzado al aire al recibir un puñetazo de quien fuera el hombre 'más fuerte del mundo'
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Eddie Hall no quiso usar el 100 % de su fuerza al propinar el último golpe contra si rival.
Agrede a una anciana en plena calle de San Francisco y esta le da una paliza que lo deja hospitalizado
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La mujer, de 76 años y origen chino, estaba esperando en un semáforo cuando de repente un desconocido le pegó en el ojo sin motivo aparente.
Todos los videos
Borovaya 3/1, Moscú, Rusia, 111020
Darse de baja del boletín
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3eUacbu
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Eclipse Warning: "1000s Of People Will Damage or Entirely Lose Their Eyesight Tomorrow"
Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, With a rare solar eclipse approaching and millions of people flocking to locations around the United States that are in or near the path of totality, some may not realize that the celestial event poses an extreme danger. As noted by Karl Denninger at The
Zero Hedge
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kramlabs · 7 months
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arcticdementor · 2 years
Karl Denninger points out that US hospitals are incredibly efficient at killing Covid patients:
Tennessee publishes Covid case, hospitalization and death data on a daily basis — by county.
Sevier County has one hospital, so there is exactly one place to aim your ire when it comes to their results vis-a-vis Covid-19. Since it is part of Covenant Health that entire corporate entity and every other medical edifice that is a part of same down to every affiliated physician office shares every bit of responsibility involved here.
Now perhaps you can explain how you can call a place a “medical facility” with this sort of record? And perhaps you can find some rational explanation for this outcome, given that essentially all the really old people who were most-susceptible either got Covid and died or got vaccinated and were allegedly “protected” prior to July 1st of 2021 for this outcome other than the corporate entities involved realizing that they got away with maximizing revenue which just happened to kill the patient and thus did a hell of a lot more of that in the back half of 2021.
If you can find such an explanation in a world where “vaccines are free” and are “both safe and effective” please let me know what it is. I’m waiting.
I’ll bet you had better odds of survival at Auschwitz!
And he’d win that bet. From auschwitz.org:
Of the 400 thousand prisoners registered in the camp, 200 thousand people died there. They included almost 100 thousand Jews, 64 thousand Poles, 21 thousand Roma, 14 thousand Soviet prisoners of war and more than 10 thousand prisoners of other nationalities.
And whether you buy into the current Holocaustian dogma or not, the easily verifiable fact is that there was a better chance of walking alive out of Auschwitz concentration camp than there is from some US hospitals if admitted there for Covid treatment.
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pizzbiscuit · 7 years
Karl Denninger: Markets, the Fed, Gold, Health Care, and Preparing for Uncertain Times Ahead
Karl Denninger: Markets, the Fed, Gold, Health Care, and Preparing for Uncertain Times Ahead
Karl Denninger: Markets, the Fed, Gold, Health Care, and Preparing for Uncertain Times Ahead 4 (more…)
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