darekano94 · 4 months
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いやここまで鈍い子なんだから言わなきゃわからないのでは…???ってずっと思ってたので今回の解決策はとても好きです…双方!!!ちゃんと言えたね!!!って 自分で見つけろって言ってもほんとに盲点だと気づくのは無理ですよね…周りが余計な手出しをせず、ひたすらいいパスを…メンタルケアを請け負ってくれるリア様…時女一族もめちゃめちゃ自然な流れで関わって…涼子さんがほっとけなかったのもお母さんのこととかに関わってるのかなーって思うとですね…まぁ唯一、物語に普通衣装で参加になったささらさんだけがちょっと寂しいよ何か着せてあげてよとは思いましたが…(欲)この物語につきあわせるやつ(言い方)も固有魔法だね…って言われると納得ですね…なんかすごい今回納得させてくれるじゃん…みたいな…(失礼すぎる)いやまぁ想いが…引き起こした…奇跡かな…って展開も好きですが地味に地味に今回の物語積み重ねで好きです…
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wulfhalls · 2 years
You're full of surprises, you beautiful creature. What other pairings do you ship apart from Daemyra and Jonsa?
otp otps
hannigram - hannibal, chuck x blair - gossip girl, catherine x peter - the great, spirk - star trek, cesare x lucrezia - the borgias, (daemyra and jonsa are also up here lmao)
other pairings I'm into
kastle - the punisher/ daredevil (fuck marvel but the dynamic was too bomb to miss out on so I only watched their scenes exclusively lmao) yennskier - the witcher (if they don't kiss next season I have to blow up netflix unfortunately) kenstew - succession (they have explored each others bodies in the past and will do so again), arthur x eames - inception (the ogs nothing is ever gonna hit like 2014 inception fic livejournal gyzym the only writer EVER) seonho x yeon - my country the new age (ITS THE DEVOTION OF IT ALL) joowon x dongski - beyond evil (its licherally just kdrama hannigram with more daddy issues), gaius x number six (the sexiest bitches who ever caused the destruction of humanity u simply had to be there) , mulder x scully (watching all seasons over a 3 month period when I was like 19 changed my brain chemistry), kaz x inej - shadow and bone (and if I'm a basic bitch at heart then what) dan x amy - veep (will hunt david mandell for sport on day for what he did to them and us <3)
book otps
richanne - the sunne in splendour ( best book best pairing best everything) cathy x heathcliff - wuthering heights (goes insane) leto x ghanima - children of dune (He runs and runs and runs. And when he's exhausted himself, he returns to me, puts his head in my lap and asks me to help him find a way to die. like?????????????????? fucking insane)
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realkosworld · 6 months
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empou · 9 months
疎開してきた子どもが車で学校に乗りつけたらどうなるか、眞人であれば十分予想できたであろうし、それは観客側にとっても同じではないかと思います。ほとんど暗黙のうちに了解されていた喧嘩のシーンは、引きの構図で、かなりあっさりと描写されます。 眞人の心情に寄り添って考えるなら、同級生との不和よりも、その直前、父と夏子さんのキスを目撃したことや、車での登校に夏子さんも一枚嚙んでいたことの方が面白くなかったんじゃないかな。もちろん、自分の行為によって同級生が「加害者」になることも想定していたのではないかと思います(ところで、前半部の彼は想定の中で動きがちだ。とにかく相談というものをしない)。ただ、眞人があそこで傷つけに行った相手はお父さんなんじゃないかな。眞人は勝一さんに傷ついてほしかったんじゃなかろうか……。帰路につく眞人の足取りはいやにまっすぐなんですよね。
追記 『君たちはどう生きるか』でもうひとつ好きなシーンは、夏子さんが眞人に「大嫌い」と言い放つところです。「父さんの好きな人」「姉さんに顔向けできない」と、第三者を経由してやっと関係していたかのように思われた2人も、傷を作りあっていたと判明するのがグッとくる!
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mayuyu-nezu · 2 months
Bustafellows!! Kansou log
entry 2: 08/03/2024
Mozu's route- A side/B side: Good ending and bad ending. + extra after story.
This post contains heavy spoilers about the game Bustafellows. It is basically me rambling about games. Read at your own risk.
My random choices brought me to Mozu's route and I'm proud of it! My intuition wasn't off. Mozu is a very sensitive character… His story is heartbreaking but I'm glad he met his sister again.
When he was comforting Ivy it felt like he was trying to do what he couldn't do for his sister… and he was also trying to comfort himself… very heartbreaking. The reason behind his broken humor, his cooking skills and being very caring like a mom is heartbreaking…
Luka death was kinda expected but I really didn't like how MC handled it. She was just shouting the whole time. Thank god the scenario was poorly written there so Luka didn't have to die again. I know she was panicking but when she went back in time she didn't even try to tell Luka she was actually murdered and how she was killed before Luka asked her herself a few days later. If that killer really wanted Luka dead she would be so dead. Your cop friend got killed at her police station, why didn't you try to take a look at her wounds to figure out how she was killed before going back into time.
It was the same with Limbo's first death. If you want to figure out their death, you should at least figure out if he was stabbed or shot.
I want to say MC was really dumb but I think she is just the type who gets easily swayed by her emotions and can't make rational decisions when in a panic.
Even if it was just a few lines I'm glad they talked about the bad effects MC could have when she travels back time. And the fact MC was pretty affected by it.
There wasn't much romance on this route, it feels like MC and Mozu connected very deeply and gave each other the space the other needed. I was glad the after story was cute and peaceful with Mozu being melomelo on MC.
Fuck the writers for making me laugh at the "i'm trying to stir the sexual tension" then make me cry. (I didn't cry, I rarely cry for fictions)
I can't wait to play the next route.
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plasticdreams · 11 months
死ぬほどサウナ入ってるのに一回も整ったことないしむしろ乱れてる - kansou
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chocolatepot · 2 years
Hope you don't mind my taking this to a new post, @kansou, but I wanted to write a lot and knew it would be a pain in the butt to post in replies!
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So my tag was: #fuck GRRM's commitment to 'realism' without knowing anything about medieval social history
GRRM knows about events in medieval political history, basically - obviously he knows the story of the Wars of the Roses and the Anarchy, he knows who the major players were in both of them and what motivated them, since he replicates these things in his books. This is what the popular idea of history is (knowing the correct sequence of events and individuals), so it's fair to say he's got a good grasp on the history from one angle.
However, since about the 1960s, the field of history has been more and more focused on issues relating to social trends and groups, and looking at the past through different lenses (like gender relations, power dynamics, class, ethnicity, etc.). Academic books are less likely to be focused on the causes of the Wars of the Roses, for instance, and more likely to be about how a given place was the nexus of multiple trade routes and cultures, how being a priest affected perceptions of a man's masculinity, or the line between superstition and religion. There's also a tendency to look at more sources - in the past, it was common to just look at proscriptive legal/ecclesiastical sources that might give a misleading impression of everyone conforming to a strict standard (e.g. the idea that women were completely subordinate to men because of coverture, or the whole liege-vassals thing), but if you look at the records of actual court cases, or noblewomen's correspondence, you see how much these could flex in reality.
So like, GRRM portrays Cersei as frustrated because she learns at an early age that she has no agency because she's female and that her only value is her ability to bear children, and the only way she's able to get anything done in the books is by influencing men with sex or using underhanded magical means because she's barred from traditional routes of power. But ... modern scholarship on noblewomen and queens shows that while their childbearing was important, they actually had pretty big roles to play in diplomacy and internal and external politics, while the things Cersei does were the sort of nasty stereotypes that existed about women in the period seeking illegitimate power. There's a whole book on the topic of what GRRM/GOT does right and (mostly) wrong in this area, Queenship and the Women of Westeros: Female Agency and Advice in Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, and I really recommend it.
I also reblogged a post earlier about the same thing more generally. The two historians, Eleanor Janega and Sara McDougall, are pretty awesome and have some great publications themselves. One very valuable point in that article is that the lives of women in labor were not typically considered less important than their potential sons - c-sections weren't generally done on live women, as happens in House of the Dragon.
Queenship and the Women of Westeros has a great quote that really sums up the problem:
As Shiloh Carroll argues, building on the work of Helen Young, “readers are caught in a ‘feedback loop’ in which Martin’s work helps to create a neomedieval idea of the Middle Ages, which then becomes their idea of what the Middle Ages ‘really’ looked like, which is then used to defend Martin’s work as ‘realistic’ because it matches their idea of the real Middle Ages.”
There are also some quotes over here on @itmeansapricot about the same problems in The White Queen. Some other books I'd recommend:
Premodern Rulers and Postmodern Viewers: Gender, Sex, and Power in Popular Culture
Queens and Power in Medieval and Early Modern England
Colonization, Piracy, and Trade in Early Modern Europe: The Roles of Powerful Women and Queens
Blood Royal: Dynastic Politics in Medieval Europe
Immigrant England, 1300-1550
Peasant and Community in Medieval England, 1200-1500
Fama: the Politics of Talk and Reputation in Medieval Europe
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brygry · 1 year
サウナなんて元々ジジイのたしなみでヤクザの死に場所だったのに急になんで「オシャレ趣味代表」みたいな感じになってんだよ。並びで言うと競馬、麻雀、パチンコ、タバコ、サウナだからな。パチ屋帰りにサウナ行って終わったらその足で雀荘行くんだよ。お前らジジイがフェイスブックやり始めたら気持ち悪がってすぐインスタに逃げたよな?それ棚に上げて我が物顔でジジイのテリトリー荒らしに来て人の心ねぇのか? 次からサウナ入る時、50年そこ入り続けてるレジェンドジジイ一人ひとりに一回「今まですみませんでした」って言ってから入れ。あと全員フェイスブックまたやれ。
死ぬほどサウナ入ってるのに一回も整ったことないしむしろ乱れてる - kansou
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monstersohmy · 1 year
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This is an 18+ blog! Minors DNI!
Vaapaad by @sirikenobi12 (Author description: " Mace Windu helps Anakin process his emotions regarding the Rako Hardeen mission and Maul’s return using lightsaber forms")
Clone Effect by @twistedstitcher27 (Star Wars/ Mass Effect cross-over)
Slavery AU series by @wizardofrozz
Of Light and Darkness by @marierg (Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader) This link leads to Chapter One, but there are so many more!
This adorable pixelated chibi Obi-Wan and Ahsoka by @hombrediablo
This edit of Obi-Wan with Sith eyes by @kansou
This gorgeous gif set by @clonedadplo
Star Wars Comment Fest is coming up in May and now is the time to vote on themes for the event.
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mysticmjolnir · 2 years
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@kansou, thank you for asking xx
here is original list of WIPS
so it's a 5+1 fic, where the 5 are a bunch of times Anakin tried to inveigle a sex pollen situation with his master and it goes wrong somehow, then the +1 is when the last thing Anakin wants is to get overwhelmed with lust for Obi-Wan (because they're in a fight) but they walk into a cloud of sex pollen by accident and have to fuck their feelings away.
here's 670 words from the start of it
Anakin knew it was hopeless. It had been made abundantly clear to him, from several sources including his master, that it was hopeless. And yet. Hope can survive almost anything, can sustain a man through the driest desert of despair, or through the darkest, longest, coldest nights. Hope remained with Anakin, sustained by nothing but his own stubbornness and love.
He knew he had to wait, if he stood any chance. One of Obi-Wan’s clearest objections had been their existing relationship, the supposed inherent power imbalance therein meaning that it would be inappropriate for Anakin’s wishes to be realised. But, one day, eventually, Anakin would no longer be a padawan. He would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Obi-Wan, not expected to follow behind. And then, he would be able to approach his master again with his offer, perhaps also with some token of affection, or maybe some flowers. Obi-Wan might refuse him again, but, again – Anakin had hope.
The problem with this plan, however, was that it required waiting until he was Knighted. Which did not seem to be likely to occur soon. And, in truth, he didn’t actually want to wait. He wanted his master, in every way, and he wanted to show Obi-Wan he was wrong, so wrong. He loved his master more than anything, and that wouldn’t change when he lost his braid; neither did it seem like Obi-Wan could possibly feel himself to be taking advantage of Anakin when Anakin was the one pursuing him.
What was needed, it seemed to Anakin, was a way to relieve Obi-Wan of his burden as a Jedi Master for a while. Long enough for him to look at Anakin clearly, fully, as a man and as a potential lover. That’s what the reliable solution was in most of the books Anakin had found detailing similar dilemmas. Something that made the reluctant (but not truly reluctant! only for stupid reasons, like being unhappily married to someone else, or a mentoring relationship that interfered with their ability to recognise true love) partner overcome by their desire to be with the other person, whose desperate pining was finally rewarded with a passionate consummation.
Aayla had given him a funny look when he had expounded upon this theory (in the abstract, although she was aware of his feelings for his master) and said it didn’t sound like love, it sounded like assault. Anakin hadn’t spoken to her for two weeks after that row, nursing a strongly aggrieved feeling that he couldn’t make her understand that it was about two souls coming together through circumstances stripping them of their inhibitions, allowing them to shed all interferences and embrace one another in body and in the Force.
They’d ended up in a group lecture to the older padawans on sex and responsibility after that, and from Aayla’s guilty looks he was pretty sure she’d tattled to Quinlan. But the mutual trauma of having Master Windu talking at them about sexual intercourse for over an hour had repaired their friendship, or at least given them both reason to never want to talk about romance or sex with the other again.
Anakin was alone in trying to figure out how to engineer a situation of sufficient romance and relaxation of the rules with his master. He did a certain amount of research into real world substances found around the galaxy, that could induce the kind of disruption of Obi-Wan’s reserve he sought, but he never quite managed to talk himself into actually attempting to procure any. The idea of slipping something unknown into his master’s food or drink made him…queasy, even if it was in the best of intentions. So instead, he just sort of hoped that one day, the Force would put him and Obi-Wan in the way of something that would do the trick, like a forest filled with aphrodisiacs, or that someone else would drug Obi-Wan and Anakin would have to look after him, in every single sense of the word.
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kennak · 2 years
[B! 映画] 最近Amazonプライムで観た面白かったけど胸糞悪くて二度と観たくない邦画5選 - kansou
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darekano94 · 4 months
【追記】うれしいはうれしい ただいつも期待したタイミングでは来ない
みことちゃんがどんなに罪を重ねても記憶が消えてもどこまでも優しくて…あったかくて泣く かっこよすぎて泣く
っていうループを続けていて今どうしようもないです 希望と絶望を同時に与えてくるゲーム
腕に書いておこう…っていうシーンでいたいけすぎて泣きたくなったしそんな服じゃ上から書けないでしょ!って思ってたけどちゃんと書けてたんですね……あの融合した姿っててっきり闇落ちしてしまったのかなっておもってしまっていたんですけどとんでもなかった…強い愛の力であの姿になったんですね……終盤ももうチベットを想起して……積もるようにしんどさが…帆奈ちゃんがみこと?って呼ぶのも……忘れちゃってるからでつらいんですけど、それがすんごくすんごくうれしいって 呼ばれるたびにこっちまで泣きました…楽しい会話がせつない…でもあったかい……
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juneboku · 7 months
函館「ラッキーピエロ」のオムライスがうますぎて初恋を思い出して泣いた俺が一番のピエロ - kansou
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realkosworld · 5 months
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empou · 1 year
Webページ上で文章全体を表示してまず驚く。改行が極端に少ない。句点も少ない。 そうした体裁上の特徴に加え、「私」の語りがややこしいのが内容の理解を困難にする。「私」は、他人の思惑や感情など、知り得る筈のない事柄についても断定口調で語る。直前で述べたことと真逆のことさえ言い出す。語りに根拠もなければ、一貫性もない。 面白いのは、「私」が語りの信用できなさにどこか自覚的である点、そして「機械」という小説が、メチャクチャな語りを有していながら破綻してはいない点だ。 「私たちの間には一切が明瞭に分かっているかのごとき見えざる機械が絶えず私たちを計っていてその計ったままにまた私たちを押し進めてくれている」という文章がある。「見えざる機械」とは、重クロム酸アンモニアという伏線であり、主人が必ず金を落とす約束事だと解釈した。すなわち、小説そのものの仕組み・機能、とでも言うべきものだ。 「私」の語りには「私」の主観が大いに反映されている。しかし、完全にプレーンな「ありのまま」が投げ出されているわけではない。事実、文章は裁断機にかけられたがごとく数度改行され、事後的に・順序良く情報が並べられている。 小説を構成しているのは「私」の語りだが、「私」はそれが信用ならないと知っている。信用ならずとも、小説としては成立する。そんな小説のはたらきも、「私」はうっすらと感知している。奇妙な入れ子構造を有した、技巧的な作品である。
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mayuyu-nezu · 2 months
Bustafellows!! Kansou log.
entry 1: 07/03/2024
Prologue - Chap 1
This post contains heavy spoilers about the game Bustafellows. It is basically me rambling about games. Read at your own risk.
Today I played bustafellows for the first time. I heard a lot of good things about it and it was 40% off on steam so I bought it.
The start menu was pretty cool, it looked like a futuristic control panel, maybe a hacker thing is involved in the story.
It was soooo confusing at first. I didn't know who was talking to who (because the mc voice was a male sob) and struggled for two hours to find the menu button.
The background art is beautiful with little animations to give life to it, and is pretty cool. The sound of the city is cool too. I don't really like the character art for male characters... but it's okay Yuru’s filter is on.
But then there are the back side sprites, it feels so weird. But then they do even weirder. You get to see the back of your character (the MC). It kinda feels like they are telling you you are only reading a story and the mc isn't you.
As for the first impression about the characters.....
Helvetica: The worst first meeting ever, I seriously don't like this guy. He gives scores to your face, plus overly friendly and touchy for a first meeting. 
The only positive point about him might be the fact he is straightforward and realistic? He will probably tell you everything he thinks about you without a filter. I don't hate him as a character but I'm not sure about dating him. He seems like a nice person to be friends with…
The hitman woman impersonation mission was kinda cool. And how his voice actor just change voice was really cool damn. (don’t know if the girl voice and his regular voice is done by the same person) 
Limbo: Such a cheeky brat at first then understood he was just the little brother of his family. A little bit too perfect? Kinda precious. But with chapter 1 he showed his reliable big bro side with a lot of money with the other brat (edie). He is actually really smart, not only lore wise. I like the fact they show how smart he actually is and didn't make him make stupid choices so far. I was moved when he was the first person to think about a solution to help us when we lose our apartment and gave us several viable solutions so fast. He is very reliable. Very precious with his sister. I wanna bully him so much. My third favorite so far.
Shu: He seems cool and dangerous at first but then you see how caring he is in his way uuuugghhhdgqqskdhsqgdj 
Like how he let Edie understand shooting on someone is a heavy burden to carry. He had so many ways to make him understand but he chose the most cruel, efficient but yet kind way. 
I bet the first person he had to kill was someone precious to him……. Sob… I really like his relationship with the other members, his tongue is so sharp but without ill intent just so full of sarcasm. I think his route will be perilous and we will be arguing with him the whole time, sob. My second favorite.
Mozu: Don't know much about him but he is my favorite so far. I love his voice so much!!! (fukuyama jun!) He is cute, has the weirdest humor. He seems like a very sensitive person. I want to know more about him… He is a mom, he cooks, he is pretty, a tsun or a kuu I don't know. Mommy. babu areuh. (IQ 2 Yuru)
Crow: I don't know what to say about him. He is a nice guy but he is so cringe…!! And screaming cherryboy!!! He is like a teenager!!! Kinda pure in his delusions!! But very considerate but he is a bit scary. It feels like he will be very scary if he gets angry I dunno… There always is darkness in hikikomori characters. Anyway, someone help him please and make him touch some grass and breathe some fresh air. He is like a shiba inu… (I don't really like shiba inus even if they are cute.) He feels a bit too immature. I might consider him like a little brother and no more. Sorry but you are my least favorite.
MC: She is the hero type character who just wants to save everyone. I don't really like this kind of character. but…! She is hard working and her will to find scoops over money is kinda lovable. I like her so far even though she tend to let her emotions overwhelm her actions despite being a journalist. I hope she was a bit more of an analytical/rational person. 
Sauli: Why isn't this fine wine romanceable cry? seriously more interested in him than Helvetica.
Valerie: Limbo's sister, I really like her! She is so proud of her little brother and is so supportive!! So precious, strong. And pretty!!
Luka: She is such a good friend. I love her. And she is pretty Badass too! I believe she has a crush on MC tho.
Alex: Very cute and a good boy.
Irina: A mysterious woman, I don’t know what her plan is but it feels like she has given up on living for some reason as if she is ready to throw her life away to save someone. 
Carmen: Damn pretty and cute. I love her. Her interactions with Alex are really adorable. She is like his mom or sister…
The story is pretty interesting so far and the side characters are very cool and have a lot of charm.
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