suncut-blog1 · 6 years
✧゜@kaminryu​  !  (   FRICTION BY IMAGINE DRAGONS   )
“    oh why can’t you let go ? like a bird in the snow , this is no place to build your home    ”
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akaomoide · 10 years
I got tagged!!! I got tagged!!! I am soo happy! Stop-the-pigeon, thank you so much! \(*T▽T*)/
Always post the rules
Answer the questions from the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones
Tag 11 people and link them to the post 
Actually tell them you tagged them
1. What does your url mean?
This is actually the title of a [K] project fanfiction that I'm writing in Dutch. It means 'RedMemories'. I've actually written a whole explaination on the red part:
We see Red as the colour of both love and hate. Of bravery and sacrifice. Of romance and happiness. The colour of anger, agression, warning and danger. The colour of passion, temptation, sexuality and sins. Of blood and fire. A strong colour, strong emotions and strong words. Red has the strength to change your life for good.
I will probably never finish writing the fanfic, though... XD
2. What is the image of your icon?
It is a photo that I took myself, from a roseplant I 'raised' myself. It lasted for almost two years and that made me very proud, but in the end it died because I forgot watering it, like always...
3. Have you ever met a friend of tumblr personaly?
Three of the persons I follow and follow me back are close friends from my hometown, so yeah. But otherwise, sadly not.
4. Do you have siblings?
I have a little sister, who is six years younger and twelve centimetres taller, if not more... 
5. Do you have a pet?
A lot. My mum and I both love animals, so that is inevitable. We own a 14-year-old dog named Kynthos, a forever 6-year-old cat named Rooie (Redhead, who's turned ten this year according to my little sister) and a bunch of goldfish and golden ides in the pond. They also have names, themed after predators, names of the devil and starting with 'P'.
6. If you could have a wild animal as a pet (like a lion or a snake) would you like?
If it would be like in the zoo, I wouldn't. I think it's stupid to own a lion or something just because you can, that's what zoos are for. If it would be like owning a dog or a cat or something, I'd like to own a black European wolf. I'd name it Schaduwsprong (Shadowjump).
7. Have you ever laughed so hard at a book that you started to cry?
8. Have you ever travelled to another country?
Yes, so far, I've been in France (all over the country, exept Paris), Greece (on the isle of Zakynthos, where my dog came from), Spain (only Barcelona), Czech (only Prague). I've also driven through Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Belgium.
9. Are you learning/would you like to learn a new language?
Learning English like I have took me almost nine years and French and German were catastrophes, so probably not. If it would come easy to me, I'd absolutely love to and I would probably end up being a translator.
10. Do you play any musical instrument?
I can play guitar for a bit and I enjoy singing.
11. If you could spend a day in any fictional world you wanted, which one would you choose?
The worlds that come to mind are Game of Thrones, [K] project and Harry Potter. But I'd be killed instantly in the first and I wouldn't see anything of the wizards in the last, so probably the middle one. But I would also hope the things are like before the anime...
  Okay, time for my questions:
1. What does your url mean? 2. What is the meaning behind your icon? 3. What did Tumblr teach you? 4. What is your home situation? (Like, do you live on your own, or how is your family?) 5. Do you have (a) pet(s)? If so, what are they called? 6. If you could have any animal as a pet, even the ones that are mythical, what pet would you like to have and what would you name it? 7. Have you ever laughed so hard at a book that you started to cry? 8. What countries would you like to visit? 9. Are you learning/would you like to learn a new language? 10. Do you play any musical instrument? 11. If you could spend a day in any fictional world you wanted, which one would you choose?
Also, I am not tagging 11 people (><)
Also every other follower (please send me a link if you do, I'd love to talk)
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