mistyfoxxy · 1 year
Hiiii for the fan fic writer game 🤡🛒💖 please :)
🤡- from the beauty and the beast huntlow au:
“ Hunter was grateful yet shocked at the clock's fondness for the girl. Usually Gus would berate him for putting himself in danger, like the time he tried to do some crazy acrobatic stunts in the thick canopy of the forest and ended up spranging his wing and literally losing a piece of his ear, and titan did that hurt. He did another double take when the clock looked back at him giving an unimpressed glare and shaking his head. What?!”
🛒- I guess it depends!!! Fluff fics, I incorporate atleast one kiss and lots of blushing lol. For angst, just something that’s makes the character vulnerable I guess. Most of the times, I’ll add crying.
💖- thoughts! And my love of fanfics! I was like ughhhhh I want this! I want to read this! But I can’t find it so I’ll try to write it myself 😤
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