#kain printing
linvaniin · 5 months
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kaine salvation
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customkits · 3 months
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"I know you, Raziel. You are worthy..."
WIP of Raziel from the Legacy of Kain series (one of my favorite stories!)
I really love this sculpt! And I'm really loving how he's coming along.
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“Kaine,” Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 3/2024), #1.
Writer: Steve Foxe; Penciler: Greg Land; Inker: Jay Leisten; Letterer: Frank D’Armata
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Ö882·IᏮ5౩·5ÖI2 kain blacu murah,pabrik kain blacu purwokerto
aneka souvenir kain blacu,beli kain blacu,blacu adalah,cara membuat totebag dari kain blacu,cara sablon kain blacu,harga kain blacu bandung,harga kain blacu jogja,jual bahan tas blacu,jual kain blacu di bali,jual kain blacu surabaya,kain blacu bantal,kain blacu beli dimana,kain blacu malang,kain blacu motif,kain blacu per meter,kain blacu untuk apa,kanvas blacu,kerajinan tangan dari kain blacu,komposisi kain blacu,pabrik kain blacu di bandung,produsen tas kain blacu,toko kain blacu,toko kain blacu di tangerang,toko kain blacu terdekat,beli kain blacu jogja,grosir kain blacu kudus,grosir kain blacu magelang,pabrik kain blacu kudus,produsen kain blacu semarang,toko kain blacu murah
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galihid · 10 months
IPrints : Jasa Printing Kain dan Hijab Terbaik di Jakarta
Di era zaman teknologi digital yang penuh dengan kemudahan dalam membuat sebuah karya melalui design computer, maka metode printing pun akan semakin berkembang. Perkembangan ini tidak lain dikarenakan teknologi yang terus berkembang pesat setiap tahunnya. Dahulu ketika teknologi belum sepesat saat ini, jika ingin memiliki model baju tentu agar lebih menarik biasanya ditambahkan dengan sablon…
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jagoprinting · 1 year
081-126-7460 (GARANSI TERMURAH), Promo Cetak Banner A3 Brebes
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#081-126-7460 (GARANSI TERMURAH)#Promo Cetak Banner A3 Brebes#Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/62811267460#Promo Cetak Banner Terdekat Brebes#Promo Cetak Banner Terdekat 24 Jam Brebes#Promo Cetak Banner Yang Murah Brebes#Promo Cetak Roll Banner Terdekat Brebes#Promo Cetak Rollup Banner Brebes#Promo Cetak Spanduk Express Brebes#Promo Cetak Spanduk Kain Terdekat Brebes#Sebagai Jasa Digital Printing#kami memberikan layanan untuk berbagai kebutuhan cetak personal atau bisnis perusahaan Anda lebih cepat dan murah. Kami sangat mengedepanka#Kami telah berpengalaman di dunia Digital Printing. Ditangani oleh orang orang yang berpengalaman di dunia printing menghasilkan produk yan#proses tepat waktu dan harga yang sangat kompetitif#Tagline kami sebagai Jasa Digital Printing Brebes Tegal Slawi adalah “Solutions for all Printing”. Kami dapat memberikan total solusi untuk#Sebagai Jasa Digital Printing Brebes Tegal Slawi kami menyediakan berbagai macam produk untuk kebutuhan printing anda :#Display System#Bagi anda yang mencari produk digital berupa barang-barang untuk iklan dan display#JAGO DIGITAL PRINTING juga menyediakan sejumlah produk display. Produk display yang bisa anda pesan adalah backdrop#backwall#rack brochure#event desk#pop up table#lift branding#x/y banner dan car branding. Anda tidak perlu meragukan kualitasnya lagi#produk-produk display tersebut memiliki mutu yang baik serta ketahanan yang bagus.#Produk Printing#Jika anda mencari produk-produk berupa hasil cetakan digital untuk keperluan seperti pernikahan#syukuran dan acara resmi lain maka anda bisa memesannya di sini. JAGO DIGITAL PRINTING memiliki banyak produk printing seperti hangtag#plakat
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CETAK UMBUL UMBUL Telp/WA 0813-6758-2324 Jasa Pembuatan Spanduk Kain Solo Tren Printing Kendal
CETAK UMBUL UMBUL Telp/WA 0813-6758-2324 Jasa Pembuatan Spanduk Kain Solo Tren Printing Kendal
Sablon Umbul Umbul Terdekat, Sablon Umbul-Umbul Kain, Spanduk Bahan Kain, Spanduk Cetak Foto, Spanduk Cetak Undangan Cetak Spanduk Indoor, Cetak Spanduk Kain, Cetak Mmt Murah Di Solo INFO ORDER https://wa.me/6281367582324 Cetak Spanduk Kain Terdekat, Cetak Spanduk Online, Cetak Roll Banner Murah Jasa cetak spanduk TREN PRINTING Kendal Punya usaha kecil rumahan seperti Warung tenda, Kedai,…
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SALE, Call 0812-8005-7551, Jasa Reklame Kudus Nashr Print Advertising
KLIK https://wa.me/6281280057551, Jasa Reklame Advertising Kudus, Custom Gift Mug, Souvenir Pernikahan Gantungan Kunci Custom, Custom Souvenir Gantungan Kunci, Pin Custom Souvenir di Kudus
NASHR PRINT ADVERTISING JL. Pattimura no.175 Loram Wetan, Jati - Kudus (Museum Kretek ke Timur ± 100 meter)
Langsung Owner 0822-2717-2001
KUNJUNGI JUGA: https://nashrprintadvertising.com/ https://shopee.co.id/nashrprintadvertising123 https://m.facebook.com/digitalprintingkudusterpercaya/ https://www.facebook.com/nashrprint https://www.instagram.com/nashrprintadvertising/
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customkits · 3 months
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"The Pillars of Nosgoth... pristine, whole and uncorrupted.
I had never beheld them in this undefiled state - yet something profound and indelible resonated within me at the sight.."
Raziel is done! I went for the Soul Reaver 2 style, since he is on the corrupted pillar.
He was so fun and I got to practice more OSL! Having Raziel as a mini makes me so happy, as the LoK series is very close to my heart.
I hope you like him!
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Tas Spunbond Grosir Sidoarjo ౦8ᑫ5–ᒿᏮ౦Ꮞ–5ᜪᏮᜪ{WhatsApp}
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Berikut ini adalah tulisan tentang tas spunbond grosir sidoarjo. Banyak penyebab kenapa insan menginginkan ulasan berikut ini, seperti sebagai penelitian, mandat madrasah atau menambah wawasan. Ulasan ini dibuat supaya manusia - insan yang mendambakan wawasan seperti ini, bisa mengakses dengan ringkas dan mudah. Dijaman perkembangan sains, anda dapat menemukan informasi berikut ini, sembarang waktu serta dimanasaja. Asalkan terhubung dg network. Oleh karena itu dikau bisa mengunjungi web ini kapan saja dikau berkehendak. Dikau serta dapat memberikan pandangan di tabel opini atau dapat mengkontak kami melalui nomor yang sudah terlampir. Kain spunbond furing adalah materi substitusi pelastik ataupun kertas yg acap digunakan guna shopping kantong, goody kantong, kerajinan dll. Kecuali tersebut bahan ini serta dibikin bagi menunjang bumi kesehatan kayak bagi masker dan tutup kepala yang disposable sebab materi berikut ini juga begitu higienis.
pabrik bahan spunbond di bandung
Kain spunbond dengan ketebalan antara 25 gr – 50 gr adalah ragam bahan spunbond yang paling tipis. Kain berikut ini biasan difungsikan guna pembungkus barang / produk-produk wanita setelah menggunakan kemasan. Contohnya tas, dompet, sepatu, serta produk lainnya. Harga yang ditawarkan juga ter murah diantara kain spunbond dengan ketebalan diatasnya. Seiring majunya orde, kebutuhan akan tulisan-tulisan ke arah aspek kebutuhan atau eksistensi semakin cepat. Salah satunya ialah barang pabrik tas spunbond tangerang. Kita faham bahwa barang-barang hari ini ini makin lanjut serta bermacam. Oleh karena itu, ulasan waktu berikut ini akan mengangkat perihal mengenai pabrik tas spunbond tangerang alasan mengapa ulasan berikut ini diharuskan sebab berikut ini merupakan salahsatu elemen penting guna sebagian pihak. Oleh karena itu wacana mengenai macam-macam barang dan faedahnya diinginkan dapat menolong membantu lanjut insan yg tengah mencari wacana atau pengetahuan anyar terkait perihal yang sudah disebutkan. Bisa serta mengampu para pelajar perguruan tinggi atau pelajar yg sedang mencari materi sebagai riset, mandat sekolah / aja mencari hiburan sebagai yang senang mengamati. Lah manfaat yg lain serta agar pemirsa lagi pesat mendapatkan wawasan yang diburu. Karna pada jaman teknologi waktu berikut ini sangat mudah mengakses informasi tentang mana saja hingga ke arah pedalaman kelurahan sekalipun, asalkan bisa terkait dg jaringan www dan mempunyai alat sebagai menemukan online. Dg begitu para pemirsa dapat mengunjungi web berikut ini sembarang waktu dan dimanapun anda mau. Pembaca juga dapat mengembangkan atau berkontribusi lebih lanjut andai mendapatkan opini, pandangan, atau komentar gila ataupun ide-ide beda mengenai pembahasan yang kita ketik. Pembaca bisa mengutarakan atau mengetik ide-ide, bantahan, komentar komentar serta sejenisnya di tabel yg telah disediakan. Mampu juga men-japri kami via nomor yg sudah tercantum pada website berikut ini, yg bisa kami cukup dan kita kembangkan dalam penyajian tulisan selanjutnya supaya lebih bervariasi dan cocok dengan selera pengamat.
tas spunbond grosir
Barangkali beberapa insan bertanya-tanya, mana yg benar: goody kantong / goodie bag. Mungkin telah lanjut manusia yg faham bahwasanya bahasa inggris good pabila diterjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia berarti oke, bagus dan sepertinya. Sedang goods dalam bahasa inggris artinya barang-barang pada bahasa indonesia.
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pwlanier · 8 months
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19th Century gold leaf kain telepok, kain prada; ceremonial shoulder cloth.
Malay people, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia.
Handspun cotton, natural indigo dyes, gold leaf mordant block printing, gluework, batik.
Stothert and Trice
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tokokainblacuterdekat · 2 months
Ö882•I65౩•5ÖI2 pabrik kain blacu malang,pabrik kain blacu palembang
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beli kain blacu,ciri ciri kain blacu,harga kain blacu putih,jual bahan blacu di bandung,jual kain blacu bali,jual kain blacu surabaya,kain blacu beli dimana,kain blacu kuat,kain blacu medan,kain blacu nama lain,kain blacu putih,kegunaan kain blacu,lukis kain blacu,membuat gorden dari kain blacu,nama lain kain blacu,toko kain blacu di purwokerto,ukuran kain blacu,beli kain blacu surabaya,grosir kain blacu bandung,grosir kain blacu purwokerto,harga kain blacu kudus,harga kain blacu surabaya,jual kain blacu magelang,pabrik kain blacu jogja,produsen kain blacu bali,produsen kain blacu kudus,produsen kain blacu semarang,toko kain blacu bandung,toko kain blacu kudus,toko kain blacu palembang
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haysey-draws · 1 year
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Kaine Commission.
There are some...alts on my Paidtreon
Paidtreon | Ko-fi | Prints
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teleiapotami · 10 months
NaLu Day 1
Happy NaLu Week! I am super excited to take part in my first NaLu week! I hope you all enjoy! Day One. @allaboutnalu @thenaluarchive
“Your anniversary with Lucy is coming up Natsu. Did you forget again this year?” Happy flew in circles above Natsu’s head. His tone was teasing, as though he already knew the answer to his question. Natsu chose not to answer, staring out at the quiet guildhall. It was a rainy day, so most people stayed home rather than hang out in the hall. The quiet atmosphere coupled with the grey skies had made his mood sour. Anniversary huh?
Natsu had not forgotten. In fact, he hadn’t forgotten any of the years that the others thought he had. He just didn’t understand anniversaries the way the others did. An anniversary is the celebration of the first time you did something, right? Why does only one first matter?
Looking around the guildhall he could see a hundred firsts as though they were printed into the wood grain of the walls and tables themselves. At the doorway, he could see the first time he brought Lucy to the guild. She had gaped at the sign with a look of such wonder and fulfillment that even then it made his pulse race.
The request board, though a completely different one now after so many years, held the memory of the first job they took together. Everlue’s mansion seemed like such a lifetime ago, and yet the lessons he learned about his partner were still at the forefront of his mind. It was there that he learned of her strong sense of justice, her compassion, and her uncompromising ideals.
In the corner of the room sat a large box full of iron scraps, Gajeel’s snack box. The smell of the iron always reminded him of the day Phantom Lord had attacked them and kidnapped Lucy. That was the first time he realized that she meant much more to him than just a teammate. The battle against Gajeel had taught him that Lucy was loyal, brave, trusting, and above all, she was his. He hadn’t known at the time why he felt that way, but it would always be a memory that resonated within him.
Hanging on the wall, a painting Reedus did of the Tenrou Team held the first time he realized that Lucy loved him. She hadn’t said it, and still wouldn’t for a long time after that moment, but he understood it all the same. In her fight with Kain Hikaru of Grimoire Heart, he found himself trapped in rubble and begged her to run and save herself, but she refused. The massive man had lifted her by the head to face Natsu. Expecting her to be afraid or resigned, instead her face wore the largest smile he had ever seen. Her words echoed in his mind: It’s always more fun when we are together. It was a mantra he carried with him every day.
The shelf behind the bar houses a large silver trophy bearing an engraved Fairy Tail emblem. Emblazoned on the base are the words ‘X791 Grand Magic Games – Fiore’s Greatest Guild – Fairy Tail’. In this relic rests many memories of firsts. The most significant was the moment he watched as Lucy died. In that moment he found himself facing the concept of a world without her and found it unbearable. That horrific moment was branded into his mind as the same moment that he realized he was in love with Lucy. He swore to save and protect her future, a vow he maintains even now.
Hanging from the rafters is a tattered flag with the guild emblem on it. The same one he pulled from the rubble just before the war against Alvarez. The bittersweet feeling matches the tattered remains perfectly, as this is the memory of the first (and last) time he left Lucy behind. A year in seclusion, training to become strong enough to protect Lucy’s future forever. But for her, it was a year of seclusion without him or any of their friends. Looking back at the training time now, Natsu can see that the most valuable lesson learned in that year was how much he wanted to be by her side, always.
“I’m going for a walk Happy; I’ll see you back home.” He wanders absently out into the drizzling rain. Even the weather held an anniversary for him. It was raining like this the day he first kissed her.
A picnic in South Gate turned into a mad dash for cover from the sudden downpour. The sound of her giggles and squeals still rang in his ears, bringing a smile to his lips. Hiding under a small awning, they watched the rain fall from the sunny sky. His arm was around her shoulders, drying the wetness from her clothes with his warmth. She told him of Sunbursts, a kind of rain shower that bursts forth from a sunny sky, just like the one that day. He’d watched her face as she spoke of how her mother told her that Sunbursts always preempted some of the most beautiful moments in life because they guaranteed a rainbow at the end. When she turned and smiled up at him he captured her lips with his own, leaving both of them glassy-eyed and panting gently. “I guess your mom was right…” he’d murmured to her. She had thrown her arms around his neck, attaching the memory of their second kiss to the sound of rain on the pavement as well.
Passing by the apartment on Strawberry Street was always full of memories. Glancing up at the window made him grin at the number of times he’d broken into her home to wait for her. His favorite anniversary held there was the night they had slept together. A long mission surrounded by their team, with no time to themselves, ended with the couple tangled together in Lucy’s bed. Exploring each other’s bodies had been the sweetest adventure, and it was one Natsu enjoyed embarking on as often as she would let him.
Ahead and to the left stood the trinket store where he purchased the small ring that changed their world in a big way. He’d never dreamt of being married, but when a glint in the window caught his eye, he couldn’t look away. A braided silver band with a golden strand twined through it supported twelve small diamonds surrounding a star-shaped opal. He had begged a loan from the only man he knew could keep a secret to buy it. How could he work extra to save for it quickly when Lucy went with him on every job? Gray had agreed, only after Natsu showed him the ring. It was perfect for Lucy, and there would never be a better one.
Looking up he realized he had almost made it to their house. Quickening his pace he crossed the remaining distance and slipped inside. His clothes steamed dry as he made his way to the kitchen where he could hear Lucy singing to herself. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, he planted his chin on her shoulder. She turned in his arms and kissed him softly, studying his face.
“Hey, what’s up? You look like something is bothering you.”
He smiled slightly and brushed his nose against hers. “Nah, I was just thinking about our anniversary.”
She pressed another gentle kiss against his lips. “Which one?” The question made Natsu grin. He didn’t know why he let the others get to him. He may not celebrate anniversaries the way others expected him to, but his Lucy understood him. Moreover, she accepted his way of thinking and loved him for it. “All of them.” He buried his face into her neck, inhaling his favorite scent in the world. “I love you, Luce.”
Find this and more of my work on AO3!
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sinnawii · 1 year
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I think I forgot to post this a few weeks ago here, oops!
Hey all! I have finally re-launched my online store and am now taking pre-orders for some new fanart print and charm designs of my artwork!
🖤NOTE: This artwork and designs are made as FANART only and not meant to be portrayed as an officially licensed product.
🖤Pre-order items will be open until I'm sold out, currently set to ship out in June. 🖤I am still sold out of some older items, but I have pre-orders open for many of them. 🖤I will be discontinuing some of my older prints and the fat nugget charm, so those are all currently limited stock.
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