#just using n/spidr doesn't really cut it
erigold13261 · 10 months
In the NSR multiverse of yours, B2J, Miles and co, and Chai and co are going to become textbook figures. And it’s funny to me. (One revolution is about how power is made in the world, one is about how the treatment of some powered individuals, one is about ethical use of technology)
Oh yeah! I have this idea that's it's gonna be called something like "The Age of Modern Revolution," "The Decade of Change" or something like that. Similar to how the 100 Years' War was called something else closer to the time it happened, but as we got farther from that time period we condensed the time period together into just the 100 Years' War.
It's gonna be a wild time in history and honestly the tests are probably gonna be so annoying to take. I've had teachers need us to memorize every important person's name in a chapter, so like, with NSR that's at least 9 names (could be more if you count individuals like 1010, Sayu's Crew, and Catherine), for Hi Fi Rush it's about 10 (not counting any of the robots who you might have to know and might get points taken off if you mess up their name like Oskar, 05-K4R, or O5-CAR are some ways people might write o5-KAR), and then Nueva York can have like well over 10 names depending on who helps the revolution.
As someone who is shit with names, they would be so difficult for me to remember if it was in a history class. That's not even counting dates, because with how close the dates are (or might be) inside the revolution would mean teachers would want exact dates. Like Chai probably got his revolution done in about a week or something like that, so you'd have to know what date he went after what executive while with Nueva York, you could probably get away with saying something like "in XX month, Miles arrived at Nueva York."
Looking at these revolutions from a history standpoint has to be really interesting honestly. Especially for people who lived through the revolutions and saw how things changed first hand in a relatively quick time period.
This isn't even mentioning Psychonauts. I have a feeling people would know the name Razputin Aquato and other Psychonauts, but not how any of them look. It would all mainly be artistic renderings and not photographs. This would be a vast difference from the other revolutions which have a lot of media cover, social posts, and photographs. The Psychonauts would only have art for their history books, at least for active Psychonauts, so privacy is kept and people can't just see someone like Milla Vodello in the streets and approach her, possibly blowing her cover.
Now all I can imagine is Psychonauts, or just psychics in general, with like instagram or tiktok showing off their powers. Especially if they have a psychic camera or whatever it's called (Otto-cam? something like that) and show people the inside of people's minds (obviously with permission from the patient/mind holder).
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