#just tell me that Stiles wouldn’t constantly be quoting Hamilton at Derek
shitakimooshrooms · 2 years
continuing with my idea of Stiles and Derek having shared a class if the Hale Fire didn’t happen and Derek was 3 years older; In Stiles’ freshman year of high school he joined the theater club(Scott was interested and he was dragged along) and Derek also decided to do so for some reason and so the idea is that that years play is Hamilton(I know it wouldn’t be around, but humor me) and Stiles gets cast as Alexander because he can talk really fast (and has definitely won rapping competitions before) and Derek is cast as Aaron Burr (the second verse of Wait For It just exudes Derek energy) and so the idea of Scott somehow still not recognizing Derek after having done like the lights and watching every single rehearsal and show that year just makes it all the more funny. (I also am a firm believer that Stiles will randomly walk up to Derek like “Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?” And Derek just sighs and walks away.)
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