#just because in the last few stages Jonas and Primoz seemed to be doing better
sportsallover · 9 months
They keep saying that the Jumbo would "let" Sepp win, like he'd win it because they allow it and not on his own merit but like... Sepp's the guy who's been pulling when things were dire. In the two previous grand tours. I don't need his merit proven to me.
You never ask a leader to prove he is better than his teammate. You ask the leader to always stay at the front and you allow the teammate to take it easy when he's done working, to ensure he will always be at his best when he's needed. And you assume the leader is better than the teammate. But sometimes the leader actually works less hard than his teammates, because he doesn't take as much wind as them overall. So it doesn't make sense to me how they are expecting Sepp to prove he is better than Primoz and Jonas.
And even if he isn't, I don't need this to know that Sepp deserves to win on his own merit. Have you seen his ranking in the Giro and the Tour? He is clearly the most consistent rider this year, and that makes you deserve a Vuelta in my book.
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