#just a wip for now but its for a whole tiktok video
saltinesmores · 1 year
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“salti its three am why on earth are you drawing sansby”
because ive lost control of my life
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atsukawolfcat · 7 months
Venti's Strength
SO HELLO AGAIN WITH ANOTHER THEORY AND YUP ITS VENTI'S THIS TIME and its a bit of a doozy and I am half alive atm
Spoiler Alert? Genshin Lore and Stuffs, mostly a delulu person blabbering while they can on their phone.
So I can't sleep (its 4AM after an ER visit so hahahaaaaaa nothing major though just a precaution for anyone reading this and wondering) and I was going through TikTok when I saw this little video pop up
I have a theory (a GAME theory lool no jk AHEM). And as some of the comments pointed out (and a bit on the video) here are some facts:
1. Nahida states that an Archon's power derives from "faith" rather than "rule"
2. Venti's Gnosis was the shape of a Queen chesspiece, which is the most powerful piece on the board.
3. Only Venti self proclaimed as the weakest of the Archons
So I will go through each one by one to do a mini "share my thoughts" while I still have em. And a little disclaimer before I go ahead, I not an avid chessplayer and I have yet to finish Sumeru's AQ (still catching up on it, been lazy about tbh but its a WIP) and I don't really remember Nahida saying this on MY game yet so I will just discuss what I have observed. Dang I really do need a refresher on everything
ANYWAY, first is Nahida's comment. There is a LOT going on for this one, much more than the story of "ruling is power". So lets say that being an avid or active ruler of your city is what give you power, then as we know, Venti should definitely be near the end of his life because he DOESN'T rule. He hates the idea of ruling or mainting power over his city, and with his history with rulers I don't blame him. There was a whole war he had participated in after his creation/birth in which he was going against the ruling parties, the nobles and the royal family of that time as an extension. He supported the common folk, in which was his best friend of which he took his appearance after now to live in his memory. Having any rule after that cruel loss is not something I would ever want to take a part of, so he remained as a silent guide and protector of the new Mondstadt. If he did indeed "rule", he would have never had any power. From just his backstory alone, we get the feeling he has not ruled over Mond at all, just guided them and gave the people the tools to be self sufficient, which for old Mond, was sweet freedom. So more support for Nahida's statement, as we all know that the people from his city have VERY strong faith in him still after generations.
Second, his Gnosis. So I am not a chess player and at best, a complete novice. So I goggled what was the most powerful chesspiece.
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Clear as day, the Queen chesspiece (which reminder, it is the shape of his Gnosis) IS the most powerful. But what fascinates me more is the wording. "There is something inherently satisfying about giving up the strongest piece on the board in order to checkmate the enemy king"? Hmm, as far as I know, there has been no confirmed King piece Gnosis, and its been theorirzed it may be our Cryo Archon that has it. How convenient that he lost it to one of her people. And since I am leaning towards him being the strongest, I am POSITIVE the statement he said "Without a doubt, I am now the WEAKEST Archon in all of Teyvat" was less for our ears and more for someone else. He has power over wind, which we know he uses to project his voice and other abilities. He's lived among humans for hundreds of years, and no doubt he recognized Signora. Very likely knew their plan, stated that he was the weakest to give the go ahead, and let the gnosis be taken for a bigger chess game in motion.
Now for the last one. As far as my memory goes, NO OTHER ARCHON has claimed or supported that Venti is the weakest of all 7(will double check later once the caffeine hits). We have only heard this from him directly, while others just express their annoyance at his current antics or his habits. Would the Traveller ask them about Venti's strength? Very likely, but knowing Venti and the other (known) Archons, none would speak about current Venti since they haven't A. Seen him in many years or B. Have a possible contract to keep their mouths shut (ahem ZHONGLI) or even C. Met him proper. So heres what I think in total:
Venti spoke that outloud for a fatui operative (likely Signora) to proceed with the plan of taking his Gnosis AND its possible he said that to himself since he could only do so much at helping his dear friend, the Unnamed Bard. Very likely has some sort of survivor guilt (based on how hes moving on with the appearance of his friend), and just can't shake off the fact he wasn't strong enough when his friend needed him. Its also why he's so set in helping people move on from people who have passed on (Stanley's story quest). Its something he can do, so why not do it while he has the chance?
OOOOO this was a long one, but I hope this gives some food for thought. I am a firm believer that Venti is still one of the strongest if not THE strongest of all the Archons in term of raw power. Thank you for coming to my late night/early morning Tedtalk lol now off to sleep with the wolfcat
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
today I woke up pretty calmly from a really detailed interesting dream I can't remember and just kinda hung out. I made some deviled eggs for my mom and took a shower and washed my hair then took down one of my WIP fursuit heads the monsters looking one with huge ears. I snipped at some of the foam to fix up a few little bits and pieces, but I definitely want to go back and do mare re-shaping because tbh it’s kind of wonky and now how I want it yet. I sewed up some teeth for the side of the mouth, but I may remake one side and add a few more stitches to the other to add another tooth. I made color mockups of both WIP heads and how their full body designs would look. I contemplated giving the bat monster one a mouth tail, but idk. I might if I find a good tutorial. it might be fun if I put a pocket in the mouth like how daisy dukes my furby has. I looked online for different listings for neon lime green faux fur, since I only have pink brown and white right now, and fursuitsupplies.com has some pretty good prices. I also need to get some long pile white fur so I can make a neck for my other dog head and make some tails and to use as accents on the monster head and maybe add some hair poofs to my 2 white dog suits? idk man. at some point in the day I was watching tiktos and found out what r4s are (they're basically x number-in-one game cards for the ds) and I ordered one off aliexpress. I heard there’s like a time bomb that will brick the cartridge unless you download firmware for it? I'll look into it more when it arrives probably. I got a 208 in one with a bunch of Pokemon games and a few harvest moon games and a whole bunch of stuff. tbh I just skimmed the list. there were options for over 500 games but 1) realistically I would never play them all and 2) I didn't want to read the entire 500+ list to see if it had anything good. like it could exclude all the Pokemon games and just have 300 imagine babies games. and even if it doesn't work it’s only like $15 including shipping. and I spent an hour or so playing games with my friend over text because she texted the goupchat that she missed everybody and I wanted to be supportive but I couldn't think of words to say. oh one funny thing I discovered is that if I put a magnet over some spot on my MacBook then it goes into sleep mode because there's a corresponding magnet on the lid so it thinks the laptop Is closed lmao. idk why I always assumed it detected it through the hinge like a ds. speaking of fursuits I made a tiktok in my Puppermint fursuit of that trend where you hold up different fingers on the beat to some vocaloid song. it was fun but my hands almost cramped up lmao. its hard enough with your hands free but having to flex them extra hard to get the same amount of movement in paws is HARD. and tiktok kept fucking up when uploading the video so I re-uploaded it a few times until it worked. also my dad came home with some foodstuffs from an Indian market that he visited with w work friend or something. it was just ok :/ anyway that’s all I can remember so I'm gonna break my personal rule of no food after midnight and try to go to sleep probably. (to give myself some structure I game myself the rules no water after 10pm and no food after midnight but tbh I don't care right now.)
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