#just a fyi if you noticed something looks different it's bc I'm using a different gshade preset
thewalkingplumbob · 2 months
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Liam was waiting near the door when Aubrie finally emerged from the classroom, a small smile on her face.
Liam: So what did the new teacher want?
Aubrie: He just wanted to talk about my writing. He invited me to join an after school writing club. But…
Liam: But what?
Aubrie: It’s nice to be complimented. I’m just not sure I’m ready.
Liam: I know I should be encouraging you to join and all that, but I’d much rather you hang out with me after school.
Aubrie rolled her eyes and started walking towards her locker. Liam followed, jogging a bit to catch up.
Liam: Okay, okay. I’m just being a brat. But you have to admit, I am the better person to hang out with.
Liam was standing close. He was so close that Aubrie could feel the tickle of his breath on her skin. She knew if she turned to face him now, they’d be close enough to kiss. The thought made her uncontrollably blush, so she turned her back to him, hoping he wouldn’t notice how flustered she was.
Meanwhile, a few feet away, stood Luisa. She was watching, jealousy building up inside her. What did this new girl have that she didn’t? Why did Liam seem so enamoured with her?
???: Lulu, you coming?
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