#junho x xuan
gaesaekkii · 8 months
My first impression of you, love? Let me think: imposing, confident, prideful, strong, powerful, a cold beauty with a petrifying stare that made my heart skip a beat! Also, handsome as fuck! Making my loins twitch and tingle just remembering the warm sunset hues reflecting off of your fine features! I knew I had to have you in that very moment!
Send in the first impression your muse had of mine!
I like this first impression. It is one that I would like to leave on everyone. Reminds me of how powerful I am.
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phoenix-of-jade · 7 months
“I see how it is…don’t you worry, I shall make sure I get what I deserve. You won’t find me, so don’t come looking. I won’t exist. Farewell.”
"No... Please don't..." Almost on instinct, the man rushes after the other, grabbing him into a tight hug from behind, as Xuan falls to his knees, sobbing into the other's shirt. "I never wanted this... I never wanted you to go or leave me..." He clenches his fists tighter onto Junho's shirt. "I STILL FUCKING LOVE YOU!"
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pjmarchives · 7 years
[💌] oi amorecos [💌]
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Vocês conhecem a starship? a mesma gravadora dos boygroups Monsta X, Uniq, Boyfriend e do meu grilgroup favorito que deu disband Sistar, ela é a mesma gravadora das meninas do Cosmic Girls, mais conhecido como WJSN, com certeza na época do debut, ano passado, vocês viram no twitter inúmeras pessoas falando de como a cheng xiao é bonita, então, ela é desse gg, eu mesma ficava só falando dela e de como amava ela e a achava bonita, bem, voltando para o assunto anterior, eu sinto que a starship não divulga muito as meninas, então, eu a maior ujung do site do lado, vim divulgar minhas filhotas, e se vocês se interessarem vou deixar um site com o perfil delas certinho aqui. (juro que morro de ciumes do meu wjsn, mas gente, quero bastante sucesso pras minhas filhotas)
Informações SUPER BÁSICAS (que você precisa saber para ser umx ujung
wjsn, é um grupo sino-coreano formado pela starship entertainment, em parceria com a empresa chinesa yuehua entertainment, o grupo estreou em 25 de fevereiro de 2016, com o single momomo, o grupo é formado por treze integrantes: seola, xuan yi, soobin, exy, bona (minha bias de todo o coração), luda, dawon, mei qi, eunseo, cheng xiao, yeoreum, dayoung e yeonjung, cada uma delas representando um signo astrológico, além disso, as integrantes são distribuídas em quatro unidades: wonder, joy, sweet e natural, que formam a sigla wjsn (wuju sonyeo)
cosmic girls debutou em 25 de fevereiro, com o seu primeiro mini-álbum would you like?, incluindo as faixas Mo Mo Mo e Catch Me. o mv de Mo Mo Mo foi lançado em 24 de fevereiro, e o mv da faixa Catch Me em 9 de março, o grupo fez sua estreia oficial no M! Countdown em 25 de fevereiro. 
Em 11 de julho, a starship entertainment liberou um teaser de Special clip e os fãs foram surpreendidos com o desenho da constelação Serpentário no vídeo e deu-se inicio às especulações de adição de uma nova integrante ao grupo, ainda na manhã do dia 11, a empresa confirmou a adição de uma nova integrante, yeonjung. Yyonjung era uma das participantes do programa de sobrevivência produce 101, no qual foi uma das trainees escolhidas para debutar no I.O.I. no 1 de julho, a starship entertainment revelou planos de debutar um grupo chamado "YTEEN" com 14 membros, o debut do grupo aconteceu no dia 5 de agosto, com o single Do Better. "YTEEN" é um grupo misto e consiste em todos os membros do boygroup Monsta X e as membros do WJSN: exy, seola, cheng xiao, dayoung, eunseo, yeoreum e soobin. em 17 de agosto, o grupo lançou seu segundo mini-álbum The Secret como 13 integrantes, o grupo promoveu o mini-álbum com a faixa-título Secret, junto com a faixa BeBe.
O grupo lançou seu terceiro mini-álbum From. WJSN acompanhada da faixa principal "I Wish" em 4 de janeiro. E em 7 de junho , lançaram o MV "Happy" , junto de seu primeiro Full Album "Happy Moment" , com um conceito colorido e um pouco diferenciado do que elas antes já promoveram. 
Se você se interessou pelo girlgroup WJSN, você pode acessar os links abaixo para mais informações
twitter official; WJSN_Cosmic
maior daily de wjsn; WJSNDaily
instagram wjsn official; wjsn_cosmic
instagram da bona; bn_95819
instagram da seola; seola_s
instagram da chengxiao; chengxiao_0715
instagram da exy; exy_s2
instagram da eunseo;_eunseo_v
instagram da yeonjung; uyj_s
maior portal de noticias do wjsn no brasil twt; cosmicgirlsbr
wjsn pics on twt; WJSN_PIC
wjsn fancam on twt; wjsnfancams
youtube: starshipTV
sites para saber mais....
(qualquer duvida sobre as meninas pode ser tirada comigo também no meu curiouscat nctzen-l)
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phoenix-of-jade · 8 months
I don’t want you to change, ever. I love you for who you are.
Good, because I am not the type that would change who they are just to please someone else. Either love me for who I am, or go on your merry way. - Smirks - But of course, with you I don't have to worry because I know you mean your words and you'll always love me for who I am, the same way I love and adore the real you! With both your temper and little needy attitude!~ - Winks playfully at Junho -
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phoenix-of-jade · 8 months
Romantic? You definitely are the romantic type, never thought that was who I would go for, but you proved me wrong.
If you don't like me being romantic, I could always change, though I doubt that is what you'd want, given how giddy you become every time I do something 'cheesy' for you. I am also pleased to know that I was able to help you find something new about yourself, proving you wrong that you don't like romance. I could teach you even more about romance!~
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phoenix-of-jade · 8 months
I love you more, my cheesy man. -winks at him-
And I love you even more! But if you keep on calling me cheesy like that, I might just change my mind (though, I do hope you know I am just teasing you, right?).... I prefer the term romantic and sensual. - smirks -
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phoenix-of-jade · 8 months
I love you. Just thought I should remind you of my feelings.
And I love you too, my handsome mob king! I love you to infinity and beyond actually! It's soo strange feeling this strongly for someone for the first time in my life, but I actually enjoy it.
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gaesaekkii · 8 months
In all truth, such powerful displays of emotion were a rare sight for the green eyed man. Crying wasn't something he usually did, since this was a sign of weakness and vulnerability that would easily grant his enemies the access to his weaknesses, which Xuan couldn't afford and he knew it ever since he was a little kid. That's why, the number of times he'd cried in all the 26 years he'd been alive thus far could be counted on the fingers of one hand alone. So showing someone this particular side of him, this vulnerable and fragile state, was a rare sight that only 3 people had ever seen, one of which was Junho himself, for Xuan rarely cried and when he did, it was only when he was alone.
Heck, the man hadn't shed a tear in public even at the funeral of his own father! That kind of stubborness was the one that characterized the cold hearted beauty. But yet again, Junho proved to be special in the sense he'd made him lose his temper and cool like no one else had, whitout even having to try too hard, gaining access to even the most well hidden parts of the man's heart.
Xuan probably wouldn't have cried if it wasn't for his own frustration and guilt at the fact that he'd let something soo stupid as a missunderstanding get between them, allowing that argument they had a week ago evolve into a fight that kept them separated until this day. And when the pain caused by Junho's silence grew too umbearable to withstand, with every call rejected and message left on seen, the young mob couldn't stand it any longer and had to go see him, leading to him waiting for hours in the rain, at the front door of Junho's residence, too troubled and stubborn to give in and call him first.
"Junho… I'm soo glad you actually came… I'm soo sorry! I shouldn't have been such an idiot! I-I shouldn't have said those stuff and…" His voice got cut once again by the tight knot forming in his throat, threatening Xuan's eyes with the release of another hot stream of tears, as he couldn't find the strength to lift his gaze from the ground and face his lover's eyes, too ashamed of himself that he appeared in such a state before Junho. "When you didn't answer my messages and calls for soo long… I really thought that you actually kept true to your threat from a while ago of ending everything between us… I-I was soo scared…" And finally, the catalist for his current state, the reason for Xuan's tears, revealed itself: Xuan really thought that he'd lost Junho for real and that he'd ruined everything they had, his insecurities growing so strong that it actually managed to scare and bother him soo much that it lead him to the breaking point of bursting into tears.
"Yes… A bath would be nice indeed, especially if we share it…" A faint smile appeared on the younger's lips, tightening his grip onto Junho. "And I would really love to try out your cooking! It would be only fair, since you got to try out mine back when I took care of you after that nasty as fuck incident."
Surely knowing that Junho was there and that he himself was the same when it came to crying and showing ones vulnerable side. Junho knew what it meant to put up a front and pretend to be okay. Seeing Xuan cry like that, Junho felt closer to the man and he felt like Xuan was shedding another wall that kept him from being his true self.
Junho felt bad for the unanswered calls and messages. He was a busy man and he simply hadn't had a moment to do so...plus, maybe he had wanted to make Xuan wait a little as well. He didn't mean for it to go this far, never had he meant for Xuan to end up crying and being such a mess because of him. Having not faced situations like this before, Junho was not even sure how he could make things better, how he could fix things. He had royally fucked up.
"Then come Xuan. We shall use the en suite in the master bedroom, you can relax on the bed whilst I prepare the bath...for us. I will join you and hold you close in my arms. Sounds good?"
Junho walks straight to the mentioned room. Making sure Xuan sits down at the edge of the bed, gently brushing the man's hair back as he looks down at him. A change of clothes was needed.
"May I help you undress? I will get your stuff cleaned for you, meanwhile I am sure you don't mind barring some of my clothes, right? I think you'll look quite dashing in my clothes."
Junho leans down and captures the man's lips for a brief kiss, letting it linger for a moment or two before pulling back again. Junho gives the man a sweet smile.
"Wait here for me baby, okay? I am right back, I shall leave the door open."
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gaesaekkii · 8 months
That afternoon it had been raining rather heavily, and when Junho opened the door, Xuan was actually sitting on the doorsteps, the rain pouring on him like a heavy cold shower. He was already soaking wet and only God knows for how long he'd actually been sitting there, rummaging on his own thoughts and feelings and being haunted by his own insecurities.
"J-Junho..." Xuan turned around immediately, his voice cracking once again when he heard the door open and Junho's voice following right after, accompanied by his words. The young man then rushed right into his lover's arms, without much hesitation, trembling all over. Even if his face was mostly covered by his long hair that was now damp, sticking to his features, and trickles of the cold rain water ran down his face, the redness of his eyes betrayed the fact that some of the droplets were actually tears. Xuan had been crying silently in the rain for some time now.
This was a whole new side of Xuan he was seeing, but this didn't scare him away or anything. Junho could simply see that the man had a more sensitive side to himself and he loved it. Junho knew he himself had a hidden side like this as well, so right now he felt closer to the man than ever before. Gently brushing the man's hair from his face, brushing his fingers over his cheek. So sad...Junho couldn't live with this, knowing he had caused so much sadness to the man he loves.
"Lets go inside, you're freezing. I will run you a bath and prepare the sauna, we will relax today. I am even willing to cook for you, if you aren't scared of my cooking."
Junho guides the man inside. Not letting him go, wanting to make sure Xuan knew he was there and that he didn't need to wait any longer. Junho felt quite bad for letting him wait like this anyway, knowing he had a lot of making up to do now.
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gaesaekkii · 8 months
[Text] - Yes, it is a horrible feeling because... it hurts! It hurts really bad and...
[Voice message] - Actually... I am already outside, sitting in front of your front door... C-Can you come and let me in, please? I want to see you... I can't bear this any longer...
Given that the second text was actually a voice message, Junho could hear Xuan's voice. It was a bit raspier than usual and for a moment it almost sounded like his voice also cracked. Could it have been that Xuan was...?
txt: Xuan...
Junho doesn't wait and even though Xuan couldn't see it, he rushes to the door to open it for the man. It sounded like the younger was crying and it was all his fault. Junho wasn't even properly dressed, the cold air hitting him. Seeing Xuan like that breaks his heart and he kneels down, pulling the man close. Junho was weak when it came to this man, it was so damn obvious.
"I am sorry...please, I am so sorry. No more waiting, you'll stay with me from now on. You will have a key, you will never have to wait anymore."
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gaesaekkii · 8 months
[text] - Fuck, I can't believe you are making me cave in like this but... I miss you...
[text] - Now pick up that goddamn phone before I come over and break down that damned door!
[text] - I did say sorry for keeping you waiting last time, didn't I?! ... I swear, you are so unfair sometimes...
txt: is it that bad to admit that you miss me? txt: is it really such a horrible feeling?
txt: you should come and try to break the door down, you'll fail. txt: maybe you deserve to be waiting as well? isn't that only fair?
txt: I miss you as well.
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gaesaekkii · 9 months
Babe, for the how many timeth do I need to tell you that no, I am not mocking you? 🤨 I am serious whenever I am saying that I love something about you because I really do! I am crazy about you Junho! Crazy in all the good possible ways! And yeah, I know you are just teasing me when you say such stuff, but I still felt the need to tell you that no matter what, you are the only man for me and the only person I will ever truly love!
I know baby and it better stay that way! I want you to crave, yearn and tremble only my touches and kisses alone and nobody else's! Also, it's the same for me: I only want to make love to you, no one else catches my interest anymore or can make me hard like you do!
Finally made it back! I'm entering the garage right now and by the time you get this text, you should be hearing the front door!
Junho reads the text and doesn’t bother to reply. He was comfortable in the man’s bed, naked like he had promised he would be. Stroking his own cock, it was obvious he had been hard for some time, as those little strokes were bringing out moans from the man. He was sensitive, he was impatient and he knew the moment Xuan would grant him attention he would cum. Teasing going on for way too long for his liking.
The door. Junho could hear it, so he stops touching himself. Spreading his legs a little, pulling the silk sheet to cover up his waist and mid section, even though the all so obvious tent showed through it. He waits for his lover, heart hammering in his chest.
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gaesaekkii · 9 months
I promise you that I am going as fast as I can, I don't like leaving you waiting like this! I'm already passing the speed limit, so I am going as fast as I can! Damn, soo demanding! But I love that about you, so it's okay. Now that's another thing that I absolutely love hearing, how needy and desperate you are for me! Guess in the end we are both two needy messes who just can't live without one another any longer...
Fuck... I am already trembling... Please, tell me more! If only this fucking red light would turn green faster!
I'm almost there! Just hang in there 5 more minutes...
If you keep mocking me I’ll change my mind about these plans. I’m well aware how to keep my emotions from getting out of hand, from showing them. So please, don’t make fun of me. I have no concept of what you actually mean with those words. Making fun of me and my feelings is not the way to win me.
Not fast enough, but— be careful. As much as I hate you, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. I’m just not a fan of being kept waiting so long. I shouldn’t be left here to pleasure myself Xuan. It’s you who needs to do it.
I can’t fucking cum to anything else but you anymore. So please! And, I don’t really hate you.. I hope you know that.
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gaesaekkii · 9 months
The meeting is finally over. Decided to end it on a short notice since I am already losing my composure and I need to get to you like asap! Those old farts can wait, the cover up business is going alright already anyways, I don't need their stupid input. On another note, you can tell me more about all these things you love (about me) while I am now in my car, driving on my way home. I'd love to hear them!
And yes, I am a needy bastard! But it's all thanks to you... Can you blame me though? I'm a little slut for that amazing cock of yours, daddy!~ ;) You can help me all you want once I'm there!~
You're right, I definitely wanna hear them from you face to face and not on a screen. It's a special moment! 💗
Then you better hurry up. I won’t be waiting forever, you know I’m not a very patient man. I’m naked, my cock is hard, I’m literally dying to be touched by you. Do not keep me waiting! Like, what the hell have you done to me? Why am I so fucking dependent on you? Why do I want a man this much? A man who I don’t even know that well yet.
Come here and I will make sure to fuck you so hard tonight they you’ll be begging for me to stop. I’ll make sure to fuck you into the mattress, to cover your body with those red hickeys you gave me!
Come home. NOW.
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gaesaekkii · 9 months
Hmm... Now that's better! I knew you were teasing, but I wanted to see how you'd react if I said that you made me cry. :P It warms my heart even further to know that my happiness is your biggest priority!~ You really are such a good boy! My good boy!~ And now I am craving to kiss you and much more even stronger than before! I'm smiling wide like a dumb lovestruck idiot and my associates are staring weirdly at me, but fuck them! I am a happy guy and I have the best boyfriend out there! Nothing can ruin my mood now!
[Xuan had sent you a photo attachment] - Here's the photo you've been eager to see!~ Consider it a preview for when I finally get home!~ ;)
You sure you wanna bet on that? Because I'll lend you a little secret: I am actually yearning to hear the 3 magical words out of your mouth, because I love you too!
Good. I love having this effect on you! I feel oh so powerful when I know you’re weak like this. I love bringing happiness to you. I love when you smile the most. I guess you can say I love quite a few things. And yes, I am teasing you here…I’ll say those words when you’re here. I’m not saying anything like that in a text message, not when it’s the first time I’m saying it.
Aren’t you looking needy there. If you would be here then I would help you, how unfortunate. You better be on the way home now.
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gaesaekkii · 9 months
But this time I wasn't teasing you! I was as serious as possible! Hearing you say that you like me really made me happy... Plus, I really meant it that I'd totally let you on top if you took me out on a romantic date... Pfft! You are such an unfair boyfriend, I swear! Getting my hopes up like that, then taking your word bsck right the next minute... Who is the meanie one now, huh? I hope you are happy, because now i am sad. Is that what you wanted, Junho babe? To makd me sad? :(
Weren't you saying just moments ago that you were on your way to my place? You better be there, on my bed, when I get back... Pleasuring yourself for me or not, I am still going to give you that spanking for turning me on like that! I had to get out of the meeting to go to the bathroom because I couldn't concentrate at all anymore... I'll send you a picture to see for yourself what you've done to me! Anyways, luckily, the meeting is almost over... Be a patient baby and wait for me, okay? I really need you...
And what word? Now you're making me very curious!
You know I’m only teasing you, right? Xuan, I definitely do not want to make you sad. That’s the last thing I want to do. Even if I’m the way I am, a cold hearted man— I want to make sure I at least can keep you happy. That smile looks great on you after all, plus knowing I’m the reason for that smile, even better.
I’m at your place now. Stop being so cocky or I’ll actually change my mind. I want to see this photo. Now! Send me this photo or you’ll find me asleep on your bed, instead of naked and pleasuring myself.
Love. That word. Maybe you don’t want to hear it.
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