#julian sartorius
patrickprincipe · 2 months
Julian Sartorius @ Bad Bonn
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donospl · 6 months
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 1 odcinek 28]
premierowa emisja 22 listopada 2023 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Sanne Rambags, Vincent Courtois, Julian Sartorius   “Between the Bliss” z albumu  “Twigs” – BMC Records   Hugues Mayot  L’Arbre Rouge  “Apparation” z albumu “Invocations” – BMC Records   Leila Martial – Valentin Ceccaldi  “Mon frere” z albumu “Le Jardin des délices”  – BMC Records   Oliver Lake, Matthias Landeus, Kresten Osgood” “Is It…
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ousooo · 7 months
Julian Sartorius & Ensemble This | Ensemble That
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Julian Sartorius & Ensemble This | Ensemble That recorded a 39-minute version of the piece 'RLLRLRLLRRLRLRLRLLRLRLR'. It will be released on vinyl and in digital formats on November 24, 2023.
Watch a 7-minute video version here. Pre-order the vinyl LP on Bandcamp. Pre-save the release for your Spotify + co.
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postambientlux · 2 years
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• julian sartorius • mux • bit.ly/jS-mX
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b0wie-st4rdust · 10 months
Oh???? Another person with an AU and their own versions of the Rogues? Which ones you got because I want to know EVERYTHING about them.
OKAY SO I have a list of Rogues that are gonna be in my AU and the list is a bit Long, some of these character still need to be fully shaped, but Asking Question about them is probably gonna help, so feel free to ask about any of them (Also I'm trying to organise the whole thing)
Leader of Crime Organizations and people attached to it:
The Penguin - Oswald Cobblepot
Flamingo - Edouardo Flamingo
Music Meister - Darius (Cobblepot) Chapel
Carmine "The Roman" Falcone (and his family)
Sal "The Boss" Maroni (and his family)
Black Mask
Talon and the Court of Owls
Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul and the league of Assassin
Mother - Christian Cain
The Big Ones (Very Important to the General Plot):
Joker - ???
Harley Quinn - Harleen Quinzel
Riddler - Edward Nygma
Two Face - Harvey Dent / Harv'
Poison Ivy - Pamela Isley
The Scarecrow - Jonathan Crane
(AU OC) The Mania - Marlene McCree
(AU OC) The Mourning Dove - Bo Hawkins
Dr. Hugo Strange and Dr. Jeremiah Arkham
The Others (some Still important):
Catwoman - Selina Kyle
Magpie - Margaret Pye
(AU OC) Soda Can - Cheryl Lee (Later Cheryl Chapel Lee)
Punchline - Alexis Kaye
Jester - Duela Jones (Joker Daughter in comics)
Mad Hatter - Jervis Tetch
Victor Zsasz
(AU OC) Madame - Camilla Shelley
Jane Doe - ???
Professor Pyg - Lazlo Valentin
DollMaker+Dollhouse - Barton Mathis and Matilda Mathis
Mister Camera - Alexander Gillian
The Eraser - Leonardo Fiasco
Man-Bat - Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Killer Croc - Waylon Jones
Orca - Dr. Grace Balin
Bane - ???
Firefly - Garfield Lynns
Anarky - Lonnie Machin
Ratcatcher (s) - Otis Flanegan and Cleo Flanegan
Clayface - Basil Karlo
Calendar Girl - Paige Monroe
Roxy Rocket - Roxanne Sutton
Baby Doll - Mary Dahl
Cluemaster - Arthur Brown
Clock King - William Tockman
Calendar King - Julian Day
The Calculator - Noah Kuttler
Bookworm - A.S Scarlet
King Tut - William Yasser
Catman - Thomas Blake
Lord Death Man - Tetsuo Fujiwara
Kite Man - Charles "Chuck" Brown
Mister Bloom - ???
Solomon Grundy - Cyrus Gold
Ventriloquist - Arnold Wesker
Character that I want to add but need to do more research on them:
Professor Achilles Milo
White Rabbit - Jaina Hudson
The Carpenter - Jenna Duffy
Cornelius Stirk
Toymaker - Cosmo Krank
Crime Doctor - Bradform Thorne
The Designer - ???
Deadshot - Floyd Lawton
Doctor Phosphorus - Dr. Alexander Sartorius
Ten Eyed Man - Philip Reardon (The Spooky Version)
Spellbinder - Charles Dante
Lady Arkham - Victoria Arkham
Merrymaker - Dr. Byron Meredith 
Polka Dot Man - Abner Krill
Killer Moth - Drury Walker
(and Captain Boomerang if I am peer pressured enough)
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jeanetjeannepatin · 3 months
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Mercredi 21 février 2024 à 19H, la Petite Boutique Fantasque parle d'un paradis, pas très loin d'ici, dans l'Aude. Un paradis vu par la caméra des frères Larrieu. Un paradis où n'existerait pas le péché de chair. Et où la parole serait libre et crue.
Cette émission a été enregistrée et montée au studio de RadioRadioToulouse et diffusée en hertzien, Toulouse : 106.8 Mhz ou en streaming https://www.radioradiotoulouse.net/ et pour tout le reste du temps sur les podcasts de mixcloud.
Programmation musicale : 1) Chain gang blues (Nicolas Repac) 2) Black night (Deep purple) Bjorn Berge 3) Autumn in may (Vincent Courtois / Sanne Rambags / Julian Sartorius) 4) Dis-moi que tu m'aimes (Zaho de Sagasan) 5) Stand by your man (Tammy Wynette)  6) What a wondrous love (Melanie) 7) Give one heart (Linda Ronstadt) 8) Skin tight skin (Suzy Quatro) 9) Saying something (Helena Deland / Sam Evian) 10) Gemini (Cannonbal Adderley sextet) 11) La nuit mène une existence obscure (Nicolas Repac)
+ deux extraits du film "21 nuits avec Pattie" d'Arnaud et Jean-Marie Larrieu
Pour ceux qui auraient piscine indienne, ou toute autre obligation, il y a une possibilité de rattrapage avec les podcasts de la PBF: https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioRadioToulouse/21-nuits-damour-en-mai-la-petite-boutique-fantasque/
Sus aux Philistins !
Photogramme du film d'Ingmar Bergman, Monika (1953)
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nonamelake · 1 year
試聴 / 購入: Sulla Pelle Valentina Magaletti & Julian Sartorius
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Julian Sartorius - Mux - acoustic percussion that sounds like a Buchla
Since his Beat Diary debut (a 12xLP box set comprising 365 beats recorded daily over the course of a year), Julian Sartorius has immersed himself in unique and ambitious projects - trekking the path not travelled to arrive at rhythmic life forms through found objects and prepared instruments. Equally as mighty are his two other escapades, the most recent being Locked Grooves - 112 beats cut as endless loops on vinyl spanning 56 dense 1.8 second compositions per side. Preceding that is his auditory hike into the mountains (Hidden Tracks: Basel - Genève), wading through and playing the landscapes around him like a lithophone. While Julian’s previous releases focus on innovative and conceptual approaches to realizing an album, his new venture on Marionette (titled Mux) is a culmination of all his efforts thus far to mimic a synthesizer and drum machine. This impossible feat challenges Julian to experiment and develop a musical language that bridges the gap between organic timbres and electronic music. When listening to Mux, one might simply forget that the seemingly electronic sounds are only constructed organically via hand movements. The common thread in all his works is that the drums are treated as resonant bodies - free to flow and form rhythm and harmony in spacetime. This is Julian’s second outing for the label, the first being (the long out of print) Sulla Pelle with Valentina Magaletti in 2019. Other collaborations include prolific artists such as Matthew Herbert, Sylvie Courvoisier, Gyda Valtysdottir, Dimlite, Shahzad Ismaily and Dan Carey (Speedy Wunderground). Artwork by Scott Daniel Ellison
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nofatclips · 3 years
Silver Lane by Sophie Hunger from the alubm Molecules
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maxforz · 2 years
Mux from Julian Sartorius
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chez-mimich · 3 years
Un contrabbasso è posato al centro di uno spazio vuoto; il pavimento è bianco e le pareti sono bianche. Dall'ampia vetrata dello Spazio Nòva, si intravedono le prime brume dell'autunno. Fanno il loro ingresso Rosa Brunello e Siro Guglielmi. Sono silenziosi vestono con dei pantaloni corti color coloniale e una canotta bianca, non calzano scarpe, ma hanno calzini neri. E' tutto molto, molto minimale; lo sono anche i gesti ritmici delle mani che incominciano a muoversi e a schioccare le dita, ma è tutto un crescendo; i corpi cominciano ad incrociarsi e ad interagire, non solo tra loro, ma anche con lo strumento in una sorta di tentativo di accordatura. Lisa, pizzica le corde, Siro abbraccia lo strumento fino a farlo roteare in una girandola che sembra infinita. Da lì la danza prende corpo, anzi "prende i corpi", fino a diventare un gioco di geometrie asimmetriche e di gesti sincronici e diacronici, sempre su suoni appena accennati e mai nei canoni armonici e melodici tradizionali. Il pubblico è attento e rapito. Siro si contrappone allo strumento e, come un acrobata, sembra esibirsi davanti a lui che, abbracciato, accarezzato e percosso da Lisa, emana suoni che assomigliano a voci. Raggiunta la climax, la tensione si stempera in una magnifica e dolcissima melodia, sussurrata a labbra serrate da Lisa. Dalle vetrate si vede ormai solo buio e nella sala scoppia poi l’improvviso e convinto applauso che riscalda i cuori. Grandissima l'interpretazione di "Wouder Louder", una produzione Zebra curata da Enrico Bettinello, del Centro per la Scena contemporanea di Bassano del Grappa. Sempre allo spazio Nòva, l'ultimo appuntamento serale di "Nu Arts & Community 2021”, è con il percussionista Julian Sartorius che presenta la sua ultima produzione in solo. Se vi capiterà trovare, nei vostri vecchi armadi, indumenti o oggetti di qualsiasi tipo da buttar via, conservateli e mandateli in Svizzera a questo geniale percussionista che sembra proprio saper percuotere tutto, ma proprio tutto, tamburi e tamburelli, grancasse, piatti, rullanti, pezzi di alluminio e pezzi di legno, coperchi di pentole, ma che sa poi attenuarne i suoni con l'aiuto di coperte, tessuti, pelli ; alla fine si aiuta anche con una specie di organetto manuale e con una cannuccia con cui insuffla aria nella pancia del rullante... Avrete capito che si tratta di un artista straordinario, ma non certo di un fenomeno da baraccone, poiché il risultato che sortisce da tutto questo “ambaradan”, è una "forma-sonata" ritmico-rumoristica da lasciare incantati. Ritmi intensi, con minime variazioni modulari, che si alternano a sollecitazioni minimali e a tintinnii ricercati, che si mescolano in un apparente caos. In realtà tutto è molto studiato e molto equilibrato, poiché nelle mani di Julian la "batteria preparata" diventa un'orchestra intera e gli scroscianti ed entusiasti applausi del pubblico sono lì a dimostrarlo. Come ha ricordato Corrado Beldì ,in apertura di performance, Sartorius è certamente un percussionista degno della massima attenzione. Si chiude così il festival 2021, edizione numero due di "Nu Arts & Community" curato con grande passione da Corrado Beldì e Ricciarda Belgiojoso.
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patrickprincipe · 2 months
Julian Sartorius @ Ferme-Asile
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donospl · 6 months
Sanne Rambags, Vincent Courtois, Julian Sartorius “Twigs”
BMC Records, 2023  Młodość i doświadczenie. Jazz i poezja. Zróżnicowane muzyczne tradycje i inspiracje. Trzy kraje. Nowy zespół. Te elementy łączy w sobie najnowsze wydawnictwo budapesztańskiej wytwórni BMC Records. OUR REVIEW IS AVAIABLE IN ENGLISH Węgierski wydawca od lat znany jest z promowania ciekawych, nieoczywistych i odważnych projektów. Tym razem zaprezentował słuchaczom nowe trio pod…
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ousooo · 6 months
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Release Date: November 24, 2023 Format: vinyl LP + digital Order on: Bandcamp / Kudos Pre-save on Spotify + co Watch a video version of the piece.
«What you do is a fundamental question. But it’s how you do something that ultimately determines the effect.» — Julian Sartorius
With ‘RLLRLRLLRRLRLRLRLLRLRLR’, Swiss drummer and sound artist Julian Sartorius presents his third album in three years. Together with ‘Ensemble This | Ensemble That’ Sartorius has created a mesmerizing 39-minute percussion album that conclusively expands his artistic output. For the first time, an ensemble plays an idea conceived by Sartorius, while he assumes the role of an interactive conductor, manipulating the sounds made.
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Sartorius is known for his fluid and versatile solo performances in which he continually modulates the sound of his instruments, adding objects and progressively unfolding his sound world. The idea of expanding this practice was already gestating when the ‘Ensemble This | Ensemble That’ invited him for a collaboration. Together with the drummers and percussionists Brian Archinal, Victor Barceló, Miguel Angel Garcia Martin and Bastian Pfefferli the concept was further explored, elaborated upon in detail, and finally realized.
‘RLLRLRLLRRLRLRLRLLRLRLR’ is both title and score for the ensemble’s four percussionists. The pattern, consisting of 23 individual beats, is played continuously by the ensemble while Sartorius gradually makes alterations to the instruments played. The result is a piece that has a sustained rhythmic flow yet is perpetually changing. Sartorius’ interventions and the precise musicality of the ensemble allows the listener to discover an expansive array of moods and intensities.
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The album is structurally recursive but develops an almost mystical magnetism through an odyssey of diverse musical landscapes. Sartorius explains: «It amazes me deeply how much the sentiment can change based on a musical mood - this sense of curiosity is made audible with this album.» The album recording itself is designed as an endless loop: at the end of the recording, the ensemble’s sound has returned to its starting point, thereby completing an endless, self-contained cycle, with no beginning or end. In this way, Sartorius also echoes his 2021 album ‘Locked Grooves’.
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Julian Sartorius’ precise and multi-layered rhythmical patterns are keen excursions into the hidden tones of found objects and prepared instruments, bridging the gap between organic timbres and the vocabulary of (experimental) electronic music. He has released numerous solo albums, creates audiovisual art works, collaborates with musicians, writers, and artists, and performs live in intimate venues and on festival stages.
Ensemble This | Ensemble That (ET|ET) have established themselves not only as interpreters of contemporary music, but also as collaborators to a wide range of artists including projects like Zimoun, Myriam Bleu, Strotter Inst., Lê Quan Ninh, Marko Ciciliani, Jürg Frey, and Michael Maierhof, amongst others.
___CREDITS Composed by Julian Sartorius in collaboration with Ensemble This | Ensemble That Recorded by Grégoire Pasquier at Studio de la Fonderie Edited by Julian Sartorius Mixed by Grégoire Pasquier and Julian Sartorius Mastered by Rashad Becker at Clunk Mastering Cut by Adi Flück at Centraldubs Graphic design by Sarah Parsons
This is OUS046
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saidthewizard · 6 years
Fremd bin ich eingezogen ...
... as a stranger I arrived. 
The piano opening of Schubert’s song cycle Die Winterreise is more than an echo in the opening bars of this piece by Colin Vallon.
However, the journey on which this Swiss trio takes us leads deep into European jazz territory. Even so, the music never entirely loses touch with its classical roots. This is lovely stuff.
The title is called Tsunami, and comes from the album Danse (2017, ECM 2517). The Colin Vallon Trio are:
Colin Vallon - piano Patrice Moret - double bass Julian Sartorius - drums
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voodoorhythmrecords · 7 years
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Reverend Beat-Man and the New Wave @ Shirts Off Studios Bern
Feat. Resli Burri, Mario Batkovic, Mago Flück, Julian Sartorius & Sebi
© 19.10.2017 Patrick Principe
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