#judicial muders
scotianostra · 27 days
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On May 11th 1685 Margaret Lachlane, or McLachlan, and Margaret Wilson were put to death.
The sins of our past are sair tae bare at times and this is certainly one that qualifies as such, what makes it all the more sad is that they had been reprieved, but the distance from Edinburgh to Wigtown but for reasons unknown it never made it to save the women.
Here’s the background, some of you might know but not all, back in 17th century religion was very important to most people in Scotland, indeed the worldover. The reformation waa over and Protestants were in the vast majority, especially in the more populace lowlands. By now The Stuart Monarchy ruled both Scotland and England, having survived a civil war in which Charles I lost his head, eventually his son, Charle II was invited back to take the throne. You would have thought that Charles II had learned his lesson, his old boy had tried to enforce the English form of the Protestant religion in Scotland but failed, young Charles tried again but the Scots were not having it, many Scots signed what is known as The National Covenant that pledged to defend “their” true religion against innovations like those down south. Many were put to death for refusing to swear allegiance to the King and “his” prayer book. Over the years there were many battles and lives lost, it is now known in Scotland as “The Killing Time"
ny way the people thought it might come to an end in February 1658 when Charles II died, those who had been hiding from persecution started returning to their homes, including the young Wilson girls who were sheltered at the home of Margaret McLachlan, a 63 year old widow who lived at Drumjargan in Kirkinner Parish. A local man betrayed them when they came into Wigtown, and the two girls were taken prisoner. At the same time, Margaret McLachlan was seized while at prayer in her own home, and held in custody with them. The women were required to take the Oath of Abjuration which had earlier been administered to everyone in the County over the age of 13 years. This had been introduced on 25 November 1684 by the Privy Council, in order to catch sympathisers of Richard Cameron. In a public declaration at Sanquhar Cross, Cameron had denounced the King as a tyrant and declared war on him.
Refusal to swear the Oath allowed execution without trial; men could be hanged or shot; a new sentence had been introduced for women: death by drowning. The women refused the Oath and were brought before the Commission. The Commissioners, Grierson of Lagg, Sheriff David Graham (Claverhouse’s brother), Major Windram, Captain Strachan and Provost Coltrane of Wigtown, have been described as “five of the most vicious scoundrels in Scotland”.
Margaret McLachlan with Margaret and Agnes Wilson were found guilty on all charges and they were sentenced “to be tyed to palisadoes and fixed in the sand, within the flood mark, at the mouth of the Blednoch stream, and there to stand till the flood over flowed them, and [they] drowned”. Agnes Wilson (aged only thirteen at the time) was reprieved, when her father promised to pay a bond of £100, a fortune in that day.
A pardon was issued in Edinburgh, dated 30 April 1685, for both women
It remains a mystery what happened to it, since no record of it remains beyond the Council Chamber. They were taken out and tied to stakes in the waters of the Bladnoch on 11 May 1685. The older woman was tied deeper in the river channel forcing young Margaret to witness her death, in the hope that she would relent. Instead, she seemed to take strength from the older woman’s fate, singing a psalm, and quoting scripture.
The events are recorded in the Kirk Session records of both Penninghame and Kirkinner parishes, vouched for by elders and ministers who were present on the day, and the records confirmed by the Presbytery of Wigtown. The Penninghame records say that Margaret Wilson’s head was held up from the water, in order to ask her if she would pray for the King. She answered that she wished the salvation of all men, but the damnation of none. When her watching relatives cried out that this proved she was willing to conform, Major Windram offered her the Oath of Abjuration again, but she refused, saying “I am one of Christ’s children; let me go”.
The Kirkinner records state that Margaret McLachan’s head had been “held down within the water by one of the town officers by his halberd at her throat, til she died”. A popular account adds that the officer said “then tak’ another drink o’t my hearty”. Legend has it that for the rest of his life the man had an unquenchable thirst, and had to stop and drink from every ditch, stream, or tap he passed, and he was deserted by his friends.
Likewise the constable named Bell, who had carried out his duties with a notable lack of feeling, allegedly said, when asked how the women had behaved, “O, they just clepped roun the stobs, like partans and prayed”. Clepped means web-footed, partans are crabs. Bell’s wife bore three children all with “clepped” fingers, and the family was referred to as “the Cleppie Bells” which was believed to be the sins of the father being visited on the children.
It was not only women who died, William Johnstone, John Milroy and George Walker were hanged in Wigtown the same year, for refusal to take the oath, but Margaret Wilson, due to her young age has become the most famous of the martyrs and is the subject of a famous painting by the English artist John Everett Millais called The Martyr of Solway.
Art conservators have x-rayed the painting and found out that Millais had originally painted the upper torso of the young woman naked. However when the painting was exhibited in 1871 there were strong puritanical views on nudity in paintings and Millais’ work offended Victorian sensibilities. It was badly received and was the butt of many negatively critical reviews. Hence it was painted over to save the Victorian eyes of such a sight!
The photo is from Stirling Old Town Cemetery a monument to the Wigtown Martyrs, further afield a Victorian statue of Margaret Wilson’s martyrdom is on display at Knox College, University of Toronto, Canada, as seen in the second pic, the third pic is the Martyrs' Grave, Wigtown parish church, Dumfries and Galloway.
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batslime · 4 years
i like it when serial killers/pedos/rapists get beaten to death but def not when its done by cops who felt like beating someone up who didnt even go thru a trial. mainly bcs there's a difference between a victim getting revenge on the one who hurt them and a cop abusing their power by murdering someone who might have been innocent as far as they cared
When I was first getting into prison abolition that was THE thing keeping me back bc I DO wanna see these kinds of people suffer but the issue is there have ALWAYS been disproportionate amounts of brown and black people falsely accused, coerced into confession or even the police just LIE that they confessed with forged evidence, evidence that’s been proven outdated and irrelevant/ unreliable to base accusation on instead of using it to prove innocence ( teeth marks being too similar between multiple suspects in many cases ), and spending their ENTIRE LIVES with no chance of escaping and even being EXECUTED as CHILDREN. Just saw a post the other day I couldn’t reblog bc it featured photos of a 14 YEAR OLD black boy being strapped into the electric chair for a muder he didn’t commit and how he never got to see his parents after his arrest and the jury was all white. This is NOT an uncommon thing.
Beyond the promise of “justice” being used to wrongly accuse, abuse, humiliate, defame, and murder black and brown people, SERIAL KILLERS AND RAPISTS ALREADY DON’T GET PUNISHED!!! Facing a less-than-ten year prison sentence or community service is NOT a punishment and won’t persuade them not to do it again. And that’s the cases that even GET as far as conviction and sentencing- police DON’T care about rape and murderer!!! Not only do they not take claims seriously ( look at practically ALL famous serial killer or kidnap/ rape cases where people tell the cops something’s going on and they don’t give enough of a fuck to even check it out, or of they do they walk RIGHT past where victims are hidden! ), most of the time POLICE ARE THE ONES RAPING AND MURDERING! They join the police force the same reason people join the armed forces; to get away with molesting and terrorizing others.
There’s no justice in our system and the only ones who face the judicial system’s wrath is people who they want to squeeze the life out of just for existing because of racism, classism, xenophobia, etc. Rapists and serial killers SHOULD be beaten to death and made an example of but instead the US takes the liberty of using this sentiment to falsely accuse marginalized people of this to try to exterminate them. There is no justice in this system as it is and it’s been too far corrupted for too long to be effectively and rightly reformed.
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globalexpressnews · 6 years
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Kathua rape-muder case: All eight accused plead not guilty, next hearing on April 28 By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Updated: April 16, 2018 1:14:30 pm Kathua rape-muder case: The juvenile arrested in the case–the trial of which began today– moved a bail application before the judicial magistrate, which will be heard later in the day.
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Multiple Crimes shake Chandigarh & Panchkula – From Rape to Murder
Open any page of your chandigarh newspaper and you will see multiple news articles related to various crimes almost every other day happening in the tricity.
From committing murders to raping minors, it seems that nothing is considered taboo anymore.
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Aseem of MDC in Panchkula feels terrible reporting the sad state that is currently being seen in the tricity.
 Murders are happening in broad daylight in Mohali, Chandigarh and even Saketri Village in Panchkula, and people are being killed off or raped and then killed as if it is no big deal.
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For those who don’t know (really? Read the news man!) currently, there are about 4 murders that are being investigated by the police, all brutal murders that will send a chill down your spine when you read about them
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1. Neha Ahlawat, a 25-year-old student, was found murdered in sector 38, taxi stand in chandigarh.
2. Varinder Singh, a resident of Saketri, murdered by Manmeet Singh Warraich, son of MDC Panchkula Councilor and 8 other accused.
3. Ekam Singh, murdered by his OWN WIFE Seerat Kaur over god knows what.
4. Akansh Sen, nephew of Himachal Pradesh CM, murdered by Balraj Singh Randhawa & Harmehtab Singh Farid, over ego clashes.
 The one murder that did not gather that much attention (probably because it was not a high profile muder) is that of a 44 year old man who was killed by his OWN son over a minor tiff! Dear Lord, it seems that no relation is sacred anymore!
 Not just that, every day there are new rape cases being reported in all over the tricity.
 A 21-year-old girl was allegedly kidnapped from a market in broad daylight and then raped at gunpoint in Panchkula on Jan 27, 2017.
Last week on Mar 14, 2017, Ajay Kumar of Badheri village, in Sector 40 raped a 40 year old girl in Chandigarh near Public Toilets. On the same day, a five-year-old girl was found injured and bleeding in Panchkula. Police confirmed rape after the medical examination of the child, so you can imagine where was she bleeding from. On Mar 28, a 32-year-old woman was raped by a tenant living in the same building in Mohali.
 It is shocking to learn that each day there is a news about someone raping a minor child. As children can be manipulated and threatened after the crime, they are the soft targets for these disgusting sinners. I Aseem of MDC in Panchkula cannot even believe that someone raped a 5 year old child. It is not a crime, it is actually a sin.
How can one even think of doing such heinous crime, and that too with a child?
Even if these people get saved from the Judicial system, God will never forgive them.
 For now, Aseem of MDC in Panchkula wants to ask all of you, and even myself, that where did we go wrong? Why have we stopped being humans and have become demons?
Since when did killing people become this easy? Since when did we start considering human life as disposable and of no value? Where did it become acceptable to force yourself upon a woman, and more so, upon a child?! Where are the values that taught us to respect women, and not treat them as a sex object?
Where is humanity headed? Is this the future of our city? Is this the kind of environment that we want our kids to grow up in?
We must band together as a society to combat this shocking and truly sad change in the thought process of such people, and fight this menace from its very roots, to the very top.
For if we, the common people, do not stand up and together, there will be no end of high-profile murderers, who will kill people as and when they want, and then ask their rich parents or relatives to save their ass. We must stand against people who rape women as it can be anyone's sister/mother next time?
We simply forget such news but we need to think about what will happen if such incident happens with someone from our family? Will we still forget it like we do always?
No amount of money can bring back a human life nor can heal the physical, and more importantly, the mental & psychological wounds a women gets on being raped.
If this is where we, as a society are headed, then sadly, dark times lie ahead of us, and of the future generations.
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