#jt plays mass effect legendary edition
maryellencarter · 1 year
so i forget how much of this i mentioned because christmas is an absolute zoo in the cell phone industry, but!
* so a friend of mine was able to give me a free gaming-specced macbook, with a terabyte hard drive and 32gb of ram and basically the kind of specs that make mass effect legendary edition look like last year's game (which it is, but you know what i mean)
* and then i finally got around to partitioning it (having figured out that you can install windows 10 for free and just not "activate" it)
* and then i found out that legendary edition is on sale for $15 so i pounced on that
* because the thing about legendary edition on pc specifically is that it's been especially designed to make things easier for the modding community! and i knew there were already a lot of great mods and modders out there
* so then i dropped $5 for a month of fast downloads on nexusmods and went to town
* i have apparently downloaded and installed 50+ GB of mods. that's half the size of the whole-ass game. that's with no texture mods (there are not-yet-released story mods i know i want *koff* @hatboyproject *koff* so i'm not doing any texture modding for now) but there are tons of mesh mods and story mods and bugfixes and quality of life tweaks and...
* i haven't even found a casual outfits mod for zaeed or edi that i like yet
* i am absolutely not learning how to mod videogames
* ... there's a mod that removes the sexist comments various characters make to femshep. i legitimately teared up. that was something that always hit me hard. i play femshep because i prefer jennifer hale's voice acting over mark meer's, and 99% of the game is basically just reskinned and re-voiced versions of the same story, but gamedevs just gotta throw in those little digs to remind you that a female character is worth less. being able to play my favorite game *without* those? i seriously... talk about a fucking christmas present
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jtmarx · 3 years
These geth are acting quite bold for a race that's gonna need me to save them
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