seraxmi · 6 years
[text]: I ate all of the cookies we baked, I think I’m going to be sick.
[txt] All of them? All 24 of them?[txt] How did you even manage? Each is the size of a whole palm!
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seraxmi · 7 years
nothing to worry about (anymore)
@himchanmi​ - (origin):
[ ✉ ] don’t freak out but i’m in the hospital.
Reading over the text again, he could feel his heart sink into worry, and even though his brain was still trying to process, his fingers immediately began typing out a response, quickly.   [ ✉ hermione ] What happened and are you okay? [ ✉ hermione ] I promise I’ll save my freaking out for if 1) I don’t hear from you again soon or 2) It’s something really bad Although Himchan wouldn’t mention that just seeing the phrase ‘don’t freak out’, as well as finding out Sera in the hospital in the same line of text wasn’t exactly something he could be calm about, either—but him having a panic attack on her would do neither of them any good. [ ✉ hermione ] Which hospital are you at? [ ✉ hermione ] And please let me know if you need to me to come up there, because I would and will in a heartbeat. Because Sera was family in essence, and he’d drop everything, even work, if she needed him (whether if she said she did or not).
She truly didn’t want him to worry, but at the same time, sooner or later he was going to find out about this, and finding out from a different source, someone other than herself, she’d imagine would be quite hurtful considering the status of their friendship; they were pretty much family.
[txt] I promise you, I’m alright [txt] was just a little car accident with the typical baggage that comes with it [txt] but I am fine now. [txt] I will likely be out by tomorrow.
Was it wrong that she didn’t mention exactly how long she had already been there? Would it make him worry more if he knew this was already her third day at the hospital? She truly didn’t want to keep him in the dark, but considering she was pretty much blind the last two days, there was little she could do with her phone. She texted him as soon as she got it back.
[txt] I’m in Severance. [txt] But don’t worry, Channie, I promise I’m alright, you don’t have to drive up here.
She was already burdening a whole lot of people, thanks to this accident, she didn’t want to add his name to that list too. She felt bad about it all.
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seraxmi · 7 years
@mixkris - [origin]:
[ ✉ → Squint #1 ]…….Sera are you drunk? [ ✉ → Squint #1 ]  why are you texting me this at 1am  [ ✉ → Squint #1 ] why are you drinking an entire pot of coffee!? at 1 am!? do you want to see the 4th dimension!?
[txt] 1. I do not drink. [txt] 2. I thought you were the detective in charge of the grocery store double homicide? [txt] 3. Hyperbole is often quite amusing.
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seraxmi · 7 years
@himchanmi - (origin)
Having what he deemed as useless information seemed to have both it’s pros and cons. Pro being he could use it in situations where it was actually helpful. But the con was in the fact that some things he knew about sort of made him question all of the free time he had spent gaining the knowledge rather than doing what most would deem as more productive. ‘Like continuing education further and actually doing something with yourself, Himchan.’
[ ✉ ] Tough question. If you’re working with a kid or trying to make them comfortable, I would personally like to suggest ‘We’re All In This Together’. It’s a classic and well known. [ ✉ ] I can also hook you up with lyrics, too, if needed.
[txt] hold on I’ll “got to the bathroom” [txt] I can search that up, thanks [txt] but tell me, what should I know about this high school thing other than they have a song for every thing? [txt] she’s 9... ain’t she too young for hsm? [txt] in the sense that it’s been out from a while now and all...
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seraxmi · 7 years
texts, continued.
[ ✉ nerd ] if i was druNK, how would i have made fti50 tuna sandwiches HUH?D [ ✉ nerd ] or is this the police bc i did Nothing wrONGGGfd [ ✉ nerd ] i’m jsut tired, very tried [ ✉ nerd ] oh it’s you [ ✉ nerd ] cOM EOVER
[txt] the fact that /you/ made 50 tuna sandwiches is proof enough you’re very drunk! [txt] ....yea this is the police! [txt] go to sleep!
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seraxmi · 7 years
@erisxmi​ - (origin):
[ ✉ angel neighbour ] No, I hear it, too. You’re sane, my friend. [ ✉ angel neighbour] And I promise it isn’t me, either. Turned the TV and everything off because I thought I was going nuts. [ ✉ angel neighbour ] Maybe it’s some ahjumma with some sort of…I dunno, meditation ritual? [ ✉ angel neighbour ] Kind of making me curious. And a little creeped out.
[txt] well I’m glad I’m not actually losing my mind [txt] but the fact you replied means you’re up too at this ungodly hour [txt] so let’s hope it’s not us both going a little cuckoo [txt] but seriously, it’s an odd time to meditate [txt] would be interesting if we have members of some cult for neighbours [txt] as long as no... odd sacrifices are performed and all...
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seraxmi · 7 years
[ ✉ commissioner gordon unnie] 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
[ ✉ commissioner gordon unnie]  don’t be mean!!! I’m a hero unnie, i can do it! the spd will be too slow
[ ✉ commissioner gordon unnie] oh no i mean the spd is awesome!!! but this time maybe they can’t make it in time???
[ ✉ commissioner gordon unnie] oh! the baddie is going away. Supergirl out! =͟͟͞͞(๑•̀д•́๑=͟͟͞͞(๑•̀д•́๑=͟͟͞͞(๑•̀д•́๑)
[txt] Yoohyeon don’t you dare! [txt] Stay right where you are, officers are on their way! [txt] Don’t get involved!
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seraxmi · 7 years
@mixhyoyeon - (origin):
outgoing → seraaaaaaaaa
[ ✉ ] wow [ ✉ ] don’t you just love cheery messages [ ✉ ] this isn’t cryptic or gloomy [ ✉ ] or dark and vague at all [ ✉ ] just girly things; when she sends you cute random texts <3333 [ ✉ ] srsly smth wrong or are u just feelin more emo tonight than usual [ ✉ ] besides. isnt it kinda ur job to love death and dying
[txt] well, when you put it that way, it is kind of fascinating [txt] I suppose from a medical perspective, no morbid intentions here [txt] I was being sarcastic though [txt] I showered... washed every bit of me three times... but I still feel like I smell of compost [txt] nothing loveable about decomposing beings, especially humans [txt] I hope you weren’t eating rn
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seraxmi · 7 years
[txt] well, this could hardly be a greeting[txt] and hardly a code either...
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seraxmi · 7 years
[ ✉ ] this is a terrible idea
[txt] couldn’t be as terrible as waking me up right after I had fallen asleep, now could it?
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seraxmi · 7 years
[ ✉ ] it’s 3 am and i can’t sleep
[txt] You too? Must be something in the air tonight...[txt] But what’s up, Channie, what’s on your mind?
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seraxmi · 7 years
[ ✉ ] it’s 3 am and i can’t sleep
[ txt ] that’s the worst, especially when the option to sleep at night for once is available[ txt ] what’s on your mind, doc’?
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seraxmi · 7 years
[ ✉ ] anyway i’m bleeding, like, really badly. no worries though i’m good
Of course the message gives her the biggest fright, and she calls in such a rush that she doesn’t realize she’s cancelled her own call accidentally when she put her phone on her ear.
[ txt ] WELL ANSWER THE BLOODY PHONE![ txt ] You don’t just put “bleeding really badly” and “no worries” right next to each other!!![ txt ] ANSWER DAMMIT WHAT HAPPENED WHERE ARE YOU?!
[ outgoing call ]
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seraxmi · 7 years
[ txt ] happy valentine's day~! or as I like to call it 'the day before chocolates go on sale' ^w^b
[ txt: Dr. Lee ] Hey Doc, it’s a bit late at night right now, but I don’t know if I’ll remember to reply later if I wait[ txt: Dr. Lee ] I just got back to the lab and received your kind gift. I truly appreciate it, and everyone pulling the graveyard shift does too![ txt: Dr. Lee ] [img_attachment][ txt: Dr. Lee ] Thank you for brightening up our night a little, despite the circumstances[ txt: Dr. Lee ] Food always brings some light to people’s eyes![ txt: Dr. Lee ] And do me a favour, tomorrow (aka today), eat twice as many chocolates, because I doubt I’ll get the chance… ( ´ ▽ ` )[ txt: Dr. Lee ] Thanks once again, and please stay safe! (´。• ᵕ •。`) 
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seraxmi · 7 years
(txt) I got a package on my doorstep, opened it, and found a shit ton of books and other items. (txt) but then I actually looked at the labels, turns out someone gave me your mail (txt) I'm so sorry. (txt) But I wanted to let you know rather than trying to be sneaky and making it look as if it wasn't opened
[txt] It finally got here then![txt] Well thank goodness it was delivered to you and not someone else.[txt] It would have marked the third time this package was lost!
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seraxmi · 7 years
[ ✉ ] fuCK you f*ck your cartoon hotdog husband fuck his stupid sunglasses and FUCK the ketchup kids (and fuck THEIR sunglasses) (drunk text 1 AHA)
[txt] Considering how this doesn’t make an ounce of sense, I’m going to assume you’re very drunk right now...[txt] But seriously... hotdog husband? ketchup kids?
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