mosscr0w · 7 months
I rewatched episode 15, where the iconic fighting scene between Gillion and Chip happens and when you think about it this scene could reflect their different childhoods so much. Gillion grew up as a soldier. Always fighting. Never really talking. His first instinct is to fight and that became his technique for dealing with problems as well. Not with malicious intent. Just with intent to resolve the situation. Chip on the other hand grew up as a street rat. He is used to fighting but is also more versed in the technique of talking himself out of his problems. He probably fought mostly in times when he had to protect himself. He fought to survive and learned to see fights as life-threatening situations. That's why he doesn't share Gillion's sentiment when it comes to resolving problems. He doesn't see Gillion raising his sword at him without malicious intent. He automatically assumes he is in danger. That Gillion wants to hurt him for real and it makes him feel betrayed because he didn't grow up only as a street rat. There was a time when he was with Black Rose. Pirate crew he idolizes and that makes him idolize his crew as well. The moment Gillion raised his sword and beat him up to near unconsciousness was a moment Chip thought was a final one for their relationship. After all, how can the crew where a captain was beaten up by his first mate even work? How could this family work?
They resolve it in the end but this moment makes me think a lot.
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mosscr0w · 11 months
JRWI riptide brainrot from ep. 26 (kinda spoilers?)
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I can’t help but see such an interesting kinda duality between Chip and Gillion. We have Chip with moral backbone of a chocolate eclair, known as a bastard, who see things in more gray light, but also has no killing if he can help it policy, only killing someone when people he cares about are in danger. And on the other hand Gillion, known as hero and the chosen one, with black and white morals, who goes feral and slaughters almost anyone he deems evil. Both of them are such a gray characters but from whole different but at the same time similar angles. My brain can stop thinking about what would have to happen for Chip to go feral too. (Don’t give me spoilers tho, still have a lot to catch up on)
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mosscr0w · 6 months
I'm stuck on the information that Price could be Captain Rose's kid. How the fuck that happened? From what we know from Chip Capitan Rose was an incredible guy. Probably not perfect nobody is, but at least a decent one. But Price? That guy is just a bigger bastard than Chip ever was. Little fucking bitch, asshole, eater of rotten dirt. (Yes I hate that guy xd) The only thing he visibly shares with his father is their big ambitions and need for legacy, but geez no wonder Chip freaked out a bit. psst psst on the other hand I'm secretly kinda glad this happened. Now we can have amnesia Chip angst where Chip tries to remember and that could be just heartbreaking. The whole relationship Chip and Price have is so much more angsty with this info. I want to say let Chip rest but… this is too interesting to not enjoy.
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mosscr0w · 8 months
I can't help but wonder how will Chipʼs relationship with Niklaus develop.
Their dynamic is already so interesting. Not only is Chip called “friend” by Niklaus, but he is also the one who can pursue Niklaus (all cuz of his insane advantage, but we can ignore that xd) into meaningful conversations. Niklaus shares information he has no reason to share with Chip under the blanket of the promise of secrecy. Like, sure, their meetings are usually unwanted and surprising for both of them, but isn't that also somehow interesting? (What's DM planning I wonder)
They are not on the same footing. I don't think anyone in the story can stand on the same ground as Niklaus, but I think Chip has the potential to get closer than most. Not sure if that's good for him, but it would be fun to see for sure.
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mosscr0w · 10 months
Jay, Chip, and Gillion.
All three are child soldiers, aren't they?
Or at least kids who grew up too fast so they could fight for their survival.
Gill from the moment he was born, was seen as a weapon. A tool to use in the future, and he was trained heartlessly to be just that.
Jay was born into a family which carries so much pride, so much responsibility, and honor she had to take as her own. She grew up with so much on her shoulders. She was trained not to be just a weapon but to be Ferin.
And Chip wasn’t trained to be anything but was thrown into a situation, where he had to learn how to be a warrior in his own right to survive in a world that wasn’t kind to him. Where he had no one to rely on but himself.
All of them had to suffer things no child should… even if their situations were different, their childhood self would still share that empty look only ones who survive had.
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mosscr0w · 11 months
Chip is the type of person who will do anything to protect his loved ones. He killed to protect Oli. He confronted part of his life he wanted to forget (Price aka bitch) for his crew. He calls Jay and Gil his family. But It’s his second family, isn’t it? Arlin and The Black Rose was his first one. What if he is put into a situation where he is gonna have to choose? He already promised to keep his old captain alive to Nikolaus. (His captain which went probably a bit bonkers. Let’s be honest with ourselves) What if his crew will want to defeat Arlin because Gil sees him as evil? Or something similar happens? What if Chip will have to choose? He probably will try his hardest to keep all of them safe. (Or at least alive) But that’s a kinda fast way to hell. Will he have to sacrifice himself? Or at least try to?
I have no idea if something like this happened or not yet. I’m still on episode 65. So really it’s just me making up silly little scenarios🌱 (or am I👀)
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