#jordan trahan
2022 best of
best parts
Nick Matthews - Venture x Uprise / Nike x HUF
Mason Coletti - RIGHT HERE FOR PABLO . Deep Fried Pescado
Eddie Cernicky - Deep Fried Pescado . RIGHT HERE FOR PABLO
Tiago Lemos - Primitive DEFINE.
Gustav Tønnesen - SOUR SOLUTION III
Leonardo Bodelazzi - Leozinho
Juan Virues - Hotel Blue pro ‘penthouse suite’
Cyrus & Max - Limosine Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Diego Todd - Hockey X
Braden Hoban - emerica Emerge
Tristan Funkhouser - Baker 420 . Deep Fried x Baker
Nyjah Huston - Need That . Shine On . “DISRUPTION”
Tyshawn Jones - “Play Dead” . KINGDOM COME . ‘The General’
Carlos Ribeiro - Primitive DEFINE.
Gilbert Crockett - DENIM CAR
Grant Taylor - Fantastic Voyage
Will Marshall - Alltimers You Deserve It
Shaun Paul - DC ‘NorthUnda’
Noah Nayef - April
Elijah Odom - Alltimers You Deserve It . Andrew RASCAL
Brian Reid - Brian, Brandon & Will . DGK Zeitgeist
Shin Sanbongi - adidas
Jordan Trahan - Ace ‘Fais Low Low’
Bobby de Keyzer - Bobby
Brian Delatorre - Live & Direct
Vincent Milou - SOLO: You Changed
Jaakko Ojanen - Manana . E.S.P. vol. 2
Ryan Lay - DR in Color . Sci-Fi Fantasy
Myles Willard - Bones Bearings . ”Myles and The Machine”
Will Mazzari - Brian, Brandon & Will . DGK Zeitgeist
Marcello Campanello - Maxallure pro
Heitor da Silva - Vice Versa Love
Jake Wooten - Big Sky
Felipe Gustavo - CODE
Ishod Wair - REAL
Ish Cepeda - AD ASTRA
Louie Lopez - As You Wish . “Honor Roll” . FA, Again & Again
Danny Renaud - Brass Tacks
Silas Baxter-Neal - Portland Public Skating 3 . Burrow
Brian Delatorre - Habitat Live & Direct
Keiran Zimmerman - Jenny x Emerica
best full-lengths
Polar - Sounds Like You Guys Are Crushing It
Antihero - Fantastic Voyage
The Sour Solution III
Primitive - DEFINE.
Hockey X
Supreme - “Play Dead”
Alltimers - You Deserve It
Shake Junt - Shrimp Blunt
Bronze TV Channel 56
Element - E.S.P. vol. 2
Deep Fried - Pescado
Cafe - TENOR
Rassvet - “I Missed You”
Homies - Fun Raiser
DGK - Zeitgeist
Plan B - CODE
Emerica - EMPOWER
Bleach USA - “SPIKE”
Foundation - Splendor
best breakout parts
Vince Guzaldo - Bleach USA “SPIKE” . Immortality Research
Davide Holzknecht - Baglady. Pack Light . Hélas
Arthur Ribeiro - Vento Bravo
Blake Norris - FULLER HOUSE
Alan Bell - be honest
Johnny Cumaoglu - Mind How You Go
Joe Campos - Hockey X
Brian O’Dwyer - She’s Cheating
Shane Farber - CONS One-Star Pro x RIDING A HORSE NAKED
Jake Yanko - “MOSQUITO”
Christoph Friedmann - LOBBY DREAMS
Donovan Wildfong - Glue ‘wick & spit’
Marley Humphrey - “DIME BAG”
Jason Nam - carousel
Sam Fairweather - Indy Raw Ams
best women’s parts
Breana Geering - Spitifre
Nelly Morville - Limosine Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Mariah Duran - Thunder
Adrianne Sloboh - Krux
Mami Tezuka - Blood Wizard “Destiny”
Nicole Hause - REAL
Reese Nelson - Birdhouse welcome
best independents
Tim Savage - Brian, Brandon & Will
Fritte Söderström - Jante 5:33 x Jante 11:00
Tor Ström - Is This The Place?
Gray Area: Push Button to Destroy the World
Mettz Quest 2 (nyc)
Eryk Burton - THE TALE OF A TOXIC KING (nyc)
Harry Bergenfield - She’s Cheating (Philly)
Nicolas Marti - be honest (nyc)
Neema Joorabchi - limp x okay then (nyc)
Jeff Cecere - Mind How You Go (nyc)
Felix Soto - “ANGEL” (LA)
Calvin Millar - THE SQUAD (Austin)
Emilio Dufour - MAL CIUDADANO (Uruguay)
My Favorite Things - 31 (Helsinki)
Andrew Meyer - flinch (Philly VX)
Viktor Kretsis - Down Low (Manchester)
gang international - WITH ALL DUE (DC)
Chris Mulhern - [untitled] 006 (Philly)
Leando Chocho - HANDYCAPS_2
Tyler Bamdas - V3
Alex Doyle - CLUB BANGERS 3 (Vancouver)
Portland Public Skating 3
DUPLEX 3 (West Palm Beach FL)
HITTIT 3 (Kopenhagen)
Tristan Warren - MONEY TIME (LA)
Zach Fuller - FULLER HOUSE (SF)
Get Lesta - Darling (UK)
James Morley - GOD BLESS (Toronto)
andres garcia - MILO (LA)
James Cruikshank - SENSIBLES (Paris)
Brian Hunter - SLANG (Long Beach)
Daniel Dent - faith in bro (LA)
best promo / medium-length / squad
Limosine - Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Free x Vans - Full Circle
The Union Square Video
Game On - Mark Suciu SOTY Trip
Chocolate - Upper Cruster
Primitive x Independent
eS Terminal 002
Bronze x DC What If God Said
Pangea Jeans - POCKET DIAL
adidas - The Sky Ain’t Falling
Pass~Port Nike
Internet Birthday ep.1
Thunder: Pleather Jacket
Last Resort AB - Alv’s Angels
Thrasher Germany Vacation
RACKZ Gallery - Pandora
adidas Australia - Light Years
Sunday Hardware - LUV YA LOTS x x
Baglady - Pack Light
HUF x Thrasher Brazil
Sk8land Skateshop - Veinte
Am Scramble 2021
Girl - ‘Desesh Mode’ Euro Tour
Poolroom - RUNNER UP
Brick & Mortar - Autumn
Maxallure “INT CIRCLE” . “Beautiful Thoughts”
Dime comp vol 7 - Alexis Lacroix
Vans - Scandis
Kadence - DAIS
WKND - BOTTLE NECK SEWAGE . Street Fighters 2 . Alan Gelfand High
WORBLE III: Rough & Tough
Tree skateshop x Delivxry Buenos Aires - TREENIDAD
Stussy - Car Pool
Frog x Thunder
another massive year in skateboarding. hope things are good in your world. tell your friends you love em & let’s persevere to make 2023 even better
extended youtube playlist here
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quartersnacks · 2 years
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idleberg · 7 months
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thedeliblog · 2 years
#481 Feltárcsáztad a szívemet. Vezetékesen.
videó: 07:00 perc
Ismét kellemes őszi videóval jelentkezett a Család. Így hívjuk csak a Theories Of Atlantis kötelékébe sorolt brand-eket, melyekről nagyon szívesen írunk, sőt be is szerezzük a Boltba. Tehát Hopps, Theories, Picture Show és itt van a DialTone kerékmárka.
Szeretjük az analóg analógiát, a tárcsahangot, a kerékként gördülő tárcsaforgást. Szeretnénk mi is azt hinni, hogy lehet ezt még manapság analóg módon csinálni:
Blogot írni, nem csak insta sztorit, ami huszonnégy óra leforgása után már csak a kitevő archívumában gyűlik, mint a szemét.
Deszkás boltot vinni, ahol megforgathatod, megszagolhatod a lapot, mielőtt megveszed, ahol segítséget kapsz, ha eddig nem tudtad felrakni rá a smirglit. Ahol lehet beszélgetni deszkásokkal, deszkázásról vagy akármiről. Hogy vagy? Mi a mai trükk? Megyünk hajtani? Ahol nem kell webshop, meg multikulti, hanem elég az analóg kontakt.
Többek között ezeket üzeni a Dial Tone. Létezik és tovább él a tárcsahang, a szívből tevés a rideg, személytelen, akciós, digitális online kosárhang ellenében.
Hisszük, hogy még nem késő ezt megugrani.
A DialTone - Landline egy hétperces igazi utca videó, igazi emberekkel, akik sokat tettek az autentikus és stílusos deszkázásért. Jó zenékkel és hangulattal. És csak tárcsázunk, tárcsázunk és tárcsázunk, hadd menjen a képmagnóban ez a videó. Ami nem csak egy videó, hanem maga az üzenet.
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taquaone · 3 months
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amytheforgetmenot · 7 months
Chapter 6: Commit To the Bit
Commit To the Bit: A Danny Gonzalez tale sequel
Sequel to Lost In the Rainforest: A Danny Gonzalez Tale
Overall story description: After being returned home Danny Gonzalez works to find the rat that kidnapped him, and in the process discovers disturbing secrets about the workings of the government, and finds they may have had a hand in his abduction. What will he do after learning about their plans? Will he find Marcelle? Will he save all of his friends?
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"I've made my decision." Danny stood at the end of the table across from Chad Chad, who was sitting at the head of the table. "What is it? I don't have all day. I have to make it to the pilates class I'm leading." She said.
"I hope I don't regret this." He thought. He breathed in and then out heavily, "I've decided to be the symbol of this rebellion.'' Chad Chad had a straight face, Amy and Radio Rebel had a large grin, and to say everyone else was flabbergasted would be an understatement!!!
Everyone suddenly started clapping, including Drew, Kurtis, Jarvis, Jordan, Nick, and Eddy who all joined Danny for emotional support. Ryan Trahan was there too over video chat. They did collab once and he wasn't busy that day!
"Well, we will start your training tomorrow," She said. Danny nodded and tried to lead all of his friends out of the room down the large confusing hallway filled with mirrors. And after about 4 hours they managed to find their way back to the rebel base living room.
It was Danny's favourite place to lounge during the day because usually no one would be there other than his friends because all of the other people would be busy doing "war" or whatever. All of them sat down on the big comfy couch.
"Alright, bye Ryan!" They all said. Ryan finally hung up. He was not very helpful in getting them out of that long hallway, but regardless he stuck with them through it all. Truly a good fellow. "So, how are you feeling Danny? Do you need anything?" Jarvis asked sympathetically. Danny was drenched in sweat and had a seemingly permanent face of pure fright.
"Yeah actually. Can you find Gooby? I think his presence would really make me feel better." Danny smiled sadly. "Um, yeah sure I guess." Jarvis responded, "Do you have a home address?" Danny shook his head, "Work address?" Danny shook his head again. "City?" Danny shook his head again. "I think he lives somewhere deep in the Siberian taiga." Kurtis added. Everyone agreed in unison except for Jarvis who sat there with a puzzled look
"Thanks for the help buddy! Can you find him before tomorrow? I need his emotional support as soon as possible." Danny smiled. "Um... I- Yeah sure." He said, gingerly leaving the room as if not knowing if he was actually leaving.
"So now what?" Nick asked. "We could watch something on Netflix." Drew suggested. "No! Let's play Truth or Dare!" Kurtis demanded. Everyone anonymously agreed and formed a circle on the ground. "Danny! Truth or dare?" Kurtis asked. "Um... Truth!" Kurtis closed his eyes and thought really hard about what to ask Danny.
"Who is your best friend in the whole wide world?" He asked eagerly. "I would have to say Drew." Danny replied, looking at Drew and smiling. "Drew! Truth or Dare!" Danny said happily. "Dare." Drew giggled in excitement. "Recite the chorus of one of my songs!" He said. "Oh easy! ♪ I ghosted Kevin Jonas, not responding to his texts! I'm too busy getting checks, you're impressed! Cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas! I'm not even tryna flex, cause he's probably so perplexed, yeah he's stressed. Cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas! ♪"
Drew got up to take a bow and everyone clapped for him. "Bravo! Bravo!" Everyone cheered. Then everyone calmed and sat back down from their standing ovation. "Nick! Truth or Dare?" Drew asked. "Truth!" Nick replied enthusiastically.
"What's your biggest darkest secret!" Drew laughed. Nick's face darkened and the energy in the room completely changed. Everyone suddenly became very afraid. "I- I have to go." Nick ran away.
"Eddy! Truth or Dare!' Drew laughed. "Dare!" He seemed very excited. "Do a backflip!" Drew said in a sassy manner. "I don't know if this is a good idea. I think that's too hard." Jordan said. Eddy got up and suddenly had a look in his eye like he was a robotic boyfriend in How to Build a Better Boy and his programmed mission was to do a backflip. "No, I can do this." He said epically.
"This seems dangerous... you could really hurt yourself." Jordan warned. Kurtis got his phone out, "Backflip! Backflip! Backflip!" He chanted. Eddy suddenly did a perfect backflip!!! Everyone cheered in excitement! Eddy was so happy he did another backflip, and another, and another! Everyone was so delighted they started throwing money at him! "Backflip!" They all chanted. After about 30 minutes of Eddy backflipping and cheers, everyone sat down.
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"Jordan! Truth or Dare!" Eddy exclaimed out of breath from his display of strength. "Dare I guess... but don't make me do any extreme examples of the physical capabilities of man." He said concerned.
Eddy wasn't sure what to say now. He went into a group huddle with everyone to brainstorm what to make Jordan's dare. After about 15 minutes they came up with the perfect dare!
"Prank call Jarvis!" Eddy giggled, barely able to say the words without cracking up completely. "Alright." Jordan got out his phone and called Jarvis up.
He tried and tried, but kept only getting voicemail! "He must be out busy trying to hunt Gooby." Kurtis said, "that can be pretty exhausting, trust me." Suddenly, Amy busted through the door with a face of pure terror!
"Jarvis is gone! They kidnapped him!!!"
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remixinc · 1 year
"Do Better" by Ab-Soul from Omar Jones on Vimeo.
The video for Ab-Soul’s “Do Better” is an artistic visual reinterpretation of real-life events that have occurred in Soul’s life. It explores the trials and tribulations of a man who has reached his breaking point. Soul faces loss, regret, depression but emerges stronger on the other side.
ARTIST - Ab-Soul DIRECTOR - Omar Jones EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - Anthony "Top Dawg" Tiffith EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - Anthony "Moosa" Tiffith Jr. EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/ PRODUCER - David Wept EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - Austin Barbera PRODUCTION COMPANY - SixTwentySix Productions CREATIVE PRODUCTION - Mecca Studios HEAD OF PRODUCTION - Kai Yuricich PRODUCTION COORDINATOR - Amber Bolden POST PRODUCER- Dan Gillette RECORD LABEL - Top Dawg Entertainment PRODUCER - Farah Idress PRODUCTION MANAGER - Dain August 1ST AD - George Solomon 2ND AD - Arielle Zollezi DP - Kristian Zuniga 1ST AC - Spencer Wood 2ND AC / DIT - Emilio Fermin GAFFER - Vatche Giragossian BBE - Dimitry Kharmov ELECTRIC - Serge Svetnoy KEY GRIP (DAY 1) - Stu Brumbaugh KEY GRIP (DAY 2) - Nick Lundstrom BB GRIP - Corrie Anderson GRIP - Coda Abatti GRIP - Cody Ingham LOCATION MANAGER - Ron Dabach PRODUCTION DESIGNER - Lucca Liberal SET DRESSER - Nandalal "Mike" Ranglall TRUCK PA - Wontel Washington SET PA - Jibriel Rabinowitz SET PA - Garo Kahwajian SET PA - Peace Kumeh OFFICE PA - Trent Mear CASTING - Mills Ticket Casting SET MEDIC - Tori Parello STYLIST (DAY 2) - Cynthia Irene EDITHOUSE - Barbershop Post EDITOR - Omar Jones FINISHING EDITOR - Miles Trahan TITLE/CREDIT DESIGN - Onda SOUND DESIGN - Thomas Nielsen COLOR PRODUCER - Nat Tereshchenko COLORIST - Dante Pasquinelli VFX - Digital Axis VFX SUPERVISOR - Sherif Higazy VFX ARTIST - Justin Johnson AI VFX - Lyell Hintz SPFX MU SUPERVISOR - Alan Gonzales LAPD - David Ham LAPD - George Aguilar SITE REP - Mito
2ND UNIT CREW 1ST AD - Khyber Law PRODUCER - Henry "Hendo" Anguiano TRUCK PA - Jordan Espinoza AD PA - Emonie Hubbart SET PA - Isaiah Jamel SET PA - Tim Harris SET PA - Carlos Acosta CAMERA PA - Matt Motyl DP - Cory Burmester 1ST AC - Duy Nguyen 2ND AC - Tanner Charnstrom STEADICAM - Zachary Stankey BTS - Daniel Maldonado BTS - Elle Jones GAFFER - Tristan moffat BB ELECTRIC - Connor Soules KEY GRIP - Luke Poole BB GRIP - Myles Evenson GROOMING - Ashley Sarmiento WARDROBE - Cyn
3RD UNIT CREW 1ST AD - Julien Baner DP - Grant Duncan 1ST AC - Sai Aung-Tun STEADICAM OPERATOR - Chris Pinto GAFFER - Tom Peake KEY GRIP - Kevin Woodruff SWING - Josh Anderson AUDIO RECORDIST - Jason Allen DRONE - Josh Ewalt CRANE - Bryan JIB Sprow HAIR - Antonique SET PA - Miles Quigless SET PA - MyTia Elliott
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mostlyskateboarding · 5 years
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hollarrr · 5 years
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Jordan Trahan Ollie up Kickflip over , this is a still pulled from 4K video
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cherlas · 4 years
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nyskateboarding · 6 years
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Friends Section “NY Archive” by John Valenti (2018) Here's the friends section of John Valenti's N.Y. Archive video featuring: Kevin Coakley, Mark Suciu, Taylor Nawrocki, Jordan Trahan, Bobby Worrest and more.
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betterskatethannever · 4 months
2023 best of
best parts
Cyrus Bennett - HUF FOREVER / Johnny's Vid / 7 Ball
Patrick Praman - Three Seasons / REAL pro
Miles Silvas - City to City
Donovan Piscopo - Pawnshop x Nike 'Old Soul'
Bobby de Keyzer - 2411-Q02 HD24 (HARD DREAM)
Mason Coletti - Viva Mexico / Back to My World
Nick Matthews - HUF FOREVER / AM Scramble 2022
Rowan Davis - Lad is Pro as
Leo Romero - SKATER
Alan Bell - ab
Evan Wasser - Sk8 Prodigy
Eddie Cernicky - Inferno
Oscar Candon - Giddy #13: Abseiling Down
Mason Silva - HUF FOREVER / Take a Lap
Joey O'Brien - Alien Workshop / Thunder
John Shanahan - DOUBLE UP / Double Down
Jahmir Brown - BETA BLOCKERS
Ryuhei Kitazume - Meet You There / LENZ III / Nike x Tightbooth
Akwasi - Sci-Fi Fantasy / TOTAL ACTUAL COMFORT
Hermann Stene - Lille Rotta
Conor Charleson - Slight Inclination
Antonio Durao - Johnny's Vid
Max Palmer - Johnny's Vid / "Spiked Off" / LIMO / Atlantic Drift
Ville Wester - What Now? / 7 Ball / BETA BLOCKERS
Jordan Trahan - Hurricane Party / STATIC VI
best full-lengths
Foundation - Whippersnappers
Nike - 7 Ball
Tightbooth - LENZ III
Static VI
Lakai - Bubble
Magenta - Just Cruise II
best breakout parts
Felipe Munhoz - Devaneios
Tobias Christoffersen - Bissemayn Canape
Ben St. Aubin - rendered
Johnny Cumaoglu - DON’T ASK ME WHEN
Jason Nam - Carousel / SIMULATION
Johnny Purcell - Nova Scotia
Justin Grzechowiak - STRIKING DISTANCE 2
Rio Morishige - LENZ III
Jedd Mckenzie - Indy Raw AMs
Morgan DT - Empire MISMATCH
best womxn+ parts
Leo Baker - Nike signature
Sam Narvaez - HUF FOREVER
Nicole Hause x Chloe Covell x Hayley Wilson - Gassed Up
Cata Diaz - Cachai
Keet Oldenbeuving - Don't Walk
Fabiana Delfino - Santa Cruz / Swamp Week / FAST AF
Vitoria Mendonca - Element pro
Arin Lester - Sci-Fi Fantasy
Jenn Soto - Thunder
best independents
SHOPAHOLICS: Abandoned Mall
Circle by Chase Walker
Brett Nichols - Pathways 2 / Broadway
Steve Mastorelli - DON’T ASK ME WHEN
Fritte Soderstrom - Jante 5:36
best promo
GX1000 - Viva Mexico
adidas - Abnormal Communication ep. 5 Paris
Pawnshop x Nike - Old Soul
This is Not the New Sour Video
Bronze TV ep. 2 (8/17/23)
Samurai Safari II
AM Scramble 2022
Quentin Guthrie - Assets
youtube playlists: best of 2023 (100) great vids 2023 (485)
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quartersnacks · 4 years
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Youtubers ✨
JackSepticEye Markiplier MrBeast PewDiePie Lets Read MrCreepypasta Quackity Danny Gonzalez D'Angelo Wallace Cinema Summary Memeulous WillNE James Marriott ImAllexx Nick Crowley Jarvis Johnson Nexpo SomeOrdinaryGamers Wow Such Gaming Pyrocynical The Anime Man Lost Pause Misty Chronexia CDawgVA FlareBlitzed Lord Bung The Right Opinion Leon Lush Cody Ko Noel Miller ManlyBadassHero Kappa Kaiju Night Mind INabber Rebal D Inside A Mind Mac Does It Ryan Trahan AlphaRad Eddy Burback T9 Ten Hundred Night Docs Tom Harlock Drew Gooden Mairusu Angel Ganev Jimmy Snow Kurtis Conner MrWobbles MamaMax Jordan Adika Vanoss Matthew Patrick Wendigoon DanTDM Darkiplier Anti-JackSepticEye
Hailey Elizabeth Tee Noir The Queer Kiwi Ur Internet Mom Ash Miiasaurus Tiffany Ferg ContraPoints AkiDearest Liza Koshy Michelle Platti Izzzyzzz Jordan Theresa Strange AEONS Safiya Nygaard LoeyLane SkullFvck Casey Aonso Amanda the Jedi Rowan Ellis
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thedeliblog · 4 years
S-KaranTEn #21
videó: 10:29 perc
A Sony VX4000 egy olyan HD kamera, amit úgy terveztek, hogy visszaadja a klasszikusnak számító VX érzését és képi világát. Nem sok van vagy lesz belőle a piacon, de a New Balance stábjának sikerült megkaparintania egy prototípust néhány éve, amiből rengeteg remek videó készült. Most egy nyersanyagot láthatunk a korábbi felvételekből.
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phroyd · 5 years
WASHINGTON — After months of anticipation, Robert S. Mueller III, the former special counsel, on Wednesday delivered nearly seven hours of dry, sometimes halting testimony before Congress. Republicans and Democrats sparred over his conclusions, but in back-to-back hearings, Mr. Mueller mostly reiterated the findings of his two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election without offering any significant new disclosures.
Here are seven takeaways.
Mr. Mueller batted down President Trump’s claims about his report and threw a few barbs.
Mr. Mueller may have been reluctant to go beyond the four corners of his 448-page report, but with a series of one-word answers and short-winded darts, he dealt a sharp blow to President Trump’s version of events by broadcasting his own meticulous research.
Asked if Mr. Trump “wasn’t always being truthful” or complete in his written answers under oath to the special counsel’s questions, Mr. Mueller responded, “I would say generally.” He called Mr. Trump’s encouragement of the WikiLeaks releases of purloined Democratic emails “problematic” to say the least. He fretted that the Trump campaign’s openness to accepting Russian assistance would prove to be “a new normal.” And he warned that not only had the Russians not been deterred from election interference, but “they’re doing it as we sit here.”
Under questioning by Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California and the Intelligence Committee chairman, Mr. Mueller agreed that receiving campaign assistance from a foreign power was “unpatriotic” and “wrong.”
The most helpful moment to Democrats may have come as Mr. Mueller faced his first questions, from Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee. It is a sequence that is likely to play out on television and in political ads for months to come.
“Director Mueller, the president has repeatedly claimed that your report found there was no obstruction and that it completely and totally exonerated him. But that is not what your report said, is it?” Mr. Nadler asked.
“Right, that is not what the report said,” Mr. Mueller replied.
The exchange went on in that fashion, with Mr. Mueller shooting down Mr. Trump’s claims.
Time and again, Mr. Mueller defied Democrats looking for a flashy new moment.
It did not take long for the routine to become predictable: Democrats asked a leading or politically damaging question, and Mr. Mueller demurred. The special counsel clearly laid down limits.
“The most important question I have for you is why? Why did the president of the United States want you fired?” asked Representative Ted Deutch, Democrat of Florida.
“I can’t answer that question,” Mr. Mueller replied. It became a frequent refrain.
He repeatedly declined Democrats’ invitations to read passages from his report, consciously depriving Democrats of potentially useful footage of him speaking aloud some of the most damaging material he uncovered.
When Representative Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of New York, walked through an analysis suggesting that several episodes documented by Mr. Mueller met the criteria for obstruction of justice, the former special counsel tossed cold water his way.
“I don’t subscribe necessarily to the way you analyzed that,” Mr. Mueller said.
The Democrats’ challenge was visible in miniature when Representative Jackie Speier, a California Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, offered Mr. Mueller an open platform to tell the American people why they ought to care about his work. He essentially refused to step onto it.
“We spent substantial time ensuring the integrity of the report,” Mr. Mueller said.
“It is a signal, a flag to those of us who have responsibility to exercise that responsibility, not to let this kind of thing happen again.”
Republicans tried to sow doubts, but Mr. Mueller frustrated them too.
Republicans’ playbook with Mr. Mueller was clear: Trumpet prosecutorial conclusions beneficial to Mr. Trump while trying to sow doubt about the basic fairness of Mr. Mueller, the F.B.I. and his team. More often than not, they met a stiff arm from Mr. Mueller, but succeeded in roughing him up around the edges.
There were questions — sometimes tangled and obscure — about shadowy figures in the investigation, about the supposed bias of Mr. Mueller’s team of investigators, and about charging decisions. Representative John Ratcliffe, Republican of Texas, told Mr. Mueller that he had “inverted burden of proof” by detailing the president’s conduct without charging him with a crime.
“Respectfully, respectfully, you managed to violate every principle in the tradition,” Mr. Ratcliffe said. “I agree with the chairman this morning when he said Donald Trump is not above the law. He’s not, but he damned sure shouldn’t be below the law” either.
Representative Devin Nunes of California, the ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committee, opened with, “Welcome everyone to the last gasp of the Russia collusion conspiracy.”
But Republicans gained little ground in their effort to better understand why Mr. Mueller or the F.B.I. made the choices they did. The former special counsel swatted away questions on a salacious but unverified dossier of information on Mr. Trump used by the F.B.I., on the former British spy who compiled it, and on other aspects of the origins of the Russia investigation.
Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio asked elaborately why Mr. Mueller chose not to charge Joseph Mifsud, the London-based professor who told a Trump campaign adviser that the Russian government had obtained “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails. Mr. Jordan’s voice raised. His arms flailed.
Mr. Mueller answered, “I can’t get into it.”
Whither impeachment? Mueller did not help advocates much.
Liberals who support opening impeachment proceedings against Mr. Trump had hoped that testimony by the former special counsel would finally electrify their efforts. The early verdict suggests that did not happen.
Mr. Mueller himself clearly did not want to let the term escape his mouth, nor did he provide the kind of shocking new evidence or analysis that would have forced the issue. When Representative Mike Johnson, Republican of Louisiana, asserted that the special counsel’s report did not recommend or even discuss impeachment, the witness would not even nod along.
“I am not going to talk about that issue,” Mr. Mueller said.
The staunchest supporters of the impeachment effort pressed on anyway, and are likely to keep up pressure on party leaders.
“To not open an impeachment inquiry in the face of such obvious corruption is an abdication of the oath we took to defend our country, uphold the rule of law and hold the president accountable for his misconduct,” said Representative David Cicilline, Democrat of Rhode Island and the head of his party’s messaging arm.
One Democrat, freshman Representative Lori Trahan of Massachusetts, joined 90-odd other House members calling for the opening of an impeachment inquiry.
Others could follow this week, and some sensed new openness by Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wednesday evening to pursuing such a case. But with a six-week August recess looming and the views of most Americans fixed on what is now a two-year-old story line, a lasting shift in public opinion appears unlikely.
Mr. Mueller appeared a little shaky at the witness table.
In his years as F.B.I. director, Mr. Mueller was never known as a loquacious witness, but his performance on Wednesday frequently turned heads and prompted cringes from lawmakers looking on.
He stumbled over his words, asked lawmakers again and again to repeat their questions after misunderstanding or seemingly not hearing them, and declined to engage in any extended discussions over the legal rationale of his work. On occasion, Mr. Mueller, 74, appeared to be unfamiliar with details of his own report and even in one instance his own résumé. That may have robbed his testimony of some of the power that many had expected.
When Representative Greg Stanton, Democrat of Arizona, asked which president had first appointed him as a United States attorney, Mr. Mueller could not remember, guessing that it may have been President George Bush.
“According to my notes, it was President Ronald Reagan who had the honor to do so,” Mr. Stanton said.
“My mistake,” Mr. Mueller replied.
But other moments proved stronger, particularly during the afternoon hearing with the Intelligence Committee. Mr. Mueller appeared more at ease and more willingly strayed from his written report.
The Justice Department’s opinion that bars charging a president brought confusion.
Democrats thought they had struck gold during the day’s first hearing when Mr. Mueller seemingly told Representative Ted Lieu, Democrat of California, that he would have indicted Mr. Trump if not for Justice Department policies prohibiting a federal indictment against a sitting president.
“The reason, again, that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the O.L.C. opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct?” Mr. Lieu asked, referring to the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.
“That is correct,” Mr. Mueller said.
Mr. Mueller’s statement directly contradicted what he wrote in his report and could have been damaging to Mr. Trump, implying that he was a criminal in all but name.
But when Mr. Mueller delivered an opening statement before the Intelligence Committee a short while later, he backtracked. He did not agree with Mr. Lieu’s statement, he said, repeating a version closer to what his team put in their report: that the policy prevented them from even considering whether to charge Mr. Trump.
“We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime,” he said.
Mr. Mueller offered a defense of his investigation, belatedly.
Through months of withering attacks by Mr. Trump and his allies, Mr. Mueller’s response was unchanged and often frustrating to his allies: total silence. On Wednesday, he finally pushed back, albeit late and with a light touch
“It is not a witch hunt,” Mr. Mueller declared flatly, when asked by Mr. Schiff about a term Mr. Trump has lobbed his way hundreds of times since the investigation began.
He betrayed stronger hints of emotion when Representative Tom McClintock, Republican of California, said, “Having desperately tried and failed to make a legal case against the president, you made a political case instead.”
Mr. Mueller replied, “I don’t think you have reviewed a report that is as thorough, as fair, as consistent as the report that we have in front of us.”
He had just as starchy a retort ready for Republicans who accused him of filling his office with partisan Democrats who were out to tank Mr. Trump.
“We strove to hire those individuals that could do the job,” Mr. Mueller, a Republican, said. “I’ve been in this business for almost 25 years, and in those 25 years, I have not had occasion once to ask somebody about their political affiliation. It is not done. What I care about is the capability of the individual to do the job and do the job quickly and seriously and with integrity.”
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