OT4 + Royal AU + baby fic for the combined tropes ask!
the royal nursery was quiet in the early morning, the only sound coming from the queen herself as she hummed a lullaby for the baby in her arms. rocking back and forth, she smiled down at the child, running the pad of her thumb over downy blonde curls.
“she’s beautiful,” whispered the king, coming up behind her to kiss his wife on her cheek, smiling down at their child. “spitting image of her father.” 
“lucky girl,” murmured the queen, twisting to look at her husband. “do you think they will notice?” 
“most likely. but they will say nothing; she is mine if i say she is.” 
behind them, the door closed, the duchess of cornwall making her presence known with a declaration, her husband trailing after her. “i held her first, therefore, she is mine.” 
“can we not share?” teased the queen, smiling as her lover came into view. “after all, I did most of the work.” 
“oh, so i did nothing?” huffed the duke, eyes that matched the babe in the queen’s arms twinkling. “ronnie, she’s beautiful.” 
queen veronica preened; she knew her daughter was beautiful, knew that she would have princes from across europe vying for her hand. and, if she were anything like her father, she’d be ruling their kingdom before the ink would dry on the marriage contract. 
duke roger knelt next to the rocking chair, his face soft as he looked upon his daughter. “hello, princess victoria,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her downy curls. “it’s your papa.” 
“has robbie met her yet?” asked duchess dominique, curling against the king. 
king john nodded, drawing her in closer. “we sent for him once the physicians had finished examining her, wanted him to meet his sister.” 
the queen looked down at her daughter and smiled. her family might be different and strange, but it was hers, and she wouldn’t change it for the world. 
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I find myself wanting some OT4 quarantine parenting with Roger and John being Good Dads. Say one of the kids has chicken pox or there’s a bad flu going around and they have a houseful of children who can’t go out for a few weeks and between the schoolwork and the cancelled birthday party there are things to get frustrated about...
oh my god it would be hell on earth
let’s say it is the chicken pox
ha #1 (henry) and ha #2 (hannah) come home from preschool with a letter that says there’s been an outbreak and to look out for symptoms
“this will never happen to us,” thinks john confidently
three days later HaHa are both spotted and feverish
roger had the chicken pox one terrible summer when he was seven, dom had it when she was four, and john when he was five
veronica, however, is pregnant with baby #7 (jupiter) and also never had it
“don’t you have like, five siblings?” dominique asks, squinting. 
ronnie shrugs, “we got lucky, i guess. ate a lot of soup.”
so ronnie gets her bags packed and is banished to garden lodge to spend two weeks quarantined with freddie and jim
it’s just john, roger, and dominique staring down the worst two weeks of their lives
so HaHa are first quarantined to their room, which appears to work great, right? like just toss the twins-that-aren’t-twins in the same room, feed them soup and ginger ale, bring them to the bathroom for oatmeal baths when they itch
it gets transferred to daisy
(how they honestly have no idea they thought they were SO GOOD about it)
so daisy gets like....two spots
really, like, the mildest case
half inch on her back, barely even itches, minor fever, she hides it well
she gives it to robbie, who in turn gives it to vera
this all happens in like......five days
vera is just knocked out with a fever, vomiting everywhere, she’s COVERED in spots, gets oven mitts duct taped to her to stop her from itching
robbie doesn’t have a bad fever persay? but he’s got the itchies and he’s DYING
so he and vera get thrown onto the couches in the den and they’re like covered in calamine lotion that dom has to reapply every 30 min 
she has an egg timer just for them
robbie had to be shoved into socks when they realized he was using his feet to itch at his pox
(“it’s almost impressive,” roger breathes, watching robbie hook his foot over his shoulder to itch his neck. “who knew he was that flexible?”
“he gets it from veronica,” john say sagely. )
their pediatrician HATES them 
“anOTHER kid?? another one. seriously??? how???” 
meanwhile, at casa freddie
veronica is feeling v guilty that she’s having as good of a time as she is
freddie is like oMG A BABY!! and is going haywire getting her anything she could ever want or need
veronica’s hungry? 
she gets an entire charcuterie platter just for her
(”does freddie know i can’t eat half of this?” she asks jim, nearly on the verge of hormonal pregancy tears.
“i’ll eat it, don’t worry,” says jim, pretending like he’s doing her a favor. 
jim loves charcuterie
“does baby want caviar????” freddie bellows from the pantry)
her feet hurt?? 
freddie himself is rubbing them for her with this excellent cream he bought in la, think it’s made with bulls testicles but its lovely darling
on day 6 of the nightmare, daisy wakes up with a nightmare and the only person who will soothe her is veronica
no one else
john, roger, and dom are all cuddling her in bed, trying to get her to stop crying because its 2:17am and the other kids are all asleep but no
ronnie and ronnie alone will calm her down
so roger bites the bullet and calls ronnie
ronnie, who is sleeping star fished out with no one and nothing touching her for the first time in ten years, her back supported by fifteen pillows and the silk sheets/goose feather duvet, is awoken by jim shaking her awake
“who is it?” ronnie grumbles, pushing back the silk eye mask that freddie so lovingly let her borrow 
“mama?” daisy whimpers before descending into gut wrenching sobs
now, ronnie has been calling the kids every single day twice a day (breakfast and dinner) but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss them
she does
and she, too, starts tearing up as she shushes daisy, promising her it’s okay, no, scooby do doesn’t live in your closet, he can’t hurt you
it takes her thirty minutes to settle her down enough to go back to bed, and then another forty-five min for ronnie to stop crying herself
the next morning, she calls the other three and spends hours on the phone with each of the kids
even though kitty is only 2 years old and disinterested in anything other than playing with the chord
and that vera is still highly feverish and spends the entire phone call snoring in between furious boughs of itching
on day 8, HaHa are finally symptom free 
“it’s going to take us eight days,” dom says, dazed, slathering a fresh batch of calamine onto vera’s back. on the floor, robbie is making like a dog and wriggling on the carpet in the hopes that it will quell the itching 
“lord have mercy,” says roger, arms full of oatmeal as he rushes upstairs to where john had wrangled kitty into the tub
robbie manages to scab over, which they thought was great until they realize they shed
(roger pukes when he realizes it)
(the less said about it the better)
soon, all the healthy kids (daisy and haha) get stuck in one wing of the house while the others (robbie, vera, and kitty) get put in the other
roger, john, and dom take turns sleeping in opposite wings so that the kids are never alone
on day 10, vera’s fever breaks in time for her to experience a new round of blisters
(“can’t we just, i don’t know, knock her out?” dom asks over her crying. “might be more humane.”)
meanwhile, ronnie is depressed and missing her kids
phone calls just aren’t the same
so she escapes from garden lodge and runs away back home
knocking on the windows, she stands in the garden and waves to the kids, letting them open the windows so they can shout down to her
robbie, vaguely pink from the frankly terrifying amount of calamine lotion he’s been slathered in, hangs out the window
“mama!” he shouts. “i had thirty-seven scabs fall off today!! thirty-seven!”
“that’s wonderful, baby!” ronnie says, though she feels a little sick at the thought of it. “how are your sisters and brother?”
“mama, kitty broke my barbie and ha #1 threw up on my slippers,” daisy informs her from the other wing of the house. “daddy said shit when ha#1 threw up and then told me i wasn’t allowed to repeat it or tell you that he said shit....what does shit mean?” 
ha #1 gets a boost from roger to look out the window. ronnie waves back at him before frowning, squinting up at him
“roger, i thought henry was better? why is he covered in spots?!”
“he missed his spots so he used a marker to color them in,” roger hollers back, hiking him up high on his hip. “john thinks it’ll wash off in a few days.” 
ha#2 gets so excited at the sight of veronica that she runs right into the sliding glass door and fucking bounces off it
roger has to spend the whole visit soothing her and giving her one of the popsicles they bought for vera’s fever
meanwhile, dom is on the phone calming freddie down that “no, ronnie didn’t get kidnapped, she’s just visiting...”
john is holding kitty and having her wave down at ronnie while propping up a half-conscious vera who is immensely spotted and miserable, still wearing the oven mitts
which, in hindsight, is the kiss of death
turns out, john didn’t actually get the chicken pox at age five like he thought he did
JULIE got the chicken pox, and john spent the week at his grandma’s house getting fed ice cream and hobnobs
the next morning, the first spot appears
then another
and another
and before they know it
john is quarantined to the same wing of the house as vera, robbie, and kitty
“you’re an idiot,” dom sighs as she spoon feeds him chicken noodle soup while roger uses a cotton ball to spot calamine lotion on the worst of his blisters
“this is the worst thing thats ever happened to me,” bitches john, trying not to itch at his stomach
“papa, i don’t feel so good,” moans vera right before unleashing hell on the bedding
kitty and robbie heal up, and they advance to the healed wing of the house where roger spends his days enforcing naps (so he can nap) and playing monopoly
(he loses to robbie every round, even when he TRIES to win)
vera gets two more days in isolation before she’s deemed healthy, leaving just john to lay in quarantine alone, catching up on coronation street and his sleep
ronnie comes home after seventeen days bearing lots and lots of gifts for the kids
they all clamber all over her like puppies, each talking over the other as they talk about everything that they’ve done, what she missed, who had the most scabs (it was a tie between robbie and john), who threw up the most (vera), who had the highest fever (ha #2), and who ate the most oatmeal while in the bath (kitty). 
that night, she is the only one allowed to put the kids to bed, tucking them each into bed with a kiss and a story
by the time she’s done, robbie snoring into his pillow, she’s exhausted
after seventeen days of pampering, she’s almost annoyed at having to share a bed again
she didn’t realize how lovely silk sheets were, or how nice it was to sleep diagonal
and did roger always run this hot at night??
but then dom curls up close next to her, her hand on her bump, and roger fluffs her pillows before she goes to sleep
and john slips his leg between hers to support her legs and she realizes that she’s never slept better
(that is until ha#1 throws himself into the middle of the bed announcing that he’d peed himself and no he hasn’t changed his pajamas) 
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40, Hot Space OT4 angst
40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
oh man, you realize the alternative ending would be them not getting back together, right? like, roger would either a) never be able to trust them again b) not want to trust them again or c) die. 
but basically what would happen is roger would throw himself into the cross, and queen would end up dying. it’s freddie’s decision, he just can’t handle seeing roger suffer through dealing with seeing john and continuing to drink himself halfway to death. so queen ends, and roger starts the cross, which becomes stupidly famous. probably helps that freddie and roger make lots of songs together. 
(freddie watches from across the studio as john approaches roger, his hands twisting as he tells him that “daisy’s been saying that she really misses him, and well, it would be good for her if you came over for dinner this weekend.” and freddie is just so fucking tired of watching roger’s kids get dangled in his face and taken away from him while he has to drive him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped. so he announces at the end of practice that he’s done, queen, is dead, and he’s going on his own way. because he’d kill queen, he’d give up everything, if it would save roger. he loves roger more than he loves himself, the money, the fame.) 
after one of the cross’ shows, freddie introduces roger to debbie leng, and she’s like, instantly into him. roger, however, is still nursing a broken heart and trying to keep his family semi normal, so he’s more hesitant to get on board with her. but after a while, he’s not seeing john as much, the wound isn’t as deep (still deep, still needs stitches, but he’s no longer working his way through a bottle of gin every night). so he agrees to go on one date with her, just to grab a coffee. one date turns into another, which turns into another, and another, and before they know it they’re dating. 
meanwhile, back at the big house, john and ronnie and dom are slowly realizing that they can’t actually fix things, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. they start to kinda close the wounds together, filling the hole that roger left behind, and slowly, things start getting better. it’s easier to see roger, and easier to communicate. they don’t withhold the kids, they start doing one week on and one week off, and they settle on a custody agreement. 
about a year post the end of queen, vera, their second child and roger’s biological daughter with ronnie, accidentally lets it slip that “daddy has a girlfriend her name is debbie and she’s really cool”. 
(roger kept debbie separate and quiet for as long as he could, but one morning he woke up and realized he was going to miss debbie for the week, and that he knew vera would really like her. so he introduces her as his good friend-- which robbie and vera see right through-- and by the end of the week, they realize, oh shit, debbie’s here to stay) 
it sends shockwaves through the family; dom, who has always been holding onto the hope that they can fix things, ends up having a breakdown; ronnie is like cool cool cooolcoolcoolcoolcoool; and john starts drinking again. it’s rough, really, and they don’t handle it as well as they can. 
meanwhile, roger has finally introduced debbie to his hoard of children and explains that they are all his, and he had three partners and when things ended it nearly killed him. debbie holds him close and promises that she’s not going anywhere, and she’s always thought that bali was overrated anyways. 
and it sucks, really, it sucks, because suddenly roger and debbie aren’t hiding their relationship, and the paps are just going crazy taking pictures of them and accusing roger of cheating on poor dominique, leaving her alone with their three kids (daisy, HA#1, and kitty) while veronica and john have to hold down the fort with the rest of their kids (robbie, vera, HA #2). and roger is getting vilified in the papers, but he doesn’t say anything because he doesn’t want them to a) be outed or b) hurt their kids further. plus, he still loves them. so he just kinda brushes it off and keeps working on the cross. 
debbie, meanwhile, loves roger’s kids, really, she loves them so much. and it’s hard, because the kids now have a third “mother” in their lives, and some of them (daisy, robbie) are really rebelling against her while dom/ronnie/john are really hurt that vera in particular loves debbie. plus, no one wants to see their kids bonding with someone else, especially when it means that debbie is proof of their relationship being dead.
it takes them a while to find some solider ground, and then debbie gets pregnant. now, the last time roger was going to be a dad, things fell apart before his eyes, so he’s really kinda shaken at the idea of losing another kid. and debbie grabs him by the hand and is like listen to me: i’m not going anywhere. you are the father of my baby and the love of my life and when i say i’m sticking around, i mean it. so they decide to get married in a small little courthouse ceremony with freddie and jim and crystal as witnesses. they keep it small and private, and they tell the kids later when its their turn. 
this time, its robbie who announces that “daddy’s married debbie AND they’re gonna have another baby”. the impending breakdown is somehow worse as roger never wanted to get married before, and now he’s married debbie. 
dom takes it extra hard, and it doesn’t help that she makes an offhand comment about it to jim, who, having staked his flag firmly for team roger, is like “oh that’s cuz he needed some stability, though i don’t know why, it’s not like debbie’s gonna leave in the middle of the night with their kid”. (they...don’t see much of jim and freddie for a while after that). 
the kids are...okay with the new baby. like, not super happy? but not terribly upset. and when the baby comes, roger is like look kids! new sibling! and again, this whole time he’s never treated any of the kids like they weren’t his, even the ones who are obviously not his (robbie, for one) he still loves so much because he raised them, he loved them, he cherishes them. so obviously little rufus is their sibling, too. 
(they were terrified that the new baby meant that they were getting left behind. robbie had always been told that dom and roger chose to love him, that the moment they knew he was theirs, whether not he actually was. so what if the new baby is proof that roger was gonna forget about his other kids and only love rufus??)
(stupid, really, roger loves all of his kids) 
and there’s drama as well where robbie wants to live full time with roger, but john and ronnie have to awkwardly explain to him that legally, he can’t, he’s not roger’s kid, so he can’t. neither can vera, even though roger is her dad. the only ones who technically could are the ones dom gave birth to, even though john is half of their fathers. and its terrible, and it causes one of the biggest fights between the kids and the parents because they’ve been told all their lives that roger is their dad and now he’s not?? and robbie ends up running away to freddie’s and roger has to awkwardly pick him up and be like robbie, buddy, you’re my son. you’ve always been my son, and you always will, but the law is the law. and i want you to stay with me, but so do your papa and mummy. and so you have to stay with them, but you can call me every day and still come see me. 
vera, too, wants to spend more time with debbie (she loves debbie, it causes a ton of friction because vera wants to be a model and debbie is helping her with that and dom and ronnie are like wtf does she have that we don’t) but she can’t either. and the kids are chafing under the custody agreement and it’s so. fucking. hard. (vera also doesn’t help by tag teaming the parents into thinking the other are okay with her and debbie going to london fashion week together, which sparks a terrible all out brawl between the five adults over custody and “real parents”).
eventually, they also realize daisy, who’s always hated debbie, is trying to parent trap her parents back together, and veronica and dom have to very gently tell her that, no, honey, they’re not going to get together, and it’s no one’s fault, it’s just what happens. there are lots of tears. 
so everyone gets put in family therapy, and they start to talk about what happened, and how to move forward. and it helps! they all start to heal, and they realize that yeah, it sucks, and they’ll always love each other, but what happened can’t be changed, and they’ve all moved on. 
the kids start calling debbie “mama deb” and they implement their own traditions and holidays, they buy a giant house out in the country where they get like three dogs and too many cats, and a cow because daisy was vegan for a hot second and felt bad for one, and HaHa love llamas so they get one (freddie’s terrified of it its great). and they spend holidays and birthdays as a family, and they slowly move past what happened. 
debbie and roger have a few more kids, and dom/ronnie/john end up having another baby as well. and the whole time, they just stress the importance of family: the kids are well cared for, they love each other, and they’re moving forward. 
and, when the kids grow up and get married, roger, debbie, john, veronica, and dominique are all up at the parent’s table smiling and laughing and celebrating the job well done that they did raising their brood of kids. dom/john/ronnie even come to roger and debbie’s kids weddings and graduations, and no one can ever deny how much they all love each other. 
no, it’s not perfect, and there are issues, but they love each other and they love the kids and at the end of the day they can say that they’re friends and that what happened happened. 
and, eventually, they all live happily ever after. 
p.s. vera is the one who finally sets the record straight on how roger was in a long term relationship with her parents, no, no one cheated, yes, she loves debbie she’s her step mom and fuck no they’re not terrible parents even though they were in a polyamorous relationship that imploded. she’s sixteen and fierce and the second it happens, miami gets the urge to buy a costco-sized tub of alkaselters for his ulcer. (it’s name is vera). ratty also looses £250 to crystal because he bet that it would be Ha#2 that would spill the beans, not vera. 
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