#joel miller x female reader x arthur mrogan
misspearly1 · 1 year
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When Two Worlds Collide Series
Chp1 || Chp2 || Chp3 || Chp4 || Chp5 || Chp6 || Chp7 || Chp8
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader x Arthur Morgan
Chapter Seven: The Final Straw
WC: 8.5k
Warnings: 18+ Content. Minors DNI. Alternative TLOU & RDR2 Universe. M/F/M Relationship. Angst with a happy ending in this chapter. Tensions between Joel, Arthur and Reader. Events relating to game missions (A short Walk in a Pretty Town & Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern & The Battle of Shady Belle). Smut. Oral (f receiving). Unprotected PIV. Make-up Sex. Double vaginal penetration. Mentions of anal & anal play.
AN: Nearly there, folks. We have one more chapter to go before the series is finished. I hope you enjoy the reading!
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It should never have happened in the first place, you tell yourself while tapping your foot against the ground furiously, your eyes trained on the man who was boiling the blood in your veins. Working for the Gray's and the Braithwaite's was a bad idea from the start, and that poor little boy suffered the consequences of his actions.
You can’t seem to control your anger. It was rising rapidly with each second you looked at him – the man who caused all of this with his greed for money. He couldn’t help himself. He just had to get the gang involved in an ancient ongoing feud between two families. 
When will it ever be enough? 
Scoffing with detest, you started clenching your fists to abate the frustration you felt inside. It was especially aggravating because you don’t have an outlet. You don’t have a means to release all the emotions you currently feel; anger, sadness, fear and worry. All of them torment your mind night and day constantly and it’s extremely exhausting. It’s a plague of disaster and distress that never ends, steadily and gradually driving you round the bend. You’ve never felt this level of hate for someone before. It’s actually quite shocking just how much you dislike him. 
What will it actually take for him to stop this nonsense? 
You sit around the outer edge of camp and keep your distance from the gang; from him. Tearing your eyes away and staring into the fire catatonically, you had all the time in the world to think about all the bad shit that's happened lately. The distance and isolation was a must. You need to stay away and keep your sanity intact, otherwise you’d open your mouth and speak your mind, which could prove to be damaging and hurtful for other people around. You don’t wish to hurt others with your words, only him. So you had to keep your distance and try to calm down. 
To put it simply, you just needed to be alone and ask yourself: what the hell is it going to take for Dutch Van Der Linde to realize that this shit has gone too far? Because you can’t take it anymore, but most importantly, you can’t handle watching everyone else suffer the consequences of his actions.
The reason you ask these recurring questions — today more than ever — is because little Jack has been safely returned to Abigail's arms. He was abducted by the Braithwaite's a few weeks ago before they handed him over to a man named Angelo Bronte. It’s been a tireless effort ever since then to retrieve the boy from the big city, and you’re happy that the tireless effort has finally paid off, but you can’t seem to get over the sheer fact he was taken in the first place. 
Jack is a child. Just an innocent child who absolutely doesn’t deserve something as frightening as this to happen to him. It's wrong and unethical, and you can’t even begin to imagine what was going through the poor boy's mind at the time. He must have been so terrified and confused, but to hear that he was treated well and cared for was a relief. You seriously hope that this experience hasn’t been scarred into his memory, that he will soon forget as time goes on and he gets older. 
Since Dutch fucked everything up with the Gray's and the Braithwaite's, the hideout at Clemens Point was abandoned. The gang was chased away, yet again, and forced to set up camp in a place called Shady Belle. It’s a traditional looking colonial house located southwest of Saint Denis, and the swamps at the back of the mansion were filled with deadly gators and water snakes.
In your opinion, the location wasn’t ideal because it’s putting you even closer to a larger population of society, and a larger population of society means a higher risk of running into the law. You don’t like this place at all and you’re starting to understand why Arthur misses the west. There’s less lawmen out there. 
But, as much as you hated this new camp hideout, you had to make do with it and persevere. Everyone else in the gang does and to be honest, you envy their strength and resilience to this sort of stuff. They’ve endured a whole lot more difficulties and hardships than yourself, but may God be your witness, you’re trying your damn best to hold on and not give up; to be strong like them. 
Miss Grimshaw, bless her tough loving soul, offered a room in the mansion for you to share with Arthur and Joel, knowing that you like to stay close to them, but you kindly denied the offer and chose to set up camp near the main road that leads into Shady Belle as an alternative. It’s what you prefer anyways. Not only because you like the space and distance, but because you can be on the lookout for any incoming danger as well. The current warning system in place is shooting a flare into the sky, and thankfully, there hasn’t been a reason to use it yet. 
As you sat around a little fire behind Shady Belle, yearning to be back at your own camp instead, joy and relief hung heavy in the atmosphere this evening because of Jack's safe return. There was a party in progress at the moment, the booze was dished out and passed around as the gang huddled together and celebrated. You would have joined and cheered over the victory, but you didn’t feel like celebrating. Not after everything that’s happened and certainly not because it was Dutch’s fault to begin with. 
Without a glimmer of doubt, you did feel a great wave of relief and smiled fondly over the sight of Abigail smothering her son with kisses, but you just couldn’t bear to be in the presence of Dutch after finding out he has plans to work for Angelo Bronte. You couldn’t stand to look at the man or hear him speak knowing that he is going to work for the very same person who abducted a little boy over some spilled moonshine. It’s just downright shameful and ridiculous. 
Frankly, the opportunities to gather money doesn’t mean anything to you because the safety of those you care for in the gang means a hell of a lot more. The man’s money-making methods are becoming inhumane and ruthless. When will it ever be enough? You ask yourself again and shake your head disappointedly. It’s apparent from what you’ve seen so far that it will never be enough and Dutch won’t be stopped until it’s too late. He doesn’t even listen to Hosea’s counsel anymore. 
You’re not naïve and stupid. You know that Dutch doesn’t actually give a damn about Bronte and is playing him like a fiddle, but you also know from recent experience that it didn’t turn out well when he did the exact same thing to the Braithwaite's and the Gray's. It’s like history repeating itself all over again. He inserted himself and the gang between the feud, causing little jack to be kidnapped and Sean MacGuire to narrowly escape his death. But it could’ve been worse, you have to tell yourself time and time again whenever things go wrong like this. 
Sure, things could have been worse and Sean would be dead and buried in the ground right now if it wasn’t for Joel and Arthur, but none of it should have happened in the first place. They took a seemingly harmless walk through the town of Rhodes for a security job – which was arranged by the Gray's – only to be ambushed for a second time.
A gunfight broke out suddenly in the middle of the street and the bullet that would have killed Sean only just grazed the side of his head thanks to Joel’s quick reflexes. He saved the Irishman, but when they killed almost every Gray in that town and returned to Clemens Point, that’s when they found out about the Braithwaite's taking Jack and another battle quickly ensued. 
Life as of late is becoming a never ending train of violence, murder and near death experiences. You did finally learn what happened to Joel all those weeks ago when he and Arthur were taken by the O’Driscoll’s, and you were right to assume that the storm heading towards the gang was only just getting started. It’s going to get worse before it gets any better, but you wonder who else has to suffer and put their life at risk for Dutch’s grand plan in the meantime.
Surely, there’s more than enough money to disappear and evade the law. Granted there probably isn’t enough money to jump right into a lavish lifestyle, but the gang would be given a chance to start fresh and earn their keep righteously. 
Sighing miserably, you bury your face into the palms of your hands and try with all your might to cling onto hope rather than letting up and accepting defeat. You didn’t want to give up just yet and searched your brain for answers on how to help the gang. There wasn’t a job you could get that would provide everything the gangs needed, nor could you participate in the illegal activities that they get up to each and every day either. It leaves you to think about the one viable option — escaping this shitshow and taking those who matter most with you.  
Deep down inside, you know that some members would rather die than abandon Dutch, Arthur being one of those people, but you’re already prepared for that with some secretive arrangements and choosing the perfect window of opportunity to escape. It’s not the best option out there, but it’s all you have left to try and save people from impending doom. You don’t have the skills to fight and rob rich folk for money, or the ability to find a job that provides everything the gang needs, but you do have Hosea Matthews' quiet helping hand to get this master plan in motion. 
He, just like yourself, can see what’s happening to Dutch, and he, just like yourself, wants to save those who really need saving; those who deserve to be saved and given a fresh start.  
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When Joel and Arthur finally returned to camp, they approached the hitching posts with smiles on their faces upon seeing the gang grouped together in celebration. It’s been a treacherous couple of hours evading the law from the big city. They don’t give up so easily and it was exceptionally harder trying to shake them off their tail. But no matter how exhausted they were, it was all a necessary effort that paid off in the end. 
The sound of Javier's voice as he played the guitar brought a great sense of pride and festivity. It was a singing testament to the safe return of little Jack and the booze being passed around was a toast to the success. He was home at last and it was truly a beautiful and glorious sight to behold.
A heavy sigh of relief left their lips like it was a breath of fresh air and a weight lifted off their shoulders. Arthur hopped down from the saddle first and marched his way into camp, taking John into a congratulating hug with a pat on his back. “You did good, Marston.” He said proudly before moving towards Abigail and Jack. 
“Oh, it’s a miracle.” The woman sobbed. Welcoming the man into her embrace and breaking into tears, he held her and her boy extra tight whilst rubbing a hand up and down her back soothingly. Neither of them should have ever experienced something like this and it infuriated Arthur to hear, feel and see how shaken up Abigail was over the whole ordeal. 
“Hi uncle Arthur.” Said Jack. 
“Hey Jacky boy.” Arthur grinned. Pulling back to look at the little guy, he felt a surge of happiness passing through his body before turning to John with a solemn look on his face. “I’m sorry this ever happened, but it will never happen again – that I will make sure of.”
Rising to his feet with that promise, he and John nodded with clear unspoken understanding. They each shared a grave look in their eyes, one that resonates their sincerity and word of honour. Nothing like this would ever happen again because everyone in the gang will make sure of it. Arthur will personally make sure of it. 
“Good job, buddy.” Joel joined in now and clasped a hand over Marston's shoulder, squeezing him gently. “I’m happy for yer, all of yer, and it’s a mighty relief to have the boy back.” 
“You said it.” John heaved with delight, also nodding in his direction for all of the help he provided. “Thank you, Joel. I appreciate everything you and Arthur did out there. I– I couldn’t have done it without ya.” 
“Yes you could, and you would have.” Joel insisted. “You did everything a father could for his son, and don’t you forget that.” He acknowledged the man's gratitude, but denied the credit since it wasn’t necessary. There was no need to thank him for what any person in their right frame of mind would do for an innocent child. He’s just happy to help out wherever and however he can with bringing a family back together. It’s the least he could do. 
Pulling John into a brief hug and a pat on his back, he looked at Abigail and Jack with a smile on his face, happy that they were finally reunited. After catching a glimpse of you on the outer edge of camp though, he excused himself and slowly made his way towards you. It worried him deeply to see you looking so dejected and dismal with your face buried into the palms of your hands.
He felt extraordinarily confused and worried because you were sitting all by yourself, as if you were hiding away from the gang and didn’t want to participate in the celebration. It wasn’t like you to isolate yourself like this. He would have thought you’d be sitting out here with the women and Hosea, sharing a beer or two over the good news. 
“Hey.” Calling out apprehensively as he approached, he noticed the way your eyes were roving over his body to check for injuries and quickly dispelled your concerns. “I’m okay, don’t worry. Me n’ Arthur did just fine out there.” He reported, then took a seat on the blanket beside you. Initially assuming that the reason you looked so dismal is because you were worried for his and Arthur’s safety, he was sorely mistaken when you still looked upset. “Is everything ok? You look sad and it’s not like you, babydoll.” He probed for answers. 
You looked at him and laughed dryly, “That obvious, huh?”
Leaning in to place a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips, you repositioned yourself to lay your head in his lap and rest easy knowing that he’s back from grave robbing with Arthur. It wasn’t their job nor their interest to do such a thing, but they were tasked by Angelo to check out the cemetery, and in return for the favour, they would get Jack. As you’d expect, the law showed up so they had to direct the heat away while John and Dutch brought the kid home. 
“I don’t like that you and Arthur are working for Bronte.” You said blankly, replying to Joel’s question as to why you looked sad. You didn’t want to lie to him about what's on your mind right now or sugar coat it. He needed to know how you felt. 
“I don’t either, but it had to be done, darlin’.” Joel reasoned unnecessarily. You already knew of the reasons why he had to go visit the cemetery. That was necessary to get Jack back to his parents, but continuing to work for Bronte isn’t. 
You huffed, “I know it had to be done, Joel. That’s not the problem.” 
“So what is the problem? Talk to me so I can help you, babe.” He almost begged. You heard the pleading tone in his voice and desperately wanted to tell him everything that you and Hosea were planning, but it’s better to keep it under wraps. Even though you despise the fact that you’re lying to him and keeping something as big as this secret, it was for the best because too many things could go wrong and fuck the entire thing up. You need to be careful about this, but you won’t, however, lie about how you feel towards Dutch and his plans for the gang. 
“I hate that Dutch has you running around like this. I worry all the damn time, Joel – worry that you’ll die out there and never come back to me.” Closing your eyes as you shake your head, it was agonizing to live in constant fear that someone might die and you can’t do anything about it. You can’t exactly voice your opinions to Dutch and tell him how you feel about the way he leads the gang. It would only peg you as the ‘doubter’ and make him question your loyalty. “How on earth could I live without you or Arthur?” You asked. 
 “You won’t need to because neither of us are gonna die.” He answered quickly and hoped to ease your plight, but to no avail. It wasn’t working. 
“You can’t promise me that.” Sitting up and rubbing your temples, you could feel a twinge of pain and tried to ease the oncoming headache. “Why can’t Dutch ask someone else to do these dangerous jobs for a change?” You implored desperately. Brows cinching together and lips wrinkled with anger, it was an expression that Joel didn’t like to see on your face at all. He’d gladly put anyone in their place for upsetting you, but because it’s the leader of the gang, it would cause issues for Arthur and he doesn’t want to do that. “Are you even listening to me?” You scoffed. 
“Yes.” Joel replied with a slight bark in his tone, making your face recoil even more. 
“This isn’t fair. How do you expect me to sit here day and night, acting like everything will be just fine? That you won't get hurt again?” Your hands kept balling up into fists as you struggled to find an outlet. Joel could visibly see all of your pent up rage bubbling over the surface. He’s never seen you like this before, and to be quite honest, it was rather alarming. “Don’t you dare say don’t worry because how the fuck can I not? Put yourself in my shoes, Joel. Would you worry for my life?” 
“Of course I would, bu-” 
You cut him off, “Exactly. So why does it always have to be you and Arthur that fixes everything?” 
“Because who else can fucking do it right besides me and Arthur!” He snapped out of frustration; a frustration that he didn’t mean to direct at you. “Fuck… Baby, I didn’t mean to say it like tha–” He tried to take it back, but you abruptly cut him off once again. “Oh, I know you didn’t.” You hissed before pulling yourself up from the floor. “But it’s exactly what I needed to hear.” 
Walking away without giving him a chance to speak in his defence, he quickly shot up to his feet as well and reached out to stop you. “Wait–wait goddammit.” He spun you around and held onto your arms tightly, like he was terrified to let go and never able to hold you again: like this was your last straw and you were done. “What are you saying? What does that mean?” 
Sweat began to gather along his forehead with fear and regret for raising his voice at you. He wasn’t angry with you. He’s angry because it’s the truth. You are right and so is he. It isn’t fair that it’s always left to him and Arthur to fix everything, but they’re the only people who can work together and get the job done without getting themselves killed in the process. Sure, they sometimes get a few bumps and bruises here or there, but it’s better than dying.
The way you looked at him now was harrowing. You wore a vacant expression on your face with tears rolling down your cheeks and the sight tearing his stomach to shreds. It looked as though you were suffering mentally, but were trying to hold on as hard as you could. The question of what you meant was unanswered as you fell silent and left his biggest fear hanging in the balance — his fear that you’d leave him and Arthur because you can’t take it anymore. He faltered and felt the breath escaping his lungs with that frightening possibility. 
“What does that mean?” Joel asked again, this time with a tremble in his tone and heart-ache pouring from his eyes. “How is that exactly what you needed to hear? Please say something, Y/N.” The man hoped and prayed to whoever was listening that you’d come back to him. It’s like you weren’t even looking in his eyes. You were looking through him instead, and the feeling it brought to his chest was painfully tight, as if constricting him from the ability to breathe.
These last few months have been difficult. There’s no doubt about that, but these last few weeks in particular with everything that’s happened around the Braithwaite's and the Gray's have been especially gruelling and burdensome. 
After what felt like an eternity, you finally exhaled a shaky breath and showed a fraction of emotion on your face, albeit it spoke of suffering and anguish, but it was something different from that numb expression. “Because who else can fucking do it right, besides you and Arthur?” You said simply, using his own words and hoped it would make him see things the way you do.
So long as Dutch continues with his tactics to make enough money, which will never be enough, he and Arthur will always be there to fix everything that goes wrong until they eventually can’t physically do it anymore and die. 
And just like you hoped it would, that realization started to creep into Joel’s face. He was starting to see things the way you were seeing them, and as you glanced over his shoulder to look at Arthur, you noticed that he was having the very same realization as well. The man looked broken and devastated, a wave of overwhelming emotions crashing into him all at once. It was extremely hurtful for him to hear because he loves Dutch like a father. They’ve known each other for almost two and a half decades, but he also can’t deny that he’s seen a dark change in the man he once knew. 
Lowering your head, you turned around to walk away, leaving them both to silently process everything that’s just been said and really digest it. There wasn’t anything else you could say anyways. You just wanted them to become aware of the direction the gang was heading towards and let them contemplate how or what they could do to prevent it. But when they think about it long and hard like you did, and come up short on answers, they will see for themselves that escaping is the only way out. 
Joel, you suspect, wouldn’t put up much of a fight, but Arthur will take a little more time and convincing. That you’re sure of and that’s what scares you the most. He’s tied down to Dutch with an unbroken bond of loyalty and devotedness, so it really makes you wonder just how far he will blindly follow a man that’s leading him to the end. Hopefully, not much further. 
Since you had very little interest in being social or partying with the gang this evening, you walked towards the very edge of camp near the river and sat down on the dock. You still needed that isolation and time for yourself to think about everything, and to let Joel and Arthur have a talk with each other before deciding where they stand and what to do next. It’s not your desire to split the gang apart. That’s the last thing you want to happen, but as it seems, that’s the only solution to prevent anyone else from risking their lives and dying for Dutch Van Der Linde. 
“Fuck.” Cursing under your breath, you wiped the tears from your cheeks and gave your mind a little break. The dock was just far enough away to drown out the sound of music and camp chatter to enjoy the tranquil resonance of water in the bayou instead. It was pleasantly soothing to watch the small waves rippling across the water and you could also see multiple alligators on the sporadic patches of land. While it was eerily beautiful, you didn’t dare take a chance on dangling your legs over the dock to feel the water on your feet. That would be a deadly risk of being yanked under by a gator hiding in the shallows. 
Curiously though, you did lean over the dock to take a peep into the water below. It was much too dark and murky for you to see clearly, and all the more reason to keep yourself away from the edge. You couldn’t say for sure what was down there and certainly didn’t wish to find out either. You just wanted to relax and enjoy the evening by facing the horizon, watching the sun slowly disappear for the night before the moon took over. It was a calming experience to witness, but most importantly, you enjoyed the colour transformation in the skies above. 
Much to your regret, it has been a while since you stopped and looked up at the night sky to admire the stars and constellations. You’ve been so busy and caught up with life as of late that you just simply forgot to take a break; a much needed break for yourself. In the quiet and unaccompanied moments like this, you used to spend hours gazing at the night sky and feeling at a loss for words. The last time you remember taking a break to look up at the stars was several months ago. As a matter of fact, it was a night that you could never forget. 
Back when the gang was hiding out in Horseshoe Overlook, and you stayed in that little homestead in Tall Trees, Arthur offered you and Joel to accompany him when tracking down the White Wild Arabian horse up in the snowy mountains of Ambarino. It was believed to be spotted somewhere around Lake Isabella, and as it turns out, that information was insanely accurate. You found the horse in the first hour of being there, and Arthur and Joel tamed her, but instead of heading back down the mountain, you stayed up there for one night to take a small vacation of sorts. 
Most of the day was spent setting up camp and making sure the horses were safely hitched up, kept warm and protected against the cold elements. It was an exhausting task trying to move around in the snow, but the turnout in the end was worth it. You had four or five tents connected together to make one giant temporary living space. Even the horses had their own area to be sheltered from the weather outside and after filling their stomach with food, they laid down to sleep for the night. 
You, Arthur and Joel however, didn’t really catch a wink of sleep. Hours were spent making love to each other under the stars instead, and once they were unequivocally satisfied and completely spent, you laid down with them at your sides, watching the skies beyond the tent slowly transforming from night and day. Joel remembered how much you enjoyed staring up at the stars and made the effort to put a transparent sheet of tarp in the tent for you. It was probably one of the most enjoyable nights you’ve ever had in a long time, and you wished to go back to that moment. 
Life just felt so unproblematic and simple back then, and it’s really quite shocking how fast things have changed. When you eventually came back down from the mountains, that’s when the gang was chased out of Valentine and pushed to move into Clemens Point near Rhodes. Nothing has ever really been the same since then. You don’t get the time to yourself anymore, or the time to take little vacations with Joel and Arthur either. They’re always busy with taking care of business 
Snapping out of your thoughts, the sound of the rowboat by the dock caught your attention as it thumped into wooden posts and it never occurred to you until now that the view probably looks better out there than what it does here. You then wondered if it would be a good idea to go out there. You haven’t rowed out to the middle of the river at all since you’ve been here, not even when you stayed at Clemens Point, but the thought of passing the gators was nerve-wracking. They won’t bother me if I don’t bother them, right? 
“Fuck it.” You muttered to yourself and concluded that it wouldn’t be much of a problem to just take a little journey out there  and really relax under the stars for a few hours. Checking your satchel first and making sure you have the essentials, such as a bottle of whiskey, some snacks, weapons and a book to read should you get bored – which is highly unlikely – you stood up and moved towards the rope tied around the docking posts. After untying it and climbing inside the boat, you held onto the dock tightly as your feet wobbled then took a seat in the middle. 
As you got yourself safely positioned and ready to disembark, you reached for the paddles when all of a sudden, Joel’s hand appeared from up above and grabbed them before you could. “Scoot over.” He said before climbing into the boat with Arthur mirroring his actions shortly after. Without uttering a single word in protest, you welcomed them both to join and sat back to relax. You’ve missed having their company like this anyways. It’s a good idea for all three of you to unwind for a little while and let the tensions die down. 
Once they were seated and ready to go, Joel pushed away from the dock and began rowing the boat through the winding waters in the bayou. It was getting darker and darker by the second, and to make it a little more spookier, a thick blanket of mist started to settle above the river, obscuring the view of gators and their exact whereabouts. You could hear them though, and the sound of their bellowing and hissing was frightening.  
Perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea to come out here all by yourself after all, but at least you have Joel and Arthur with you now. They seemed eager to take a break from chatting about things around the fire and happy to join you instead, as if it were much more enjoyable to pretend that everything about this life isn’t fucked up. You could see the battle Arthur was fighting internally. He looked confused and overwhelmed, struggling to look you in the eye and succumb to the reality that you were right about Dutch and the gang. He didn’t want to believe it, even though he knows deep down that it’s true. 
You’ve done all you can and it’s up to him now to make up his mind, but whatever he does decide, you won’t give up on finding an escape route and keeping it ready for him when shit inevitably hits the fan. You won’t be leaving without him. Reaching into your satchel, you pulled out the bottle of whiskey and took an exceptionally large mouthful before handing the bottle over to Joel. He took an even bigger mouthful of the substance before passing the bottle over to Arthur. 
The alcohol took the edge off and reduced the awkward ambience increasingly with each sip. It went down your throat like a treat with the second mouthful and warmed up your internal temperature nicely. You weren’t cold, but there was a slight breeze that pinched your skin and sent a small shiver up your spine. Once you finally broke free from the bayou, it was a relief to see miles upon miles of the river without that heavy layer of fog shrouding your sight anymore. You put your feet up on the seat beside Joel and leaned back in comfort, looking up at the glittering sky with a smile on your lips. 
It was heartening for Joel to notice such a positive difference in your mood, and consolatory for Arthur to see that you aren’t sick and tired of him. He was present during your quarrel by the fire earlier. He heard every word, but didn’t intervene and chose to listen instead. Besides, his input wouldn’t have done any good anyways. What could he possibly say? You weren’t wrong about Dutch. His methods to make money as of late have been detrimentally problematic rather than beneficial for the gang. The people are suffering and others have died because of this madness. Jenny, Mac and Davey. They all died. 
But did they die in vain? Arthur wonders. Ever since that ferry job in Blackwater, life has taken a turn for the worse and never returned to normal again. He wasn’t there, so he couldn’t see for himself how bad things were on that boat, but judging from what members in the gang have shared, it wasn’t good nor was it honourable the way things went down. Dutch killed a young innocent girl, and Arthur has never known the man to commit such a heinous act like that before. 
While Arthur undoubtedly accepts your reasons to be angry and upset with Dutch, he isn’t ready to throw in the towel and give up on him just yet. There’s still time to make things right again, but for now, he’s putting all that aside to make you his top priority this evening. It’s shameful for him to admit that he’s neglected you as of late. Daily work and business takes up the majority of his time and when he eventually returns to you late in the night, you're already asleep and much too exhausted to stay awake. He’s missed you; missed precious little moments like taking a boat ride into the middle of the river and gazing up at the stars together. 
You were laid back and relaxed when he finally lifted his head and looked at you. Even though your attention was drawn to the sky above, he smiled affectionately at the look on your face. It was a drastic difference from earlier by the fire, and just like Joel, it tore his stomach apart to see you so emotionally distressed. He’s also never seen you so angry like that before, and it must have taken quite a lot for you to even reach that level of frustration in the first place.
It’s all my fault, he said inwardly, blaming himself for not seeing things for what they are and causing your suffering. Although he felt a great deal of guilt, it brought the man some comfort to see your grin widen and your eyes close as you dangled your arm over the boat to dip your fingers in the water. It only just occurred to him that he’s never taken you or Joel out on the river before, and he should have done it sooner because you looked peaceful and relaxed. 
“Missed this, haven’t yer, beautiful?” Joel’s deep southern drawl pierced through your thoughtless gazing, the sound of his voice so delicate and heavenly to your ears. He felt the happiness radiating from you, as if it were rapidly spreading towards him and Arthur in the very best way. Each of them felt their shoulders drop with ease and reassurance knowing that you aren’t leaving as it’s both of their biggest fears. 
“Yes – yes, I have. It’s been a while, my loves.” You replied with graceful simplicity, harbouring nothing but reverence and affection in your tone of voice. The men knew you weren’t talking about how much you missed gazing at the stars, but how much you’ve missed having these moments together with just the three of you. The love you have for them is unbreakable and everlasting no matter how difficult things get in life. You’d never leave the two men you love most in this world, but truth be told, they needed to be shocked into thinking that it could happen. 
Upon feeling one of their hands resting on your leg, you hummed in content and savoured the touch you’ve been so deprived of in recent weeks. Intimacy has been the last thing on your mind since moving from Clemens Point and it was understandable given the circumstances of what happened. Soon, you felt another hand on your leg and the sensation was incredibly soothing, bringing a soft tingle to your skin that pimpled with goosebumps. Your smile deepened and you revelled in the basic human need for physical touch. 
“You missed this too, sweetheart?” Arthur asked when inching his hand further up your leg, the use of his seductive tone making your thighs squeeze together with a familiar pulse in your nether regions. You were aroused in a matter of seconds, but the contact of his calloused fingertips rubbing tantalizing circles above your knee was staggering. It felt like you were receiving your very first experience of passionate touch in the most intimate places of your body. The man was only rubbing and squeezing your thigh, but it was pure utter bliss. 
“Yes,” you exhaled a moan. Opening your eyes to look at them both, you were surprised to see that Joel had actually moved himself to sit on the deck of the boat with Arthur sitting in the middle now. They both looked at you like they were equally starved of your touch and desperate to feel the basic need for intimacy again. It’s a mutual unspoken feeling between you all, one that needs to be satiated now more than ever. Who knows when you’ll next have a moment to yourselves like this? 
“Will you let us take care of that?” Arthur proposed while slipping his hand even closer to your burning heat, parting your thighs ever so slightly before you nodded frantically in response. He held your legs and spread them apart fully now with his eyes traveling under your dress to look at the damp spot on your underwear. “Mhm. Already wet down there, I see.” Chuckling softly with a proud little smirk on his lips, he looked into your eyes and softened under your wanton expression. “Is this all for us, kitten?” 
“Uh-huh.” You moaned again, burning up under their lewd ogling at your panties. You saw Joel wetting his lips as he leaned forward and reached for your underwear, pulling the fabric down and completely off your legs before handing them over to Arthur – who then groaned deeply when holding them beneath his nose and inhaled the sweet aroma of your cunt. Flattery surfaced to your cheeks with the action, receiving a compliment from the way he looked so gluttonous for a taste. Both of them were. Their eyes were blown wide with lust and their cocks already starting to protrude outwards from their jeans. 
“Oh, me first.” Joel growled unashamedly then leaned in before his head disappeared beneath your dress. It was exciting not seeing how close he was to making contact and relying solely on the sensation of his breath steadily blowing across your pussy instead. You kept your eyes locked onto Arthur’s, watching the struggle he repeatedly faces every single time when you get intimate with each other, which is not knowing where to look as both options were evenly exciting. 
Opting to watch your face contort beautifully, he grinned when Joel finally pressed his lips against your cunt and your mouth fell open with the sultriest little moans leaving your lips. You already sounded breathless and needy, and it was all the more reason to give what you desperately desired. Not only did he finally realize what this life was doing to him, you and Joel, but he also realized that you’ve been severely neglected of physical touch as of late. Even the simplest gestures such as waking you up with a good morning kiss has been forgotten about. 
“Open your eyes and look at me, gorgeous.” Arthur ordered with gentle remonstrance, yet his steely gaze spoke of a deep primal urge to let go of all restraint and fuck you hard and deep. He was angry and frustrated as well. Not with you of course, but for the same reason Joel was angry earlier. When you opened your eyes and looked at him, they were as pretty as ever, darkened with euphoria and glossed over with lust. “That’s a good girl. Keep ya eyes on me, baby.” He rewarded you with praise, one that he knows makes you burn with passion. 
Doing as he so politely asked, you kept your eyes on the man and watched as he dug a hand inside his jeans and took himself in hand to ease the ache in his cock. He grunted and groaned from the self-pleasure whilst rubbing reassuring circles on your leg with his free hand. “Oh fuck.” You cried. Gripping the edge of your seat as you felt the peak of your orgasm nearing closer, Arthur reacted immediately out of impulse and yanked your dress up to see everything. 
He fisted his cock harder and faster now while watching Joel tongue fuck your pussy. The sound of him slurping on your desire was delicious and it was something that he loved to watch just as much as doing himself.  “Keep going and don’t ease up, Joel.” Arthur placed a hand to the middle of the man’s upper back, urging him to go faster. “She’s almost there, brother–” He looked at you now, grinning wildly. “–Ain’t that right, sweetheart?” 
“Y-Yes. God yes!” You sobbed and threw your head back, parting your legs wider to give Joel more room and Arthur an eyeful to see how wet you are – to see how ready you were for him. You recognise that look in his eyes. It speaks of temptation and a strong venereal need to fuck you like there was no tomorrow. You want it so badly; want him and Joel to fill you up completely with each bruisingly deep thrust in and out of your cunt. Just picturing them fucking you at the same time and using your pussy for their own satisfaction was enough to push you over the edge. 
“Oh fuck… I’m cumming!” You warned. Moaning through the release of your climax, Joel continued circling your clit with his tongue and plunged two fingers into you, the delightful sensation so intense that your eyes rolled back. It felt so good and you didn’t want the man to stop. Your thighs began to spasm with pleasurable aftershocks as overstimulation ran its course through your whole entire body. It eventually became too much, but you still didn’t want him to slow down. His fingers were so thick and deep, bending into a come hither motion to stroke your g-spot and draw out the sexiest whines and whimpers. “J-Joel.”  You babbled his name pathetically, teetering on the edge of passing out. 
Another orgasm was quickly approaching, but before you could even focus on the rising blissful pleasure, the boat came to an abrupt stop. You opened your eyes and looked directly at Arthur setting the paddles down, visibly eager to reach land and have his way with you. The man didn’t waste time expressing how much he needed your embrace as soon as Joel pulled back. He practically lunged forward and crashed his lips against yours, kissing you fervently while fighting to open his jeans and release himself. 
“Arthur!” You mewled upon feeling the blunt head of his cock meeting your entrance, and with a brief look into your eyes for confirmation, he surged forward. The stretch was phenomenal, causing you to make the most dirty and erotic noises. His size and width came with a slight pinch, but filled you up completely and knocked the breath out of your lungs as he buried himself to the hilt in one swift motion. He even rutted into you a couple times for good measure to make sure he was fully seated inside. You could feel the man's balls pressed against your ass. They were so firm and swollen, filled with a creamy white load just for you. 
“Oh… God damn–nngh! So fucking tight.” He uttered a string of curses directly into your ear, his breath coming hot and heavy as he wrapped his arms around your back. “Hold on for me, kitten.” Pulling you with him as he stands up, Joel helped him climb out of the boat and step onto a little island somewhere in the middle of Lannahechee River. He walked a couple feet with you held tightly in his arms, his cock still very much buried good and deep, then stopped to kneel down onto the sandy shores below. 
After grabbing handfuls of your ass for leverage, he pulled out almost all the way and sunk himself inside again, stretching you open even more than the first time before setting a brutal pace. He made you stutter and squeak deliriously, producing pornographic sounding gasps and whimpers. You could audibly hear his balls slapping against your ass each time his hips connected with yours, the sound sinful and shameful, mixed in beautifully with the deep grunts escaping his lips. Arthur was wrecked already. Just completely wrecked and desperate to reach climax. 
“Oh,” you made a surprised sound when feeling a large presence behind you. The warmth of Joel’s hands finding purchase on your hips was sparking another kind of sexual desire, accompanied with another surge of arousal to ooze out of your core. You briefly wondered if he wanted to pair up with Arthur and fuck your cunt, or if he wanted to fuck your ass instead. It wouldn’t be the first time he did it, and you hope it wouldn’t be the last either. 
There’s only been a handful of times that you’ve explored the sexual act of anal with them before and they both were so gentle with you every single time, knowing that it takes a lot more to relax and open up. The first time you tried it, they spent hours working you open with their fingers before attempting to ease their cocks inside. They minimized the pain by fucking your pussy at the same time, taking turns to distract you while the other fingered your ass. It was a new level of pleasure you hadn’t experienced before, but it’s something you look forward to experiencing again. 
When Arthur slowed down and exhaled a heavy sigh across your face, he lifted you up like you weighed nothing in his arms and provided a better angle for Joel to join in. He desperately wanted to make love to you with the man, and the position was most ideal because they could gaze into each other’s eyes while keeping you safely held up in their arms. 
“Nice and easy, darlin’.” Joel whispered softly when lining himself up at your entrance, nudging the head of his cock against Arthur’s before they both eased their way inside of you slowly. It never ceases to amaze you just how incredibly filling both of them felt when bottomed out inside, albeit it wasn’t all the way because it’s just too much to take all at once, but you’re never left feeling empty. 
You can’t ever decide what you like more; being held in the most compromising and indecent position with their bodies pinned against you, caging you in almost, or the way they nip and suck on your neck, hands pawing at your hips and boobs, grabbing handfuls of the supple flesh, or even the way their cocks feel sliding in and out of you with ease. Everything about Joel and Arthur making love to you is beautiful and sensational, especially when they kiss and hold onto each other with their foreheads glistened with sweat and their voices ringing with pure satisfaction. 
Even the way they look at you and moan through the pleasure that your pussy brings is beautiful. They looked intoxicated and drunk, as if they were riding an exceptionally powerful and lustful high. The grunting, groaning and growling sounded immodest and outrageously sexy. They even gasped and whined over your warm velvety walls squeezing their cocks. And when they reached their peaks together in unison, spilling an unbelievable amount of their load deep inside, they still couldn’t seem to take their eyes off you and moan through the orgasmic feeling of your cunt milking them of every last drop. 
“Oh God.” You whimpered sinfully. Eyes closing to revel in the ropes upon ropes of their seed painting your insides, they shared deeply passionate and insatiable kisses with each other again then turned to you, sucking on the pulse points in your neck like they were marking their territory. Joel thrusted his fingers through Arthur’s hair and kept him in place as they both grinded into you at a deliberately slow pace, pushing you over the edge of your own climax and prolonging your high as long as you could possibly take it. 
Words of praise and how much they love you muttered between fervent kisses brought you to the cusp of losing consciousness. You became soft like putty in their tight grasps, unable to move and just bask in the passionate embrace they had over you. It goes without saying that the two men you adore most in this world still enjoy crowding you with their love and devotion until you’re completely and utterly spent.
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Later that evening when you finally made it back to your own camp outside of Shady Belle, you sat around the small fire while Joel and Arthur slept deeply in the tent. They were exhausted and needed the rest more than anyone else, especially after working so hard to keep the gang safe. There’s not a day that goes by where you don’t praise their efforts and thank some higher power for bringing them back to you safe and sound. They’re just doing the best they can for everybody’s safety, and so are you. 
As you sit around the fire and chat quietly with Hosea, the man had something so important to share with you that it couldn’t wait till sunrise. He brought some good news… He’s found Francis Sinclair.
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter (coming soon)
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