thejockout · 3 months
New File: Bodybuilder Goon Loop
My thumbnails continue to get worse 👍
This is an experimental file, my first loop ever and also another commission from a beautiful, generous soul willing to sponsor this lunacy. This loop builds upon the feedback loop that already exists in your mind, this idea that muscle = s3x = muscle = s3x, and injects a desire to see YOURSELF become more muscular, more powerful right into the middle of that loop. So the longer you go, the more you want to grow…
It's a very chaotic loop with lots of layering and suggestion - its intention is that you listen to it while watching or scrolling muscle p0rn and edg1ng, so it's deliberately trippy and confusing. Just let it waaaash over you, bros. Enjoy it. Tell me how you like it. It won't be for everyone, but I think it'll really hit the ones who are into this shit.
CW: Gendered praise, male JOI, slight suggestion to come back for repeat listens.
When I'm not trancing myself or others, I'm usually off being a mystical forest bro in the wilderness of Ireland, but I am always available for commissions if you reach out via DM. My flat rate is currently $55-80, but you can check my pinned Tumblr post for more up-to-date info. You can also support me with a one-time tip either via Paypal or Ko-Fi. Keep listening, bros.
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ti9niway · 5 years
HTML Code Play تطبيق تعليمي مجاني للبرمجة و HTML يشتغل بشكل اوفلاين يستخدم لتعلم تصميم وبرمجة الويب.  تم إنشاؤه لتعليم تطوير الويب (HTML ، CSS ، Javascript).  فهو يحتوي على ميزات مثل محرر HTML والمشاهدة في وضع عدم الاتصال ، محرر CSS ، محرر كود javascript ، محرر bootstrap ، محرر js angular. يستخدمه هذا التطبيق أساسًا لتعليم كيفية إنشاء موقع الويب باستخدام أدوات مطور الويب ، مثل علامات HTML وسماتها ، كود HTML CSS وخصائص CSS ، برمجة جافا سكريبت ، برامج jquery ، bootstrap ، jockout js. يركز HTML Code Play بشكل أساسي على تعليم المبرمجين المبتدئين والطلاب الذين يحتاجون إلى تعلم تطوير الويب.  يمكن أن يعتبر هذا التطبيق كتاب لبدء البرمجة.  أنه يحتوي على HTML و CSS تعليمي مع المثال ، برامج جافا سكريبت مع الإخراج ، برامج ، وأمثلة ، التمهيد bootstrap تعليمي حاليا.  جعل انشاء مواقع الويب سهل.  لكن قد يجد الكثير من المبرمجين الجدد صعوبة في تعلم تعليمات HTML البرمجية والعلامات CSS من خلال التعلم من مواقع ويب أخرى بسبب أمثلة صعبة.  لا يبدأ البرنامج التعليمي لبرمجة الويب باستخدام علامات HTML الأساسية مع المثال لتجعلك تفهم ما تفعله العلامة حقًا. لكن تطبيق HTML Code Play هو تطبيق تعليمي يحتوي على تعليمة html5 بسيطة مع أمثلة تتضمن جميع العلامات التي تشرح بكلمات بسيطة كيف تعمل علامات HTML على خصائص CSS وبرمجة جافا سكريبت وبرامج jQuery و knockout js و bootstrap. أكبر ميزة للتطبيقات هي تعلم HTML في وضع عدم الاتصال.  يجب أن يعرف مطور مواقع الويب HTML و CSS و javascript.  هناك العديد من تطبيقات تصميم وبرمجة الويب ، لكننا نحاول تمييزها عن طريق معرفة من يحتاج إلى تعلم تصميم مواقع الويب دون اتصال بالإنترنت أو من يحتاج إلى أن يصبح مصممًا على الويب حتى يتمكن الشخص من إنشاء صفحة الويب الخاصة به  . باستخدامت تطوير الويب HTML Code هذه ، يمكننا تعلم أساسيات HTML ، تعليمي ، CSS تعليمي ، javascript ، تعليمي ، تعلم knockout js .  ميزات محرر HTML  محرر HTML لنظام  الاندرويد : يحتوي على محررين حتى يتمكن أحدهم من إدخال التعليمات البرمجية الخاصة بهم وتنفيذها ومشاهدة الكود لمخرج بشكل حقيقي.  التطبيق دون اتصال : هذا التطبيق عبارة عن تطبيق تعليمي بدون اتصال ، بحيث يمكن للمبتدئين أن يتعلم لغة HTML الأساسية في وضع عدم الاتصال.  HTML inspector : على غرار عنصر الفحص في المتصفح ، يمكن للمرء التحقق من الخطأ وتصحيحه بسهولة.  basic of HTML : فهو يحتوي على برامج تعليمية وأمثلة من علامات HTML مثل جدول HTML وعلامات الإدخال وغيرها الكثير.  متصفح HTML : يعطيك نظرة عن الكود بشكل حقيقي كأنك تستخدم الاكواد على المتصفح. علامات html5 : يحتوي هذا التطبيق أيضًا على علامات html5 متوافقة. انا شخصيا اصنفه افضل تطبيق حاليا فهو يدعم خاصية الإدخال و الإخراج.  تطبيق يدعم اكثر من 900 مثال بسيط و اكثر من 10 انواع من اللغات البرمجة.  مميزات محرر CSS  عارض كود CSS : يحتوي على محرر لإدخال كود CSS والتحقق من مخرجاته او طريقة العرض الخاصة بالكود. تعلم css بدون اتصال بالإنترنت : فهو مفيد بحيث يمكن للمبتدئين أن يتعرف على CSS دون اتصال مع المحرر. خصائص CSS : تستخدم لتعلم CSS ولإنشاء كود CSS على موقع الويب.  هذا التطبيق يستخدم لتعلم HTML تعليميًا كاملاً دون اتصال بالإنترنت وتتعلم جميع علامات html5 مجانًا.  هذا التطبيق يساعدك على حفظ الاكواد و HTML المشاهدة الاكواد في وقت لاحق. تحميل
0 notes
thejockout · 4 months
Himbo Muscle Freak - New File and New Soundcloud Account!
Hey all! First file back in a while.
This is the first commission I've ever done, and honestly the clue to what it's about is in the name… this is a file meant to make the listener more of a muscle-obsessed, show-off, s3xua11y driven himbo. It leans more into the actual muscle side than other himbo fare because the commissioner was prepping for a bodybuilding competition, but it should be enjoyable for any fellow himbo/hypnosis fetishists out there.
The audio of this one is a little scuffed because I recorded it on a temporary setup, so apologies for that in advance.
(Also, should note that this file is INCREDIBLY influenced by my own, many hundreds of times, listening to Avis Sapiens' muscle and himbo hypnosis. You can find him on Youtube and Tumblr at Avis Sapiens, and I recommend him if you enjoy this kinda content. 🙇)
If you're interested in a commission of your own, you can reach out to me on Tumblr here or on Discord at the username "Jockout". (Formerly Jockout#0819.)
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thejockout · 10 days
New File Release!
The Brute Inside You | Wiring
(Reblogs are always massively appreciated <3 )
Strong. Driven. Dominant.
We got in touch with the Brute inside you once before… but it's time to learn more about him. His goals, his desires, and the unique wiring that enables him to be who he is.
This is the first half of a commission for a lovely Irish Brute who got in touch with me a couple of months back. It's very in line with the original file, with a slight tweak away from dumbing-specific suggestions; but it's still compatible with dumbing down for those into that flavour of brutification.
(And yes, first half means there's another file to come. ;) )
Content warnings and file contents are here:
Suggestions for increase hormonal production: testosterone, HGH, etc., to aid with muscle growth.
Suggestions to crave working out like a physical need.
Suggestions for general priority, habit and personality shifts towards the Brute. Generally "alpha" behaviour and references to narcissism, cockiness and aggression are contained within.
Suggestions to learn and absorb masculine behaviours from the men around you.
Suggestions to forget what's been said in this trance, and to crave coming back to it again.
This file assumes a male listener, using male pronouns.
Enjoy, bros.
When I'm not trancing myself or others, I'm usually off being a mystical forest bro in the wilderness of Ireland. But if you want your own custom hypnosis recording from me, I'm always available for commissions via DM. My flat rate is currently $60-80, but you can check my pinned Tumblr post for more up-to-date info. You can also support me with a one-time tip either via Paypal or Ko-Fi. Keep listening, bros.
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thejockout · 3 months
New File! Time for Himbo Unchained
The second in a series of two commissions from the same jockboy, this is an accessory file to my previous, Himbo Muscle Freak, but with a much greater emphasis on lowering inhibitions/rejecting societal norms as regards the himbo's lust for muscle, desire for thoughtlessness, promiscuity and ego...
Or if that's a little complicated for you dumbasses: the file will make you bigger, stupider, and less concerned about what anyone else thinks about ya.
Audio quality should be much improved compared to the last file. And as always, if any of you hearing this want to commission a file of your own from me, hit me up on here, Tumblr, or Discord (username Jockout) to discuss pricing. Enjoy getting m1ndfucked, slut5.
(Induction once again not written by me, but by the hypnotist Blink from WarpMyMind. I've been unable to reach him and he hasn't been active on the site in over 10 years, so no clue whether he'd permit me to do this, but he DID make the script for the induction available to users so I'm assuming he'd be fine with it. It was also a commissioner request that I use it, so I tried to fulfil it. I'll write my own confusion induction for future use, and as always if Blink ever happens to read this, feel free to reach out and I'll replace these files now lol.)
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thejockout · 3 months
Subject Diaries #0.5 - Jockout the Subject, Part 2
(okay this is the last edging post of this series lol)
Last time I discussed my history/beliefs around masculinisation and erotic TF hypnosis, just to give a foundation of how I think about this stuff.
NOW to get into the slightly juicier details; what am I into, and what have I achieved so far with hypnosis?
WELL. What I'm into is an interesting question; and it's changed a lot in the last 2-3 years. If you'd asked me then what I was into, the answer was a fairly limited range of hypnosis: I was into "dumb jock" style brainwashing... and not much else. I didn't do a lot with either sub/dom-coded files, and had yet to discover several of my major kinks! It's kind of weird looking back at how little I used to be into, tbh. But I feel like that's often the way with kinks, they kinda spread over time.
For hypnosis, my current core interests are the following:
Masculinisation - specifically shit like changes in media consumption, physical mannerisms like manspreading or gait, and attitude adjustments. This blurs the line with the next point, but really just covers the whole gamut of a "bro" or "jock" type personality, and is the primary thing I've been into for years.
Dumbing Down - this was a kink I was very on again/off again with for a while before finding my balls and embracing it wholeheartedly. Like many subs, I used to really fear being "Permanently Dumbed Down" and losing skills and traits I need for work/my ambitions. But that's not a realistic fear and not really how hypnosis works, so now I embrace it pretty wholeheartedly. Nothing hotter than coming out of trance unable to spell or think straight. I love seeing the changes in my communication that come from it, and the actual feeling of hypnosis-induced brain fog. (And, being seen as a dumbass is a big kink too, and a nice ongoing goal.) Also included here is the whole subcategory of like, wanting to be malleable and easily hypnotisable, wanting to be someone who drops like a stone and is super impacted by suggestion. I've got some friends who come to mind when I talk about that, and it's always hot to see how easily they sink.
Corruption - this is sort of a broader, underpinning kink to the rest of the stuff I'm into; but it's a desire I have to want to be changed, to have someone coy and sly and sneaky manipulate me into changing in ways most would consider "for the worse." Making me dumber, more single-minded, more narcissistic, more self-indulgent. Fuck, bro. I get off on the idea of someone making me into their personal monster... especially if it goes a little too far from their POV and they can't walk it back. This underpinning desire for corruption is sort of what fuels my love of Dumbing Down and, in recent years, super Dom-coded Toxic Alpha type hypno generally. It's play I think you need to be careful with, but I've been having a good time so far and don't think I'd have ever started making files like Brute if I hadn't gone in that direction myself.
I listen to files outside these three themes, but generally they need to have at least one for me to be into them, and the best tick all three boxes.
I briefly listed a few files I'd listened to a bunch in my previous Diaries post; those being Jack Drago's Masculine Conditioning series, Avis' Sapiens general catalog, and Rigsby's Absolute Jock. I've probably listened to 100s of hours of both the MC-series and Avis' work. My time on Absolute Jock was a looot lower, but tis the best of the old guard of jock files on WarpMyMind. Overall, it's a lot of time to have dedicated to this kinda hypno! So you'd expect to see some results, right?
...Yeeeahhh, well, I'm still kind of a Work In Progress on that front. I have seen results, but I held myself back with anxiety and overthinking (about hypnosis) for years of this, so I've really only started to show change in the last year or so. That being said, the years of repeated conditioning have done a number on me lol.
Successful Media Brainwashing - I did the unthinkable and successfully made myself a sports fan via hypnosis. It's kinda weird. For years I really struggled to even get through a game; then with hypnosis, I gradually started to just get suuper horny when I watched sports instead, which wasn't really any better because I'd just jerk off and lose interest. But sometime in the last two years, I kinda just got into it gradually and now watch for authentic, general interest. This was a real pipe dream at 17 when I envied how all the jock-types in my class could be totally absorbed and single-minded watching or playing a game, but I ended up getting there in the end! Not American so don't watch American Football/basketball/baseball or whatever, but I like rugby/hurling/F1 ✌️I credit this to Jack Drago's work, specifically Files 2 and 4 of the MC series; Manly Media Bubble and Male Oriented Interests.
General Personality Change - this is a WIP suggestion, but it's been interesting seeing myself change over the last 12 months especially. I've become a lot more dominant, confident, cocky, and even self-centered especially in online kink type contexts. IRL, I've just become more dominant and less willing to take shit; but that's only ever a good thing. It's interesting Because the nature of this kind of change, which happens so slowly over time, is that it can be difficult to look back and see the points where you used to behave differently. But sometimes like... especially since doing Douchebag-type files, sometimes I'll criticise someone or make fun of something and get a surprised reaction from a friend who wasn't expecting me to take it that far. And it always makes me feel a little good to surprise them in that way, to violate their expectations of how Nice I should be. I'm always Nice to them, and to anyone decent, but you've really gotta make me WANT to treat you well to get that now. Some people will read this and feel annoyed, or roll their eyes, but I kinda don't care. It's what I'm into. It's what I've GOTTEN into. (It's all Avis' fault really tbh.)
Libido Increase - this was a slow creeping change overtime, but went from getting off maybe 1x a day/5x a week or so to probably getting off 3x a day currently. Got a lot better at thinking with my dick and am super easy to make horny, which helps feed into the next suggestion on the list;
Dumbing Down - this is the suggestion I've had the MOST recent breakthrough with. For the month of January, I listened daily to @hyphyphurray's Muscle Boy file, interspersed with his Happy Horny Himbo and @avissapiens' Intellect Drain. Dumbing Down was always something I'd struggled to conceptualise hypnotically, but I had a perspective shift this month as to what dumbing FEELS LIKE on an ongoing basis. While under some mild post-trance haze, I wrote this snippet about it in preparation for the post a week ago:
(Don't worry, I'll summarise it.)
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The tl;dr of that message is that I realised "permanent" dumbing would feel less like brain fog/tipsiness, and more like apathy towards intellectual topics. It's a priority shift, or a behavioural change; not a magic finger plucking facts out of your brain so you forget the answers. It's sort of like it just fucks with your desire to know things/answer questions instead. The information might still be there, if you hunt; but why would you? Who cares, bro? Does it even matter?
Since making that perspective shift, it's like a few years of dumbing has crept in all at once, and it's been super interesting. I'm not going to over dramatise it (I'm desperate NOT to become an RP-type blog with this) because in contexts like writing, schoolwork, etc., I think just as clearly and easily. But in leisure contexts, in hypnosis, just in chatting with bros... I feel that intellectual apathy creep in allll the time. Trying to think of an answer to something and just giving up two seconds in, because "it's easier not to think about it." Trying to remember something and quitting because "if it was that important, I'd have remember." Letting my typos and message flubs sit because "they can figure it out lol" and not over analysing whether everything I say is totally coherent or rich.
I understand the irony of me speaking in huge depth about this here, when what I'm saying is that I'm thinking less. But like I said, it's kinda contextual. If anyone was interested, I'd consider writing a hornier post under the influence of trance sometime so the difference can be seen, but right now... I'm just taking this a little more formally, I guess? Idk, I'm torn between wanting it to be pseudo-educational and also just having made myself horny writing so much about dumbing, and when I'm horny I REALLY feel that haze start to creep in and I kinda wanna just stop this an edge or something and go do anything else that's more fun 🥴
So in the spirit of the post, I'm gonna go do that.
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For the month of January, most of what I listened to were Hyphyphurray's files listed above (the number in green = the number of times I listened to them). They are paid files, but they're well worth the price, and I recommend them to anyone into this shit. I also listened to Avis' Intellect Drain 5-6 times as a supplement because I love how that just makes my brain turn off for a while.
Not sure atm what I'm gonna listen to through February, I've bounced between Muscle Boy and Avis' Toxic Douchebag Alpha a few times so far but will likely commit to one track for the month.
This is post #2 of my broader Subject Diaries series, a blog series I plan to maintain on a fortnightly/monthly basis updating people on what I've been listening to, files I've been enjoying, and effects I've been experiencing. When I'm not trancing, I'm usually off being a mystical forest bro in the wilderness of Ireland, but I am always available for commissions here on Tumblr/Soundcloud if you reach out via DM. My flat rate is currently $55-80, but you can always check my pinned post for more up-to-date info. You can also support me with a one-time tip either via Paypal or Ko-Fi, but you'll have to DM for the first.
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thejockout · 4 months
A Word On Dumbing Down
In some conversations with my bros @avissapiens and @master-villain the other day, I finally managed to put a specific idea into words that had been crystallising for a long time. Nothing earth-shattering or even transformative, because I'd been exploring this same understanding with different wording for quite a while now, but it felt significant to me and sparked me to make this post.
The realisation was simple: Dumbing Down is not something you can "Do" as a standalone action. It's perhaps more accurate to say Dumbing Down is itself the perspective shift and realisation that "Smart" is something you can choose to "Not Do."
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Clunky wording, I know, but pretend it's smooth for me.
(And as a necessary fyi, this post assumes familiarity with Dumbing Down as a hypnotic concept, which is nowadays most often written and spoken about as a general simplification of thought and cognition versus turning you into some drooling doofus. Maybe the latter is your thing, maybe it isn't - either way, I'm talking here about the more "realistic"/AKA sustainable model where the word dumb is synonymous with "so laid back, you don't want to think or care if people perceive you as dumb because of it".)
Too many subjects (myself included) work at hypnotic personality and cognition changes with a straining effort, in an energetically desperate approach. This is understandable - we tend to push hard for things we really want - and anyone can fall victim to it. It's very similar contextually to the trap many anxiety sufferers fall into when they begin therapy. In an earnest attempt to recover, many sufferers approach recovery with the exact same mindset they do life; that of a "fixer", a "do-er", someone who problem-solves and overthinks themselves into knots and runs loops around the same well-worn mental tracks over and over again to the point of exhaustion.
Don't worry, I'm not here to give some big-brain solution to mental health issues. I suffer myself and am on my own journey of recovery, so I'm in no place to play armchair psychologist. But I will speak about this topic as it relates to hypnosis and dumbing down because the overlap of people who are into Dumbing Down/IQ Reduction/Simplification/Bimbofication/Himbofication hypnosis and who suffer with anxiety (and overthinking) is quite high, so chances are that many who struggle with Dumbing Down suggestions are making the same mistakes. Please see my peer-reviewed Paint Diagram below which provides unequivocal, non-anecdotal proof of this.
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IMO, there's nothing wrong with this overlap. Kink is an outlet for many people to deal with emotional issues, and often a very helpful coping mechanism. Dumbing Down is no different conceptually. But I'm talking about this because, just like approaching anti-anxiety work with an anxious energy and effort is doomed to failure, the exact same is true for Dumbing Down. Approaching it with an Intellectualist mindset OR in other words, the anxious energy of a fix-er and do-er and try-er is antithetical to the very state you wish to experience.
Does that make sense?
Successful Dumbing Down (beyond the very enjoyable, shorter-term effects of deep trance which feel like intoxication) is effectively the act of stepping back from mental action/the habit of overthinking. To give another clumsy metaphor, if your default mind works like a toy train constantly running around its track, sometimes gaining speed and sometimes slowing down... Dumbing Down comes from realising "hey, I can actually plug this thing out." No, it's not as simple as turning off an appliance, and it takes time for everyone. Overthought (in all its forms, whether anxious or just from over-intellectualising your life) is effectively a habit, and habits take time to make or break.
Therefore, Perspective Shift #1 that you need to make: recognise that thinking patterns and their frequency are ultimately behavioural and habitual, and can therefore be rewired and lessened with time and specific action. It's not an immediate thing - but it is possible, and this is effectively what dumbing in hypnosis is about.
That perspective raises some questions, I know. But I don't want to write about the answers just yet. Reread and consider that last paragraph a few times to make sure you've really processed it. Think about the questions it leaves you with, and come up with a few answers of your own if you can. You can post your thoughts in the comments or reblogs of this post, as I will be taking the time to read through them, and I'll continue this topic in future as I think more on it myself.
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thejockout · 3 months
Commission Update
Current files in the works for customers, and which will then be (probably) released publicly:
Embrace Your Submission - a fairly soft, affirming file in which the nature of a submissive is explained to the listener, and their positive feelings towards submission + their optimism that they will be able to find a dominant are encouraged, as well as a passivity/compliance. No dumbing is inherently in the file, but it is dumbing compatible, and suitable for all gender expressions.
Bodybuilding Arousal Loop - my first loop, and one to be listened to while edging. Designed so that you'll be scrolling through your smutty Tumblr feed or just watching porn with muscular men in it, and this conditioning of "muscle = sex" will loop and feed into itself to encourage YOU to lift and become your own "muscle = sex". So the loop becomes "Muscle = sex = need more muscle = sex = muscle...". Feedback loops are hot, and super mindfucky when you think about how long you've already been conditioning yourself like this just through masturbation. This will assume a male listener and use male pronouns and JOI, as well as gendered praise.
Brute 2.0 - this one has no set title yet, but a very clear outline from the client. It's going to be a sequel to the original Brute file adding the elements of male hormone production, muuuch increased libido and sensitivity, and a sort of spongey-mind to masculinity where any other brutes/alphas/whatever will rub off on you quite easily and you'll begin to emulate their traits. No dumbing, but a decrease in inhibition/generally making the listener shameless, so certainly dumbing compatible. Assumes a male listener and will use male pronouns. Think of it as a more mindset/attitude/countenance focused Brute file versus the first, which was more muscle-focused. The two will work together.
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thejockout · 3 months
I struggle a lot with just laying back and accepting suggestions since I’m always over analyzing if I’m actually hypnotized yet. Any advice.
Unironically, you're the kind of subject I wrote my induction for.
I used to have this same problem (and still sometimes do) but a big part of releasing myself from it came from recognising that
Trance feels different to everyone, and YOUR ideal trance may not be as blackout-gooner-drooling-space-cadet as the stories suggest.
Even a trance that doesn't feel super wonderful can still be effective.
Simply put, when I released a level of my expectations about what trends had to be, it became much easier to enjoy each file for what it was... and like magic, I then began to drop much deeper. much deeper and more easily.
Second point: I'm actually currently in a dry spell where I'm having trouble dropping again (it's been a few days now) and I've linked it to the fact that I'm a little bit more generally anxious than usual. Your mindset, expectations, and even how you're feeling outside of hypnosis right now will affect how you trance because these things affect how easily you can relax.
So I suppose another recommendation I'd make is to try meditating, possibly immediately before you trance. But I know not everybody is into meditation, so that's a suggestion given a little more tentatively. As specific recommendations, I love Jon Kabat Zin's body scans on Youtube (though they're long) and anything Tara Brach on Youtube too. Medito is also a very good free app for meditators. Don't underestimate the connection between meditation and trance, because tbh, they're pretty much the same thing, but I won't get into that here. Either way, practicing one will help the other.
If you want a hypnotic fix for this hypnotic issue, there are only two files I'd really suggest for trance training: Jack Drago's Failing to Resist on WarpmyMind, and JoshHypno's Sleepy Boy file on Soundcloud. Both will help you learn to trance if you use them regularly and are both personal favourites, But again, these won't work in a vacuum, and you need to be in a place where you actually can trance and relax as deeply as you'd like.
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thejockout · 11 months
My Links
The following are the places on the internet you can keep up with me and my files - including a handy cheat sheet via Linktree!
Paypal (I can't make a fancy donate button, but here's the address!)
Commissions: I currently charge on a sliding scale of 60-100 dollars for a file. Realistically, this is on the low-end for an original file commission. Depending on complexity, a given script may take me between 6-12 hours to write, record and produce. If you've got a request and are willing to make that price, my DMs are open. My customers are always satisfied.
Here on Tumblr, you can see them under posts marked with #jockoutreleases, which I'm also going to tag this post with for convenience.
Soundcloud 1: Here. Not sure how long more I can keep using it, though. I've been deleted once, and I'm almost out of uploads.
NEW Soundcloud 2: More files will be posted here as I complete them, and as I try to find a more permanent file home.
Soundgasm: This site isn't pretty, but it's a good backup repository of my stuff.
Warpmymind: Not my preferred site, but it's a catalog.
IN FUTURE: I'm considering making a Youtube account to post my files on. They're also on W*rpMyMind (some of them, at least) though I'm not going to link it here. And, as above, Patreon might be a host I use someday, even on a free basis.
At the moment, this is my only one. Visit @ jockoutnsfw (type it into the bar yourself, lazy bitch) for my reblog dump.
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thejockout · 4 days
Soundcloud Dilemma - I need your input!
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(Yes, this is a sneak peek of the next file to come out. Shhhh.)
I've hit a small snag with my Jockout2 Soundcloud account. That being... I've already run out of space on it, which you'll see above. The limit is quite low, and you plow through it FAST with 30 minute uploads.
Unfortunately, buying a full year of Soundcloud Pro+ (which is the cheapest package available to expand that limit) is about 110 euro... or 120 dollars. And I'm having trouble convincing myself to spend that because... firstly, it's over half of what I've made on commissions to date 😬. And secondly, this is a platform which already deleted my account once before on account of it being NSFW. So there's a chance I'd spend 120~ dollars just to get it nuked again.
I'm not really sure what to do instead of Soundcloud, though. I think it's where a lot of hypnobros go to listen, but I just think most of the hypnotists using it kinda just drop 1-2 files and never touch it again so they don't deal with the limit.
Your answers will help me suss out how worth gambling that 120 dollars would be. Just let me know where you do most of your hypno listening - and if it does turn out to be mainly on Soundcloud, I may make another post geeeently nudging people to drop me a few bucks on Ko-Fi to help me afford the account upgrade, lol. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, tick the poll/comment below and let me know your listening habits.
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thejockout · 3 months
Subject Diaries #0 - Jockout the Subject, Part 1
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In traditional Jockout fashion, I'm getting to this a little later (and differently) than I'd expected, but I've made it at last.
Initially, I was planning this first post to be a fairly blunt description of the files I've been listening to and the effects I've been experiencing; but I realised it's kinda weird to do that without ever really talking about my desires and what I'm into with hypnosis, lol. I will still give a little breakdown of what I've been up to (and that's what my future posts in this series will mostly be) but for the first one, I think I wanna talk a little more broadly first about my experiences/wants with hypnosis.
You've already met Jockout the hypnotist, so now let's talk about Jockout the subject:
As in my bio, I'm 22 (for a few more weeks) and live in Ireland in a suuper rural area, far from any population centers. I work as a freelance writer (AKA unemployed most of the time), so lots of time on my hands.
I've got extensive history with masculinisation hypnosis of all types and flavours. I first got into it fairly young via "Turn Straight" hypnosis (which is sad, looking back!) but it very rapidly transformed into all this. I was interrogating my sexuality and came to realise that more than being attracted to men, I was attracted to manhood, and I was into TF/mind control stuff. So falling into the masculinisation hypno hole was a pretty logical progression. Like many of us, I started on WarpMyMind but did get sick of that place quickly.
So that's setting the scene for who I am. What's my actual experience level with hypnosis?
Firstly, I am predominately a file subject. I've done some live trances and toyed with the Hypnosis4Guys circuit before but out of 10 people I've tranced with, 1-2 were ethical with me at most. I've dealt with people ignoring limits set pre-session, photos being taken of me without my consent, sessions being recorded, clumsy attempts to use triggers on me when I voice objections... I do have hypnotist friends I trust now who I could trance with, but tbh, I'm just more comfortable trancing on my own time nowadays. I feel strongly that hypnosis files can still have effect, despite what a battery of Twitter hypnodoms will tell you to the contrary. It just takes a different set of skills to live trancing.
As a subject, the files I've got the most experience with in total are Jack Drago's Masculine Conditioning series, Rigsby's Absolute Jock, and too many of @avissapiens' catalog to list, though I've spent the most time with Douche Gymbro, Perfect Muscle Bull, Painted Himbo, and Abyss Drone as a default "I wanna trance but don't know what file" option. I've done too many other random files to count, but these are the ones I stood by for the longest. (@hyphyphurray is the most recent addition to this staple rotation, someone I only started listening to sometime in the last few years... but more on that in my next post.)
The final thing bit of context I want to give, but haven't already, is my view of masculinisation/personality change hypnosis as a whole. What is it? Is it real? Does it work? How much of it is fantasy?
"Is This Kind of Hypnosis Real?"
Well, the answer changes depending on who you ask. My belief is that personality-change hypnosis is not "roleplay" in the sense we usually use that word in kink, so I prefer to think of it as role experimentation. It provides a chance for us to explore the fit of different psyches, mannerisms and thought patterns to our own defaults, which allows us to see how well they might fit.
For this reason, I often think the different masculine roles explored in hypnosis (himbo, jockboy, jock, bull, pup, bro, alpha, beta, slave) are kind of like mental outfits we try on during trance.
Some people feel more strongly than others that "there is only one of these outfits for every person and you must choose", but I take a looser approach than that. In my own trancing, I like to bounce around. I enjoy files that use the Himbo/Pup/Bro/Jock/Bull/Alpha labels all pretty well, with the only types I dislike being the extremely-submissive ones. I have a pretty varied hypno diet for this reason... and to extend the "outfit" metaphor, I kinda feel like a Disney employee who does Tigger for the morning shift and Gaston for the evening parade or something. They're both ostensibly outfits I'm choosing to put on, roles I'm choosing to play. Are either me?
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That's a choice we all make for ourselves, I guess - imo, the "self" that we embody is inherently a kind of role, just one we've gotten very practiced at, so I see no reason the the roles we play within hypnosis are less significant. But I won't get into philosophy/psychology here because it's honestly kinda boring and I have no interest in trying to convert anyone into agreeing with me. But tl;dr, this kinda role experimentation does matter, and the roles it allows us to play with are no less real than others we perform socially, professionally, sexually, or etc., outside of hypnosis.
That's enough for now, as an introduction to what I believe in as a tist/subject. In the next post, I'll be talking about what I actually want from hypnosis as well as what I've achieved thus far. And from then on, these posts will be more like status updates on how my own TF journey is going!
Hope you enjoyed!
This post serves as the introduction to my broader Subject Diaries series, a blog series I plan to maintain on a fortnightly/monthly basis updating people on what I've been listening to, files I've been enjoying, and effects I've been experiencing. When I'm not trancing, I'm usually off being a mystical forest bro in the wilderness of Ireland, but I am always available for commissions here on Tumblr/Soundcloud if you reach out via DM. My flat rate is currently $55-80, but you can always check my pinned post for more up-to-date info. You can also support me with a one-time tip either via Paypal or Ko-Fi, but you'll have to DM for the first.
'Til next time!
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thejockout · 3 months
4 handsome, generous jockboys have hit me up for commissions in the last few days so slots are closing fast; can maybe fit 1-2 more if anyone's looking for a custom file. Stock price of $55-80 dollars and anything commissioned will be publicly released for everyone to enjoy after it's been made. So consider it a public service 😉
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thejockout · 4 months
Hi! Do you think it’s possible to have a combination of himbo with muscle nerd? I feel like I’ve been looking for something like this, something that is not focused on dumbing down but on becoming more fun, flirty, carefree and confident working on becoming hot, sexy and even a bit slutty. Taking a fictional character as an example for the archetype, I think something like Johnny Cage from the Mortal Kombat series. He’s smart, he knows history, movie trivia and is a damn good fighter, but most people that know him superficially might think he’s himbo because of his personality and how he acts. I hope I was able to properly convey the type of hypno suggestions/training I’m looking for, do you think such exists? Thank you for your time.
Not familiar with the character, but of course! You just need to find files that then cover those elements you desire (fun, flirtiness, confidence) without dumbing in them. Which I know is a very "duh" answer but basically, you can pursue whatever you want if you find a tist/file that will work for you on it. I don't know one like you're describing off the top of my head, most contain at least light elements of dumbing, but there's probably one out there; and if there isn't, there's always the option of commissioning a file from me or any tist you enjoy that covers those suggestions.
And honestly, even files that DO reference dumbing down or use the word "dumb" describe that "dumbness" as essentially being just super chill and laid back anyway these days. I feel like it's a very mid 2010s hypnosis thing to see files that just go "oooo now your IQ is lowered, you're failing math... 😵‍💫😵‍💫". So a LOT of common himbo files would probably be OK for you in terms of intended effect, they usually just use the word dumb as a catchall for sex focused, shallow, cheerful, etc. But if you specifically wanna avoid the packaging of dumb/dumbing down, you might have to dig a little.
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thejockout · 3 months
My asks are always open, but I've been getting a lot of questions the last few days specifically - so this is a formal invite for any questions people have either about me/hypnosis/kink/my files/anything else you wanna know!
(Yes, it's always available, but fuck it send some through and we'll make an event ✨ of it.)
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thejockout · 3 months
Do you have any sort of sock/foot fetish?
I like the specificity of these, lol. Uh, don't think it's to the degree of a fetish but I definitely have a kinky interest towards feet. Socks and shoes, eh, maybe socks at a push but not really. It's only really something I ever feel when I'm in a submissive swing and I haven't had one of those for a while.
...though, slight amendment, I am into the idea of having my feet worshipped so maybe.
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