#jk obviously it's a lestappen fic
wanderingblindly · 6 months
Lestappen hallmark!! I need to know more
I don't have nearly as much of this done as I'd like, but I love what I have so far!!!!!!!!
The high level concept is:
Plot moved by Charles's shady and beloved Grandma (icon)
Total grandma's boy, and equally shady, Charles has to come take care of her after a fall
Blunt and awkward Max, who's beloved by all the grandmas in the neighborhood (poor European man didn't realize he moved to An Old People Neighborhood outside NY), keeps stopping by to """"""help out"""""", too
Classic hallmark shenanigans ensue :)
Entirely unedited snippet below the cut!
She pulls him from his adrenaline-crash reverie with a bright tone – one that he knows far too well. Her mischievous tone, the one she uses when she’s just a little too proud of a plan coming together:
“Oh! Charles, this is Max. Remember how I told you he shovels my driveway?” Hesitant to let her go, still not quite believing that everything’s ok, Charles stands up – hands never leaving her shoulders. Max, the man that called his grandmother stupid, sits quietly in the corner. 
He waves after being mentioned, flashing a closed-lipped smile. 
“I was gonna hang up her Christmas lights, too, if she had some patience.” He flashes his grandmother a look, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head like a disapproving parent. It takes a moment of conscious resolve to stop his hands from tightening on mémè’s shoulders as he watches, bristling at the other man’s tone. 
Because that’s his tone to use with his grandmother, first of all. 
“Charles,” He introduces himself with a default smile, something he’d give an Uber driver that took too many wrong turns: tight but polite, conscious of his rating. “Mémè, she… speaks of you highly.” She flashes him a play nice from the corner of her eye – he squeezes his hands in a silent shut the fuck up.
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