#jfc i remember i used to use my deadname on this blog
presidentbees · 5 months
im returning to tumblr exclusively because Fear & Hunger has me gripped. i haven't tasted this level of obsession since. maybe starting homestuck.
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rules: answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals. i was tagged by @abnormalic
1. are you named after anyone? does naming myself after someone count? bc i named myself after emilio sandoz. my deadname shall permanently remain a mystery g-d bless <3
2. when was the last time you cried? when i watched everything everywhere all at once a few days ago.
3. do you have kids? do my three cats count?? they're my baby boys <3
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? lol yeah
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? genuinely don't know. online it's probably their personality bc it's easier to read someone's blog than find selfies of them. but irl i guess it would probably be their face??
6. what's your eye colour? brown <3 though sometimes they look green in the sunlight, which is wild.
7. scary movies or happy endings? happy endings are boring; scary movies 4ever
8. any special talents? i have perfect pitch and can sing literally any song as long as i memorize the words. yes, this includes songs that are difficult like defying gravity from wicked.
9. where were you born? you don't need to know that, but it was somewhere in the usa.
10. what are your hobbies? reading, writing, singing, coloring. anything that is creative tbh.
11. have you any pets? yes!! i have three cats <3
12. what sports do you play/have played? all of these (except irish dance) i quit bc i was in pain from disability and didn't know that was why it hurt: soccer, irish dance, regular dance, synchronized swimming, fencing....i feel like i'm missing one or two, but these are the ones i remember.
13. what's your height? probably shorter than you.
14. favorite subject in school? nothing <3 it all was traumatizing and awful <3
15. dream job? AUTHOR. just let me write for a living jfc.
tagging @woundthatswallows @iloveyoumorethangod @thinking-in-broken-scenes @sarayashikis @dreamscapedeluxe @naysaltysalmon @corvusdivine @angelcuttongue @the-lisechen and anyone else who wants to!! feel free to say i tagged you even if i didn't!!
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