#jessie ware/ caroline polachek/ natalia lafourcade/ everything everything were basically the soundtrack to nz for us
carpe-mamilia · 29 days
Nine people I'd like to get to know better:
Tagged by @glowinggreeneyes-e - thank you!!
Last Song: Pearls by Jessie Ware. We listened to the album over and over again in New Zealand because it's so fun
Favourite colour: Blue. I specifically love blue and white together. My ideal aesthetic is Teacup
Currently watching: Manhunt, also need to watch the new series of Taskmaster
Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: Savoury. Love cheese, love eggs
Relationship status: Engaged
Current Obsession: Currently between obsessions. Maybe wedding planning? It's two years away but we're already looking at venues and I am looking at ways of making everything less expensive in a way that, yes, is bordering on obsessive
tagging @tattedpetticoats, @silvermarmoset, @titanebaby, @sitzfleischh, @kami-ships-it, @beingstacey, @ladystarrdust, @merryfinches, and @m0ose-idiot if you want to!
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