#jennifer crumbley guilty
accuratebodylanguage · 4 months
Oxford Shooter's mother Jennifer Crumbley's BODY language during guilty verdict. What did Oxford Shooter’s mother Jennifer Crumbley’s BODY language reveal in the moments of getting the guilty verdicts?
Watch and find out in my @AccurateBodyLanguage analysis.
Comment and share what you noticed about Jennifer Crumbley’s body language.
From Head to Toes, the BODY Always Shows the TRUTH.
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thescoopess · 4 months
Jennifer Crumbley GUILTY on Four Counts of Involuntary Manslaughter
Photo/AP News The mother of Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbley, Jennifer Crumbley, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter by a jury concerning the shooting deaths of four students at Oxford High School in November 2021. Four counts of involuntary manslaughter were brought against Jennifer and her husband James Crumbley in relation to the incident that occurred on November 30,…
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follow-up-news · 4 months
Jennifer Crumbley, the Michigan woman charged in connection with her son’s deadly school shooting rampage in 2021, was convicted Tuesday of involuntary manslaughter in the unprecedented case. The unanimous verdict came on the second day of jury deliberations in a landmark trial in which Crumbley became the first parent to be held criminally responsible for a mass shooting committed by their child. Crumbley, 45, was charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter — one for each of the victims in the attack at Oxford High School in November 2021. Her son, Ethan, now 17, pleaded guilty as an adult to murder, terrorism and other crimes, and was sentenced in December to life in prison without parole. Now, she faces up to 15 years in prison per count and remains held on bond. She will be sentenced on April 9.
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speedygal · 4 months
Jennifer crumbley found guilty on all four counts of involuntary manslaughter. she deserves it. She could have saved four lives by helping her son. not laughing at his face when he asked for help. cheating on her husband at the time of the shooting.
this is the face of someone who shouldn't have a boyfriend or any kid what so ever. she is a unfit parent. she is never going to be a parent again, she will never be a grandparent, the solace that one can take. she could have had that if she listened to him.
sixty years in prison with the charges added.
i can only feel sorrow for Ethan and those kids.
what he did was wrong. no denying that. i want his name to remembered for one thing only; the cry for help that went ignored.
and it was all. his. parents fault that he never got help.
hope that his father gets convicted, too.
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As a gun owner, and a supporter of Second Amendment rights, let me show you what I think about this verdict.
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A right is not infringed upon when it is exercised with a complete disregard for the safety of other people, leads to their deaths, and is punished. That is not infringement, that is consequences.
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rebuildingrob · 3 months
Rob Reacts: Jurors found a teen school shooter’s father and mother guilty of manslaughter..
Yesterday, James Crumbley, the father of the Oxford High School shooting perpetrator Ethan Crumbley, was found guilty of manslaughter yesterday in a Michigan court yesterday, as explained in this CNN article. Crumbley’s wife, Jennifer, was also found guilty of manslaughter in a separate trial earlier. I tried as hard as I could to bury my head in the sand and ignore this story; not because I…
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kennak · 4 months
2021年に米ミシガン州の高校で男子生徒(当時15)が銃を発砲し、11人が死傷した事件で、息子の犯行を止められなかったとして過失致死罪に問われた母親に対し、地元の陪審団は6日、有罪の評決を出した。子供が起こした銃撃事件で保護者が過失致死罪で有罪とされたのはアメリカ史上初めて。検察はジェニファー・クランブリー被告(45)を、不注意に息子に銃を持たせ、危険の前兆を無視したとして起訴した。息子の父親のジェイムズ被告も過失致死罪に問われており、別に裁判が開かれる。父親は無罪を主張している。現在17歳の息子は終身刑に服している。広告2021年11月30日にミシガン州オックスフォードにあるオックスフォード高校で起きた銃撃事件では、生徒4人が死亡、教員1人を含む7人が負傷した。判事は評決を出した陪審団に対し、おそらく「これまでで最もつらいこと」だっただろうと述べた。ミシガン州オークランド郡の裁判所で評決が読み上げられると、クランブリー被告は感情を表に出さずに、まっすぐ下の方を見つめた。4件の過失致死罪で起訴された同被告は、それぞれで最長15年の禁錮刑が科せられる可能性がある。犠牲者の親族の中には、この評決に安堵(あんど)の表情を浮かべる人もいた。射殺されたテイト・マイヤーさん(当時16)の父親バック・マイヤーさんはBBCに宛てた声明で、「国民が声をあげた!」と語った。「その声に賛成するか反対するかは自由だが、これが(司法)システムのあり方だ」事件を予見・回避できたのか母親が殺人事件を予見し、防ぐことができたのかが、この裁判の焦点だった。クランブリー被告と夫ジェイムズ被告は、銃撃事件の数日前に銃を購入した。息子はこれを事件で使用した。夫婦は事件の数日後に警察に犯罪容疑をかけられた。警察は事件後に2人の捜索を開始し、一般市民からの情報提供を受けてデトロイト市内の工業ビルで発見した。2人は保釈金を支払えず、2年以上、郡の拘置所に収容されていた。当初は夫婦そろって裁判にかけられるはずだったが、昨年11月に別々の裁判を求めた。ジェイムズ・クランブリー被告の裁判は3月に行われる予定。検察側は法廷で、息子のイーサン・クランブリー受刑者がメンタルヘルスに関連した支援を求め、幻覚症状を訴えていたのに、両親が治療を受けさせなかったことを示す証拠を提出した。クランブリー被告は息子に精神的な問題があるとは思わなかったと述べた。事件当日の朝、両親は息子が描いた気がかりな絵に関する学校での話し合いを切り上げて仕事に向かった。息子を家に連れて帰るのを拒んだという。息子のバックパックには銃が入っていたが、学校関係者は中身を確認することなく生徒を教室に戻した。そのわずか数時間後、息子はハナ・セント・ジュリアナさん(14)、テイト・マイヤーさん、マディシン・ボールドウィンさん(17)、ジャスティン・シリングさん(17)を殺害した。画像提供, Getty Images画像説明, 被害者家族と抱き合うオークランド郡のカレン・マクドナルド検察官検察は2週間にわたる審理で、クランブリー被告がプライべートなメッセージで息子のことを懸念していたにもかかわらず、助けを求める息子の訴えを無視したという、同じ主張を試みた。検察側はクランブリー被告と不倫関係にあった男性との間で交わされたメッセージを示した。同被告は、事件当日の学校での話し合いに出席する前、息子が「何かばかなこと」をするのではないかと恐れていると述べていた。クランブリー被告は法廷で、息子のために購入した銃の責任を夫に押し付けようとした。11月末のサンクスギビング(感謝祭、祝日)の翌日、夫が息子に拳銃をプレゼントするため銃砲店に息子を連れて行ったと、クランブリー被告は陪審団に述べた。同被告は銃の安全管理に責任を持つことに「気が進まず」、夫に銃の管理を任せたとした。保護者の有罪評決による影響は一部の専門家は、クランブリー夫妻に対する裁判によって、銃乱射事件を起こした子供の保護者の起訴が増加する可能性を示唆している。ペンシルヴェニア大学のスティーヴン・J・モース法学・精神医学教授は、イーサン・クランブリー受刑者が罪状を認めたのだから事件の責任は同受刑者にだけあるとし、今回の評決には同意できないと述べた。「彼女が必ずしも世界最高の母親でなかったことは理解しているが、それ自体は犯罪ではない」モース教授は、今回の判断が悪しき前例となり、裁判所が今後同じような状況で「スケー��ゴート」を探すようになるかもしれないと指摘した。一方で、今回のケースは非常に珍しいもので、より広範な影響はないだろうとみる専門家もいる。ミシガン大学のフランク・ヴァンダーヴォート教授(法学)は、「これ(評決)をきっかけに、よくある事件で保護者が起訴されるという事態が次々起こるようになるとは思わない」と述べた。「この事件をめぐる事実はかなり特異だし、ある意味で極端だと思う」被害者家族の反応被害者の家族は、学校関係者がクランブリー夫妻のように法的責任を問われていないことへの不満を示している。「学校で起きた失敗に関して、なぜ(法的)システムは国民が決めることを許さないのか?」と、被害者の父親のマイヤー���は6日の評決後、BBCに語った。「この政府は異なるルールのもとに存在しているというのか?」昨年発表された独立機関による調査では、イーサン・クランブリー受刑者のバックパックの中身を確認せずに教室に戻ることを許可するなど、学校側の制度に複数の欠陥があったことが指摘された。この報告を受け、学区側は慣行と方針を見直し、改善すると約束した。(英語記事 Jennifer Crumbley: Michigan shooter's mother found guilty of manslaughter)
銃乱射した少年の母親、過失致死で有罪評決 米史上初 - BBCニュース
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ridenwithbiden · 4 months
"The jury has found Jennifer Crumbley guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the 2021 Oxford High School shooting. She is the 1st parent in America to be charged and tried in a mass school shooting.
Oakland County prosecutors charged her and her husband, James Crumbley, who is scheduled for trial in March, each with 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter stemming from their son’s rampage at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021.
Jurors reached their verdict after 7 days of testimony and less than 2 full days of deliberation.
The maximum penalty for involuntary manslaughter is 15 years in prison. The Crumbleys have been in jail for more than 2 years, unable to post $500,000 bond while awaiting trial.
Ethan Crumbley, who was 15 at the time of the shooting, pleaded guilty to murdering 4 classmates and injuring 7 other people, and is serving life in prison without the possibility of parole."
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cyarskj1899 · 2 months
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BREAKING: Jennifer Crumbley was just found guilty on all four counts of involuntary manslaughter from her son's mass shooting.
If you're going to make those weapons accessible to your kids, you should be held responsible when they murder people with them.
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yiferst198563 · 2 months
A 12-member jury convicted defendant Jennifer Crumbley of manslaughter that day. Prosecutors accused her of failing to properly keep her guns and failing to provide assistance to her son, who was suffering from psychological problems.
On November 30, 2021, then 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley shot and killed four classmates, wounding six classmates and a teacher at Oxfordtown Middle School near Detroit, Michigan. He pleaded guilty to four counts of first-degree murder in 2022 and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
The pistol Ethan used was a gift from his father, James Clumbley, four days before the crime. The day after Ethan gets his pistol, Jennifer takes him to a shooting range to practice shooting.
On the morning of the incident, prosecutors said, teachers found "disturbing" drawings and words in Ethan's math workbook. Ethan, who drew guns, bullets and a bleeding man, wrote, "These thoughts can't be stopped. Help me. The world is dead. My life has no meaning. ”
The school called Ethan's parents to the school and asked them to provide him with psychological counseling and take him home. But Ethan's parents refused to take him home.
Later, Ethan pulls a gun out of his bag and shoots at the teacher and classmates.
The school said that if the Crumbleys had told Ethan that he had been given a gun, they would never have kept Ethan at the school.
Ethan once wrote in his diary that his parents ignored his pleas for help. "I have no help with my psychological problems at all. This makes me want to shoot at the school. ”
Prosecutor Karen McDonald told the jury at trial that Jennifer was indifferent to the child's condition and did not take the necessary precautions. "She should have locked up the gun and bullets, she should have told the school that they gave him a gun as a gift, she should have told the school that her son was in a crisis and was asking for help. ”
Jennifer's defense attorney stressed that Jennifer could not have predicted her son's actions and that the parents should not be held responsible for anything the child did.
Ethan's father, James, has also been charged with manslaughter, and the trial is scheduled to begin on March 5.
The United States is flooded with guns, with a total population of about 330 million, and more than 400 million civilian guns. Last year, there were more than 650 mass shootings in the United States that killed or injured at least four people other than the gunman, according to the Gun Violence Archive website.
School shootings of all kinds are also common in the United States. U.S. government data shows that about three-quarters of the guns used by gunmen in recent school shootings came from their homes.
Speaking after the jury announced the verdict, the father of one of the students killed in the Oxfordtown secondary school shooting said: "This verdict will reverberate in every family in this country." ”
Josh Horwitz, director of the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told Reuters: "The jury understands that in today's United States, buying a gun for a mentally unstable teenager is grossly irresponsible and puts society at risk." ”
The Associated Press reported that Jennifer could be charged with a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison if the prosecution called for four counts of manslaughter
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follow-up-news · 3 months
James Crumbley, the father of the teenager who killed four students at a Michigan high school in 2021, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in a trial that comes a month after the shooter’s mother was convicted of the same charges. Crumbley was convicted of four counts of involuntary manslaughter, a charge that carries a maximum punishment of up to 15 years in prison, which would run concurrently. Jury deliberations that concluded Thursday came more than two years after his son, Ethan Crumbley, then 15, used a SIG Sauer 9mm to kill four students and wound six students and a teacher at Oxford High School on November 30, 2021. James Crumbley is set to be sentenced on April 9 at 9 a.m., the judge said in court. His wife, Jennifer Crumbley, will be sentenced at that same date and time.
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whitesinhistory · 2 months
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jkanelis · 2 months
Shooter's parents get slammer time
James and Jennifer Crumbley are headed to the big house after a Michigan judge today imposed a 10- to 15-year prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter. The Crumbleys, though, are fairly unique in this regard: their son took a gun out of their house and killed four high school students. The son is serving a life term in prison after he pleaded guilty to the crime. The shooting took place at…
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randomrags · 2 months
SENTENCING: Oxford School Shooter’s Parents - MI v. James & Jennifer Crumbley.
Jennifer Crumbley was found guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter on Feb. 6. The jury deliberated for 11 hours after a week-long trial to determine the mother's role in the shooting. James Crumbley was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in a separate trial on March 14
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wanderervenom · 2 months
From FOX 2 Detroit - Crumbley parents' sentencing • Leaders denounce 'death to America' rally chants • Cop pleads guilty in assault
Crumbley parents' sentencing • Leaders denounce 'death to America' rally chants • Cop pleads guilty in assault
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