odivanvelasco · 5 months
#sucessovital #floracerrado #jatobá
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gossipgirrl · 1 year
Oportunidades são destinadas aos profissionais de ensino médio completo nos cargos de agente comunitário de saúde e agente de combate às endemias Concursos › Notícias › Nordeste EDITAL DE ABERTURA N° 001/2023 PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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grupomrmendes · 1 year
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Casa geminada no Loteamento Jardim Copacabana em Vitória da Conquista Valor de venda: R$ 120 Mil (Recém reformada) OPORTUNIDADE!!! (Documentação por conta da MR MENDES) Endereço: Rua XIX, n. 36 Letra: A, Jatobá (Loteamento Jd. Copacabana) CEP: 45.066-170, Vitória da Conquista/BA. Descrição: 🛏 2/4 sendo 1 suíte 🛁 🧺 área de serviço 🪣 🚽 WC 🚿 🛋 sala 📺 🍽 cozinha tipo americana 🍴 🚘 vaga de garagem (cerca elétrica) GRUPO MR MENDES IMOBILIÁRIA CRECI 02.208-J - CNAI: 29.643 (77) 3017-1208 / 9.9154-6312 [email protected] #casaGeminada #JdCopacabana #Jatobá #VitoriaDaConquista #GrupoMRMendes #Casa #JardimCopacabana #VdC #JdValeria #VitóriaDaConquistaBA #joiaDoSertaoBaiano #suicaBaiana (em Vitória da Conquista) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkwSNWYOKPA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reinolirico · 3 months
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Deusa da terra de todos os santos De onde se plantando, tudo se dá! Terra à vista, e também um jatobá! Que dá nome a morena em mil encantos!
Onde aportaram filhos de orixá De índios que se encontraram com os bantos Maracá, atabaque, toques e cantos! E essa obrigação de te cultuar!
Oráculo que dava o temporal Tupã, Xangô, e Iansã; seu corpanzil! Comentaria Pero com Cabral
'Tempo mudava'… diz quem a assistiu De pedir sombra e 'colo' em litoral! Desta do solo, ramo e 'pau', Brasil!
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blogoslibertarios · 8 months
Caso Isabella Nardoni: MP vê ‘agressividade’ e pede volta da madrasta Anna Jatobá à prisão
  O Ministério Público de São Paulo pediu à Justiça que Anna Carolina Jatobá, condenada a 26 anos pela morte da enteada Isabella Nardoni, volte a cumprir a pena na prisão. Desde junho deste ano, ela está em liberdade, após ser beneficiada com a progressão para o regime aberto. Conforme a Promotoria, Anna tem “comportamento impulsivo e agressividade”, não demonstrando “arrependimento pelo que…
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miloscat · 1 month
[Review] Toren (PS4)
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A flawed but interesting Ico-like.
Swordtales was an indie studio in Brazil, staffed by many first-timers in commercial game development (or at least their Mobygames profiles mostly don't have any other games on file to their names). They seem to have gone defunct, another casualty of the cutthroat video games industry. But before they dissolved, they managed to put out a short Ico-like adventure which, while rough around the edges, has some neat ideas and imagery.
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The story of Toren is hard to explain... it's conveyed piecemeal and out of order, via digressions and abstractions. But you eventually glean that human hubris built a tower that challenged the heavens—sound familiar?—to which the Sun (yes, that Sun) took great umbrage, and now the flow of time has stopped. To avert catastrophe and restore the natural order, a girl was granted the hopes of humanity to ascend the tower and something something the moon, and there's a dragon, plus a legendary warrior is involved somehow...
The real central idea of the game is that Moonchild is locked in a cycle of rebirth: aging, dying, and coming back as a baby born from blood, repeatedly fighting the dragon but never victorious. She starts in the prologue a grizzled warrior, before coming back a toddler. As you progress you will age from child to youth to adult, her character design getting cool flourishes each time (check out Pedro Jatobá's ArtStation for a better look at these than the game itself offers). It's like Jaleco's arcade game Momoko 120% but instead of a gun you have a sword.
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The idea of resurrection is used in a clever way a couple of times, where the dragon petrifies Moonchild's body, then you respawn but your previous stone form remains, letting you progress somehow. I wish this had been explored further as it's an excellent idea that's just underutilised. Otherwise progression is via little puzzle sections where you have to approach the dragon past its buffeting winds and magic shockwaves, or you're ascending the tower by growing a tree, lighting braziers, or other interactions. Small enemy blobs with teeth sometimes get in your way but they're not a serious hindrance.
You also sometimes go into dream sequences, and Moonchild's inner world opens things up for some more surreal imagery. It doesn't get too wild but it's a nice change of pace, and usually involves a new kind of puzzle where you draw patterns with salt. None of the puzzles are very taxing at all, in fact the whole game is quite gentle but that can be a nice thing. Some of these dream zones (and a couple of unlockable bits of gear) are missable, so maybe check a guide... or play the whole game twice, like I did! With the themes of reincarnation and cyclical time, it seemed appropriate and I got a better grasp of the whole thing that way. It's short enough that I in fact wasn't completely satisfied until having done a second run.
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I really must address some rough spots here. The first thing you'll notice is the game's look, which resembles a very early PS3 game with its shoddy textures and performance, coupled with a sort of blurry wobble effect to the lighting, especially in the dreams. The technical shortcomings do a disservice to the art design, so it ends up not totally delivering on its promise, and it is promising! The play control and animations are also stiff and awkward, so on top of unchallenging puzzles and simplistic platforming the gameplay is just not as special as it should have been.
It's unfortunate that the strengths of the concept were let down by these other factors. But hey, it's short and cheap so it's easy to take a punt on it... although I don't know where your money would go, what with the developer defunct and the publisher also defunct after being acquired by Tinybuild then jerked around, leading to a legal battle. Video games, am I right? Anyway, the strengths are still there in some form and manage to shine through at times... there's something there, and I'm glad I got to see it.
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xolilith · 3 months
Estava assistindo o doc sobre o crime nardoni e o que eu posso dizer??? Eu adoro esse tipo de conteúdo, porque mesmo antes da faculdade eu adorava a área forense/criminal. Achei um material interessante porque não traz só o lado da acusação, mas também da defesa, peritos e especialistas da área. Acho que por mais que as provas não tenham sido tão objetivas, é inegável a participação dos dois no crime. Também achei interessantíssimo a perspectiva sobre a relação supostamente abusiva entre a Jatobá e o Alexandre, não sabia disso e me dá uma nova perspectiva também.
Como sempre, não gosto como um caso tão sério - assim como outros - tenha sofrido uma espetacularização tão grande. A mídia sempre fazendo um trabalho nojento e de pouca ajuda a investigação.
No fim, é um bom documentário. Adoro aquela criminologa que aparece, Ilana Casoy, diferente daquela psiquiatra que diagnostica todo mundo como psicopata (vcs sabem de quem eu falo).
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arwainian · 7 months
Reading This Week 2023 #38
little late getting to sorting thru last week's reading but that's okay it was a big strange week
Pedagogies of Crossing : Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory, and the Sacred by M. Jacqui Alexander:
Introduction Chapter 2: Imperial Desire/Sexual Utopias: White Gay Capital and Transnational Tourism Chapter 3: Whose New World Order? Teaching for Justice Chapter 6: Remembering This Bridge Called My Back, Remembering Ourselves
Loving Her by Ann Allen Shockley
Started and Finished:
"'Blind' Jews and Blind Christians: The Metaphorics of Marginalization" by Edward Wheatley
Where Research Begins by Thomas S. Mullaney & Christopher Rea
Chapter 1: Questions Chapter 2: What's Your Problem?
"testosterone is for girls, too: in defense of transmasc womanhood & genderfuckery & all the reasons someone might want t" by Tor Lowell (zine)
46 fatt fics for the marathon
Started and Ongoing:
Lighting the Way: An Anthology of Short Plays About the Climate Crisis edited by Chantal Bilodeau & Thomas Peterson, among which I finished:
Ice Flow by Philip Braithwaite Steamy Session in a Singapore Spa by Damon Chua Absolutely Nothing of Any Meaning by Sunny Drake Six Polar Bears Fell Out of the Sky this Morning by Alister Emerson There Goes my Bow Tie with the Storm by Zainabu Jallo The Story of the Bountiful Window and the Last Rope by Vinicius Jatobá Tres Marias: Categories and Luz by Shy Richardson and Karina Yager Bigger Love by Peterson Toscano
The Gospel According to Matthew from The New Oxford Annotated Bible
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher
My Sense of Silence: Memoirs of a Childhood with Deafness by Lennard J. Davis
Performance by Diana Taylor
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frontfiles · 1 year
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Marielle Franco was murdered 5 years ago. We are still waiting for answers. Who ordered the killing of Marielle? Photos by 1-Barbara Dias; 2-Ian Cheibub; 3-Lucas Jatobá 4-Ana Carolina Fernandes @barbaradiasphoto @iancheibub @culafernandes . #frontfiles #mariellefranco #mariellevive #riodejaneiro #fotojornalismo #photojournalism #psol #alerj (em Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpxs9dKOk9V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brazilmakesnoise · 1 year
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Cachoeira do Jatobá - MT
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odivanvelasco · 6 months
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madevillin · 1 year
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stumbleimg · 1 year
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[2799x3449][OC] Cachoeira do Jatobá - Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade, MT, Brazil.
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surya-posts · 25 days
Clique nesse áudio para saber mais sobre essa deusa mãe, chamada Gaiamora 💜
Essa história surgiu no Brasil, numa manhã de julho de 2022, embaixo de uma grande árvore de Jatobá. Eu e minha mãe conversávamos depois de meditar.
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reinolirico · 5 months
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Das terras do Pau-brasil Onde o que se planta dá! Ó a Rosana Jatobá…! Morena de encantos mil!
MAIS DE MIM EM: https://gustavoreymond.blogspot.com/
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blogoslibertarios · 10 months
Por que Anna Carolina Jatobá saiu da prisão? Entenda
  Anna Carolina Jatobá obteve progressão de pena para o regime aberto e foi solta, na noite de terça-feira (20), da penitenciária de Tremembé, no interior de São Paulo. Mas como a condenada a 26 anos de prisão por matar a enteada Isabella Nardoni, em 2008, obteve esse direito? Jatobá cumpre pena desde 2017 em regime semiaberto. A progressão pode ser pedida à Justiça após o preso cumprir o tempo…
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