#jacob arabo
netcarat · 1 year
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The Top 8 Famous Jewelers for Rappers In Demand
Here are 8 hip hop jewelers who are famous and in demand. Know the story behind how and what made them so famous and why rappers like their jewelry.
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watchilove · 1 year
Jacob & Co presents The World’s Tallest Residential Building with his partner Binghatti
Jacob & Co presents The World’s Tallest Residential Building with his partner Binghatti
Burj Binghatti Jacob & Co ResidencesUniting their rich heritage, iconic architectural and horological codes, power brands Binghatti and Jacob & Co introduce their ultra-luxury Dubai skyscraper.The project, ‘Burj Binghatti Jacob & Co Residences’, aspires to achievethe record for the world’s tallest residential structure. (more…)
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orafixwatchblog · 5 months
Jacob & Co: L'Incredibile Storia di un Pioniere dell'Orologeria di Lusso
Jacob & Co non è solo un marchio di orologi di lusso: è un emblema di audacia, innovazione e stile unico. Scopriamo l'entusiasmante viaggio di questa maison di orologeria, da una piccola gioielleria di New York alla ribalta mondiale.
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La nascita di un'icona
La storia di Jacob & Co inizia nel 1986 nel cuore della frenetica New York, dove il giovane Jacob Arabo, un immigrato uzbeco dell’allora Unione Sovietica, apre una piccola gioielleria nel celebre quartiere Diamond District, un negozio che diventerà il primo tassello del suo futuro impero. 
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Arabo dimostra subito un talento innato per l'oreficeria e un occhio acuto per gli affari. L'attenzione al dettaglio, la creatività e la passione per l'innovazione diventano i marchi distintivi delle sue creazioni, catturando l'attenzione di un pubblico esigente e sofisticato. Nel giro di pochi anni i suoi pezzi unici attirano l'attenzione delle celebrità, catapultando il marchio nell’élite dell'orologeria e della gioielleria di lusso. 
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Nel 2007 viene fondata la Jacob & Co. SA a Ginevra in Svizzera dove vengono creati tutti i nuovi segnatempo di alta orologeria con incredibili complicazioni e sorprendenti scelte estetiche.
I Modelli Iconici
Jacob & Co ha oggi una vasta gamma di orologi di lusso che si distinguono per la loro unicità e il design innovativo. Alcuni di questi possono essere considerati pietre miliari del marchio... CONTINUA
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diarioelpepazo · 6 months
El obsequi lo hizoel futbolista antes del gran duelo con Tyson Fury. CR7 recibe al exmonarca de UFC en Arabia Saudí unos días antes de que The Predator se suba a un ring para medirse al campeón del peso pesado ENRIQUE MELLADO Francis Ngannou, excampeón del peso pesado de UFC, se enfrenta este sábado a Tyson Fury, actual monarca de la categoría reina del boxeo por el Consejo Mundial de Boxeo (WBC), en un combate en el deporte de las 16 cuerdas programado a 10 asaltos. El camerunés hará su debut sobre un ring en una pelea que tendrá lugar en Riad (Arabia Saudí). Lo cierto es que en las últimas horas a Fury le ha dado para mofarse de Anthony Joshua por el retiro que ha hecho durante cuatro días a una cabaña sin luz eléctrica en mitad de un bosque, para 'amenazar' a Usyk y, por supuesto, para asegurar que noqueará a Ngannou en el sexto asalto. Allí en Arabia Saudí reside un buen aficionado a las MMA como Cristiano Ronaldo, quien ha querido encontrarse con The Predator (como se conoce a Ngannou). De hecho, CR7 ya recibió al luchador en el mes de enero y le dejó claro que debía apostar por llevar un combate a este país, pues "el futuro del deporte pasa por Arabia". Ahora en su reencuentro, la estrella de Al-Nassr le ha regalado a Ngannou un reloj valorado en más de 100.000 euros. La pieza es una edición limitada de la marca Jacob & Co denominada 'Heart of Ronaldo'. El luchador, además, se reunió con Jacob Arabo, el copropietario la prestigiosa firma que promociona el mismo Cristiano. El reloj de Jacob & Co edición 'Corazón de Ronaldo'. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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lignes2frappe · 1 year
Déjà plus de 20 ans qu’elle s’exhibe aux poignets des emcees millionnaires...
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« Partie intégrante de notre héritage, pièce iconique s’il en est, la Five Time Zone a initié une révolution en matière de design. Bien qu’elle ait depuis sa sortie abondamment inspiré la concurrence, elle demeure un sommet indépassable. Aujourd’hui encore, elle nous sert de référence pour nos nouveaux modèles. »
Cette rapide présentation traduite directement du site internet de Jacob & Co. résume plutôt bien ce qu’a été la Five Time Zone pour qui n’a pas connu cette incroyable époque qu’était le rap de la première partie des années 2000. Quand le mouvement s’est affirmé comme une force culturelle et commerciale incontournable... à l’écart des sentiers battus.
Tandis que les albums se vendaient sans forcer par millions (Nelly, Eminem, 50 Cent...) dans une ambiance où tout était à l’excès (les budgets des clips, les bijoux, les soirées...), une frontière bien délimitée séparait l’urbain du mainstream.
La musique n’était pas la même. Les publics n’étaient les mêmes. Et les codes en matière de mode n’étaient certainement pas les mêmes.
Si à l’heure actuelle, Cardi B, Travis Scott et Kendrick Lamar posent sans complexe pour Balenciaga, Alexander Wang ou Calvin Klein, au début du siècle, leurs homologues étaient allègrement snobés par les marques de luxe.
Quant à l’horlogerie, imaginer la moindre collaboration relevait de la science-fiction.
Née dans ce contexte, la Five Time Zone offrit pour la première fois aux rappeurs la possibilité de porter une pièce spécialement conçue pour eux, en phase avec leurs aspirations
Retour sur l’histoire d’une montre à l’esthétique des plus criardes qui a su concilier goût pour la flambe et libre entreprise, et qui, en 2023, de Drake à Pharrell en passant par A$AP Rocky, est toujours autant apprécié par les têtes d’affiche du game.
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« It was all a dream »
1979. Débarquée d’Ouzbékistan, un pays d’Asie Centrale converti de force au communisme dans les années 20, puis intégré dans la foulée à la grande U.R.S.S., la famille Arabo s’installe dans le quartier du Queens à New-York.
Dernier de leurs cinq enfants, Yakov, 14 ans, comprend très vite que le seul salaire de préparateur de hot-dogs de son père ne suffit pas pour joindre les deux bouts. C’est ainsi qu’à 16 ans il déserte les bancs du lycée pour intégrer une formation de joaillerie.
Six mois plus tard, il prend la décision de se lancer en solo. Cinq ans plus tard, il ouvre à 21 ans sa propre échoppe en plein Manhattan, Jacob & Co..
Très vite, cette petite bijouterie de quartier commence à faire parler d’elle. Un peu à la manière de Dapper Dan qui à Harlem personnalise n’importe quel vêtement à coup de logos Gucci, Prada ou Louis Vuitton, Yakok Arabo, devenu entretemps Jacob Arabo, propose des bijoux uniques qu’il confectionne à partir de pierres précieuses dénichées aux quatre coins du globe.
Hasard ou coïncidence, en 1993, un évènement change le cours de sa vie : la chanteuse rnb Faith Evans franchit le pas de sa porte. Mariée avec Notorious B.I.G., la légende veut qu’après avoir flashé sur une bague, elle lui ait laissé un acompte de cinq dollars, puis lui ait promis que ce dernier passerait lui régler la différence.
Toujours est-il que lorsque le Big Poppa revient, il hérite pour l’occasion d’un surnom qui va lui coller à la peau, Jacob the Jeweler (« Jacob le Bijoutier »), mais aussi et surtout d’une toute nouvelle clientèle, celle des rappeurs et des rappeuses.
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Un lieu de pèlerinage
Jusqu’à alors adeptes des chaînes en or, l’explosion des ventes pousse les rappeurs à se convertir aux joies du platine et des diamants. Finies les dookie chains à la Run-DMC, bonjour les customs à la Birdman ou Puff Daddy qui coûtent le prix d’une berline allemande.
Jacob a beau ne pas cultiver de lien avec le hip hop, animé par cette même mentalité de hustler, il comprend au fond mieux que quiconque les désirs et les attentes de ces nouveaux acheteurs – ses créations brillent de mille feux, elles sont uniques, et le cas échéant il accepte volontiers de fondre d’anciennes pièces pour en concocter de nouvelles.
L’association fonctionne d’ailleurs tellement, que lorsqu’un artiste signe en maison de disques, la coutume veut qu’il se rende chez Jacob the Jeweler pour se payer un caillou.
[Ou pour citer Kanye West sur Touch The Sky : « I went to Jacob an hour after I got my advance, I just wanted to shine »]
C’est ainsi qu’après une quinzaine d’années à fournir pendentifs, bagues et gourmettes en tout genre, Arabo comprend qu’il dispose d’une nouvelle une carte à jouer : plutôt que de « givrer » à tour de bras des Rolex, pourquoi ne pas plutôt accoucher de sa propre montre ?
En 2001, un premier modèle voit le jour, l’Angel, du nom de sa femme Angela.
Pour son second essai, en 2002, Arabo croise deux sources d’inspirations qui n’ont a priori rien à voir : la toute première montre que son père lui a offerte l’année de ses 13 ans et la vie de jet setteur de ses clients.
« Elle avait deux fuseaux horaires différents, deux mouvements différents et une carte du monde sur le cadran. Je ne l’ai jamais jetée. »
De là, lui vient tout d’abord l’idée de placer sur le cadran quatre sous-quadrants afin que quel que soit l’endroit où son propriétaire se réveille, il ait toujours la bonne heure, puis celle d’assortir ses couleurs aux couleurs bariolées des tenues des rappeurs (le rhinocéros Ecko, les virgules des Air Force, les jerseys des franchises sportives, les casquettes New Era, les peaux de pêche roses de Cam’ron...).
« Mes clients voyageaient constamment. Ils adoraient ajouter des diamants sur les lunettes de leur montre. Ils s’habillaient de toutes les couleurs possibles et imaginables, ils avaient besoin d’une montre qui aille avec leurs tenues. C’est pour ça que j’ai créé la Five Time Zone. C’était la première montre de voyage cool. Elle était large. Elle était colorée. Elle avait plein de diamants dessus. Et il y avait même des bracelets interchangeables. Personne ne faisait ça. »
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La montre de la contre-culture
Reconnaissable entre mille grâce à son cercle bleu à l’heure de New York, son pentagone rouge à l’heure de Los Angeles, son triangle jaune à l’heure de Paris et son carré bleu royal à l’heure de Tokyo, la Five Time Zone est vendue dans sa version simple 5 500 dollars.
Son prix peut toutefois être facilement multiplié par dix au gré des personnalisations (taille du cadran, métal du boîtier, métal du fermoir, incrustation de diamants, bracelets en alligator...), un atout considérable dans la course à l’ostentation que se mènent alors les rappeurs.
Évidemment peut-on presque penser avec le recul, ne manquait plus que Jay Z pour booster sa visibilité.
Roi de l’horlogerie dans le rap, à en croire le très documenté compte Instagram @aintnojigga, le patron de Roc-A-Fella fut le premier emcee à avoir acheté une Five Time Zone.
Bon pote avec Jacob qu’il name droppait déjà en 1999 sur son single Girl’s Best Friend, il s’affiche notamment avec en 2003 lors de son fameux concert « d’adieu » au Madison Square Garden.
Dès lors, la mécanique de la hype s’enclenche, des rappeurs aux rich & famous, chacun s’affiche avec sa Five Time Zone (les mannequins Naomi Campbell et Gisele Bündchen, l’actrice Angela Bassett, le chanteur de U2 Bono, Paris Hilton...).
Résultat, sans piston, il faut parfois patienter jusqu’à six mois sur liste d’attente pour acquérir une Five Time Zone.
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Une question de timing
Auteur de l’ouvrage Ice Cold. A Hip-Hop Jewelry History publié il y a quelques mois, Vikki Toba considère que ce raz de marée ne serait pas reproductible aujourd’hui.
« Cela n’aurait rien à voir. Hier, le rap regardait le luxe avec envie. Le luxe en retour méprisait le rap. Il y avait un vide à combler. »
Si à sa décharge un Jay-Z a entretemps passé des partenariats avec les très élitistes Audemars Piguet et Hublot, Jacob & Co. a toutefois su négocier plutôt habilement le défi des nouvelles générations, que ce soit en collaborant Nigo et Supreme, ou en jouant habilement la carte du revival auprès des amoureux des 00’s.
Cela sera-t-il suffisant pour permettre à la Five Time Zone de régner vingt ans de plus ? Seul le temps le dira.
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americassteestore · 1 year
Official Santa Husky dear santa I can explain 2022 Christmas Sweater
Buy this shirt:  Click here to buy this Official Santa Husky dear santa I can explain 2022 Christmas Sweater
Americastee is a Startup Merchant that gives everyone the power to offer print-on-demand for their images on their own products. Our print-on-demand brand offers to print on apparel and sends them all over the world. We are specialized in short run printing, so it is possible for the customer of the platform to make an order easily and quickly. Our print facilities only print professional products and all of the high-quality products. We offer both screen and digital printing and have a good price for clients. Furthermore, we also own a professional design team to offer pretty designs for the customer with no worry.
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Official Santa Husky dear santa I can explain 2022 Christmas Sweater meaning:
A beat later, Williams is more direct about the Official Santa Husky dear santa I can explain 2022 Christmas Sweater Apart from…,I will love this flashy purchases he made during that first quarter of his career. “At that time, it was just all about stuntin’,” he says with a smile. “I just wanted to stunt on everybody. I was really trying to give off this Richie Rich persona.” A key part of building that persona was working extensively with the famed jeweler and watch designer Jacob Arabo on custom pieces. Arabo became a go-to for rappers and other celebrities in the ’90s, known in the community—and in a slew of rap songs—as Jacob the Jeweler. A number of the standout lots in Joopiter’s first sale were made in collaboration with Arabo, including a gold astronaut pendant and a pastel-colored NERD chain.
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verynahas · 2 years
Def jam fight for ny pc savees
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D-Mob (Christopher Judge), the underground boss from the first game, has just been arrested, when the car transporting him gets broadsided by an SUV. The game’s story picks up immediately after the first game (Def Jam Vendetta).
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Created characters can have the jewelry of Sean Paul, Crack (Fat Joe), Xzibit, Crazy Legs, Lil’ Flip, Def Jam Records, Roc-a-fella Records, State Property, and many others (except for some particular signature pieces such as the medallions worn by Flava Flav or Modify it like Ghostface Killah’s Sun God Plate Gold and Diamond piece.), the fighters may be used in Battle Mode, while their moves and jewelry may be purchased and used by the player. Dynasty Warriors 3 Xtreme LegendsĪnd often the jewelry they may wear. Winning matches also unlocks the fighters defeated, as well as their Blazin’ Move. As well as clothes, the fighter can get haircuts, tattoos, and jewelry from Jacob “The Jeweler” Arabo, as well as Development points, which can be used at the local gym, run by Henry Rollins, to increase the character’s skills, or to purchase and set up new Blazin’ Moves and up to two additional fighting styles. Winning matches rewards the player with cash, which can be used in shops to buy clothes which include famous clothes lines such as Reebok, Phat Farm, Air Jordan, and even rapper Sean Comb’s clothes line, Sean John and many other clothes lines. The game’s story mode follows the narrative of an unknown fighter, created by the player, who is fighting his way through the New York Underground. A created character can learn every single Blazin’ Move in the game, but can only have up to four usable at any one time. In this state, the fighter is said to be “Blazin”, and can pull off a Blazin’ Move, a powerful and brutal attack personalized for each character. When the momentum meter is full, a fighter can activate it, which results in a Blazin’ Taunt. A fighter with a good set of clothes, extensive tattoos, or laden with jewelry can often fill their momentum meter in just a few moves. Created fighters can set their own charisma with a combination of clothes, tattoos, and jewelry the more expensive, the better. The rate at which momentum is gained is effected by the fighter’s Charisma stat, which like other stats varies between fighters. Momentum is gained by successfully performing moves, countering, and taunting the opponent. Some spectators carry weapons, and will offer them to the fighters, or even attack a fighter if they are held by a nearby onlooker. The crowd will shove a fighter back into combat if he is thrown into them or gets too close, sometimes holding a fighter and leaving them open to attack. Tossing the opponent against barriers gives fighters an opportunity to inflict massive damage to their opponent by slamming them into the wall headfirst, ramming a door or gate in their face, or using other features of the environment. Kickboxing, Streetfighting, Martial Arts, Wrestling, Submissions Additionally, Def Jam Fight for NY emphasizes the use of the game’s various environments and the surrounding crowd to cause damage. Fighters can choose one, two, or three of five fighting styles. The gameplay is expanded from the original game, which was primarily a wrestling game. is murdered by Crow, leaving D-Mob to step in and use the player as his number one fighter.
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Manny takes the player to gang leader O.G., who becomes his “mentor”, who instructs him in how to fight to gain control of (take over) the five boroughs of New York City. However, instead of D-Mob being freed from police custody, like in Fight for NY, it is tattoo artist Manny who is saved from corrupt police officers. The player is still a nameless up-and-coming young street fighter brought into the world of underground street fighting after rescuing one of the game’s personalities from trouble with the police. However, the game uses many of the same situations and characters from Fight for NY, which is the third game in the series, chronologically. The game’s story is a prequel to the events of Def Jam Vendetta.
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anthonydjon · 2 years
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I’m absolutely obsessed with this Jacob & Co Astronomia luxury watch. It’s so fascinating to me on how they engineered this timepiece. Jacob Arabo, the founder of Jacob & Co. said the Astronomia was inspired by the universe and all the ideas and wonderment of celestial bodies. What do you think??? 💎 Follow me ✅ 🏡🏦🏙🌠✈️🛫🛩🙌😉👉 #hypeman #motivator #realestate #realtor #swag #lifestyle #travel #instagood #architecture #detroitrealestate #picoftheday #luxurylistings #interior #travel #motivation #videooftheday #anthonydjonluxuryrealestate #fashion #luxury #luxuryrealestate #michiganrealtor #followme #proudsponsorsdetroitpistons #puremichigan #inspiration #anthonydjon #beknown #behypeable https://www.instagram.com/p/CibquxgjBPq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pxyiyk · 2 years
Download BMF: The Rise and Fall of Big Meech and the Black Mafia Family -- Mara Shalhoup
EPUB & PDF Ebook BMF: The Rise and Fall of Big Meech and the Black Mafia Family | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Mara Shalhoup.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD BMF: The Rise and Fall of Big Meech and the Black Mafia Family
Read More : READ BMF: The Rise and Fall of Big Meech and the Black Mafia Family
Ebook PDF BMF: The Rise and Fall of Big Meech and the Black Mafia Family | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook BMF: The Rise and Fall of Big Meech and the Black Mafia Family EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook BMF: The Rise and Fall of Big Meech and the Black Mafia Family 2020 PDF Download in English by Mara Shalhoup (Author).
In the early 1990s, Demetrius "Big Meech" Flenory and his brother, Terry "Southwest T," rose up from the slums of Detroit to build one of the largest cocaine empires in American history: the Black Mafia Family. They socialized with music mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs, did business with New York's king of bling Jacob "The Jeweler" Arabo, and built allegiances with rap superstars Young Jeezy and Fabolous. Yet even as BMF was attracting celebrity attention, its crew members struck fear in a city.When the brothers began clashing in 2003, the flashy and beloved Big Meech risked it all on a shot at legitimacy in the music industry. At the same time, utilizing a high-stakes wiretap operation, the feds inched toward their goal of destroying the Flenory's empire and ending the reign of a crew suspected in the sale of thousands of kilos of cocaine — and a half-dozen unsolved murders.
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davidwiliam6260 · 2 years
This $348,000 Jacob & Co. Watch Is A Crypto Millionaire’s Wet Dream
The story of Jacob & Co. is one that continues to delight and astound luxury aficionados. Soviet immigrant Jacob Arabo went operating a small booth in New York City’s Diamond District to becoming one of the most famous jewellers on the planet after legendary rapper The Notorious B.I.G. discovered him and introduced him to his famous friends.
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cougarsubway45 · 2 years
five Reasons To Put on Jesus Pendant
jesus necklace History And Significance Of Christ Cross Pendants have got the richest heritage and are one of the most popular accessories inside the fashion industry. Using pendants dates backside for the early Rock Age when items such as teeth, shells, and our bones were commonly utilized as amulets. Nowadays, the? Jesus durant? is probably the most popular forms of jewelry. These pendants designed in the image in addition to likeness of Jesus Christ have become well-known fashion accessories. In many instances, they depict the face area of Jesus with a crown of thorns encrusted with important gems. These chains are made associated with precious metals plus transcend religion, spiritual techniques, race, and tradition. If you usually are looking for a trendy piece that will also has a whole lot of meaning, you need to learn more regarding the Jesus au cours de. This post looks at the evolution of such pendants, their design, and reasons you should buy one. Brief Qualifications Of The Jesus Pendant Neck jewelry featuring religious symbols identified for decades. Cross necklaces, intended for instance, bear a new crucifix and are usually a statement of beliefs. Such accessories had been common among early Christians, in particular those regarding the Orthodox churches. Hip hop artists popularized the employ of the picture of Jesus Christ in necklaces inside the nineties. These pendants produced their way straight into fashion when one of the greatest rappers Christopher Wallace collaborated with his jeweler Tito Caicedo. 8931-Evolution-of-Jesus-Pendants The Notorious N. I. G., a name Wallace had been widely known by simply, started the tradition of wearing Christ pendants in just what became a lasting trend in the trend industry. These chains were not just a testament to the music performer? s faith nevertheless also an over the top show of wealth and opulence. W. I. G apparently paid more as compared to $10, 000 with regard to multiple Jesus pendants which he and his clique wore all the time. Together with his influence found in the rap tunes industry, Notorious M. I. G very easily catapulted the Erlöser pendant into a fashion statement within the songs community. After his / her death, the trend never died, and even other hip hop artists such like Jay Z, Kanye West, and many more maintain the tradition alive. Today, Jesus chains are a popular line in a lot of fashion houses. The majority of Jesus pendants boast of being designed of the very most precious metals and gemstones. Intended for instance, a 14k gold Jesus pendant can also arrive encrusted with various other precious stones about the eyes, the queen's, and ears. Any time Kanye West worked together with jeweler artist Jacob Arabo, they will created an Erlöser pendant worth over $25, 000. Typically the pendant featured discolored and light-brown diamond jewelry standing for Jesus? s blond tresses, with bright diamonds representing Jesus? t crown of thorns. There have been also tiny beautiful rubies intended for the tears involving blood on Erlöser? s face, plus aquamarines for His / her blue eyes. Kanye went on in order to partner with renowned Japanese artist Takashi Murakami to create a Jesus necklace worth over one hundred dollar, 000. Why Should You Buy A Erlöser Pendant? When choosing necklaces, it is a good idea to look further than the hype and find pieces which could stand the test of time. You will discover different reasons why you will want in order to buy a Jesus pendant. Let us have a look at some of them: 1. Audio Meets Aesthetics Whether you love music or not, you is going to agree there is something magical about fantastic beats. You will possibly not be a fan involving rap or rap but these music artists have formulated a traditions out of their audio. The Jesus au cours de has gained the global appeal because it easily mixes two beautiful items; music and fashion. Buying a Jesus pendant gives a person the chance to be able to share in the deep heritage regarding hip hop audio. Every pendant comes with an unique story behind it and carries a lot of symbolism. If an individual want to have on jewelry that signifies something, an Erlöser pendant is the particular way to go. 2. Bold Fashion Statement If you are the strong, outgoing type, you are always looking for outfits and jewelry that stands out. If you do not possess an affirmation piece, a Jesus pendant can certainly carry out the trick. A 10k gold Christ pendant will help to make heads turn due to the fact it instantly turns on your outfit. If you have a casual celebration to attend and a person wish to charm, a Jesus pendant helps you create a bold trend statement. 3. Adaptable Styling Most precious jewelry lovers want to be able to buy something distinctive and elegant. Nothing at all frustrates a precious jewelry lover more than using a piece associated with jewelry just to find someone else rocking the same style. That is why, you require to find jewelry designs that an individual can customize quickly. If you desire to add your own own unique feel, Jesus pendants are easy to work with. A person can work with your own jewelry designer to be able to add an individual touch to the particular pendant with the option of gems, the design of the face, and also other features. You can choose coming from multiple gems and metals to make a truly exclusive pendant that is hard to replicate. There are so many of these pendants to select from. From gold Jesus Christ mind, the Sacred Coronary heart of Jesus, Erlöser? s Crown of Thorns, Jesus upon the cross, Dark-colored Jesus, Jesus honor pendants, custom chilled out Jesus pendants, to gold small Jesus pendants. Precisely what is more, right now there is a broad range of chains such as Cuban link, gold rope chain, sterling silver precious metal chains, Figaro, Fish chain, and others. Today, you can purchase these types of pendants in several components, styles, and colors. Through electric pink, increased and white gold, caramel brown, sophisticated silver precious metal to the traditional eye-catching yellow precious metal. 4. Wear Your current Faith On Typically the Neck It is very important value the origins of? Jesus pendants?. The pioneers of hiphop music faced a down economy and when Well known B. I. H started wearing the Jesus pendants, it was a bold statement of their faith. While this contact form of jewelry now transcends religion or faith, you may still hark backside to its origins. Many people put on these pendants not simply as fashion components but since statements of their faith. a few. Timeless Jewelry In the event that you want to buy a jewelry piece that you can wear any moment of the season, a Jesus necklace should top your current list. It oozes timeless glamor in addition to opulence and this is bound to be able to make heads switch each time. These chains appear on the reddish colored carpet and trend runways every some other year. Conclusions The? Jesus pendant? is a bold, elegant, and timeless piece of jewelry. These pendants are fashionable but in addition ensure that the wearer to make a declaration of their trust. Should you be in typically the market for a bold and daring jewelry piece, this kind of is an au cours de you should get. It will turn into an invaluable component of your necklaces collection.
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watchilove · 29 days
The Philippe Dufour Family x the Jacob Family
The story revolves around family — the story of a new generation in the watch industry, personified by Daniela Dufour, a watchmaker and daughter of Philippe Dufour, a living legend of horology, and Benjamin Arabov, son of Jacob Arabo and CEO of Jacob&Co. Both are guided by their father’s love of watches. Continue reading The Philippe Dufour Family x the Jacob Family
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scottmcdphoto · 2 years
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A few weeks back I had the pleasure of photographing Jacob Arabo aka “Jacob The Jeweler” at his store on 57th Street for Haute Time. I grew up in Switzerland and have had a casual interest in watches as long as I can remember. I’m no expert but I’ve seen a thing or two when it comes to watches. However, I have never seen anything like what Jacob & Co are making. I was truly blown away by the vision and imagination to come up with such designs and then the one of a kind intricate engineering it must take to actually build them so they work. See the video at the end of this sequence (not shot by me) for some closeups of the Bugatti Chiron watch with a working V16 engine inside. Just one example. Jacob couldn’t have been more relaxed and accommodating. True to form as the jeweler to the hip hop stars, we had to pause the shoot when Busta Rhymes came into the store to chat and get a couple watches cleaned before the weekend. Thank you @adriennefurote for another fun assignment! Grooming by @olga_postolachi #jacobandco #jacobandcowatches #jacobarabo #HauteTime @hautetime @jacobandco @hauteliving @jacobarabo #Bugatti @bugatti #watch #swisswatch #timepiece #bugattichiron #chiron #swisstime #swisstimepiece https://www.instagram.com/p/CdPEH4YpQxy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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i-cujonny-blog · 7 years
Kanye West Releases line With  Jacob & Co.
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If you thought you saw the last from Yeezy, think again. Hip-Hop mogul and fashion designer Kanye West has announced his 12 piece Jewelry line in collaboration with  Jacob Arabo. It seems Mr. West been teasing the line for months now as you could see Mrs. West (Kim Kardashian) sporting the gold pendants in many outings. (see image below)
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Speaking with Vouge Magazine about the new line Mr. West says  “I wanted to create something that represented timeless love,”. The 14th-century Florentine art inspired pendants are going out for $10,000 Per pendant. For purchase information go to:  yeezysupply.com.
See images below of Yeezy and Jacob & Co. collab.
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superwatchman · 4 years
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Jacob Arabo, who is the founder and CEO of Jacob & Co, is wearing the three pieces limited Jacob & Co Caviar Tourbillon Ruby in 18k rose gold, invisibly set with rare gemstones specifically chosen to match each other in color and form. Price tag: $1,500,000.00 The jewelry and wristwatch retailer "Jacob And Co" was founded in 1986 by Jacob and the flagship boutique and headquarters are located in Manhattan, New York City. #Jacob #Arabo #JacobAndCo #Caviar (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDhLwyRljto/?igshid=kom1cblxizov
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